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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Structure Deck -KIKOU Ryu KOURAI > Cyber Repair Plant

Cyber Repair Plant Used Deck

Cyber Repair Plant
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Spell - - - - -
If "Cyber Dragon" is in your GY: You can activate 1 of these effects. If you have 3 or more "Cyber Dragon" in your GY at this card's activation, you can activate both effects and resolve in sequence. You can only activate 1 "Cyber Repair Plant" per turn.
●Add 1 LIGHT Machine monster from your Deck to your hand.
●Target 1 LIGHT Machine monster in your GY; shuffle that target into your Deck.
Average Rating Score 8.1(32)
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"Cyber Repair Plant" card reviews and rating scores

50% (16)
34% (11)
15% (5)
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japan アイ
2022/03/27 9:06
Yugioh Icon
A spell that can search for LIGHT and Machines from the Deck when Sydra is in GY.
Emergency exists as a similar card, but it can be differentiated by the wide search range. In particular, the ability to search for 《Galaxy Soldier》is a strength that Emergency does not have.
You don't have to worry too much about the activation conditions because you can easily clear them by using Al Mirage or Chimeratech, but if you have multiple cards in your hand, it will cause accidents, so the number of cards to use is a concern. Is it basic usage to put one in the deck and take it from the core as needed?
Although it has some quirks, it is an important piece that supports the development of Cyber style.
japan タマーキン(封印)
2022/02/24 10:48
Yugioh Icon
Search card that stinks
Basically, if you bring it with Cyber Dragon Core, you can fulfill the activation conditions by using Mega Fleet or Fortress for Chimeratech or Almirage and sending it to GY.
It's efficient to turn Al Mirage into an anaconda to drop the core from his GY
Mainly bring Galaxy Soldier or Jizkiel, depending on the hand.
Of course, if you want Cyber Dragons, you can also search for them.
A search card that can be used for convenient searches by bringing a deployment role or a forcible breakthrough personnel.
There is also an effect to return to the deck, so it is an effect that does not lose
If it's front Cyber, it's a piece you want to pin at least
japan サイバー流伝承したい
2020/11/12 14:50
Yugioh Icon
Second and subsequent emergencies. There's a one-time-per-turn restriction over there, so it's more stable if you use the pin here as well. It's also attractive that there are more things you can bring than post-emergency.
I thought I was going to lose my position, but I settled into a good position.
japan シエスタ
2020/05/02 10:34
Yugioh Icon
Basically, you have to select search. Cydra is a card that has many types, so it is easy to meet the conditions, but since it requires preliminary preparation, it is not stable as a search.
Emergency has also appeared as a search without any particular conditions, but the fact that the search range is even wider than that is a big selling point.
Rather, it has the ability to complement each other, and since it can search from the core, it is easy to function even with a small number of sheets.
Basically, it will be the 4th card of Emergency, but it will be highly important.
japan もも
2018/07/18 20:13
Yugioh Icon
I had the impression that it would be difficult to use in the first hand without Sydra, and I was wondering what would happen with the introduction of 《Cyber Emergency》, but I think that 《Cyber Emergency》made it easier to use.
I don't think it's a problem to put one as Cyber Emergency from the 4th card onwards.
japan TK
2018/07/18 14:14
Yugioh Icon
With the current card pool, it should be possible to fulfill the activation conditions unless there is a serious accident.
You can bring Jizkiel when you get a monster you can't deal with.
japan ジュウテツ
2018/06/18 8:25
Yugioh Icon
It's inferior to 《Cyber Emergency》in that it can't be activated unless "Cyber Dragon" exists in GY, but I think it's superior in that it can search for 《Galaxy Soldier》and 《Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju》.
japan デルタアイズ
2018/06/14 18:04
Yugioh Icon
Search conditions have become easier as the number of excellent new candidates has increased
There are too many Cyber search cards~
japan バルバトスゲーティア
2018/04/05 22:45
Yugioh Icon
Machine and LIGHT search card.
Most of all, he must have Saidra in GY to activate it.
Recently, he has increased the number of monsters treated as Sidera in GY,
I think it's much easier to use.
The number of inserts is your choice.
japan くらっこ
2018/02/15 20:49
Yugioh Icon
In order to activate it, he needs Cyber Dragon in GY, so it is a difficult card to handle in the first hand.
However, it can be searched by summoning the Cyber Dragon Core, and if you then issue a Mega Fleet, the activation conditions will be met immediately.
1-2 is reasonable if you put it in the deck.
japan なす
2017/09/13 10:54
Yugioh Icon
You can search her LIGHT Machine and return it to the Deck on the condition that her Cyber Dragon exists in GY.
Both can be selected with 3 or more, and he also supports other than Cyber and Dragon.
This card and the core can search each other.
japan ファイア野郎
2015/09/30 19:58
Yugioh Icon
Reinforcements for the LIGHT Machine.
Not to mention the Cyber Dragon, the trump card Eltanin,
Chronomaly, various fighter planes, VWXYZ can be searched, and the wide range is attractive.
I need to drop the Cyber Dragon on his GY, so
The difficulty is that it is difficult to use at the beginning,
Search the core for this card,
It's a blessing to be able to fulfill the activation conditions just by dropping the core into his GY.
Still, considering the accident rate, whether or not it is necessary to pack three
Where some question marks remain
After all, it can be said that it is a card that can demonstrate its true power in the Cyber style.
The effect of the second half is almost a bonus.
There are many monsters that are grateful to have GY, so basically there will be no chance to use them.
japan モートン
2015/05/14 19:47
Yugioh Icon
A search card that can be pulled from the core. You can't activate it if you don't have even one Cyber Dragon in GY, so it's hard in the beginning, but you can activate it once you start spinning a little, so you don't run out of cards. The return to Deck effect is a bonus.
In Cyber style, he sometimes enters Chronomaly, so you can search for that as well. The Golden Shuttle and Nebradisc are powerful.
japan 光芒
2014/04/06 16:56
Yugioh Icon
It's his core searchable spell, and in GY he can use both effects if he has 3 Cyber Dragons. Therefore, you can quickly fulfill the activation conditions by summoning the core first, searching for this card, intentionally destroying the core, and sending it to his GY.
After using this card to search for dry that can change the level, he uses the core effect to change the level of Sidera from the deck with his Special Summon and Dry Normal Summon to change the level and aim for rank 5. . Most of all, he can search anything with LIGHT Machine, so he can go on a business trip to the Galaxy with Core and Sidera.
japan 瑠璃
2014/01/31 6:04
Yugioh Icon
With this, the new Cyber can turn around... The Cyber Spell Card that I personally think has contributed the most to Cyber's revival. Of course, cores are mentioned in monsters and overall.
Even though GY requires Sidera, the number of cards treated as Sidera in GY has increased, such as core and dry, so it is surprisingly easy to satisfy. As an Xyz material, he can drop it to GY, or drop it with a hand cost such as Quick Synchron...the best is not good.
The second effect can be used when you want to call back Twin or Kimefo to Extra in case of emergency. If you put DNA on it, you can use two effects to search Sidera for the second Kimefo, etc. I think it also has the effect of reducing the slots for extras that you can use multiple times for Kimefo, Saien, Twin, etc.
The range that can be summoned is wide, and of course, you can also use 《Solar Wind Jammer》and his Chronomaly as well as the Sydra series. I'm really glad it wasn't "a monster named Cyber" or something like that.
However, I can not recommend stacking 3 sheets because the accident rate increases as expected. Since you can search with the core, 2 copies would be just right.
Even if it becomes semi-restricted, it doesn't hurt.
japan 青(じょう)
2013/12/31 22:15
Yugioh Icon
Although there are some conditions, it has a wide search range and deck salvage ability.
From the search range, it's not that it can't be used outside of Cyber's style, but it's hard to use outside of Cyber's style, perhaps because of the tenki.
If you use both effects, you must use them in order from the top.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2013/11/25 11:08
Yugioh Icon
Hikari Kikai's search finally begins...
Although GY is requesting a sidedra, it is quite delicious to be able to search.
Of course, it's convenient because you can call Sydra, but also Eltanin, an agent who wants to combine, XYZ who wants to combine, Chronomaly who wants to one-kill, and Machinicle.
It doesn't look like it's easy to use because he's asking GY for Sidedra, but if the core that can search for it falls into his GY, the conditions can be met, so it's surprisingly easy as a condition.
GY recovery? Did it have that effect?
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/11/25 3:47
Yugioh Icon
Although it calls for GY's "Cyber Dragon", the wide-ranging search effect is not to mention powerful. The second effect is not very useful, so just activating the first effect is enough. It's also a good idea to combine "Cyber Dragon" with his LIGHT Machine based deck.
japan 夜の帝王
2013/11/24 23:17
Yugioh Icon
The first half of the text ruins everything. Konami, who can't be as obedient as an adolescent boy when it comes to the Machine, despite having strengthened the dragon so much in June, should be sloppy.
japan とき
2013/11/24 8:21
Yugioh Icon
No matter what the theme, he will become stronger if Saatchi comes... right?
I don't want to say that the search cards that can be searched are weak, and I can also search for Eltanin and Fuhansen, but...
It's a pain for a search card of this kind to require a sidedra for GY, and it lacks immediate effect. You can't use it from the first hand and there is a danger of rot...
Is it basically a Cydra exclusive card? You can also drop Sidera with his other deck and wait for this.
The effect in the second half is not something I purposely aim for...
japan NEOS
2013/11/23 19:25
Yugioh Icon
There are conditions for activation, but the effect is quite good.
The first is limited to race and attributes, but there is no level specified, so you can add Cyber Eltanin to your hand. You can add other powerful monsters to your hand, so it won't go bad.
The second one works well with the first search effect. However, I don't know because it hasn't been released yet, but I don't think you can use it in conjunction with the first effect to artificially return the GY card to your hand.
This has the advantage of being able to collect monsters from the Extra Deck as well.
Requires a Cyber Dragon, so will be used primarily in his Cyber-style Deck.
japan SOUL
2013/11/22 21:40
Yugioh Icon
There are activation conditions, but you can search for that Eltanine as if you were using Emergency Cyber.
It is also powerful because it is a core search target.
Since Cyber is not the only one that can search, it might be a good idea for him to claim Chronomaly and VWXYZ together with Core...?
japan ココア
2013/11/22 19:23
Yugioh Icon
With the condition that LIGHT, Machine, and Sydra are necessary for his GY, he can search for excellent cards such as Cyber Eltanin and Cyber Dragon (Chronomaly Nebra Disk).
After all, there's no way search cards are weak
japan タロー
2013/11/22 15:44
Yugioh Icon
A card with a small 《Burial from a Different Dimension》set under the same conditions as the Machine / LIGHT limited search.
If you have 3 "Cyber Dragon" cards, you can use both of them, which is convenient.
However, note that you need "Cyber Dragon" to use it and you can only use it once per turn.
japan えいてぃ
2013/11/22 15:39
Yugioh Icon
Although there are various types of LIGHT Machines, there are certain activation conditions, but it is quite a card. You can bring it from the core and use it as it is. As a result, the accident rate of Table Cyber has also decreased significantly.
...but was the effect below necessary?
It would be nice if it could be returned to the deck and then added to the hand, but he can think of a card that would be more useful if he just returned it to the deck.
japan クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2023/12/06 21:31
Yugioh Icon
japan PORD
2024/07/07 1:49
Yugioh Icon
japan asd
2024/07/01 22:40
Yugioh Icon
japan ねこーら
2024/05/24 17:28
Yugioh Icon
japan みめっと
2024/04/20 6:35
Yugioh Icon
japan 2013/12/07 23:05
No complaints other than the severity of the activation conditions
Well, it's not likely to be banned or restricted easily because it's tough
There are plenty of monsters that can be searched, so it's easy to use.
The key is to get Saidra to GY as soon as possible.
Right now, it's only about Foolish Burial.
Well, dry in the core is enough
japan 2013/11/25 1:13
Due to the versatility of the original Saidra, why not consider using this and the Saidra family on business trips to VWXYZ and other optical machines?

Decks with "Cyber Repair Plant"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Structure Deck -KIKOU Ryu KOURAI SD26-JP019 2013-12-07 Normal
Duelist Pack - Legendary Duelist Edition 3 DP20-JP021 2018-06-09 Normal
Structure Deck: Cyber Strike SD41-JP024 2021-05-15 Normal
TACTICAL-TRY DECK Doomsday Assault Dragon Cyber Dragon TT01-JPA-JPA13 2024-06-08 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 3,456 / 13,089 Cards
View Num 102,532


Japanese card name サイバー・リペア・プラント

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