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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > BREAKERS OF SHADOW > Hi-Speedroid Hagoita

Hi-Speedroid Hagoita Used Deck

Hi-Speedroid Hagoita
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Synchro Monster
Effect Monster
- 5 Machine 2000 1000
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
During either player's turn: You can Tribute this card; increase the Levels of all monsters currently on the field by 1, until the end of this turn. If this card is in your Graveyard and you control a "Speedroid" Tuner monster: You can Special Summon this card, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except WIND monsters. You can only use this effect of "Hi-Speedroid Hagoita" once per turn.
Average Rating Score 8.9(14)
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"Hi-Speedroid Hagoita" card reviews and rating scores

71% (10)
28% (4)
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japan つゆた
2022/08/11 20:24
Yugioh Icon
Unusually for a self-resurrection type effect, he will go to GY even after use, so it is a good card that greatly contributes to the improvement of the ability to continue fighting and the ability to deploy in the SR Deck.
japan wairo
2022/05/09 0:51
Yugioh Icon
5 Synchro that self-revives when an SR Tuner is in play
I think the biggest feature of the SR Deck is that you can repeatedly hit 《Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon》in conjunction with this card's self-resurrection.
Also, it is important to have an SR non-tuner that can self-revive, and since it supports a lot of SR support, especially 《Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice》, you can connect to 《Hi-Speedroid Cork Shooter》from here.
In general, it is an important card that can lead to various developments in SR.
japan あろー
2022/02/23 4:59
Yugioh Icon
One piece that is essential for Speedroid. Once activated, if there is a Speedroid Tuner on the field, it will be revived and used as a material every turn. Since it's a Synchro Monster, you can easily put out Crystal Wings.
If you use Speedroid Deck, you want to get this card out early.
The effect of ① is also soberly strong, and if you shoot the opponent's deck carefully, you can invite the opponent's bread.
japan シエスタ
2020/07/02 10:25
Yugioh Icon
Since there is no particular material specification, summoning itself is easy.
The effect of 1 is Friche, but it's hard to use casually because it's heavy due to being S, and it's easy to be influenced by the opponents and situations you can use.
However, it also avoids eliminations and bounces, which is not bad considering the existence of the 2 effect. Attack→Release→Revive to revive and pursue and combo.
The highlight is still 2 self-regeneration. It can be revived under easy conditions and there are no exclusion demerits. Instead, deployment is limited to wind, but with SR it doesn't matter much. It's like calling Crystal Wing every turn.
I think it's an excellent S that maintains the front of the SR, improves the range of strategies and deployment power, and has a high combo.
japan ジュウテツ
2019/01/18 9:55
Yugioh Icon
The (1) level change effect can interfere with the opponent's Xyz Synchro Summon, and I think it's excellent that the conditions for releasing this card can be linked to the (2) self-regeneration effect.
I think the effect of (2) is a welcome effect that can be connected to 《Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon》if you self-regenerate when there is a level 3 "Speedroid" Tuner.
japan デルタアイズ
2018/09/22 2:11
Yugioh Icon
Once you put it out, it will actively free up the EX monster zone
If I want to adopt it, I want to put it in the early stages
japan A
2017/12/18 14:50
Yugioh Icon
Although it takes time to get this card out once, once you get it out, you can turn a 3-star tuner Speedroid into a Crystal Wing.
It's an effect that can be tolerated because it's a theme card that doesn't appear in the environment very often.
japan なす
2017/12/14 13:46
Yugioh Icon
A Level 5 Synchro that releases itself to raise the overall level and has a self-revive effect.
Very effective for adjusting your monster's level and interfering with your opponent's Synchro and Xyz.
After that, he can revive himself with looser conditions and restrictions than the magic sword Dharma, and can connect to a higher level synchro with his WIND such as Crystal Wing.
japan ヒコモン
2016/10/19 12:39
Yugioh Icon
If the same level 5 chamber rider is a sword, this one is a shield. You can of course use it to adjust the level of your own monsters, but by changing the level of your opponent's monsters, you can create Synchro Summons and Xyz Summons. It has a heavy cost of releasing itself, but it also has a loose resurrection effect that revives SR Tuner just by being on your field. A powerful card that can easily produce 《Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon》when combined with a Level 3 SR Tuner.
japan カンノーネ
2016/02/13 0:54
Yugioh Icon
(2) A corner of the general-purpose level 5 synchro that SR boasts of being rather crazy.
After being revived, he will be tied to WIND, but he has Taketonborg anyway. If you can get Stardust Warrior or Crystal Wings, you're good to go.
The effect of 1 that hits Xyz and Synchro is usually powerful, but he has a wide range of extras such as BF and he is Chronomaly. He sometimes has the opposite effect against Deck opponents.
japan ダーマ
2016/01/05 20:43
Yugioh Icon
Even if you have three eyes and are revived, Stardust
Red-Eyed Charge Warrior or Dharma? how to use this Completely changed from the evaluation of
With the appearance of Denden and Crystal Wing, it has transformed into a crystal mass production machine! ! Synchro Monster I want to put in GY for the time being. It is not excluded after reviving the effect, and the resurrection effect is not Duel 1. Feeling forgiven because it's SR
Please connect me to the crystal today!
japan 鯖缶
2015/10/26 3:57
Yugioh Icon
The effect is simply strong, but the problem is that if you put this guy in, you have to take into account the level 8 synchro, and it's already tight extra
After that, if you attack second, there is no turn first
Cards that can't be talked about unless you can play beigoma in advance
Even though I don't use it much, the extra pressure is severe, but it's better to put it in after all
Is it okay to use only Scarlight for level 8 synchro?
japan ラーメン
2015/10/18 19:08
Yugioh Icon
The new SR he is a Synchro Monster, and since there is no material restriction, it can be used as a general purpose, but unlike the Chamber Rider, which can be used effectively as a general purpose, it will be almost exclusively for SR.
The first effect is an effect that raises the level of other monsters by using itself as a cost. Because it can be used, it looks plain at first glance, but it is quite an excellent obstructive effect.
And the second is an effect that allows you to revive with a loose condition of just having an SR tuner. When revived, you want to synchronize, but due to restrictions, you can only connect to Dharma or Stada, so there are many cases where it is safer not to forcibly synchronize and leave it standing as it is to interfere with the opponent's turn. Since there is a limit level, it can also be used for attack personnel.
A card like Chanbara Rider that doesn't have flashy strength that you can tell just by looking at the text, but it's quite an excellent card.
japan とき
2015/10/17 17:21
Yugioh Icon
His Synchro Monster of quite a curveball. Due to its usage, it's almost a speedroid-only card, even though it's a general-purpose material.
It sounds very subtle to say that the level changes even after releasing it, but since it can be used during the opponent's turn, it demonstrates its power in interfering with Synchro Xyz. Even so, if you use it with general-purpose synchro, it's subtle because it ends with a one-time interference and you lose this card.
This is where it shows its true potential, and it is possible to revive itself under extremely loose conditions where only a Speedroid Tuner is present.
Of course, it can be used as a Synchro material, but if you leave it on the field as it is, it will be possible to further interfere with Synchro and Xyz. Speedroids are good at revival deployment, so it should be easy to meet the conditions.
It can also be used as a 2000 attacker that does not decrease in use. In Speedroid, I wonder if it's worth giving priority to Chamber Rider at the first level 5.

Decks with "Hi-Speedroid Hagoita"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BREAKERS OF SHADOW BOSH-JP049 2015-10-17 SecretSuper
LINK VRAINS PACK 2 LVP2-JP082 2018-11-23 Rare

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 1,872 / 12,891 Cards
View Num 33,287
Level 5 Best Monster Ranking 58th
Card Type "Synchro Monster" Best Card Ranking 84th


Japanese card name HSRマッハゴー・イータ

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