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Rating Score Card Name Card-Type
Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
VV-百識公国 ▶︎ Deck 8 5 Vaylantz World - Konig Wissen Field Spell
When this card is activated: Place 1 "Vaylantz" Field Spell from your Deck face-up in your opponent's Field Zone, except "Vaylantz World - Konig Wissen". If there are 2 cards in the Field Zones: The turn player can target 1 Effect Monster in the opponent's Main Monster Zone, in the same column as one of the monsters they control; they place that opponent's monster face-up as a Continuous Spell in their Spell & Trap Zone in its same column. (If the zone is occupied, destroy the occupying card.) The turn player can only use this effect of "Vaylantz World - Konig Wissen" once per turn.
ネフティスの輪廻 ▶︎ Deck 8 10 Rebirth of Nephthys Ritual Spell
This card can be used to Ritual Summon any "Nephthys" Ritual Monster. You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon. Then, if you Tributed "Devotee of Nephthys" or "Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys", you can destroy 1 card on the field.
イタチの大暴発 ▶︎ Deck 8 16 Ferret Flames Normal Trap
If the combined ATK of all face-up monsters your opponent controls is higher than your LP: Make your opponent shuffle face-up monsters they control into the Deck (their choice), except monsters with 0 ATK, so that the combined ATK of the remaining monsters they control becomes less than or equal to your LP.
現世離レ ▶︎ Deck 8 8 Terrors of the Overroot Normal Trap
Target 1 card your opponent controls and 1 card in their GY; send that card on the field to the GY, and if you do, Set the other card from the GY to your opponent's field. You can only activate 1 "Terrors of the Overroot" per turn.
クリストロン・エントリー ▶︎ Deck 8 5 Crystron Entry Normal Trap
Special Summon 2 "Crystron" Tuners (1 from your hand and 1 from your Graveyard). During either player's turn, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 "Crystron" monster you control; send 1 "Crystron" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard whose Level is different from that monster, and if you do, that monster becomes the Level of that monster sent to the Graveyard. You can only use this effect of "Crystron Entry" once per turn.
CONTAIN! ▶︎ Deck 8 4 CONTAIN! Normal Trap
(This card is always treated as a "Rescue-ACE" card.)
If you control a "Rescue-ACE" monster: Target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls; this turn, that Effect Monster cannot attack, also its effects are negated. If you control "Rescue-ACE Hydrant" at resolution of this effect, that monster also cannot be used as material for a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Summon this turn.
砂塵のバリア -ダスト・フォース- ▶︎ Deck 8 29 Quaking Mirror Force Normal Trap
When an opponent's monster declares an attack: Change all your opponent's Attack Position monsters to face-down Defense Position. Monsters changed to face-down Defense Position by this effect cannot change their battle positions.
スウィッチヒーロー ▶︎ Deck 8 21 Switcheroroo Normal Trap
If you control the same number of monsters as your opponent, switch control of all those monsters.
スターライト・ロード ▶︎ Deck 8 48 Starlight Road Normal Trap
When a card or effect is activated that would destroy 2 or more cards you control: Negate the effect, and if you do, destroy that card, then you can Special Summon 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Extra Deck.
旅人の到彼岸 ▶︎ Deck 8 8 The Traveler and the Burning Abyss Normal Trap
Target any number of "Burning Abyss" monsters in your Graveyard that were sent there this turn; Special Summon them in Defense Position. You can only activate 1 "The Traveler and the Burning Abyss" per turn.
転生の予言 ▶︎ Deck 8 36 The Transmigration Prophecy Normal Trap
Target 2 cards in the GY(s); shuffle those targets into the Deck(s).
天地開闢 ▶︎ Deck 8 11 Beginning of Heaven and Earth Normal Trap
Reveal 3 Warrior-Type monsters from your Deck, including at least 1 "Black Luster Soldier" monster or "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monster, and have your opponent randomly pick 1. If they picked a "Black Luster Soldier" monster or "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monster, add it to your hand and send the rest to the Graveyard. Otherwise, send them all to the Graveyard. You can only activate 1 "Beginning of Heaven and Earth" per turn.
DDDヘッドハント ▶︎ Deck 8 3 D/D/D Headhunt Normal Trap
If you control a "D/D/D" monster: Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; take control of it until the End Phase of the next turn, but its effects are negated, it cannot declare an attack, also if it is a monster Special Summoned from the Extra Deck, it is also treated as a "D/D/D" monster. You can only activate 1 "D/D/D Headhunt" per turn.
妬絶の呪眼 ▶︎ Deck 8 7 Evil Eye Defeat Normal Trap
If you control an "Evil Eye" monster: Target 1 monster on the field, or up to 2 instead if "Evil Eye of Selene" is in your Spell & Trap Zone; return them to the hand. You can only activate 1 "Evil Eye Defeat" per turn.
貪欲な瓶 ▶︎ Deck 8 29 Jar of Avarice Normal Trap
Target 5 cards in your GY, except "Jar of Avarice"; shuffle all 5 into the Deck, then draw 1 card. You can only activate 1 "Jar of Avarice" per turn.
光虫異変 ▶︎ Deck 8 5 Bug Emergency Normal Trap
Target 2 Level 3 Insect-Type monsters in your Graveyard; Special Summon them, but their effects are negated. You can banish this card and 1 Xyz Monster from your Graveyard; the Levels of all Level 3 Insect-Type monsters you currently control become equal to the banished monster's Rank until the end of this turn, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except Insect-Type monsters. You can only activate 1 "Bug Emergency" per turn.
百雷のサンダー・ドラゴン ▶︎ Deck 8 9 Thunder Dragons' Hundred Thunders Normal Trap
Target 1 Thunder monster in your GY; Special Summon it, then you can Special Summon as many monsters with that same name as possible from your GY. The monster(s) Special Summoned by this effect are banished when they leave the field, also while they are face-up on the field, you cannot Special Summon monsters, except Thunder monsters. You can only activate 1 "Thunder Dragons' Hundred Thunders" per turn.
ピュアリィープ!? ▶︎ Deck 8 4 Purrelyeap!? Normal Trap
Target 1 "Purrely" Xyz Monster you control; Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 "Purrely" Xyz Monster with a different Rank, by using that target as material, but return it to the Extra Deck during the End Phase of the next turn. (This is treated as an Xyz Summon. Transfer its materials to the Summoned monster.) You can banish this card from your GY, then target up to 3 "Purrely" monsters in your GY; shuffle them into the Deck. You can only activate 1 "Purrelyeap!?" per turn.
フォーチュンレディ・リワインド ▶︎ Deck 8 1 Fortune Lady Rewind Normal Trap
Target any number of your banished "Fortune Lady" monsters with different names; Special Summon them, but shuffle them into the Deck during the End Phase. You can only activate 1 "Fortune Lady Rewind" per turn.
崩界の守護竜 ▶︎ Deck 8 9 Guardragon Cataclysm Normal Trap
Tribute 1 Dragon monster, then target 2 cards on the field; destroy them. You can only activate 1 "Guardragon Cataclysm" per turn.
魔界劇団の楽屋入り ▶︎ Deck 8 6 Abyss Actors Back Stage Normal Trap
If you have 2 "Abyss Actor" cards in your Pendulum Zones: Add 2 "Abyss Actor" Pendulum Monsters with different names from your Deck to your Extra Deck face-up. You can only activate 1 "Abyss Actors Back Stage" per turn.
魔弾-ダンシング・ニードル ▶︎ Deck 8 12 Magical Musket - Dancing Needle Normal Trap
If you control a "Magical Musket" monster: Target up to 3 cards in the GYs; banish them. You can only activate 1 "Magical Musket - Dancing Needle" per turn.
REINFORCE! ▶︎ Deck 8 3 REINFORCE! Normal Trap
(This card is always treated as a "Rescue-ACE" card.)
Target 1 "Rescue-ACE" monster you control; for the rest of this turn, that monster you control gains 1500 ATK/DEF, is unaffected by your opponent's monster effects, and the next time it would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Rescue-ACE" Spell in your GY; Set that card. You can only use this effect of "REINFORCE!" once per turn.
世壊輪廻 ▶︎ Deck 8 1 Loka Samsara Normal Trap
Banish 1 face-up "Visas Starfrost" from your Monster Zone (until the End Phase); Special Summon 1 "Heart" monster with 3000 ATK from your Extra Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions, but it can only activate its effects once while face-up on the field, also banish it face-down during the End Phase. If your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) from the Extra Deck, while this card is in your GY (except during the Damage Step): You can add this card to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Loka Samsara" once per turn.
ヴァンパイア・シフト ▶︎ Deck 8 10 Vampire Takeover Normal Trap
If you have no card in your Field Zone and all face-up monsters you control are Zombie monsters (min. 1): Activate 1 "Vampire Kingdom" directly from your Deck, then, you can Special Summon 1 DARK "Vampire" monster from your GY in Defense Position. You can only activate 1 "Vampire Takeover" per turn.
デモンズ・チェーン ▶︎ Deck 8 45 Fiendish Chain Continuous Trap
Activate this card by targeting 1 Effect Monster on the field; negate the effects of that face-up monster while it is on the field, also that face-up monster cannot attack. When it is destroyed, destroy this card.
電脳堺門-玄武 ▶︎ Deck 8 6 Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu Continuous Trap
During the Battle Phase, if you control another "Virtual World Gate" card: You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; change its battle position. During your Main Phase: You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Virtual World" monster in your GY; Special Summon it, but negate its effects, then send 1 card from your hand to the GY. You can only use each effect of "Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu" once per turn. You can only activate 1 "Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu" per turn.
デーモンの呼び声 ▶︎ Deck 8 12 Call of the Archfiend Continuous Trap
You can target 1 Level 5 or higher Fiend monster in your GY; discard 1 Fiend monster, and if you do, Special Summon the targeted monster. You can only use this effect of "Call of the Archfiend" once per turn.
マジェスペクター・スーパーセル ▶︎ Deck 8 10 Majespecter Supercell Continuous Trap
While you have a "Majespecter" card in your Pendulum Zone, the activation and effects of other "Majespecter" cards activated on your side of the field cannot be negated. Once per turn: You can target 5 "Majespecter" cards in your Graveyard; shuffle all 5 into the Deck, then draw 1 card.
神の摂理 ▶︎ Deck 8 24 Ultimate Providence Counter Trap
When a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated: Discard the same type of card (Monster, Spell, or Trap); negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it.
Other sorts : Card Registration Date, scale blue, scale red

(119/410 pages) 3,541 - 3,570

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Effect Category
addition to your Normal Summon/Set Normal Summon by Effect Tribute Reduce Compromise Normal Summon A minimum of three tributes is required for the Summon Tributes for 2 or 3 bodies Tribute Spell and Trap Cards Second Summon Special Summon this card from your hand Special Summon this card from GY Special Summon this card from Deck Special Summon this card from Extra Deck Special Summon this banished monsters Special Summon this card from Spell & Trap Zone Special Summon this card from Pendulum Zone Pendulum Summon By Effect Special Summon Trap Monster Special Summon Tokens Unequip and Special Summon Special Summon. ignoring its Summoning conditions cannot be negated Special Summon cannot be negated
Special Summon it in face-down Defense Position Set 1 Spell/Trap Place Pendulum Monster in your Pendulum Zone.
Draw・Card Search
Draw Draw-related effects add Card from your Deck to your hand add Card from your Deck to your GY add Card from your banished Card add Card from your Deck to your Extra Deck Add card from your hand to your opponent's hand
Destroy Monster Destroy Spell Destroy Trap Destroy Pendulum Zone Card Destroy hand card Destroy Deck card Destroy the negated card self-destruction, Destruction instead Take away destroyed cards
return to the hand return to the Deck, Extra Deck return to the Deck, Extra Deck, from hand return to the Deck, Extra Deck, from GY Place at the top of the deck Place at the bottom of the deck return to Extra Deck from Deck return to Deck from Extra Deck returns banished cards to the field returns banished cards to the GY banished cards return to the Deck, Extra Deck
banish Monster banish Spell banish Trap banish Pendulum Zone Card banish the negated card banish this card when it leaves the field banish hand Card banish GY Card banish Deck Card banish Extra Deck Card self-banish, banish instead banish face-down
Send to GY・Discard
send card from your field to the GY send card from your hand to the GY self-send, send instead Discard send card from your Deck to the GY send card from your Extra Deck to the GY
Tribute this card from field Tribute this card from hand
multiple attacks attack all monsters attack directly must attack attack while in face-up Defense Position
battles damage related piercing battle damage to your opponent inflict damage take damage no effect damage, decrease damage
LP, Life Point
pay LP lose LP change LP gain LP Life cost related
gain ATK lose ATK change ATK gain DEF lose DEF change DEF change Level change Rank change Pendulum Scale change Type change Attribute change face-up or face-down change battle position change Card Control change attack targets change effect targets change hand size change Card effects change the order of the deck Copy card information
Summon Limit
cannot Tribute Summon cannot Normal Summon cannot Flip Summon cannot Special Summon cannot Normal Summon(this card) cannot Special Summon(this card)
negate the attack negate Monster effects negate Spell negate Trap negate Summon negate Flip Summon negate Special Summon negate this card's other effects negate specific card
Resistance, Limit, Not Allowed
Cannot be destroyed by battle Cannot be destroyed by effects Limit attack targets Limit effect targets cannot target with Monster effects cannot target with Spell effects cannot target with Trap effects Unaffected by Monster effects Unaffected by Spell effects Unaffected by Trap effects Unaffected by specific card cannot be negated control of all monsters on the field returns to the owner Limit attack Monster and attack number Cannot attack Cannot attack directly Monster effects cannot activate Spell effects cannot activate Trap effects cannot activate Pendulum Monster effects cannot activate Special Card effects cannot activate Cannot activate cards or effects in response to the activation of your Card cannot Set cannot be Tributed cannot be banished cannot draw cannot change battle position cannot card control unused zones only control 1 cannot return to the Deck, Extra Deck cannot add Card from your Deck to your hand cannot send card from your Deck to the GY once per Duel
This card's name becomes another card's name treated as a Normal Monster treated as a Tuner Monster treated as a Non-Tuner Monster be treated another attribute or another type or another level treated as a Spell, Trap Treat as a specific category card
Fusion Material related Synchro Material related Xyz Material related Link Material related Ritual Material related Cannot be used as Material Place or remove counters
treated as an Equip Spell Equipped with cards
reveal set cards reveal hand cards reveal Draw cards reveal Deck cards reveal Ectra Deck cards
activate Spell/Trap Cards from your hand activate Spell/Trap Cards from your deck activate Spell/Trap Cards from your GY activate Card the turn it was Set Shuffle the deck Coin toss related effects Dice-related effects Rock-paper-scissors-related effects move Zone Exchanging hands, giving and receiving cards Applying effects during duels cannot conduct your Phase Skip Turn becomes the End Phase of this turn win the Match win the Duel
Card-Type and
Type/Attribute Attribute
Pendulum blue
Rating Score
Japanese Only Cards

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