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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Curse of Anubis  > Call of the Haunted

Call of the Haunted Used Deck

Call of the Haunted
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Continuous Trap - - - - -
Activate this card by targeting 1 monster in your GY; Special Summon that target in Attack Position. When this card leaves the field, destroy that monster. When that monster is destroyed, destroy this card.
Average Rating Score 8.7(91)
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"Call of the Haunted" card reviews and rating scores

59% (54)
39% (36)
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japan ブルーバード
2023/03/08 11:05
Yugioh Icon
In the past, resurrection itself was valuable, so this card was inevitably important. 《Giant Trunade》Since it was still alive, it was used in combos such as bringing back this card that was half-finished on the field and reviving it again, or self-destructing 《Sangan》for search. In the past, resurrection was strictly regulated, but this card was no exception, and the period of ban was quite long.
However, as the environment became faster, this card, which is slow because of Trap, could not be used as a deployment card, and the resurrection cards were enriched, so the market share gradually decreased.
However, he works fine as a hindrance if he resurrects a suppressed monster from GY. It works well with 《Thunder King Rai-Oh》, and after negating a Special Summon, you can make the search unexplosive by giving Thunder King Rai-Oh to the opponent who tried to search carefreely. It also works well with 《Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo》. After wiping out his Special Summon monsters with Reverse, you can seal the SS again with Pakike, and since you will be revived on your opponent's turn, you can develop your turn without being affected by Pakike.
japan かどまん
2023/02/06 10:15
Yugioh Icon
Trap is the originator of resurrection, and although the effect is quite different, it is also a card from the original work.
In the old Yu-Gi-Oh, resuscitation cards were regarded as general-purpose power cards, so regulations were strict.
There was a time when Monster Reborn, which was at the top of the list, and this card were both banned and restricted.
Both have long influenced the design of later cards with revive effects.
However, as the duel speeds up, the resurrection trap can only be used in his specific deck.
It was canceled because it was no longer a general-purpose card that could fit in any of his decks.
It has become unlimited from a ban without errata due to a relative decline in power due to inflation.
After the ban was completely lifted, Trap resurrection with the same level of effect increased one after another.
Back to the Front》《Oasis of Dragon Souls》etc.
On the contrary, this card came out during the power card era
Backward compatible cards such as 《Birthright》and 《Soul Resurrection》have lost their turn
japan 超弩級スライム
2022/06/03 8:09
Yugioh Icon
One of the resurrection traps
It has been around for a long time and has been used as an all-purpose resurrection card for a long time.
Since it can be used in a free chain, it is also characterized by being able to use the SS effect with the same name on turn 1 during the opponent's turn.
Compared to Back to the Front, which is also a resurrection trap, one of its advantages is that it can be used in Attack Position. Because it is a Continuous Trap, it is vulnerable to cyclones, etc., but after using the monster that was sent as a material, it can be bounced and reused, making it compatible with differences.
This card is often used in Terranite, which has Triveil.
japan 京太
2021/06/29 2:40
Yugioh Icon
Today's evaluation of this guy is the Friche resurrection card that "can also revive Link".
As it is often said, even if the revived monster leaves the field with materials, this guy remains on the field, so it can be reused.
Because it is an easy-to-understand general-purpose resurrection card, the number of reprints is tremendous.
japan カディーン
2021/06/29 1:52
Yugioh Icon
A virtually OCG original card that completely ommits the original elements other than illustrations.
Well, the original effect has an obscure effect that tends to occur in the early stages.
Although it is made to take advantage of Monster Reborn's reflection, such as being fatally vulnerable to face-down removal and not being able to steal the opponent's cards, due to the lack of text that is common in early cards, it is possible to remove reanimated monsters by means other than destruction. The bug-like behavior of "remaining in the place where it was done" was abused and ended up being banned and restricted.
At that time, "Penguin Soldier" and Hurricane had already existed, along with the premature burial, and the deficiencies that could be easily understood, it can be said that Konami's recognition of the existence of Yu-Gi-Oh as a game at the time was naive.
japan ねこーら
2021/02/28 19:30
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: The fact that he can revive anything is useful, but he has a slow Trap card in Attack Position, which is a bit of a bottleneck.
Anything can be revived, and it is possible to revive Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo during the opponent's turn and limit his Special Summon, but since it is limited to Attack Position, there is a risk that the revived monster will be attacked.
And because of the trap card, you can't draw it and immediately revive it, and you can't use the effect to make it a material on your turn, so it tends to be delayed.
It's true that it's strong, but if it's Trap, is it a card that can more reliably interfere with the opponent's movement?
I thought carefully about the monsters I put out on my opponent's turn.
japan 青山
2021/01/08 13:05
Yugioh Icon
Compatible Trap Memo《Oasis of Dragon Souls》《Fateful Hour》《Back to the Front》《Powerful Rebirth》Slightly different but 《The Deep Grave
General-purpose revival card...? The number of excellent compatible traps is increasing, but it's not a card to adopt sloppily anymore, and it's usually slow because of traps
The range that can be revived is superior compared to similar traps.
It's overwhelmingly weak against face-down removal, so it's good to aim at reviving monsters that aren't destroyed by effects or aren't affected by effects.
You can still actively use this card in a Deck that can take advantage of the characteristics of this card, which tends to produce such monsters and remains on the field.
Versatility itself is high, but now it can be said that it has become a card that should be carefully examined for good compatibility.
Without memory correction, it's about 7 points
japan gaya
2020/11/07 1:33
Yugioh Icon
A powerful all-purpose resurrection card that stands shoulder-to-shoulder with 《Monster Reborn》. Unlike Monster Reborn, it cannot steal the opponent's monsters, but its strength is that it can be reused by self-bouncing.
japan みめっと@引退
2020/04/29 10:14
Yugioh Icon
A type of general-purpose resurrection card, it is characterized by the fact that if the revived monster disappears without destroying it, it will remain on the field without self-destruction, and speaking of self-bouncing resurrection cards, this is his Continuous Trap card.
Quick-Play Spell is not limited to this card, but you can use it to activate a chain when your opponent targets your GY card, such as 《Monster Reborn》or Grave, to prevent interference or interference. It's probably the biggest benefit of resurrection cards in and Trap.
However, due to its nature, it is often activated during the opponent's turn, so if you use it first, it is easy to use Grave from above.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/25 7:23
Yugioh Icon
Since it is a Continuous Trap, it may put pressure on the field, but its versatility is quite high. It used to be banned, so even now its strength hasn't diminished.
japan よだれ鶏
2019/07/14 22:46
Yugioh Icon
Needless to say, this is Ghost Honezuka's favorite card.
Even if you like dealing with trap cards, it takes 1 turn to activate.
It can't be helped, and because it's permanent, it's easy for the opponent to activate Cyclone, etc. Is the latter a particularly difficult point? That said, it's not uncommon for you to have no field on your field, even though you've been able to deploy a large number of them during the battle phase of your opponent's turn. It can be more active than 《Monster Reborn》of Spell Card and 《Back to the Front》of Normal Trap Card.
His Deck, which makes this card more useful, has the advantage of having many monster categories such as "the Melodious Diva", "Crystron (Crystron)", and "Fire King".
japan プラント・プラン
2019/07/14 13:58
Yugioh Icon
It's a trap card, so I'm worried about the slow activation, but it's a card that can revive monsters at no cost.
Now there are rivals like 《Back to the Front》and 《Fateful Hour》. With 《Back to the Front》, he can revive Link Monsters, and since he can revive in Attack Position, he can be used for follow-up attacks. Also, with 《Fateful Hour》, you can revive monsters that can be normal summoned, and you can bounce and use it again by taking advantage of the fact that it is a continuous trap.
The number of rivals has increased, but if you understand the unique performance of this card, you can say that it is a trap card that understands the strengths of this card.
japan お空は青い
2019/06/29 2:42
Yugioh Icon
A resurrection card with a long history on par with 《Monster Reborn》. In the past, this card can be reused in Brünak, and if you use it for release or cost, this card will remain on the field, so you can use it as a cost for planters, etc. It is a technical card that is different from 《Monster Reborn》. Now that removal is rampant, I get the impression that permanence is even more of a drag than it used to be. Or even "Monster Reborn" is starting to be said to be the cause of the accident, and it is also one that makes you think that it has been so inflationary.
japan アキ
2019/06/24 21:55
Yugioh Icon
With Monster Reborn and Back to the Front, he has proven how powerful the effect of reviving one GY monster at no cost is.
Since it's a Trap, you have to wait one turn, but you can activate it during your opponent's turn, and you can revive a Link Monster that doesn't have a Defense Position. .
japan kitty
2019/06/11 19:31
Yugioh Icon
General resuscitation Trap Slow, but still at a passable level.
japan ophion
2019/03/10 19:24
Yugioh Icon
Old-fashioned revival trap
However, the neck is currently being pushed by Back to the Front, which can completely revive.
If you use this, you want to differentiate yourself by being able to revive Link Monsters that can't be revived over there, and by being able to bounce back even if they remain on the field.
japan にぼし
2019/01/07 1:39
Yugioh Icon
Simple Resuscitation Trap
It's slow, so it's no longer versatile, but there are still decks to use
japan 備長炭18
2018/06/20 12:41
Yugioh Icon
A resurrection trap for Friche that has existed since ancient times.
Since it can be used in Attack Position, it can also be used as a follow-up attack.
However, recently 《Back to the Front》has less peculiarity, and I have the impression that it is being pushed by that one.
japan はわわ
2018/03/24 15:14
Yugioh Icon
General-purpose resurrection card that can be used at no cost
It's a Trap, so it's slow and weak against removal, but it's convenient to use it again if you bounce after using a reanimated monster as a material.
japan シエスタ
2018/02/22 17:52
Yugioh Icon
A Continuous Trap that can be revived without specifying a target with No Cos.
It has high versatility, but the drawback is that it's a trap that can't be used immediately after being drawn, and if this card itself is removed, the revived monsters are also vulnerable to being defeated and removed.
Also, if the monster is not destroyed, this card will not be destroyed, so it can put pressure on the Magic/Trap Zone.
Although it is a competitive card that can be deployed defensively, I am also concerned about the existence of 《Back to the Front》, which is a complete resurrection card.
However, the above-mentioned drawbacks are not all bad things, and being able to revive Link is an advantage over 《Back to the Front》, and it is possible to move because of Trap.
The point that it is easy to remain in the field is also compatible with self-bounce.
Even 《Monster Reborn》is in an environment where it is difficult to prioritize, so the decks that can be prioritized have become quite limited.
japan 如月
2017/11/27 16:56
Yugioh Icon
It is normally strong.
You can revive monsters at no cost!
When this card is destroyed, the monsters will be destroyed as well, so be careful.
japan なす
2017/06/05 0:14
Yugioh Icon
Even though it's easy to get rid of, its costless resurrection is just as powerful as 《Monster Reborn》. Since it's a trap, it's strength is that it can be activated during the opponent's turn.
japan 宵闇の変態
2016/09/30 9:12
Yugioh Icon
I think I have 30 already.
Needless to say, an all-purpose revival trap. Although it has the disadvantages of slowness and self-destruction due to Trap, it can be activated according to the opponent's removal to take ad with PIG effect or CIP effect, activated during your own battle phase to pursue, bounce and reuse 《There are many advantages that Monster Reborn》does not have.
When it was just unlimited, it was used by Inzek, and recently by Kozmo.
japan デルタアイズ
2016/09/27 1:17
Yugioh Icon
Countless Duelists have benefited from this card.
The number of recordings is extraordinary, so there are many people who have a lot of them.
japan EXデッキ焼き
2016/09/24 14:41
Yugioh Icon
A resurrection card. Even though there is a one-turn lag, he can revive anything with GY, which is still convenient. Duelists will be familiar with the scene of reviving and reusing search holders over and over again.
japan げおんぬ
2016/06/19 21:33
Yugioh Icon
Monster Reborn》, followed by a resurrection card. If you Synchro or Xyz Summon a monster revived using this card, it will remain on the field. The scenery is a little strange.
The combo with the currently banned card Hurricane is famous. Reusable. Hurricanes are prohibited because they can do this.
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/05/23 23:58
Yugioh Icon
In the original, Ghost Honezuka uses
No matter how many times you defeat him, he will raise his ATK and revive.
A card that tormented Jonouchi with my rule-like effects.
In OCG, it's no longer a rule effect, but I can't choose from my boyfriend's GY and have a weak resurrection.
If this card is destroyed, it will destroy the monster targeted by this effect... Since it has only a disadvantage, it will remain on the field unless it is removed by a Cyclone, etc. It has a wide range of uses such as (If you use Xyz material, this card will remain on the field for some unknown reason.)
Since it's a trap card, it can't be activated on a face down turn, but it has a wide range of uses, so it's especially good as a companion to his theme that uses a lot of GY.
japan アルティメット
2016/05/23 19:50
Yugioh Icon
A normal strong one. Xyz or Synchronize this guy who stays in the field and deal with it with Magic Planter to draw 2 or bring it back with Zephyros is quite strong. It's easy to be disturbed because of Continuous Trap, but nothing can revive weakly.
japan あだ
2016/02/09 15:16
Yugioh Icon
Call of the Dead reprinted
It's decided
japan 光芒
2016/02/09 15:09
Yugioh Icon
Along with Monster Reborn , it is synonymous with resurrection cards that have existed since the beginning.
Until the original story and the Kingdom arc, he turned GY's monsters into zombies, which was a completely unrelated effect.
If it is destroyed by a cyclone or the like, the revived monster will also be destroyed, but since it is a Continuous Trap, it can be reused, and it is possible to avoid stealing the monster with the opponent's 《Monster Reborn》, which is not over there. I would like to take advantage of it.
japan 音響Em
2015/12/24 17:21
Yugioh Icon
good card
japan 中南海
2015/11/19 2:27
Yugioh Icon
It will be destroyed by the cyclone, but it is simply strong. Since it is a trap, it has the disadvantage of being slow, but you can use it as a wall during the opponent's turn, use the effect of Artifact, reuse it with self-bounce, and as an unusual use, he can use Shaddoll's GY effect in conjunction with Cyclone. . A good card that can be used in any deck, full marks.
japan アルバ
2015/11/05 9:57
Yugioh Icon
Trap The origin and apex of resurrection.
If it is possible to revive, there are no restrictions on the monsters that can be revived, and the versatility is extremely high.
It's a permanent trap, so if it's broken, you can't do anything, and it's delayed by one tempo, so it's inferior to resurrection in many ways, but since it's a free chain, you can revive it on the opponent's turn and turn it into a wall, or activate the same name turn 1 activation effect on the opponent's turn. , There are many differentiating points that can not be said to be deterioration in general, such as collecting this left in the field by bounce and using it again.
When I first started playing Yu-Gi-Oh, I didn't think the time would come when it wouldn't be uncommon for me to be able to stack 3 of these and not be hired.
japan カンノーネ
2015/10/23 15:22
Yugioh Icon
One of the cards whose existence has become commonplace
Revive in Attack Position. Simply simple but convenient
Due to its permanence, it can be hindered by a cyclone, and even if it is revived, it may return to his GY with a cyclone, but it has the strength of a general-purpose resurrection card that compensates for that.
It works well with Terranite, and even if Cyclone interferes, Terranite won't miss the timing, so it will do the bare minimum. In addition, it is a good relationship that recovery by tri veil also works.
japan ぽいずん
2015/09/18 23:35
Yugioh Icon
The number of recordings is an amazing 27 times! It's not just one or two cards that this card is unlimited and fully backwards compatible. After all, anything is resuscitated, so it is attractive that there are few cases that cause accidents.
japan ろくろう
2015/05/08 0:53
Yugioh Icon
Monsters in the graveyard become zombies and revive. Zombies become ghosts and gain the power of immortality!
I can't forget the lines of anime like this.
I don't remember how I made it through
Can't wait to see it in the remaster!
japan ター坊
2015/04/08 14:48
Yugioh Icon
In the manga, it was a mysterious rule card that turns monsters into zombies and gains immortality, but in OCG, it has joined the ranks of the highest resurrection cards.
There is a time lag, but it is good to be able to use it at no cost. The disadvantage is that the reanimated monsters will also be destroyed along with it, but there are more monsters that trigger destruction, so it doesn't bother me that much.
japan 風鼠
2015/04/08 11:07
Yugioh Icon
A card that can be compared well with 《Monster Reborn》.
Unlike over there, in principle he is unusable on the turn he draws because of traps, and weak against removal cards.
As an advantage, it can be used even during the opponent's turn because it is a trap, so it can be used as a wall or obstruction in an emergency.
Continuous Trap Therefore, if you adopt a bounce card, you can use it as much as you want as long as this card is not destroyed during the duel.
Currently, Hurricane, a highly versatile bounce card, is banned, so there are few general-purpose cards that can bounce, so you have to build a deck dedicated to him.
japan かのん
2015/02/23 14:15
Yugioh Icon
If this card is destroyed, the monster will also be destroyed.
Recently he said that there is an effect that activates when Special Summoned
It's excellent because you can activate the effect after using a cyclone or something.
japan ラーメン
2015/01/12 10:35
Yugioh Icon
Even though it takes 1 turn to activate the Trap, it's still powerful when you can revive GY monsters without specifying the range at no cost. If you have a deck with a lot of monsters, I don't think it will rot even if you stack 3 of them.
japan 海洋
2014/12/07 23:11
Yugioh Icon
Universal Reanimation Trap.
A savior who saved all fan decks by making it unlimited.
With the exception of Decks that perform some special movements, it is so versatile that you can just rush into the Deck for the time being.
Conversely, I also think that whether or not monsters can be deployed stably without relying on this is one indicator of the degree of completion of the Deck.
The danger of being split by a cyclone always remains, so be careful there.
There are many decks that are particularly compatible, so in that case, of course, let's use it as a deck part.
japan かとー
2014/10/11 18:45
Yugioh Icon
A great old card.
In the beginning, I was a little confused by the process of resurrection, synchronization, and remaining on the field.
japan ガガガ先輩
2014/08/13 8:31
Yugioh Icon
It's been re-recorded. Is it that strong?
Amazing unlimited return, even though it used to be a limit.
It works great with things like Terranite, and if you revive White Dragon's Ninja, it won't die unless White Dragon is killed.
Speaking of enemies, what about Cyclones, also once limited but now unlimited, and taunts?
In the manga, he became immortal and became a zombie and suffered from mediocre bones.
japan モートン
2014/06/24 20:44
Yugioh Icon
A card originally used by Ghost Honezuka. The effect is completely different...
A card that revives from GY. We have 《Powerful Rebirth》and 《Monster Reborn》as rivals, but this card can be used during the Battle Phase and during the opponent’s turn without changing the level.
Because it is a Trap, it cannot be used on the turn it was drawn, so be careful with End Cycle.
It works great with Terranite and Gadget, which can be effective even with Special Summon. I love it too!
japan Sin嫁
2014/05/17 22:36
Yugioh Icon
A general-purpose resurrection card that can no longer keep up with the speeding up of bridges and the increase in means of destruction. I can't help but feel like I used to be fighting over which one to adopt with Premature Burial.
It was an era when Psycho Shocker was also active, so I feel the flow of the times when this card is unlimited. In any case, it is still a card worthy of evaluation in terms of general-purpose resurrection that can be inserted three copies.
japan wisteria
2014/04/25 7:12
Yugioh Icon
Veteran of versatile Continuous Trap. It's inferior to "Powerful Rebirth" in that if it's destroyed by something like Mystical Space Typhoon, it's destroyed along with the revive target, but this one's advantage is its wide range, which allows you to revive all monsters that meet the resurrection limit. . It remains on the field after a Synchro or Xyz, but it can be converted into an add with 《BF-Elite Zephyros》or 《Magic Planter》.
japan hio
2014/04/24 15:53
Yugioh Icon
A generic resurrection card can't be weak.
Its only drawback is that it's a Continuous Trap, but depending on the Deck, it can be an advantage that can be used for things like self-bounce.
An excellent card that can be used in any deck, unless it's a deck with a lot of resurrection methods within the theme.
It's a scary time to be able to stack three of these...
japan ABYSS
2014/03/16 15:20
Yugioh Icon
General resuscitation.
Unexpectedly, I chose a Deck, but with a Deck that has synergies such as self-bounce, I can make full use of the ability as a former banned experience card.
japan 39hope
2014/03/15 22:19
Yugioh Icon
A generic trap card.
Since it is a trap card, it can be activated during the opponent's turn.
However, since it is a Continuous Trap card, it is vulnerable to Spell and Trap card destruction cards such as Cyclone.
japan ジュウテツ
2014/01/26 11:22
Yugioh Icon
If this card is destroyed, the revived monsters will also be destroyed, but I think it's excellent to be able to revive the trump monsters.
japan 青(じょう)
2014/01/02 23:12
Yugioh Icon
A dish that is often compared with 《Monster Reborn》.
They are fast-attacking, can steal from opponents, and are excellent in that they don't fail with Chain Cyclone.
On the other hand, since it is a trap, it has the advantage that it can be used even during the opponent's turn, and if the resurrected monster is not destroyed, it will remain on the field, so the advantage is that it can be used with magic planters and self bounces.
Of course, now that hurricanes are outlawed, a dedicated build is required to do so.
japan たたた
2013/07/16 22:42
Yugioh Icon
A convenient card that allows you to bring anything from your girlfriend's GY boyfriend
This is unlimited or the times have changed...
japan バーン信者
2013/06/30 5:21
Yugioh Icon
The brutal point of 《Monster Reborn》is that it can steal the opponent's monsters. On the other hand, this card targets only your own monsters, but since it is a Trap, it has the advantage of not having restrictions like Monster Reborn on activation timing.
In his Deck, which focuses on deploying monsters during his own turn, 《Monster Reborn》is completely upward compatible, but there are monsters that are meaningful to deploy during the opponent's turn (《Maiden with Eyes of Blue》, 《Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon》). This is more compatible with his deck that uses .
It is often said that the resurrection timing is slow, but if you use this card in a Deck that uses cards like "Maiden with Eyes of Blue", you will feel that "Monster Reborn", which cannot be revived during the opponent's turn, is rather late.
However, it has the disadvantage of self-destruction and the disadvantage of remaining in the field now that Synchro Xyz is heavily used, so 9 points.
japan ダゼル
2013/06/23 1:08
Yugioh Icon
A general-purpose card that allows up to 3 stacks in the current environment
Numerous revive traps are now ()
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/07 21:23
Yugioh Icon
A general-purpose resurrection card that has returned to unlimited areyoareyo. However, if you say that unlimited cards are weak, that's not the case at all. It certainly doesn't match the Monster Reborn spell card in terms of speed and performance, but since there are a lot of reusable decks, it's still a very powerful card in decks where you can make use of it.
japan えねあーど
2013/02/24 20:45
Yugioh Icon
I'm a beginner, so I thought I'd put in a standard card, so I put it in.
I've never seriously thought about why this guy is strong or a staple.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/26 11:06
Yugioh Icon
His version of Trap, Monster Reborn, for your own use. Compared to resurrection, it lacks immediate effect and is inferior in terms of being exposed to the threat of cyclones even after being revived. However, this can be mitigated by immediately using Xyz Synchro or by reviving monsters with effects that activate when destroyed, such as Sangan. It works well with self-bouncing monsters such as Raijinki, Falcon, and Duloren, and can be expected to be more active than Emissary Revival.
japan サタン
2013/01/21 18:46
Yugioh Icon
If you combine it with a bounce card such as a hurricane, it will be pretty brutal.
However, it is not as strong as resurrection because it does not have a quick attack.
japan みくみく
2013/01/10 23:20
Yugioh Icon
A card that was an incomprehensible explosion in the original.
Being able to Special Summon his own GY monsters without specifying anything (although limited to Attack Position) is normally strong.
However, it is slow because it is a trap, and it has a weak point that it cannot be revived if it is broken by a cyclone.
However, it is still powerful to be able to support mass deployment and revive key cards.
I'm also happy that if it stays on the field after synchronizing, it can be reused with Zephyros.
A card that I definitely want to adopt if there is a frame.
*Please note that monsters do not turn into zombies and become immortal.
japan ゼンマイ
2013/01/06 22:37
Yugioh Icon
Well strong but weak against cyclones
japan レッツ
2012/12/30 1:57
Yugioh Icon
It's extremely strong, but it's destroyed by cyclones, big storms, etc.
So is it 8? !
japan ハイ中武道
2012/12/22 1:02
Yugioh Icon
Cyclone → Chain → Search again with 《Sangan
it's delicious
Combined with Fire King looks delicious
japan だいぽん
2012/12/21 20:18
Yugioh Icon
With the restrictions lifted, the rest of the resurrection Continuous Traps have become harder to use.
I thought it was originally a card that turned monsters into zombies, but it wasn't.
japan わたV
2012/12/20 15:01
Yugioh Icon
Well, just because psychic storms are popular doesn't mean that revival is weak...
Moreover, since it is a Trap, it is possible to interfere with the opponent's GY effect, and in this respect it is superior to 《Monster Reborn》.
Even now, there are a lot of decks that use it, and it's still an excellent card.
japan 3d
2012/12/15 11:57
Yugioh Icon
Resurrection from the second piece.
A simple yet powerful resurrection card. Even though it's an incomplete resurrection, being able to resurrect at no cost is strong and strong. Freedom → Psychic Psych → Freedom This is a common occurrence.
japan まっし~
2012/10/27 21:05
Yugioh Icon
"Rebide will be activated." "Then Cyclone."
... a convenient card
Conversely, when this card is destroyed, you can use the effect by playing 《Sangan》etc.
Subtle but surprisingly convenient
japan ファイア野郎
2012/10/26 13:37
Yugioh Icon
A famous resurrection card along with 《Monster Reborn》.
This is inferior in that it does not have a quick attack, that only your own monsters can be revived, and that monsters are also destroyed when this card leaves the field,
It is also possible to take advantage of this destructive effect and activate the effect of 《Sangan》.
The restriction was lifted, probably because such a card was easily destroyed before using its effect.
However, as a resurrection card, it has high potential
I don't think it will change.
2012/10/23 22:18
Yugioh Icon
A card that has existed for a long time and is an all-purpose resurrection card that is not regulated.
It certainly doesn't have fast-acting or destruction resistance, but it should be acknowledged that it has summoned GY monsters and has been useful for Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz. You can also collect and reuse this card left in the field.
japan ボチヤミサンタイ
2012/10/22 21:30
Yugioh Icon
Monster Reborn》A resurrection card that can be found in any deck
Slow due to Trap, but powerful effect
I want to pay attention to the timing of activation because it is from my girlfriend's GY and it is a forced Attack Position.
I guess it's unlimited based on those things, but it doesn't feel right
As an aside, this card in the original manga had a completely different effect
Cheat over there
japan ジュラック黒豆
2012/10/06 21:30
Yugioh Icon
It's weaker than resurrection, but it's pretty strong.
japan 二酸化炭素
2012/08/30 20:44
Yugioh Icon
Mr. MARU: Trap version of Monster Reborn. Even though it's Monster Reborn, there's a big reason why it's not regulated. The last one is that if this card is destroyed by Cyclone, the monsters will also end.
japan ドラゴンX
2012/08/14 12:01
Yugioh Icon
Resurrection → Destruction... It would be nice if there was an effect that activates when destroyed~
japan 真ロストマン
2012/08/14 10:10
Yugioh Icon
The combo with the Hurricanes was intense. Oh scary scary
japan みかんゼリー
2012/03/19 16:30
Yugioh Icon
A popular resurrection card that everyone knows is finally unlimited. libide.
Unconditional resurrection is not a feat, and he is vulnerable to cyclones and must lie down in Trap,
In this unfolding world, I can't be weak.
I would like to continue using it while taking advantage of the fact that it is unlimited.
japan そうだ、ロリコンだ
2012/03/12 11:00
Yugioh Icon
A general-purpose resurrection card whose restrictions have finally been lifted.
Unlike 《Monster Reborn》, it has the disadvantage that if it is destroyed with only his GY, Attack Position, and Trap card, the monster will be taken along with it, and it lacks immediate effect, but it is still an easy-to-use card among the resurrection cards.
Although it doesn't have a quick effect, it can also be used with things like Sacrifice Escape, so I'd like to take advantage of that point.
japan うぃな
2012/02/22 19:01
Yugioh Icon
A representative resurrection card whose restrictions have finally been lifted.
With the current flood of removal cards, there are many cases where it cannot be activated, but if it can be activated, there is no doubt that it will give you a big advantage, so it seems that its position will not change in the future.
japan 愛と正義の使者
2011/12/21 20:33
Yugioh Icon
Most of his decks can be considered for inclusion, but Traps have the downside of being slow.
However, since it is one of the three major revives, I would like to actively use it in his deck that can use chain activation.
japan ゴールド
2011/05/10 7:47
Yugioh Icon
If you revive 《Dandylion》etc. when this set card is destroyed, it becomes a combo.
japan とき
2011/01/03 0:54
Yugioh Icon
Resurrection Trap as an "incomplete resurrection" card representing Yu-Gi-Oh!
You can Special Summon 1 GY monster in Attack Position, but it has the disadvantage that if this card leaves the field, the resurrected monster will also be destroyed.
Compared to "Monster Reborn" and "Premature Burial", which is banned but often compared because of the same period, it lacks haste because it is a trap, but because it is a trap, there are many possible operations, and it is named one of the three major resurrection giants. I'm not. A simple and strong piece.
It can be used as a card that triggers a free chain that activates effects during Special Summon, or as a card that simply deploys a brutal monster from his GY. However, at present, the same work can be done with a complete resurrection trap called 《Back to the Front》, and the slowness of traps echoes and the sense of necessity is fading. I would like to take advantage of the fact that he can revive his Link Monster.
japan SOUL
2010/12/25 12:03
Yugioh Icon
If you can aim for a prone removal chain combo or if you have open space in your deck, it's worth putting it in anyway.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/08/09 21:21
Yugioh Icon
Unlimited. Something I would never have thought of before Synchro...
It is difficult to use due to the fact that it cannot be reused more than 《Premature Burial 》and the recent on-parade of removals.
It is often the case that the monster revived by this will settle the matter.
Monster Reborn》, which has no restrictions, can be used immediately, and can steal opponent's cards, is back.
In addition to being able to use it during the opponent's turn and chain activation, it is also possible to use the effect of self-destructing when separated.
japan NEOS
2010/08/09 21:12
Yugioh Icon
A card known as a resurrection card.
It's attractive to be able to aim for a complete revival with a combo like 《Royal Decree》, even if it's not introduced much, probably because it's become easier to destroy these days.
japan 愛佳
2023/12/06 17:00
Yugioh Icon
japan パンピー
2023/12/01 4:45
Yugioh Icon
japan グレイ
2024/08/23 15:44
Yugioh Icon
japan asd
2024/06/18 18:37
Yugioh Icon
japan ふぁいあ
2024/05/21 18:36
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/08/12 16:40
Even if I make a mistake, I must not revive Nisashi-dono. If I resuscitate myself and send out allies, I should be able to play an active role.
japan 2014/04/24 1:16
Compatible with Terranite
If you have Deneb in GY with one Livide, and if you have Altair and Vega in hand or GY, expand 3 cards +1 search.
I'm happy that I don't have to worry about the demerit effects of Altair.
japan 2013/11/25 1:08
Unlimited...is it because it's slow? ? ? No, but I think it's strong. I haven't put it in www
I feel like 《Monster Reborn》is enough.
japan 2013/06/30 0:55
Its versatility is inferior to 《Monster Reborn》, but its strength is that it can be activated during the opponent's turn if you lie down! ! However, if you are targeted by a big storm or a cyclone, it's a bummer.

Decks with "Call of the Haunted"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Duelist Pack - Hell-kaizer hen - DP04-JP025 2006-10-26 Normal
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 BE1-JP076 2004-06-24 Super
Structure Deck "Power of the Dragon" SD1-JP021 2004-12-09 Normal
Structure Deck "Scorching Earth" SD3-JP028 2005-01-20 Normal
Structure Deck "Wrath of the Sea Dragon God" SD4-JP027 2005-03-17 Normal
Structure Deck "Legend of the Warrior" SD5-JP033 2005-06-15 Normal
Structure Deck "Judgment of the Wizard" SD6-JP032 2005-09-22 Normal
Structure Deck "Champion of the Gale " SD8-JP030 2006-03-16 Normal
Structure Deck "Resurrection of the Giant Dragon" SD13-JP032 2007-06-23 Normal
STARTER DECK(2007) YSD2-JP033 2007-03-22 Normal
Curse of Anubis CA-12 2000-08-28 N-Rare
GOLD SERIES 2010 GS02-JP017 2010-01-23 Gold
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 (7th period) BE01-JP069 2011-05-14 Ultra
Duelist Box 2012 (Deck) DB12-JP040 2011-11-26 Normal
STARTER DECK(2012) ST12-JP036 2012-03-17 Normal
THE GOLD BOX GDB1-JP037 2012-08-25 Gold
Duelist Set Ver.Dark Returner DS13-JPD40 2012-11-23 Normal
STARTER DECK(2013) ST13-JP039 2013-03-16 Normal
Structure Deck -Seigan Ryu Todorin- (2013) SD25-JP038 2013-06-15 Normal
Structure Deck -KIKOU Ryu KOURAI SD26-JP036 2013-12-07 Normal
STARTER DECK(2014) ST14-JPA08 2014-03-21 Normal
Structure Deck-HERO's STRIKE SD27-JP037 2014-06-21 Normal
booster sp-tribe force SPTR-JP058 2014-10-11 Normal
Structure Deck-Synchron Extreme SD28-JP037 2014-12-06 Normal
Duelist Entry Deck VS. VS15-JPS26 2015-03-21 Normal
Duelist Entry Deck VS. VS15-JPD27 2015-03-21 Normal
Booster SP-Wing Raiders SPWR-JP044 2015-11-14 Normal
Structure Deck R-Giant Dragon Resurrection SR02-JP040 2016-02-06 Normal
Structure Deck R -Kikai Ryu Rebellion-! SR03-JP037 2016-09-24 Normal
STARTER DECK(2017) ST17-JP033 2017-03-25 Normal
Structure Deck: Powercode Link SD33-JP037 2017-12-09 Normal
STARTER DECK(2018) ST18-JP034 2018-03-24 Normal
Structure Deck -DRAGONIC LEGION SD22-JP037 2011-12-10 Normal
STARTER DECK (2019) ST19-JP035 2019-03-23 Normal
Structure Deck: Cyber Strike SD41-JP039 2021-05-15 Normal
Duel Royale Deck Set EX DR01-JPA36 2021-07-10 Normal
Duel Royale Deck Set EX DR01-JPB29 2021-07-10 Normal
Duel Royale Deck Set EX DR01-JPC30 2021-07-10 Normal
DUEL ROYALE Deck Set EX ROUND2 DR02-JPB26 2022-04-29 Normal
DUEL ROYALE Deck Set EX ROUND2 DR02-JPC30 2022-04-29 Normal
DUEL ROYALE Deck Set EX ROUND2 DR02-JPD28 2022-04-29 Normal
STRUCTURE DECK - Jonouchi hen - JY-33 2001-10-25 Normal
STRUCTURE DECK - Kaiba hen - Volume.2 SK2-034 2003-12-11 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 2,239 / 13,086 Cards
View Num 1,141,510
Card Type "Continuous Trap" Best Card Ranking 44th


Japanese card name リビングデッドの呼び声

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