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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > CYBERNETIC REVOLUTION > Cyber Dragon

Cyber Dragon Used Deck

Cyber Dragon
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 5 Machine 2100 1600
If only your opponent controls a monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).
Average Rating Score 9.4(82)
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"Cyber Dragon" card reviews and rating scores

90% (74)
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japan Yuu·Takasaki
2023/06/27 22:07
Yugioh Icon
A card that overthrows the common sense that the first attack is advantageous at once
japan 愛佳
2023/05/29 1:18
Yugioh Icon
I used to have it in most of his decks.
Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG is basically a card game where it is said that the first attack is advantageous, so I think they released a card for the second attack. It was about to choose.
Being able to Special Summon 2100 monsters is excellent, but the downside is that it's hard to put out in the first turn or after the middle stage.
It can be attacked as it is, and it is also strong as a material for 《Cyber Twin Dragon》, 《Cyber End Dragon》and 《Chimeratech Overdragon》.
Even just playing a twin with 《Power Bond》and attacking with 《De-Fusion》and 《Limiter Removal》was enough strength.
Especially at that time, there were a lot of [Standard] decks of his, and just by putting 《D.D. Assailant》and 《Doomcaliber Knight》into the deck, he became stronger, so those decks were popular with children.
Since it is suitable for Rank 5 and Synchro materials, it has been active as usual even if the times have changed.
In the past, I couldn't get my hands on a single, but I'm glad it was reprinted soon, and now it's easy to get.
I'm sure many of his Cyber duelists were outraged when the restrictions were reached.
It seems that if you master the Cyber style, you can draw 3 + fusion cards in your first hand.
japan ブルーバード
2022/11/08 22:49
Yugioh Icon
An epoch-making monster that threw a stone into Yu-Gi-Oh, which has an advantage in advance. If it is the second attack, 2100 RBI will fly without summoning rights, which is quite strong at the beginning of its appearance, and it has become extremely advantageous in the damage race. In order to attack directly with the sidedra that I put out here, his Deck is Asa Calibur, which he puts in as many Jigen Slashes and Death Calibur Knight as possible. This 2,100 RBI has created an index that is still called the sideline.
Such an old card, and it's rare for a card for a fan Deck, to still be usable. "Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon" can use monsters in the opponent's EX zone as fusion materials under its own summoning conditions, so if you have Sydra, you can eliminate 1 without activating the effect. It's also interesting to use 《Machine Mechanism Night-Clock Works Night》to turn all opponents into his Machines and then use 《Chimeratech Fortress Dragon》to sweep them away.
Above all, he has the Cyber Dragon itself as a theme, and even now he is the target of Sieger and the resurrection destination of Nexteer, so his brilliance will not be lost in the future.
japan みめっと
2022/03/24 20:40
Yugioh Icon
Since its appearance, it has not been satisfied with fusion and derived monsters, and even involved new systems such as X and Link, which did not exist at the time, and continues to expand its network in all directions, a mechanical dragon that never stops evolving.
It will be interesting to see if the Cyber style will hit that frame for Hikari DP as well.
One of the 4th season's proud Good Stuff Monsters, it is highly suitable for both attackers and release personnel as a material for his Special Summon, and the words XX edition Sidera and Sideraline are born in it. become.
It's already been discussed by many people, so I won't say much about it, but I think one of its characteristics is that it has a fairly high defensive power even if you put it down in the monthly book.
It's definitely a monster with a property that defensive power is 0, though.
japan アイ
2022/03/24 20:02
Yugioh Icon
It is the originator of the Cyber Dragon, and due to its effect, he played a role in forming the image of a Cyber-style = last-attack Deck.
Since it is also called Sidera in Deck, it has established a unique position, such as being able to search using Hertz's effect, recruiting with replication techniques and connecting to Infinity.
Although there are conditions, it can be put into play without using summoning rights, so if you use it as a material for Fortress or Mega Fleet, it is also excellent as a low-risk removal card.
Although time has passed since its appearance, the effect and design have not faded.
japan ねこーら
2022/02/22 23:40
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: There are too many things that can be done, such as having a lot of support and becoming a meta for the opponent's card.
If you put 《Chimeratech Fortress Dragon》and 《Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon》in your Extra Deck, you can deal with Machines and Extra Monster Zones.
Searching for Cyber Emergency, he can Special Summon or deploy from other monsters that treat him as Cyber Dragons.
Easy to connect to Xyz Monsters and Link Monsters, and even dedicated monsters.
Not only does it serve as the core of a dedicated Deck, but it's also a highly versatile attacker and Xyz Synchro material on its own, so it's no wonder it's become a limited card in the past.
japan タマーキン(封印)
2022/02/02 2:39
Yugioh Icon
Original Cyber Dragon
I don't do much work alone only in the second attack, but Cyber Dragon comes out = Machine and monsters in the extra monster zone may be completely resistant, but instant death is guaranteed
Whether it's Final Sigma or Hades, he's a terrible guy who mercilessly chimerateks.
Machine Deck's nemesis
His Machine-based Deck itself is rare these days, so it's still modest compared to Albus and Albarenatus (or rather, they're crazy).
yeah? Drytron? That ace monster is 《Herald of Ultimateness》, right?
There is a monster with a weak RBI that can become a Cyber Dragon with Cyber Dragon Core and GY, so 《Machine Duplication》will spawn from the Deck.
In addition, there is a semi-exclusive search spell called Emergency Cyber, so you can easily bring it into your hand.
It's not uncommon to see three original Cyber Dragons lined up in a row with the Nexteer replication technique.
Fusion, Xyz, and Link all use Cyber Dragons as materials, and the fact that there are many monsters that can be used as materials is one of the reasons for the high evaluation.
`` Machine Duplication '' springs up and hits the octopus in a group
Chimeratech Fortress and Mega Fleet eat your opponent's monsters without question
Chimeratech Rampage and Sunrender!!!
Infinity, in charge of control in the Pleiades
(Sieger is omitted because he is mainly put out by the guys who treat him as a Cyber Dragon)
At the time of writing this evaluation, it will soon be 17 years since its appearance, but it is still a veteran fighter who continues to fight in one battle.
japan カイザー白瀬
2021/11/28 3:41
Yugioh Icon
It's a so-called good deal.
Please note that it will not work unless you attack second.
I think it can be used not only for Cyber Dragon Decks, but also for Synchro Main and Tribute Summon Decks.
japan アキ
2021/02/27 12:48
Yugioh Icon
A 2100 RBI monster that can be summoned under loose summoning conditions. With the advent of this card, most demerit attackers have become unnecessary.
japan サイバー流伝承したい
2020/11/12 14:28
Yugioh Icon
A little dependent on the opponent, but an easy Special Summon condition.
Most of the lower ranks are blessed with the fighting power to defeat them as materials.
Blessed with a variety of support, especially the existence of Kimefo and Megafuri is a big point of differentiation from other similar cards.
"If there are monsters on the opponent's field and there are no monsters on your field, you can Special Summon this card from your hand."
This is all I have written, but it is the cornerstone of the highly versatile Cyber style that has a wide range of activities.
japan サイレント・ハッカー
2020/06/30 21:31
Yugioh Icon
Even though it's a fucking strong theme
It's strange that it's usually strong and can eat into the environment
japan Bさん
2020/03/29 9:53
Yugioh Icon
Speaking of the second attack, it's this guy (laughs)
It's useful for more than just Cyber Dragons.
I am indebted to him by Karakuri
japan サンパイ
2019/12/24 19:02
Yugioh Icon
A representative of advanced monsters that can be Special Summoned. He also has quite a lot of support, which is great in the GX group.
japan ユメ
2019/11/09 19:10
Yugioh Icon
A great guy who has a dedicated item on Wikipedia. An indispensable existence when talking about the history of Yu-Gi-Oh.
A high-level honors student in terms of popularity, support card availability, and performance.
japan EXデッキ焼き
2018/12/27 21:55
Yugioh Icon
In the early days, it was a restricted card as a high RBI monster that could be easily put out, and it is a venerable monster that cannot be avoided when talking about the history of Yu-Gi-Oh, which established 2100 as a sideline and became the base of RBI for semi-advanced monsters.
As time went by, more and more new Cyber-style decks were added, but he still became the core of Cyber-style decks, and with the advent of 《Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon》in modern times, it is used in serious decks as a removal of monsters that do not create chain blocks. It has some potential.
japan プラント・プラン
2018/12/21 18:50
Yugioh Icon
It's a level 5 monster, but he can Special Summon with loose conditions. The effect that he can Special Summon when the opponent's monster exists & his own monster does not exist, became famous as "Sydra effect".
There are many Fusion Monsters that use this card as a fusion material, especially the Machine meta Fortress, and the Extra Deck monster meta Megafleet, and I'm happy to be able to bring out his Fusion Monster with meta performance.
In addition to being able to Special Summon with very loose conditions, there is also the existence of his Fusion Monster with meta performance, so it is still one card that is used.
japan わがじゃん
2018/09/13 11:06
Yugioh Icon
Versatility and a mass of meta.
When it first came out, it was so influential that it changed the nature of duels, and even now, 13 years after its release, it's a piece that won't fade away.
His ATK of 2100, which exquisitely exceeds the RBI of lower-class attackers, and his special summon condition, which is said to be the "Sydra effect", is also very excellent. In addition to leading the unique brain muscle category called [Cyber style], even in the current environment, "Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon" that can cancel extra links without being affected by "Tri-Gate Wizard" or "Knightmare Gryphon", and "Inspector Boarder" that is troublesome to deal with. With 《Chimeratech Fortress Dragon》that can easily remove , 《Sky Striker Ace - Shizuku》, etc., its breakthrough power by itself is still top-notch.
In Yu-Gi-Oh, which has a long history, I think it's quite rare to find a card that has maintained a certain reputation for such a long time.
japan 幽鬼十代
2018/06/11 13:54
Yugioh Icon
This is the monster that has my favorite attack motion in the Duel Terminal.
It's dangerous to leave it on the field! (It will be a super fusion development) However, it is the key card of the Cyber Dragon Deck. (as the name suggests)
japan デルタアイズ
2018/05/19 3:06
Yugioh Icon
The Cyber style never stops
can emit flames
japan はわわ
2018/03/24 14:55
Yugioh Icon
Originator of the Saidra Effect
A monster that can still play an active role because it has a large amount of support
japan 備長炭18
2018/02/17 21:11
Yugioh Icon
From the time he first appeared, all duelists were stunned, and at one point he possessed enough card power that Cyber End Dragon was plainly beaten.
There are still many Machine theme users who are still traumatized by Chimeric Fortress. , this card and Cyber became a long-lived theme.
As one of the Machine themes, it will continue to be a card that will be loved for many years to come. (But actually, I don't like Infinity that much, because I don't have enough brain power)
japan シエスタ
2018/02/15 17:14
Yugioh Icon
One piece that broke the common sense of the first absolute advantage and had a great impact on the environment. I created various lines such as summoning conditions and RBI.
Even among the semi-advanced monsters that can be easily summoned, it has a high hit point, and is blessed with attributes and races, making it easy to connect with Pleiades Machine EX monsters and valuable as a material. Semi-advanced cards of the same level, genus, and race have 《Solar Wind Jammer》and Panzer from simple, and they can be put out from the front and become a little dependent on opponents. Due to the relationship, search by fusion support is possible. Also, as an advantage that similar cards do not have, as mentioned above, there are many fusion derivatives, and among them, it is its own privilege to be able to use it as a removal card that ignores resistance by Fortress and Megafleet.
Due to the fact that Sydra itself is a popular card, category supporters are also appearing from time to time, and it is a highly versatile card that has high potential and has elements that cannot be imitated by others.
japan もも
2018/02/14 23:07
Yugioh Icon
The Saidra effect had a huge impact on the Stun environment at the time.
Although it lacks power now, it is a machine dragon that continues to evolve.
japan アルバ
2017/07/22 2:07
Yugioh Icon
The monster that gave birth to the term "sidedra condition".
The status is not enough for Tribute Summon, but Special Summon is possible under relatively light conditions, making it suitable for release personnel, attackers, and materials.
Not only Cyber Dragon Support, but also her LIGHT and Machine elements, so you can't miss the abundance of support.
However, it is not as versatile as a business trip as it used to be, so I want to use the Sidera Support to fight.
japan なす
2017/05/21 21:22
Yugioh Icon
Special Summon A card that has a high usage rate due to its loose conditions and was specified as a restriction. It can also be used as a meta card, so it can fit in any deck of his.
japan ニーソマン
2016/01/02 20:24
Yugioh Icon
A machine handyman who can do anything from rank 5 xyz and high level sync materials to using Fortress to absorb his machine.
Weaknesses There aren't many weaknesses, but if I have to say it, the effect of Special Summon depends on the opponent's field, so it can't be used from the first turn.
japan 中南海
2015/11/19 3:20
Yugioh Icon
2100 RBI to be Special Summoned, LIGHT Machine Level 5, and a strong card. There are too many things you can do with Chimeratic to start the meta, 《Limiter Removal》, Honest's Surprise, Pleiades and Nova Infi from Rank 5, Call in Conscription and Fusion. However, since Special Summon is an effect that depends on the opponent, 9 points would be just right by deducting points.
japan 音響Em
2015/07/07 17:37
Yugioh Icon
9 points if you can make use of the Machine meta
japan 企業ブラック
2015/06/04 13:21
Yugioh Icon
The drawback is that there are too many ways to use it, and you may find yourself saying, "Oh, this was better." Is that a drawback? w
In other words, a transcendental all-purpose monster that is that good.
i love u
japan かのん
2015/03/28 4:27
Yugioh Icon
Cards that used to be restricted.
It was amazing to be able to get 2100 points right away ~.
In addition to being able to be put out immediately, it is a fusion material with a level 5 monster and LIGHT and Machine
It's a great spec even now!
It's also fun to change the opponent's field into a machine with DNA and suck it!
japan ぽいずん
2015/03/15 19:25
Yugioh Icon
In addition to the RBI and ease of summoning, "Special Summon" is still strong. Since it doesn't use summoning rights, it can recover even if it gets hit by abyss or torrent funeral. Since there are many fusion destinations such as Fortress, even this one card can be reversed.
japan ラウライカー
2015/03/03 11:32
Yugioh Icon
A card that later became a model for what was called the "Sydra effect".
It has effects and ATK that are easy to use at any time, and it is full of good things with plenty of support.
If there seems to be a hole in Synchro or Xyz, why don't you stick it in?
japan ラーメン
2015/03/01 0:31
Yugioh Icon
A representative Special Summon semi-advanced monster that no one knows anymore, 2100 points suddenly fly without using the summoning right under loose conditions.
However, now you can Special Summon with looser conditions, and you have the exact same 5, LIGHT, and Machine Fuhansen. It is true that Fuhansen is easier to use if you only look at it as a material for Synchro and Xyz.
However, as a single card, it has no status and is not categorized, so there is no meaning in being that card. Being a "Cyber Dragon" has meaning in itself because it is categorized as a hit point that can be killed by hitting rank 4.
The difference between whether or not it can be used as an attacker even by itself is an element that cannot be ignored even in the case of a mere business trip personnel.
japan 正義の味方カイザーマ
2014/12/19 12:38
Yugioh Icon
A hit that can be knocked down by an average low grade
Relatively easy to handle as a Synchro Xyz material
Conspired with Chimeratech Fortress to metamorphize the Machine
LIGHT and Machine with more support
Dedicated support card included
Bringing out the true value of the fusion
Most rarity types
Hell Kaiser, EE4, DT 1 bullet, V jump, etc. have many recording opportunities
There are cards with different pictures
Kaiser's main monster in anime
With that connection, he released his own theme strike
In ZEXAL, a wooden statue appears as a legendary duel monster
A monster that is just as attractive just by thinking about it now.
japan コクバ
2014/12/02 20:02
Yugioh Icon
An enviable monster that still retains its place in the field with its excellent Special Summon effect and his ATK. Photos? Solar ship? I don't know.
I don't see it often, but one of the charms is that by combining it with Chimeratic, it becomes a meta for Machine.
japan アタラクシア
2014/08/28 16:52
Yugioh Icon
Saika River, Saikari, Saikari Air, Saikari Air Goes, and other excellent monsters that have played a central role in his decks since ancient times. It's irresistible for old people, really.
Even now, it is normally strong and easy to use. Useful as an attacker and material.
And cool. It's getting cheaper even in Ur, so it's really unbearable.
japan (゜゜;)
2014/05/11 6:38
Yugioh Icon
I often go on business trips because I have a LIGHT level 5 that can be Special Summoned by myself.
It is also an interesting position card that can be both an ally and an enemy of the Machine.
japan 聖なる破壊
2014/04/04 22:29
Yugioh Icon
There are many rarities, so you can enjoy collecting them. People call me Sidera Hunter.  
I don't collect them.
A very good card enhanced by Strak!
japan ジュウテツ
2014/01/16 22:26
Yugioh Icon
In addition to high-level monsters that are easy to Special Summon, I think it's excellent that it can be used as an Xyz material for 《Cyber Dragon Nova》or as a fusion material for various Fusion Monsters.
japan 城之内ファイヤー
2014/01/01 17:55
Yugioh Icon
Easy to put out・2100 RBI・Machine Meta・Guorenda materials and excellent monsters.
It's a Kaiser card.
japan 青(じょう)
2013/12/31 17:47
Yugioh Icon
The most easy-to-use card in the Machine.
From the existence of Fortress, it also serves as a meta to Machine.
The versatility and popularity of this card can be seen from the number of reprints.
japan リバース@影の使者
2013/11/02 9:43
Yugioh Icon
You can usually use it when you're in a pinch. Well if it's Seikuri it's Shareto and he's Mandragora if it's Evilswarm. If it's sacred, it's called Topheni.
If it's Cyber, it's essential...maybe...?
But if it's going to fuse, shouldn't it be in your hand separately?
japan 福人ズッコケ
2013/10/31 20:04
Yugioh Icon
A pioneer of semi-advanced monsters.
"Solar Wind Jammer" can be used in advance if it is only used for S or X summons, but it can also be used as an attacker and can be easily differentiated in that it can be used to summon "Chimeratech Fortress Dragon".
Also, recently, it seems that it is increasingly used as an X material for 《Pleiades》. Since you can Special Summon from the Deck just by excluding GY's 《Cyber Dragon Core》, there is little need to stack multiple decks, and at the same time, it is easy to execute the meta for Machine Decks.
"What I often see is business trips to Chronomaly." The levels match, and most importantly, it has 《Repair Plant》that can search for 《Nebradisc》. "Machine light dragon attack" was actually part of the [Chronomaly] push...! ?
japan Masuky
2013/08/17 17:43
Yugioh Icon
Cyber Dragon ``No! I don't want to lose! I'll grab the victory that's in!"
japan たたた
2013/07/16 22:54
Yugioh Icon
I've been indebted to you in many ways since its debut.
If you use this, let's put Chimeratech Fortress in, because you will never lose
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/18 17:46
Yugioh Icon
It has a simple yet powerful effect. Level 5 with 2100 points that can be called without any particular difficulty. There is a lot of support in LIGHT, and it's exhausting when it comes to the Machine meta. Strong even when combined.
japan せな
2013/04/09 3:08
Yugioh Icon
Cyber Dragon "Recently, I've been working less..."
Hell Kaiser "... Ah"
Solar Wind Jammer》・Fotosura「……Smiling」
japan DD
2013/03/09 19:35
Yugioh Icon
A special monster that is both an excellent attacker for the Machine and a meta card for the Machine. Sneak into the side and use him as a countermeasure against the Machine Deck, simply use it as an attacker for his 2100 ATK, use it as an Xyz material for the Pleiades, use it to Synchro Summon his high-level Synchro Monster, etc. You can use it. Moreover, since it is LIGHT, it also supports Honest.
japan エクシーズ!!!
2013/02/20 18:52
Yugioh Icon
There's a lot of Machines still terrified of this guy! (voice of heart)
Well, it's easy to use and he has a high ATK, so it's a pretty good card that's in the golden beat. But I don't like it.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/23 20:00
Yugioh Icon
Sudden release. A famous card that has left its name in the history of the sidera line, the sidera effect, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Nowadays, the number of card pools has increased and the place where he is active has decreased, but his ability is still alive. With his ATK that can be used as an attacker, you can expect him to play an active role as a Release Synchro Xyz material.
japan わたV
2012/12/20 14:21
Yugioh Icon
A masterpiece of level 5 monsters that coined the term "Sydra Effect".
With 2100 RBI and level 5, and the presence of the strongest support, Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, this card is very easy to use.
However, Chimeratech Fortress Dragon is also a weak point, so be careful.
Now there's Photon Thrasher, which is even easier to Special Summon, but this one can be fully differentiated in that it's easier to use as an attacker than that + level 5.
japan ミソ
2012/11/28 15:02
Yugioh Icon
An excellent monster that can be easily summoned and can unilaterally defeat almost all low-level monsters. It's easy to use as an aid to Synchro and Xyz, and can be used with any Deck. And with Kimefo's existence, he has a " Duality " face of Machine meta even though he's a Machine. If you put this card and Kimefo on the side, you won't be afraid of the Machine anymore. However, if you leave it on the field, there is a risk that the opponent will make you feel uncomfortable, so be quick to handle it.
japan ボチヤミサンタイ
2012/10/30 21:03
Yugioh Icon
LIGHT Machine and good monsters blessed with racial attributes
It is almost essential for his Deck, which is the main axis of Machine, and it is often included in other Decks because of its versatility.
A good guy who will play a role in releasing Inti Quira, which is difficult to level
If you put it out, synchronize it, make it a release factor, and quickly withdraw.
Because Fortress will connichiha on the return turn
japan ファイア野郎
2012/10/25 19:22
Yugioh Icon
A semi-advanced monster with loose Special Summon conditions.
Among level 5 monsters, it's very easy to handle, it's an attacker that can defeat low-level monsters with ATK 2100, it's an excellent Synchro Xyz material, and it's appealing is that it has many support cards.
However, it is recommended not to leave it on the field, as there is a danger that it will be absorbed by the Machine Meta Card Chimeratech Fortress Dragon.
japan パディヨンV
2012/08/27 9:36
Yugioh Icon
Cyber Dragon is a card that can be used for anything. Especially Machine Deck with Kimefo and DNA remodeling surgery is the strongest. It would be nice to put out the best Pleiades for level 5 Xyz.
↓Don't torture that monster anymore
japan 二酸化炭素
2012/08/18 17:33
Yugioh Icon
Mr. MARU: "This is a fantastic card. It's perfect for revival. With ATK 2100, there are few dragons that can give you a chance to come back. Well, it's strong. It's unlimited."
Cyber ・Dragon「(。・∀・) 。_。))(。・∀・) 。_。)) Unun」
Mr. MARU "If only my ATK was 2300. I could have competed against Mr. Catastor."
Cyber Dragon "..."
japan 冬輝
2012/03/26 17:48
Yugioh Icon
It's strong even if it's not a Cyber Deck! ! Fusion, Synchro, Xyz and Tribute can be used, and ATK is not bad, it's a convenient monster! ! Don't worry if it's a dragon but it's called Machine. After that, I don't think there will be one point. At least 5 points...
japan そうだ、ロリコンだ
2012/03/26 15:54
Yugioh Icon
A representative card that can be special summoned when there is a level 5 monster on the opponent's field and no monster on your field.
Summon Synchro to Xyz. Since ATK is also so-so, it can also attack. Fusion, of course.
A card that can be used in various ways other than Machine and Cyber. Just be careful with Fortress.
japan みかんゼリー
2012/03/26 15:06
Yugioh Icon
The Special Summon conditions are loose, and the 2100 RBI that can be Special Summon is powerful.
A 5 star representative monster for Synchro Xyz summons, and a versatile card that can fit in any deck, so it's a highly versatile card.
A permanent 5 star and a trigger for development, this card plays an important role in various decks.
japan レシプロ
2012/03/18 17:22
Yugioh Icon
A handyman who has a reasonably high RBI and is very useful for Synchro and Xyz.
Don't forget Kimefo when using this card!
japan SOUL
2012/03/18 15:44
Yugioh Icon
It can be used normally as a 2100, and as a level 5, it is excellent as a Synchro or Xyz Support.
Furthermore, it can be said that it is a wonderful card with many uses, such as the existence of Chimeratech Fortress as a meta card for mechanical decks, and depending on the deck, it can be used to generate Cyber twins from fusion curse creatures.
japan うぃな
2012/02/22 17:33
Yugioh Icon
A semi-advanced pioneer and still a standard card. It's so easy to use that a meta card appears.
He can use almost any deck, and it is easy to obtain, so I think he will continue to play an active role.
But watch out for Fortress.
japan オリカABC
2011/12/22 12:29
Yugioh Icon
Disappear with Kimefo
japan 霞の谷のウィンダ
2011/11/01 0:43
Yugioh Icon
This card has nothing but 10 points.
japan daruku
2011/10/13 17:54
Yugioh Icon
Highly versatile ☆ 5 Special Summon possible 2100 attacker
Those who are currently busy with synchronized materials and fusion materials
Leave it until the opponent's turn and cry if you get Fortress w
japan m
2011/09/23 13:52
Yugioh Icon
The condition of Special Summon is also easy, 2100 attacker that can be put out immediately.
If you start with the second attack, you can aim enough to Special Summon this in one turn.
With so many support cards, I think it's still at a level where it can stand on the front line.
As a synchro material, as a sacrificial member of Monarch.
japan 愛と正義の使者
2011/08/16 12:00
Yugioh Icon
Even if a similar card comes out, even if it is regulated or relaxed, it will still stand at the front line.
It can also be used to kill the Machine. The reverse is also a charm
japan うにゃ
2011/06/24 23:50
Yugioh Icon
When attacking second, if this card is in your hand, you can almost certainly attack directly.
Even if Mirafo comes, if the opponent has a monster, it's a demon-like card that won't allow his Attack Position.
japan ウィンたそ
2011/06/14 21:31
Yugioh Icon
With Monarch, you can use it as a release material, and with Synchro, you can easily call even if there are no monsters on your field. But there are times when it's dangerous to leave it on the field
japan 責めないでね
2011/06/05 20:18
Yugioh Icon
This can be summoned in a short turn and his ATK is quite strong and a very good card
japan とき
2010/11/02 18:23
Yugioh Icon
The masterpiece of the former semi-advanced monsters. In addition to its own strength, various derivative cards prepare various tactics.
It is also active as a Synchro Xyz material with specs that can block many low-level attackers even by itself.
Also, combinations with other cards such as 《Overload Fusion》, a one-shot reversal Chimera Over, and a Fortress that eats his opponent's Machine are also brilliant.
However, Fortress is a selling point and its biggest weakness. There is also a risk of being eaten by the opponent's machine.
Even now, his Special Summon is a card that has had such an impact that it can be called the Sydra effect, but recently with the rise of Xyz, it is unreliable as an attacker, and the existence of Photosla is also painful.
If you want to adopt it, it is now required to have a role rather than a standard. In particular, the point that it can be connected to Nova and Pleiades is great. Of course, if you play with Cyber Dragon as the theme, you need 3 copies of him.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/10/22 22:42
Yugioh Icon
Due to the influence of two Fusion Monsters, this card is in a strange position as Machine's natural enemy and savior.
The two letters "special" caused power inflation and made many low-level demerit attackers tear up.
A card that boasts outstanding ease of use as a Synchro material, even now with inflation.
japan NEOS
2010/08/09 21:47
Yugioh Icon
Needless to say, the monster that created 2100 attackers.
This card can create a variety of situations.
There is also a black version, so it is very popular.
However, if you use it incorrectly, it will be difficult for your opponent to use it well, so for beginners who do not yet know the existence of Chimera Tech Fortress, it is safer to use other similar effects.
japan セツナ
2023/08/16 1:45
Yugioh Icon
japan PORD
2024/06/30 4:01
Yugioh Icon
japan asd
2024/06/02 13:11
Yugioh Icon
japan クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2024/05/28 20:36
Yugioh Icon
japan 2021/01/30 0:08
This alone is vanilla 2100 ATK, so it's subtle,
It's useful for things like Cyber Dragons with increased support and decks that make rank 5s.
Since Pankratops is upward compatible with this and is three times stronger,
It doesn't have versatility, but since it's a Machine, it's strength is its ability to respond to remixes.
japan 2014/08/28 20:10
If I try to make Saikali Airgoes now, I can search for this guy and Airman, and I can also enter Photosla.
japan 2014/01/29 23:14
A card that has the power to enter the environment again thanks to new Cybers such as cores.
Especially Nova has potential. Aim for Rank 5 while dying from overwork with Nova and Core.
With Fusion support, he can now fuse even from GY, so Guorenda! even more realistic.
Contribute to rank 5 mass production with your friends 《Solar Wind Jammer》and Quick Synchron.
The presence of networks and repair plants is also hot.
In addition, a new inorganic companion called Artifact of Kousei 5 was also created.
Let's coexist.
japan 2012/10/15 20:38
I loved Kaiser Ryo.
japan 2012/07/13 17:05
I've never seen a guy who purposely put the disappeared opportunity dragon in Tofeni and Kimefo.
Beginner's card.

Decks with "Cyber Dragon"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
EXPERT EDITION Volume.4 EE4-JP015 2007-09-22 Ultra
CYBERNETIC REVOLUTION CRV-JP015 2005-05-26 UltimateSuper
Duelist Pack - Hell-kaizer hen - DP04-JP001 2006-10-26 Rare
DUEL TERMINAL-Synchro Awakening! - DT01-JP009 2008-03-01 Rare
Structure Deck "MACHINER'S COMMAND" SD18-JP013 2009-12-12 Normal
GOLD SERIES GS01-JP007 2009-01-17 Gold
Duelist Box 2012 (Deck) DB12-JP018 2011-11-26 Normal
STARTER DECK(2012) ST12-JP011 2012-03-17 Normal
THE GOLD BOX GDB1-JP007 2012-08-25 Gold
Duelist Set Ver.Lightning Star DS13-JPL16 2012-11-23 Normal
Structure Deck -KIKOU Ryu KOURAI SD26-JP003 2013-12-07 Rare
Duelist Entry Deck VS. VS15-JPS05 2015-03-21 Normal
20th ANNIVERSARY PACK 1st WAVE 20AP-JP032 2016-12-17 N-Parallel
STARTER DECK(2017) ST17-JP008 2017-03-25 Normal
STARTER DECK(2018) ST18-JP011 2018-03-24 N-Parallel
Structure Deck -DRAGONIC LEGION SD22-JP015 2011-12-10 Normal
Structure Deck: Cyber Strike SD41-JP003 2021-05-15 Normal
QUARTER CENTURY CHRONICLE side:PRIDE QCCP-JP015 2024-03-23 UltimateUltra
TACTICAL-TRY DECK Doomsday Assault Dragon Cyber Dragon TT01-JPA-JPA01 2024-06-08 Normal
V JUMP October 2006 and up VJMP-JP031 2006-10-01 Ultra

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 997 / 13,015 Cards
View Num 320,927
Level 5 Best Monster Ranking 23rd
Type "Machine" Type Best Monster Ranking 59th


Japanese card name サイバー・ドラゴン

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