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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > RISE OF DESTINY > Machine Duplication

Machine Duplication Used Deck

Machine Duplication
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Spell - - - - -
Target 1 Machine monster you control with 500 or less ATK; Special Summon up to 2 monsters from your Deck with the same name as that face-up monster.
Average Rating Score 9(40)
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  3. Decks with Machine Duplication (476 Decks)
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"Machine Duplication" card reviews and rating scores

60% (24)
40% (16)
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japan ブルーバード
2022/06/08 19:31
Yugioh Icon
D-telephone proliferates. Do you know the rest?
Besides the telephone, there is a way to multiply Cargan, and it has been loved as a gimmick for mass GY fertilization before the appearance of lawn mowers. It was so strong that 《Card Trooper》could not return from semi-restriction for a while. Even in modern times, 9 GY Fertilizer + 3 deployments are strong if they pass.
All Machines can be recruited using 《Darkworld Shackles》. Arranging 《Perfect Machine King》and wanting to be perfect is a path that every boy has to go through once.
japan お留守番
2022/05/05 18:27
Yugioh Icon
Bold Deck SS is Machine's prerogative
At the beginning of its appearance, it felt like nothing could be said, but now with the arrival of Xyz and Link, it has become quite powerful.
Incorporate it Cyber-style to surprise those who take the time to poke around cores and repair plants.
japan アイ
2022/03/25 16:09
Yugioh Icon
A card that recruits two machines with the same name from machines with ATK 500 or less.
It is strong that two bodies can be recruited and there are no restrictions after that. It can be said that it is a machine with an ATK of 500 or less, which is a power due to a fairly limited condition, but if there is no card that can be targeted, it is a bad card, and the risk of accidents is correspondingly high.
If you want to adopt it, you need to train the construction firmly.
japan あろー
2022/01/24 5:11
Yugioh Icon
If the monsters meet the conditions, they will be on the board in an instant, and you can activate their effects or use them as materials to make them strong.
Like his Fossil who has existed since ancient times, there is no name turn 1 binding, so after the first one is negate in the back, it may be possible to hit the second one and drop the opponent into the bottomless abyss of despair. do not have.
japan 金平糖
2021/11/29 1:21
Yugioh Icon
A powerful card that needs no introduction. Full of monsters.
I'm hiring for [Meklord]. Increase the number of infinity cores to 3 and use 2 of them as a union carrier. By calling Wisel with the remaining core effect and equipping it with Dragon Buster Blade, you can create a board that negates Spell once + Special Summon from EX Deck is impossible.
japan カディーン
2021/11/29 1:01
Yugioh Icon
One piece that bears the one-kill image of his early Machine.
Having said that, it was after 5D's Synchro environment that this card became the starting point for one-kill in earnest, but since it had contributed to Guorenda even before that, it was still a companion to one-kill.
It's really interesting that it's adopted in the Cyber style even though it's different in shape even now.
japan ねこーら
2021/11/29 0:28
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Rampage in combination with monsters with beneficial effects on his machine with low ATK.
It is convenient in that it can be used in various ways as an Xyz or link material.
There are a lot of Machine-specified Link 2, and it's good if it's easy to reuse for things like resurrection.
Among them, 《SPYRAL Quik-Fix》, which can be searched, was restricted due to the rather dangerous way of earning ads.
You can draw with 《Tuningware》, or you can add monsters like 《Darton the Mechanical Monstrosity》that can be greatly strengthened and use them as attackers.
In addition to this, there are many monsters suitable for duplication, and most of them, such as Deskbot, are compatible.
japan kitty
2019/05/26 13:30
Yugioh Icon
Machine's strongest recruitment card
japan もも
2018/07/21 19:01
Yugioh Icon
One of the Machine Merit Cards.
In addition to ads on the field, this power card is often converted to GY ads, making 4 or 5 ads with this one card.
japan シエスタ
2018/07/18 14:27
Yugioh Icon
You can recruit two cards with the same name within the target, and there are no particular restrictions.
Machines without summoning restrictions are one of the evaluation points just because they support this. If you have the effect of obtaining the name of a specific card within the target of this, like Cyber, you can deploy two Sydras outside the normal recruiting range.
Compared to a runaway summon with a similar effect, it has a somewhat limited range, but it does not depend on the opponent and does not benefit.
Special Summon Although there is always the possibility of accidents due to the range that can be done, I think that it is a card with high potential that can move according to the risk.
japan しょきちょー
2018/04/14 19:09
Yugioh Icon
So to speak, he is a Normal Spell to summon multiple Cyber Dragons.
With the appearance of Hertz, the options have expanded and it has become a cause of accidents, and it has become difficult.
japan はやとちり
2018/03/31 18:43
Yugioh Icon
Cyber is new and will rise to the spotlight again. congratulations.
japan 備長炭18
2018/03/25 17:44
Yugioh Icon
A powerful support card for themes with low-stat Machines.
Compared to Runaway Summon, which has similar effects, it has drawbacks such as a narrow target range and can only be called from his deck, but it also has the advantage of not depending on the opponent's place and timing.
japan なす
2017/08/09 15:55
Yugioh Icon
His spell to recruit Machines of the same name with 500 RBI or less.
In addition to being used simply to secure materials, it is also highly compatible with Deskbot, 《Card Trooper》, and 《Cyber Valley》.
japan ルイ
2017/02/09 15:59
Yugioh Icon
Huh! The machine is a duplicate!
In Crystron, to support Gurion Gund's S summon
GY Fertilizer can reach 1900 RBI to Card Trooper
A tuning supporter for duplicating and S summoning and drawing 3 cards
While searching the core, go to Infinity or Pleiades...
And you can create a lot of different combos.
Since it only uses Deck, it's inferior to Runaway Summon in terms of range, but can you say that it's an advantage not to let the opponent deploy it?
It's not specified as "original", so if you combine it with the Black Garden, he can duplicate machines with ATK 1000 or less◎
Accidents are inevitable, but this kind of card has the ability to get 1 kill if it fits the mold, and it makes me feel romantic.
I like cards like this.
japan ジュウテツ
2016/10/08 9:13
Yugioh Icon
In the "Cyber Dragon" Deck, by activating it against "Cyber Dragon Core", I think it's an excellent card that can recruit two "Cyber Dragons" and connect them to "Cyber Dragon Nova".
japan EXデッキ焼き
2016/09/24 14:25
Yugioh Icon
With Deskbot and Jund, and the low number of reprints, it was a reasonable price, but it will finally be reprinted and the price will settle down.
japan ネコしゅん
2016/07/07 17:21
Yugioh Icon
A card that puts out two bodies from the Deck at no cost. Often seen in Deskbot, Cyber, etc.
japan @あと
2015/11/25 7:40
Yugioh Icon
A card that can combine Deskbot, SR, and Cyber into one deck for him.
Core to Sidera, 003 and this card can aim for one kill
Beigoma Taketon release Three eyes and three eyes Duplicate and have two totems?
japan なつめかん
2015/09/04 21:18
Yugioh Icon
First, summon the Cyber Dragon Core
Then activate this card
Oh my God! There are two Cyber Dragons on the field! ! !
japan SOUL
2015/08/29 11:06
Yugioh Icon
A powerful card that allows you to deploy two new units at no cost.
Used for a variety of explosive combos, such as Tuning Supporter and his Karakuri Tuner Duplicate.
If his deck uses the corresponding monster, please consider including this card.
japan カンノーネ
2015/08/17 19:39
Yugioh Icon
The super-useful asshole for Machine support.
Most Deskbots support this card
Destroy one 005 P-summon, duplicate and destroy two
Summon 003, search for 002 Special Summon, duplicate and search for two more.
He is also one of 001's resurrection methods in Deskbot.
You can also duplicate tuning supporters.
japan hio
2015/04/17 16:15
Yugioh Icon
One of the evaluation criteria for Machine monsters is whether or not they support this card.
Machines with low stats have many cards that are tuners and have excellent search and deployment effects, so if you can deploy a large number of them, it's powerful.
However, it is inferior to a runaway summon in that it can only be called from the deck and cannot call a card with the same name in his hand or his GY.
If there is only one type of target monster in her deck, it may spoil, so if possible, prepare at least two types.
japan マキナ
2015/04/17 14:40
Yugioh Icon
A perfect card for Deskbot with 500 RBI. Great for Deskbots that get stronger as they line up on the field. It's also a key card in GY's Deskbot 001 Special Summon. Since it can be applied to Synchro and Xyz, the range of development is greatly expanded.
Unlike Inferno Reckless Summon, which cannot be activated without a Special Summon, the opponent cannot deploy this card, so if you build his deck to use this card, it will be a very powerful card.
japan 灰区域
2013/10/18 1:41
Yugioh Icon
A card rumored to be soaring because of a certain core
Strong, but limited in scope. strong though
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/08/20 11:42
Yugioh Icon
Low-status Machine privileges. Since one body can transform into three bodies, it is ideal for supporting Synchro Xyz. High level and he can duplicate monsters with low ATK, so it can be used for high rank Xyz.
japan みかんゼリー
2013/01/14 16:35
Yugioh Icon
It can be used like a runaway summon, and depending on how you use it, you can create a very brutal combo.
With Photon, you can call satellites and connect them to a high rank, or if you call Chusapo and then use Destroyer, you can draw a lot and remove a lot.
In D, you can call Mobahon and do a mass deployment = one kill rush at once.
If a machine with a RBI of 500 or less comes out, it's the first support card to mention.
japan ゼンマイ
2013/01/06 22:18
Yugioh Icon
If you put out two...
japan ドラゴンX
2012/12/11 16:57
Yugioh Icon
What you can use is Deck Search! ?
It can be used for rampaging satellites, it's Xyz at level 1x3, and draws with Chusapo. Lloyd D has it too.
Also, bring 3 Expressroid and 6 salvage (oh, what a terrible card!
A rating of 10 would be fine.
japan ファイア野郎
2012/11/21 22:20
Yugioh Icon
Although the target is very limited, it is a very strong card because one becomes three.
There are many ways to use it, such as drawing a large amount with Cyber Valley or Tuning Supporter, further developing with D Mobahon, and using Special Summoned monsters as Xyz materials.
"Card Trooper" was particularly brutal, and with his 3 GY Fertilizers and "Limiter Removal", it was possible to kill in 1 turn, and even if it failed, it was possible to draw 3, so it was even a restricted card. .
japan わたV
2012/11/01 0:37
Yugioh Icon
In Photon, there is also a job to aim for a high rank by sending a large number of satellites flying!
With the advent of Orbital, it seems that it is good to introduce it in earnest.
japan daruku
2011/10/13 18:24
Yugioh Icon
I wonder if it's good to use it for Valley and Chusapo
When you have a tuner, bring out 3 chew supporters and draw 3 cards in sync...
not bad
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/10/24 22:58
Yugioh Icon
A card that can get an ad that goes from 1 to 3.
Recently, when it's strong, it's strong, such as doing something like a runaway summoning that makes Chew Support come up, or setting up a one-kill system from Mobahon.
japan NEOS
2010/10/22 18:58
Yugioh Icon
A card used by Heitman to teach him how to use lower class monsters.
It is also attractive that advanced development can be done from here.
japan とき
2010/08/16 21:57
Yugioh Icon
One of Machine's main supports, turning one into three.
Cyber Valley》and 《Tuningware》draw a lot, Synchronize a lot of Machine Tuner, and connect with 《Morphtronic Celfon》to further develop, and boast a variety of combos.
Among them, his combo with 《Card Trooper》is ferocious, allowing him to draw a large amount of GY.
Even now, Machine's value differs greatly depending on whether his ATK is 500 or less, which is a big advantage of Machine along with "Limiter Removal".
japan プンプン丸
2023/11/16 8:26
Yugioh Icon
japan みめっと
2023/11/15 19:49
Yugioh Icon
japan たたた
2024/08/26 18:49
Yugioh Icon
japan クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2024/05/23 15:58
Yugioh Icon
japan asd
2024/04/28 11:52
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Machine Duplication"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
EXPERT EDITION Volume.3 EE3-JP101 2005-12-08 Rare
RISE OF DESTINY RDS-JP041 2004-08-05 Rare
Structure Deck "Mutiny of Machines" SD10-JP029 2006-09-14 Normal
Structure Deck "MACHINER'S COMMAND" SD18-JP027 2009-12-12 Normal
Structure Deck R -Kikai Ryu Rebellion-! SR03-JP029 2016-09-24 N-Parallel
Structure Deck: Cyber Strike SD41-JP032 2021-05-15 Normal
tournament pack2024 Vol.2 24TP-JP208 2024-04-01 Normal
TACTICAL-TRY DECK Doomsday Assault Dragon Cyber Dragon TT01-JPA-JPA15 2024-06-08 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 1,669 / 13,089 Cards
View Num 170,589


Japanese card name 機械複製術

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