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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > DUEL TERMINAL - The Heartbeat of Trishula! - > Genex Ally Birdman

Genex Ally Birdman Used Deck

Genex Ally Birdman
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster
Tuner Monster
- 3 Machine 1400 400
You can return 1 face-up monster you control to the hand; Special Summon this card from your hand, but banish it when it leaves the field, also it gains 500 ATK if the returned monster was WIND on the field.
Average Rating Score 9.2(30)
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"Genex Ally Birdman" card reviews and rating scores

90% (27)
6% (2)
3% (1)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan ねこーら
2023/05/28 22:19
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: It is competent to be able to do a combo by a self-bounce.
It is useful to use it as a trigger for 《Divine Wind of Mist Valley》, and its famous combo is to bounce 《Genex Blastfan》, recruit a second body, search for this card, and connect it to 《Ancient Fairy Dragon》.
It can be used in combination with monsters whose effects can be used when played from the hand, and the fact that it's a tuner that can simply Special Summon can lead to various developments.
japan ブルーバード
2022/12/12 7:02
Yugioh Icon
A tuner with self-SS is strong. You can connect to Level 7 Synchro just by returning a suitable monster that can be searched from 《Genex Blastfan》. Taking advantage of this, he invented a loop combo where he recruited Blast from Divine Wind of Mist Valley, S Summoned Ancient Fairy Dragon, replaced Kamikaze, and recruited Blast again. The so-called Kamikaze One Kill.
Also, even if you look at it as a self-bounce, it can be abused because there is no turn 1. If you set the effect to negate to return at the activation cost, only self bounce can be used infinitely. An infinite loop using this is Garriswankill.
Even if you don't use it for one kill, it's simply strong to be able to fly Braro without consuming the right to summon. With removal Gadget, you can search from "Gear Gigant X", and you can also use it with "Machina Fortress" to make a big eye, which is quite skillful. This is a card that brings back a lot of unpleasant memories for old-timers.
The restrictions have been eased this time, but the performance has remained the same as the versatility has fallen. A strong card that can still be reregulated if there is an opportunity.
japan れにゃーど
2022/06/13 18:50
Yugioh Icon
A card like the hand version of Zephyros.
It has the privileged status of DARK, Machine, Tuner, and low level, and under certain conditions, if there are more than one of these cards, an infinite loop can occur, so it was regulated as a restricted card, but surprisingly, the restrictions have been relaxed this time.
Congrats on the semi-restrictions
japan みめっと
2022/04/29 3:48
Yugioh Icon
An A Genex Tuner Monster that has shown no signs of being relaxed since it was designated as a restricted card.
It has the effect of SSing itself from your hand by self-bouncing the monsters on your field at a cost, and since there is no limit to the number of times this can be done, you can negate the effect and stay in your hand to endlessly bounce monsters on your field. The feature is that you can continue to self-bounce.
It goes without saying that the self-bounce becomes a hotbed for an infinite loop and one kill on the first attack. It is said that it is just a teru.
There was a time when I was able to use Windy's removal effect in FL and use it as a tuner to become Arkanite or Gungu by synchronizing with Watery, but it was so long ago that I don't remember when...
japan gaya
2020/11/06 11:53
Yugioh Icon
A Level 3 Tuner who can self-bounce his own monsters to make himself his Special Summon. It's highly scalable, so you can travel to different decks.
japan サンパイ
2020/06/14 21:34
Yugioh Icon
A very useful card for self-bouncing.
I want you to keep the limit for the time being because you can do various bad things.
japan 備長炭18
2020/03/16 23:16
Yugioh Icon
A doubtful card that will probably be forgotten with restrictions along with kamikaze.
As a cost to deploy itself, it bounces monsters on the field, and due to its unique deployment method and lack of turn 1, it has contributed to one-kills such as Divine Wind of Mist Valley and Gallis the Star Beast.
In the history of Yu-Gi-Oh, self-bounce has always been a bad thing, and this card is a part of it, so it may take a long time to relax, but if I say that, it may come back to me. .
Now, with 《Crossout Designator》, you can negate even without Koa'ki Meiru Devil and it's slightly strengthened.
japan シエスタ
2019/09/26 9:04
Yugioh Icon
Just deploying it appropriately doesn't change the number of monsters, so it can't be connected to S Summons, etc., so it's not a card that can be active on its own.
As many people have said, this card can be useful in self-bounce combos.
You can kill two birds with one stone by using it in combos with cards that can be deployed and activated without name turn restrictions, or if it is a P-monster, you can activate its effect on the field and return it to the P-zone.
It is strengthened by returning the wind, but is this almost a bonus? For the time being, there is a synergy of Damurg between wind and darkness.
I think it's a card with wide combo potential and high potential.
japan 如月
2017/12/12 18:55
Yugioh Icon
A monster that takes turns on the field. If that monster he WIND can go up to 1900!
If you can Normal Summon the returned monsters, just 1900 monsters
It's a great deal to be able to do Special Summon for free!
japan もも
2017/08/28 17:16
Yugioh Icon
A pretty good tuner.
You can collect caught (tuner) monsters and synchronize them, collect the monsters that were sent out by Pendulum Summon, and so on.
Also, 1 kill with Koa'ki Meiru Devil and Garris can be done from the first turn, and the trick is wide,
Especially, it's easy to use with his Deck, which has a lot of Fulmon and monsters.
japan なす
2017/07/10 0:56
Yugioh Icon
A tuner that bounces his own monsters and can use his Special Summon from his hand.
If you haven't used the summon right or if you can Special Summon from your hand, you can use the effect again by respawning the bounced monster. After you put it out, you can connect not only to Synchro Summons, but also to Rank 3 and Tribute Summon. In addition, it can also be used in combos with other cards, and due to its high versatility, it is a limited card. And after being excluded from the Special Summon, it can be recovered with 《Trance Archfiend》.
japan アルバ
2017/04/30 0:58
Yugioh Icon
A 3 tuner that allows him to Special Summon from his hand by returning his own monsters.
Special Summon The conditions are heavy, but since the effect of the returned monster can be reused, it is easy to use for combos.
After putting out, it is versatile, such as restoring his Monarch and performing Tribute Summon again, as well as synchronized materials.
It is not relaxed from restrictions in the middle whether it is wary of a loop.
japan デルタアイズ
2016/08/31 17:10
Yugioh Icon
It is strong if you can use the effect to return to the hand to bounce Skull Bat Joker etc. and SS.
japan 音響Em
2015/07/16 1:20
Yugioh Icon
Hand accident, 8 points if it does not become a factor of extra pressure
Good card with many uses
japan 風鼠
2015/06/14 11:45
Yugioh Icon
Tuner with Special Summon effect.
In the case of Special Summon, since the monster is returned to the hand, it can be reused by returning the monster that has finished using the effect.
If WIND's monsters are returned, his ATK will be on par with that of a low-ranking attacker, so the battle itself will mature as such.
japan ラギアの使徒
2015/01/08 17:59
Yugioh Icon
You have to bring the monster back during the Special Summon effect, but that bounce is the big strength of this card. It's a good idea to combine it with "Mist Valley" monsters and 《Divine Wind of Mist Valley》. Blessed with levels, attributes, and races, she is also an excellent tuner.
japan ファイア野郎
2014/11/09 10:56
Yugioh Icon
A tuner that can be easily put out just by bouncing the monster.
Bouncing cards like Monarch that give you an advantage just by being on the field makes it possible to reuse them,
It is also excellent as a synchro material for Croxian.
Disadvantages that are removed by using effects,
You can easily return with the Leviere.
With so many combos and all his decks, this card is by far the standout card in Genex.
However, among the combos, there were some dangerous combos where you could use Garris and 《Divine Wind of Mist Valley》together to kill in one turn, so it was restricted.
japan 柊月
2014/01/10 11:23
Yugioh Icon
It's a card that works well with monsters that activate when summoned, and since it's also a Tuner, it doesn't tend to stay on the field and become a target for attacks. If you have 2 monsters on the field, you can Special Summon Birdman from Gaius Summon and connect it to Croxian.
japan 水帆山芽
2013/04/05 14:19
Yugioh Icon
I am on a business trip to various categories Deck. Decks with monster bounce tactics are worth considering
japan ファナナス
2013/02/09 17:07
Yugioh Icon
The main card of this bullet. Due to its high versatility, even normal cards are traded at considerably high prices.
It is necessary to return one monster, but it is very powerful to be able to deploy Tuner without using summoning rights. By combining this with Kamikaze, you can make further developments, reuse monsters that activate effects when summoned, and so on.
Also, this effect banishes him from Special Summon, but it also has the advantage of not interfering with 《Solidarity》. Returning from Leviere is easy
An extremely versatile and powerful tuner that can be considered for various trips to his Deck
japan 降衣
2013/01/10 15:31
Yugioh Icon
A card being eaten by some demon, Mr. Trance.
If you think that he assisted the deployment with [Self Bounce], in [Atlantean] he teamed up with a diva to go on a rampage, and various dangerous things stood out.
It's the strongest effect in the Genex system, so if you want it, you might want to consider purchasing it before the price jumps by an order of magnitude...
japan みかんゼリー
2012/10/29 19:08
Yugioh Icon
When I hear Birdman, vanilla comes to mind first.
It is highly versatile among Genex tuners and is quite easy to use.
His Mist Valley, which unfolds in response to bounces, and cards that can be returned to the hand to reuse effects, show their true value.
In addition, it is a card that makes it easier to use Kroxyan, which has one-kill class firepower, and it is a card that can create really powerful combos depending on how you use it and ingenuity.
japan ドラゴンX
2012/09/28 17:22
Yugioh Icon
A card that can be synchronized immediately because it is a tuner.
It is recommended to use Shine Ball from Creative Venus. And even if you can't synchronize, I think it's 400 UP.
There is no demerit limit, so you can put one in any deck. strong.
If it wasn't for this guy, Synchro would have died...
japan とき
2011/01/16 22:57
Yugioh Icon
His strongest Genex tuner, the one that revolutionized Kroxyan.
It's not an exaggeration to say that he can Special Summon virtually free of charge if a monster is on the field, and depending on the cards he returns, he can activate further combos.
It is a piece that showed the strength of self-bounce, and the reuse of Monarch and Breaker is brutal.
Gaius boasts the best compatibility with Kroxian and the ability to reuse effects.
In the future, it may appear in the Gold Series or Norare reprints...
This card was originally one of the most versatile tuners, but due to the massive suppression of Kamikaze and the return of Trish, it has been restricted. Kamikaze and Fulmon were also one-kill makers, so it can't be helped.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/01 19:43
Yugioh Icon
It is no exaggeration to say that it is the strongest Genex tuner.
A tuner that can Special Summon is strong, but if you manage the summoning conditions, a Genex tuner will appear.
Thanks to this, he was saved and probably has more than a few Genex synchros...
Due to its high versatility, DT8 was highly acclaimed even though it was out of print.
Finally, it became a form that can be obtained cheaply at Yusei Strak.
And even though he's surrounded by Xyz, he's been active as a one-kill player in various decks since the appearance of Kamikaze, so it's restricted.
A regulation that makes it easy to see that his Deck like Kamikaze hates KONMAI.
japan かどまん
2023/12/03 0:07
Yugioh Icon
japan ジュウテツ
2023/12/01 3:45
Yugioh Icon
japan そろそろヤバいクリムゾン・ノヴァ
2024/01/10 20:48
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/03/13 14:37
Hearing that Dark Dive Bomber will be his Machine Tuner designation, it's one of the cards that might raise the stock even more. Shouldn't it be semi-restricted?
japan 2010/08/04 0:52
The Special Summon effect needs to return the monster to the hand, but if you think that you can use effects such as Air Man, it can be an advantage.
Also, while returning the used Breaker or Lyra to his hand, he can Special Summon and reuse them, and by synchronizing and releasing Arkanite, it is possible to destroy up to 3 cards on the field. An excellent tuner that can be expected to perform in a variety of ways.

Decks with "Genex Ally Birdman"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
DUEL TERMINAL - The Heartbeat of Trishula! - DT08-JP017 2010-01-01 Normal
Duelist Set - Machine Gear Troopers Ver. DS14-JPM34 2013-11-23 Ultra
Structure Deck-Synchron Extreme SD28-JP020 2014-12-06 Normal
Structure Deck: Powercode Link SD33-JP018 2017-12-09 Normal
Structure Deck: Mechanized Madness SR10-JP016 2020-02-22 Parallel
TERMINAL WORLD TW01-JP083 2023-11-25 Quarter Century SecretUltra

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 1,358 / 12,862 Cards
View Num 266,551
Type "Machine" Type Best Monster Ranking 99th
Card Type "Tuner Monster" Best Card Ranking 82nd
Level 3 Best Monster Ranking 83rd


Japanese card name A・ジェネクス・バードマン

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