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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Mythological Age > A Legendary Ocean

A Legendary Ocean Used Deck

A Legendary Ocean
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Field Spell - - - - -
(This card is always treated as "Umi".)
All WATER monsters on the field gain 200 ATK/DEF. Reduce the Level of all WATER monsters in both players' hands and on the field by 1.
Average Rating Score 7.8(34)
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"A Legendary Ocean" card reviews and rating scores

17% (6)
79% (27)
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japan 楽しけりゃ好美
2023/05/21 18:06
Yugioh Icon
Field Spell has been watching over the WATER Deck for 20 years.
If you say "Umi", you can say that this "Umi" is the basic, not "Umi".
Many new cards related to 《Umi》have expanded their activities, and the old tactic of summoning level 5 without releasing is still undiminished.
It's very tricky, but you can also use tactics such as lowering the level of a Synchro Xyz Summon with a WATER monster to switch monsters that can be summoned, or forcibly entering his Pendulum Summon's range.
There is also a combo that can deal a huge blow to his deck depending on the level and attributes when used in conjunction with 《Number 4: Stealth Kragen》.
japan かどまん
2023/03/17 21:58
Yugioh Icon
In the past, speaking of [WATER], it was his deck that fought around this card.
You can treat a high-ranking monster with a high RBI of 5 like a low-ranking monster.
It was highly practical among his Field Spell cards at the time, avoiding the disadvantages of 《Gravity Bind》and 《Level Limit - Area B》on monsters with ☆ 4.
Since it is "Umi" according to the rules, it also supports that support.
Even in modern times, there are many opportunities to use it in his decks related to the sea.
japan asd
2023/01/05 14:41
Yugioh Icon
It can be searched with the dedicated search card 《Warrior of Atlantis》.
Basically used to summon level 5 WATER like your Ocean Dragon Lord - Kairyu-Shin to level 4 without release.
Among the cards that can be named oceans, it has few peculiarities and is easy to use, so it is easy to use in decks that require oceans.
Effects can also hit the opponent, for example Swordsoul of Mo Ye or his Swordsoul Tuner token is his WATER, so in certain situations this card can be level 3 and interfere with Synchro.
japan ブルーバード
2022/10/30 16:57
Yugioh Icon
An old card that is still in use today.
Tribute for level 5 and 7 monsters is reduced by one. From that time on, this card was evaluated for its ability to play 《Giga Gagagigo》without a Tribute, and to put out 《Sea Dragon God - Daedalus》with a Tribute and immediately attack all removals. In addition, the effect of lowering the level affects not only high-level monsters but also low-level monsters, and his Deck, which makes use of the fact that 4 stars will penetrate the B area, has entered the environment.
In modern times, it is in an important position as a card to bring out 《Ocean Dragon Lord》without Tribute.
Note that you can only have up to 3 cards in total, including other 《Umi》cards, as they are treated as rules Shanghai. Also, since this card is 《Umi》, it is strange that it is not Atlantis according to the rules. Apparently there's a poor card called a liar because he didn't make the right adjustments here.
japan シエスタ
2022/04/12 16:33
Yugioh Icon
Atlantis? Who is that? I'm the sea
Since it's always treated as the sea in the Deck, it doesn't respond to 《Warrior of Atlantis》's effect and is given a special exception, which is often a joke.
On the other hand, the effect is also interesting, in addition to weak overall strengthening of water, you can lower the level of water not only in the field but also in your hand.
This reduces the release of his WATER at levels 5 and 7, making it easier to handle.
It also extends to the opponent, but it's easy to have a bad effect if he's using S or X in his deck.
Regarding the means of changing attributes, the appearance of Stealth and Klagen has made it quite realistic.
With the existence of the warrior mentioned above, I think it's one of the most excellent cards in the sea.
japan 金平糖
2022/02/03 18:42
Yugioh Icon
One of the cards treated as "sea". There is also a dedicated search tool.
I'll make it possible to get ☆5 without Tribute, and I'll make sure ☆4 can avoid Gravity Bind.
In modern times, it's not often used like the above, but I think it's practical enough even in modern times, such as lowering the opponent's monster's level with a combo with Stealth Klagen to interfere with Synchro or Xyz. increase.
japan ジュウテツ
2021/12/10 10:09
Yugioh Icon
In addition to being able to summon "Ocean Dragon Lord" without releasing it, I think it's excellent that it satisfies the conditions for "Ocean Dragon Lord"'s deployment obstruction effect.
I also appreciate the status up effect.
japan ねこーら
2021/05/17 12:44
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: 《Warrior of Atlantis》is effective for searching, and useful for levels 5 and 7 as release reduction.
With Level 5 Dinomist Spinos, he can be treated as a monster with ATK 2700 without release, exceeding Dinowrestler Pankratops.
A level 7 "Levia-Dragon - Daedalus" is a total removal, and a "Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth" can be used in large numbers.
If there are many advanced and superlative cards, it will be a problem if you don't have this card.
japan みめっと
2021/02/19 18:58
Yugioh Icon
A legendary card that saved many of his level 5 WATER monsters that had appeared so far with the Field Spell treated as the sea that appeared in Season 2 with its level-down effect.
At the time of his appearance, he was level 7 and only had Suga, the Water Demon God, as a WATER monster, but Suga was quite strong as he had an ATK of 2500 + 200 = 2700 with one sacrifice.
At that time, 《Terrorking Salmon》and Gigo didn’t appear yet, and Fisher Beast was just level 6, so it seemed that popularity was split between 《Umiiruka》, which simply has a higher enhancement value.
The WATER that can be pumped with this effect belonged to most water, fish, and sea serpents at the time, and this card appeared because of the specification that you can only stack up to 3 cards together with the sea. At that point, the original sea was almost out of use.
japan プンプン丸
2020/11/09 14:34
Yugioh Icon
Warrior of Atlantis》can be searched, and it can be said that it is superior in that it can be differentiated from 《Lemuria, the Forgotten City》, 《Pacifis, the Phantasm City》and 《Magellanica, the Deep Sea City》, which are treated as "sea". If you want the "sea" for now, this card is the best for keeping it in your hand.
japan gaya
2020/11/09 13:38
Yugioh Icon
A convenient Field Spell that makes it easier to put out high-level monsters of WATER. When building his deck that moves around this card, I want to create an extra deck on the premise that his level will drop by one. Also, since it is treated as the sea, it can also be used for the purpose of using cards such as Daedalus.
japan アキ
2020/03/05 22:06
Yugioh Icon
Since the card name is treated as "sea" according to the rules, normally the legendary city of Atlantis itself cannot be searched, but only 《Warrior of Atlantis》can be searched with a special ruling.
japan サンパイ
2020/03/02 8:12
Yugioh Icon
Unsuitable for S and X as the level goes down by one. On the other hand, since there are many supports such as Umi no mizumo 《Warrior of Atlantis》, the search is quite easy. I want to call high-level monsters with high suppression power, such as Daedalus.
japan 後日談のアンデッド
2020/03/02 0:05
Yugioh Icon
I used to think he was strong in WATER because of this card...
A card that can handle LV5 in your hand as if it were a lower class, and LV7 as if it were a higher class.
Even if a strong enemy comes out from the EX Deck, it's still troublesome that it's easy to pop out a high RBI by itself.
Also, by combining 《DNA Transplant》, it is possible to harass Synchro and Xyz by lowering the opponent's field level.
It looks like it'll end up as a one-shot trick, but with a Deck like LV4 Xyz, it might get stuck.
japan なす
2017/07/26 22:33
Yugioh Icon
One of the Field Spells treated as the sea, it has the effect of lowering the level of his WATER in his hand and field by 1.
In addition to increasing RBI, you can reduce level 5 to no release and level 7 to 1 release.
japan 海馬マジック
2015/06/21 0:13
Yugioh Icon
A card you want if you are centering on WATER.
The effect of increasing ATK by 200, not releasing a level 5 monster, and allowing you to summon a level 7 monster by releasing one is very convenient.
Support is also substantial, so in this evaluation.
japan こまつほうせい
2015/03/13 23:22
Yugioh Icon
Gi Gagaga Gigo and King Salmon can be released without release, and Daedalus and Coelacanth can be released with one release
japan たたた
2014/09/20 19:28
Yugioh Icon
This effect, which changes the level of monsters in your hand, is quite interesting.
Because of this, the level of 《Tin Goldfish》dropped and I cried.
It would have been more fun if Gogiga was level 7...
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/08/09 16:25
Yugioh Icon
An excellent Field Spell card. Its level reduction effect is especially strong, and it's excellent compatibility with "Giga Gagagigo" and "Terrorking Salmon", which can be summoned without release. Also, 《Levia-Dragon - Daedalus》can be summoned with the release of 1 body, and since this card can be used as a cost, it is almost essential if you use “Daedalus”.
japan ファイア野郎
2013/01/03 20:26
Yugioh Icon
A substitute card for the original sea.
Level 5 and 7 WATER monsters not only require one less sacrifice, but level 4 WATER monsters can avoid locks such as Gravity Bind. , which is quite strong because it is easy to search.
Although it is not compatible with Synchro Summons and Ritual Summons, the threat of suddenly appearing 2650 Gigo without a sacrifice is still alive and well.
japan うぃな
2012/11/26 20:49
Yugioh Icon
Good old Field Spell.
After all, it is basic to operate by making use of the level down, and it is still strong to be able to raise the status to level 5 without releasing it.
However, it doesn't work well with Synchro or Xyz because level adjustment is troublesome.
Therefore, I want to take advantage of being a low level.
japan オンリー・MARU氏
2012/11/03 16:21
Yugioh Icon
The strongest point is the level adjustment.
I don't think you should worry too much about step ups, but what you should not forget is that "there will be fewer level 5 and 7 monsters released." You can Normal Summon a level 5 monster without releasing it. I can't be weak.
japan みかんゼリー
2012/06/17 23:20
Yugioh Icon
I used to play with this card, Gravity, and 《Level Limit - Area B》a lot.
An excellent item that not only increases ATK but also allows you to change the level.
With this card, his 5-star WATER was respected.
Being able to interfere with the opponent's synchronization is one of the fun things.
Also blessed with search, terraforming and "Warrior of Atlantis" are representative of it.
japan 天帝リッチ
2012/06/16 12:10
Yugioh Icon
Very good level control.
Cards that even affected Monarch (Because Ice Monarch doesn't fit at level 5)
There are many support cards, and it is easy to handle even among Field Spells.
japan とき
2012/05/07 12:09
Yugioh Icon
Speaking of WATER, this card. It is too famous as a representative of level manipulation.
Level 5 comes out without sacrifice, level 4 goes through the lock, etc. The benefits of level down are quite large.
In addition, since it has the name of the sea, it has a lot of support, and it has a strong presence as a trigger for Daedalus.
I can't deny that recently it's been a disadvantage to Synchro and Xyz...
japan しょひひ
2011/12/17 22:29
Yugioh Icon
Coelacanth can be easily put out, and it is quite convenient. It's hard to treat it as "sea".
japan みのし
2011/09/07 17:35
Yugioh Icon
You can suddenly put a level 5 water monster on the field.
Even level 7 water can reduce Tribute.
However, Synchro and Ritual are not compatible because the level has decreased.
I thought it would be Xyz, but it might be difficult to use.
japan ゴールド
2011/05/10 7:27
Yugioh Icon
Lowering the level by 1 is a useful effect. However, if you put it on the field, it may be destroyed by 《Proof of Powerlessness》.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/12/09 22:08
Yugioh Icon
Imakimi-no-meni A lot of mirrors
Synchro and he perform rituals with WATER He is a card that comes out even if Gishki comes, if it is said to be the strength of the WATER Deck.
Due to the influence of this card, WATER levels 5 and 7 are given preferential treatment, and even low-level monsters can be tossed around with a lock combined with the B area.
Including the existence of a dedicated terraphore and the appearance of 《Codarus》, it can be said that Field Spell has not been abandoned yet.
japan B
2010/09/13 21:18
Yugioh Icon
Field Spell, the core of the original Deck.
It's still scary enough that Giga, Gagagigo, etc. will become a large attacker with 4 ATK over 2600.
Since compatibility with Synchro is the worst, I wonder how much Synchro's position will fall in the future...
japan 想夢
2010/08/05 0:08
Yugioh Icon
Synchro, no ritual He's on deck
Giga Gagagigo, Genocide King Salmon, etc.
In addition to being able to reduce the number of monsters released with 5 and 7 stars,
Since it is treated as the sea, it can also be used for cards that gain effects while the sea is active, such as torpedo fish.
However, in synchronization and rituals, adjusting the level becomes troublesome.
Not recommended for hiring.
japan きりん
2024/05/20 13:42
Yugioh Icon
japan パンピー
2024/01/02 3:22
Yugioh Icon
japan 2010/08/03 13:19
It's fun to use it in a tricky way.

Decks with "A Legendary Ocean"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BEGINNER'S EDITION 2 BE2-JP187 2004-12-09 Normal
Structure Deck "Wrath of the Sea Dragon God" SD4-JP020 2005-03-17 Normal
Mythological Age MA-30 2001-11-29 Normal
BEGINNER'S EDITION 2 (7th period) BE02-JP153 2011-08-13 Rare
Structure Deck: The Roar of the Sea Emperor SD23-JP023 2012-06-16 Normal
Duelist Pack - Legendary Duelist DP18-JP021 2017-06-03 Normal
DUEL ROYALE Deck Set EX ROUND2 DR02-JPB20 2022-04-29 Super
DUEL ROYALE Deck Set EX ROUND2 DR02-JPB20 2022-04-29 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 4,077 / 13,015 Cards
View Num 58,773


Japanese card name 伝説の都 アトランティス

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