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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > RAGING TEMPEST > Miscellaneousaurus

Miscellaneousaurus Used Deck

Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 4 Dinosaur 1800 1000
During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur monsters from your GY, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.
Average Rating Score 9.6(25)
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  3. Decks with Miscellaneousaurus (160 Decks)
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"Miscellaneousaurus" card reviews and rating scores

84% (21)
16% (4)
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japan 波切
2023/06/15 4:53
Yugioh Icon
The strongest monster among hand triggers.
The strength that can only be said to be strange that he can grant almost complete resistance to his Dinosaur monsters on his field with Friche.
He even has his GY effect to Special Summon Dinosaurs from the Deck. Of course, there is no "either" attached, and the disadvantage of self-destruction during the end phase is an ad and not a disadvantage.
However, it is useless against constant-activated effects, and since it is limited to monsters on the field and during the main phase, it has holes. Then your opponent will come up with something to do during the Battle Phase, so use Ultimate Conductor Tyranno to block it.
To be honest, if I use this card first, my opponent will only have 《PSY-Framegear Gamma》as a means of interference, and I don't think it would be a good idea to lay down a solid control board if even 《Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring》doesn't come flying.
Nowadays, even though Dinosaur isn't that weak of a race, I wonder why he's being treated so favorably with Fossil Dig.
japan ふぃるむん!
2023/05/16 13:52
Yugioh Icon
Throwing yourself away gives you resistance, and gives you a sense of security and tolerance like a mother.
And by excluding it from GY, it has the ability to deploy. It will make you feel the strength and reliability of a father.
japan ルーナエ
2023/05/15 7:19
Yugioh Icon
It's an amazing card that gives all Dinosaurs on your side of the field Absolute Resistance to your opponent's activated effects just by throwing it out of your hand! And to be able to use this in a free chain during each other's main phases...
The GY effect is normally strong, and since he's a low-level monster with an ATK of 1800 that can be Normal Summoned, he can even participate in attacks as an attacker.
I think that this is the only Dinosaur that was treated as an apology for being the only Dinosaur that appeared in the 9th term, except for the members of Strak R, but I think that this is the only performance that I received at that time. Thank you very much! It's the strength to say!
japan かどまん
2023/01/17 19:09
Yugioh Icon
This was the only Dinosaur Monster in the 9th period without Strak R
Even if it is a non-Dinosaur Deck, even if there are no monsters in play
Since the effect of ① can be used, continue to use the effect of ①②
Can move to call 《Jurrac Aeolo
You can prepare a ☆ 1 tuner without using the summoning right
Around the time that 《Crystron Halqifibrax》came out, it became a business trip factor with the 3-piece set with 《Souleating Oviraptor
Now there is Animadorned Archosaur which can be a stronger move and is becoming more and more important in Dinosaur.
Of course, it's an essential card in the Dinosaur Deck, and even though it's limited to MF, it's abnormal that the whole thing has complete resistance, and you can easily shut out various removals and triggers.
If there is a card with a similar effect in a major race, it is prohibited and restricted
japan オドリャナニシトンジャー
2022/11/26 0:41
Yugioh Icon
Best hand trigger for Dinosaur.
The effect of (1) is activated by discarding from the hand, and this main phase Dinosaur monster on your field is not affected by the opponent's effect. The effect of (2) is to exclude any number of GY Dinosaur monsters, including this card, and Special Summon Dinosaur monsters of the same level as the excluded number. Mainly summoning Level 1 《Animadorned Archosaur》.
Either 1 or 2 is enough to consider adopting, but if there are two strongest effects, it will be a human right for Dinosaur Deck. If this effect is on Warrior or something, it will be a level that seems to be prohibited or restricted. It's an effect that's allowed because it's not a major race like Dinosaur.
japan 金平糖
2021/11/18 14:44
Yugioh Icon
Nibiru repellent for Dinosaur. So strong.
The effect of ① is to grant effect resistance to all allies. Dinosaurs that were not present at the time of activation also benefit from it. It's really strong to protect from Nibiru.
The effect of ② is recruitment. You can call Babykera and Petitlano with a small removal cost, and you can call Argosaurus with just this card.
Both are powerful effects, and the activation conditions of the two effects are perfectly matched, making them really strong. As a bonus, his level 4 Dinosaur is compatible with both Oviraptor and 《Fossil Dig》. strong.
japan タマーキン(封印)
2020/11/20 2:51
Yugioh Icon
A monster that grants Dinosaur immunity from hand
In the early stages, only himself was excluded from his GY, and Auro and Argo were
After the middle stage, 4 cards are removed and 《Tyranno Infinity
Beginning, middle, end, there is no gap
japan gaya
2020/11/05 11:32
Yugioh Icon
A card that bestows various benefits on the Dinosaur. By dropping this card and any number of Dinosaurs from GY, you can add resistance to Dinosaurs by dropping them from your hand to GY, so you can increase the stability of the Deck. can be recruited, so it can be expected to assist in deployment. It works especially well with 《Tyranno Infinity》, and if you recruit it with its effect, you can secure over 4000 RBIs.
japan みめっと
2020/11/03 17:39
Yugioh Icon
In the ninth season, the Dinosaur's counterattack began with this monster.
It grants complete resistance to the opponent's effects activated on the field by triggering the hand, but for some reason it is also a low-class monster with 18 hit points despite its role like this.
Furthermore, by excluding GY himself and other dinosaurs, it also has the effect of recruiting dinosaurs according to the number, and in addition to being compatible with 《Tyranno Infinity》because of the exclusion relationship, Jurrac Auro, Argosaurus, etc. Level 1 Dinosaurs can be recruited by simply excluding themselves alone.
If Dinosaurs of level 1-2 are enriched in the future, there is no doubt that he will be even more useful, and it can be said that he is a permanent first army monster of Dinosaur.
japan シエスタ
2018/05/16 16:16
Yugioh Icon
Dinosaurs at the beginning of the 9th term, the 9th term production with a conspicuous power card is different from the dinosaur support so far.
It is a very reassuring thing that grants complete resistance to your dinosaurs during the turn it is activated by using yourself as the main cost. After going to GY, it is strong even if it is activated appropriately because it leads to the effect of 2.
By excluding himself and his Dinosaur from his GY, you can recruit dinosaurs and there is no level limit, so even the highest level can be recruited, but the cost is high and there is a self-destruct effect, so there is little need to force higher level or higher. There are many strong candidates for lower ranks, and Tuner Auro, which can be summoned by itself, and Infinity, which is compatible with exclusion costs, are also strong. It is also possible to use self-destruction and actively use the effect of Babykera.
Fossil Dig》, Ovirap and search are abundant, Dinosaur A card that can be said to have broken the Ice Age.
japan ヒコモン
2018/03/01 12:48
Yugioh Icon
A threatening card that grants complete resistance to his Dinosaur monsters on his field, although it is limited to the Main Phase. In addition to having a GY effect, it can be actively sent to his GY, making it very easy to use. By simply excluding this card from GY, you can Special Summon the tuner 《Jurrac Aeolo》from the Deck. A powerful card that even the dinosaur TRUE Yang Zing, who was at the top of the environment, was stacked 3 times.
japan デルタアイズ
2017/07/03 17:48
Yugioh Icon
It is quite strong with Dinosaur Recruit by giving resistance and excluding during the main.
(2) With the effect of Tyranno Infinity with 4000 RBI or more, you can use this card to get a ☆1 tuner.
japan なす
2017/06/09 13:28
Yugioh Icon
A minor Dinosaur monster with good stats and excellent effects.
The effect of (1) is to protect your Dinosaur from the effects of your opponent's cards only during the Main Phase, making it a reassuring existence for you and a rather troublesome existence for your opponent.
In (2), in addition to recruiting, GY's 《Giant Rex》can be eliminated and returned, and 《Tyranno Infinity》can be used as a high RBI. Like the Oviraptor, it is an integral part of the Dinosaur.
japan マスじい
2017/01/28 18:48
Yugioh Icon
This strength you will understand if you use it. Even if you don't use it, you can be sure it's strong just by looking at it.
The effect of (1) is to grant active effect resistance to his Dinosaur only during the main phase. It's reassuring that he can deploy Dinosaurs safely, but it's a bit of a shame since Dinosaurs are mainly in the Battle Phase where they really shine. However, since it can be used during the opponent's turn, I'm honestly happy that I can protect against removal cards.
The main effect is (2). With the effect of being a savior for Dinosaurs who lacked deployment methods, he can recruit any Dinosaur as long as he has a good GY. Especially compatible is Tyranno Infinity, which has been a Dinosaur finisher for a long time. If you play Micella, you will remove 4 cards, so at least you will reach 4000 RBI, and since you don't use the right to summon, if you play another 《Tyranno Infinity》from that state, there is a possibility of a game set. Destruction during the end phase will not be a problem if you use Ragia, which is Dinosaur's strength.
This is exactly the card that Dinosaur wishes for.
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/11/12 2:07
Yugioh Icon
A man who says to use 《Tyranno Infinity》.
Dinosaur support card. The second effect allows him to remove any number of her Dinosaurs, including this card, and recruit her Dinosaurs from the Deck with the same number of Levels as the removed number.
All of a sudden he comes out with an ATK of 4000, so from the opponent's point of view it's probably not a bad thing.
The first effect is a Main Phase-exclusive Man that protects his Dinosaur from all kinds of opponent effects.
Since your own effects pass through, it's attractive that you can prevent your opponent's interference while not wasting your own support cards.
The next structure deck is about his Dinosaur, so it's an exquisitely timely card.
japan プンプン丸
2016/10/19 11:19
Yugioh Icon
Cards that fully support dinosaurs,
① is an effect that protects Dinosaurs from all cards, protects not only one Dinosaur, but all Dinosaurs on the field. "It will not fall into the abyss, nor will it interfere with the effects of dinosaurs."
② is also a strong recruitment effect. "Synchro Xyz is a silly effect."
Dinosaurs are so much supported... Conversely, cards that make me worry that they won't release a powerful Dinosaur category in the future...
japan ジュウテツ
2016/10/18 8:39
Yugioh Icon
The effect of (1) prevents interference during the main phase, which I think is a blessing for the “Dinosaur” Deck.
I think that being able to search with 《Fossil Dig》is also a strength.
japan 真の仲間
2016/10/16 13:03
Yugioh Icon
In short, it says to use 《Tyranno Infinity
japan 福人ズッコケ
2016/10/15 16:58
Yugioh Icon
It's surprising that Dinosaur has been included in regular packs since PRIO.
The effect is to grant resistance to dinosaurs by triggering the hand. It's an all-around "unaffected" effect, but since it's restricted to being during your opponent's main phase, it's almost useless against attack reactions and free chains. On the other hand, if it's a trap hole or an activation effect during the opponent's turn, leave it to me.
"However, the strength of this card does not end with just granting resistance." The recruiting effect from GY removal shines with a combo with 《Tyranno Infinity》. If you can use it in the same turn as (1), you can draw an invincible 4000 RBI from his deck during the main phase.
A card that sells for its dynamic RBI combo with 《Tyranno Infinity》. However, Dinosaur is by no means a race that is good at fertilizing his GY, so recruiting more than 2 times or recruiting above advanced level seems to be quite difficult...
"I regret that I didn't anticipate the all-important Strak." The number of excellent monsters to recruit has increased, the rotation power has increased, and his GY fertilization has also accelerated. It is also active in the new environment as an advantage of the dinosaur deck.
japan アルバ
2016/10/10 0:22
Yugioh Icon
A card that looks like it was made for 《Tyranno Infinity》.
The effect of 1 protects allies with complete resistance to the opponent's effect and sends it to his GY to connect to the effect of 2.
The 2 effect calls Dinosaur from his deck at the cost of his GY.
If you banish 4 cards, 《Tyranno Infinity》will appear at 4000, so it’s a good matchup, but depending on the situation, you can connect to Lagia with Guaiba to avoid the disadvantage.
The downside is that Dinosaur's GY fertilization speed isn't very fast.
…However, the strengthening of Dinosaur Strak made it easier for him to fertilize GY, and with the appearance of Oviraptor, he was able to call Auro and immediately use it for 5 Synchro.
Destinations include Botenkou and Harifiber.
japan とき
2016/10/09 23:36
Yugioh Icon
It says to combine with 《Tyranno Infinity》.
The number one effect that gives Dinosaurs resistance to effects is also powerful as a hand trigger. It would be beautiful if we could avoid the removal on the Big Dinosaurs. However, this is not the favorite, and this effect is just a bait to feed this card into his GY.
By excluding GY dinosaurs, the GY effect that can recruit any dinosaur is extremely powerful. In particular, by excluding four bodies and playing 《Tyranno Infinity》, ATK 4000, depending on the preparation in advance, more cards will assault. His GY manure of dinosaurs will progress if he makes full use of 《Lost World》.
In addition to 《Tyranno Infinity》, his low-level Jurrac tuner can be used flexibly to prepare for synchros, or to reverse the disadvantage of destruction to create 《Babycerasaurus》. Search has 《Fossil Dig》, so it's a pretty strong Dinosaur support.
japan アストラル
2016/10/09 15:34
Yugioh Icon
The Dinosaur card has arrived!
I'm happy
japan EXデッキ焼き
2016/10/08 8:53
Yugioh Icon
A long-awaited support monster appears in Dinosaur, which has many monsters that push through with individual card power. Protecting Ace with universal resistance to being immune to effects and removing him from GY along with her other Dinosaurs makes him a pretty good support effect with Special Summon from the Deck.
Compatibility with 《Tyranno Infinity》is quite good, and 4000 RBI comes flying with the effect of ②. Furthermore, if it is the second time, it will be 8000 RBI, and although it is unlikely, the third time will be 12000 and the inevitable brain muscle monster will fly. The novelty his Dinosaur-wielding world has been waiting for.
Don't tell me that you made a card like this because the next Structure R will skip the dinosaur's heartbeat, right?
japan K
2023/11/19 18:42
Yugioh Icon
japan asd
2023/11/14 18:04
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Miscellaneousaurus"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
RAGING TEMPEST RATE-JP028 2016-10-08 Normal
Structure Deck R-The Heartbeat of the Fearful Beast SR04-JP014 2017-02-25 N-Parallel
Wild Survivors DBWS-JP011 2023-03-18 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 638 / 12,891 Cards
View Num 47,385
Type "Dinosaur" Type Best Monster Ranking 8th
Attribute "FIRE" Best Monster Ranking 45th


Japanese card name 幻創のミセラサウルス

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