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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > STARTER DECK(2008) > Junk Warrior

Junk Warrior Used Deck

Junk Warrior
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Synchro Monster
Effect Monster
- 5 Warrior 2300 1300
"Junk Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
If this card is Synchro Summoned: It gains ATK equal to the total ATK of all Level 2 or lower monsters you currently control.
Average Rating Score 8.7(38)
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  2. Card Reviews (38 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Junk Warrior (449 Decks)
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"Junk Warrior" card reviews and rating scores

55% (21)
36% (14)
7% (3)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan みめっと
2023/05/18 10:43
Yugioh Icon
It is one of the Junk and Warrior S monsters used by Yusei in the anime 5D's, and it will be recorded in the illustration of that pose that he showed many times when he was S summoned in Anikuro 2023. The S monster of the beginning.
Since the introduction of the S summon system, many of the low-level monsters in the main deck have become materials for performing Special Summons from the EX deck. The first S monster brought in is said to have the ability to borrow power from all level 2 or lower monsters in your field, which is mostly used as a material for Special Summon, and defeat a formidable enemy with bond power. again...
It is not uncommon for him to exceed ATK 3000 just by borrowing power from a single monster, and because of his offensive abilities, he is considered by many duelists to be a monster that deserves to be called an ace even more than 《Stardust Dragon》. It is also loved.
As for the illustrations, it's the same with "Flame Swordsman" and "Trickstar Holly Angel", but I prefer the original illustrations when they first appeared.
japan 愛佳
2023/05/17 23:36
Yugioh Icon
here! ? 《Junk Warrior》! ? I was entrusted with the important role of decorating the package with a new illustration, not just a reprint at ANIMATION CHRONICLE 2023, so congratulations!
A new illustration has been added, so it looks more like his junior "Decode Talker".
Commemorative Synchro Monster No. 1
Unlike De-Accesscode Talker, his ATK increases by the number of levels 2 and below, so he has explosive power and is ideal as a finisher. increase.
If you use 《Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter》or 《Star Siphon》, which have the effect of changing the level, you can double his ATK at once.
He can receive support from both 《Junk》and 《Warrior》, and using his own material as a material, 《Junk Synchron》is easy to use and summoning itself is easy. increase.
Gusto, a synchronized theme that goes well with Junk Synchron, can be expected to have a certain amount of activity, and in the beginning he worked well as an attacker. So it can also be used as a finisher.
He was Yusei Fudo's favorite monster and was active as an ace in the early days, defeating 《Dark Strike Fighter》, but when he regained 《Stardust Dragon》, he gave up the position as ace and attacked with 《Junk Warrior》. While there were bombs, he was uselessly used as a free material, and his turn decreased. Well, I was able to finish the last of 5Ds safely.
Since the card with that pose comes out, I want to get it as soon as possible and use it!
japan アルバ
2022/12/29 23:14
Yugioh Icon
A card that betrayed most expectations and beautifully decorated the final round.
Although it is a level 5 sync with tuner restrictions, the relief is that the designated tuner is relatively easy to use.
If you use it properly, your ATK will only increase a little, or even not at all, so if you want to use it, you need to build it.
The explosive power when used in a close construction is not odd, and the difficulty is reasonable, so it is an exemplary Roman cannon.
japan ブルーバード
2022/11/26 20:32
Yugioh Icon
The true protagonist of 5D's. 5D's has been absent for a long time, so this card has a strong impression. There was a strong feeling of being left out of the group because it wasn't 2500 points called the hero line, but later he became a new standard with the Accesscode Talker series and the Seventh Road Magician and the 2300 points used by the hero increased.
In the past, it was a strong point to come out with Quickron + 《Level Eater》, but it became impossible because of the stealer ban. Then Junk Ron, I thought, but Librarian, Speeder, and other synchros from Junk Ron are in a fierce battlefield. I am in a pretty tough position.
japan ねこーら
2022/08/11 0:27
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: A card that raises his ATK with its own effect and goes to decide the game.
You can double his ATK by lowering it to level 2 or below with Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter, or you can line up level 2 and raise his ATK by 1400 times the number of monsters with Spright Gamma Burst.
In addition to Synchro Summoning with 《Junk Synchron》, you can also trade with 《Junk Connector》and 《Universal Adapter》.
If you line up level 2 or lower and use "Junk Connector" and "Universal Adapter", you can trade off the ATK of level 2 or lower, so you can use this card's Synchro Summoning effect to explosively strengthen your opponent. .
It's okay to use the dedicated support "Scrap Fist", but since that side can't raise his ATK, I still want to use my own effect that raises his ATK or "Rush Warrior".
japan 京太
2022/03/12 3:07
Yugioh Icon
Yusei's two major signboards along with Starda.
Combine various combinations such as Doppel for stability and Pazulomino for explosive power, and decide the game with Scrap Fist!
japan プンプン丸
2019/08/22 19:00
Yugioh Icon
A card that tells the beginning and end of the anime 5Ds.
It is a card that symbolizes the anime 5Ds Yusei Fudo.
Currently, it's undeniable that he lacks power, but if he can combo off, he'll have explosive power if he makes full use of 《The Calculator》, so I think fans can create their own deck for him.
japan シエスタ
2018/09/27 17:49
Yugioh Icon
Synchro, who was summoned for the first and last time in 5ds and played an active role as a finisher, giving us a hot impression.
Junk Ron is specified as a material, but it can be easily summoned with less consumption due to its effect. It was easy to use with Quick in combination with Stealer, but since Stealer is currently prohibited, it is almost limited to deployment from his Junk.
When the S summon is successful, you can get the RBI point for the same range of levels as Junk Ron.
In addition to the original numbers, there are cards such as Calculator and 《King of the Skull Servants》that produce tremendous RBI even in this level range, and if you line them up, you can get a tremendous RBI yourself.
Compared to other level 5S, it has a tuner designation and is an effect suitable for combos, so it is slightly inferior in versatility due to its performance for self-specialized construction, but its explosive power is high and the existence of dedicated support boosts it.
I think it's a card with a lot of power and potential.
japan もも
2018/09/12 13:14
Yugioh Icon
There is also a dedicated support, his Synchro Monster specialized in battle.
I think it's a card that shines in a Junk Warrior Deck, not a Junk Deck or a Planetary Deck.
japan 備長炭18
2018/08/29 15:07
Yugioh Icon
Scrap Fist》Wow! ! The S monster that continued to support Yusei.
The effect is clear, adding the RBI points of monsters of level 2 or lower when S summoning.
Not only can you use the special spells 《Scrap Fist》and Rush Warrior, but you can also use 《King of the Skull Servants》and 《The Calculator》to create a one-punch hit.
japan ラピス
2018/05/16 22:48
Yugioh Icon
cool. The effect is hot. Best he is Synchro Monster.
In the past, even in situations where other monsters could have been brought out, it was wasted.
(At a level where even 3 cards are not enough for EX)
japan なす
2017/07/31 9:02
Yugioh Icon
A Level 5 Synchro that adds the total number of points scored by monsters of level 2 or lower on your field to your own score.
It's easy to put out with the effect of the special tuner "Junk Synchron", and if it's a special price build, it's easy to get a high RBI.
japan 名も無きジャンド使い
2016/11/05 23:13
Yugioh Icon
The gathering stars evoke a new power! Be the path that shines! Synchro Summon! Get out! Junk Warrior!
Very cool. I got goosebumps when this card appeared in the last duel with Jack.
japan くろゆき
2016/11/04 1:08
Yugioh Icon
When I first started, this monster was really a formidable enemy.
A famous muscle-brained monster. His deck, which makes full use of level 2 and below, can do a lot of damage. Even more so with a dedicated Deck.
These simple monsters change their strength depending on how the user uses them. If you use it well, you should still be able to shine.
japan 龍馬
2016/07/14 20:28
Yugioh Icon
I want to defeat Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon with this card.
japan 負導師
2016/07/11 17:28
Yugioh Icon
Yusei Fudo's early trump card and original Synchro Monster
In the anime, he has been hidden in the shadows since the appearance of Stardust, but his performance in the final episode is very impressive.
Personally, he ranks with Black Luster Soldier as one of the coolest monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh!
If you line up low-level monsters, it has the effect of adding his ATK to himself, and by using swamps and wights, he can find a level of transcendental firepower that surpasses Cyber.
Attributes and races are also very blessed, and there is also the existence of a fulfilling support card, so if you build a dedicated construction, a one-hit kill is no longer a dream.
With the help of low-level monsters, the infamous Hope the Lightning, Ultimate Falcon, and Apoqlihort are smashed head-on.
Scrap Fist》Wow! !
japan EXデッキ焼き
2016/06/06 23:23
Yugioh Icon
Yusei's ace monster. Another ace in 5D's final duel with Jack, symbolizing Yusei, who was the hope of the Commons, a jumble of junk, instead of his Stardust Dragon, which was the symbol of Duel King Yusei Fudo. This card was the deciding factor.
As Yusei says that there is not a single card that cannot be used, he is able to borrow the ATK of low-level monsters, also known as trash cards, to deliver tremendous hits.
As the main character's ace, he is one of the most popular Synchro Monsters among his numerous Synchro Monsters.
japan デルタアイズ
2016/06/06 23:04
Yugioh Icon
If it is a dedicated construction, it will be a ridiculous hit point.
Personally, this card is the 3rd S monster that spawns a quasar in Jund.
japan MAXMAX
2016/05/23 19:47
Yugioh Icon
If you want to start synchronizing, this is the first
Junk Synchron》Easily get 2300 RBI
Ingenuity to put out more and power up further
There is also a support dedicated to this card, a monster with infinite possibilities
muffler is super cool
japan ラウライカー
2016/02/16 1:55
Yugioh Icon
Scrap Fist's coolness is abnormal
With a good brain muscle and a dedicated deck, you can unleash bottomless firepower.
It is also a good point that even if it is not a dedicated deck, the designated tuner is excellent, so it can be fully adopted in consultation with extras.
At level 5, it can be eaten by ladybugs, or it can be used as a foothold for quasars.
japan ダーマ
2016/01/12 20:20
Yugioh Icon
japan ゆくら
2015/10/14 22:29
Yugioh Icon
Jet Warrior and Catastor are in the same level range, and he is a very delicate line.
It is also active in anime, and the effect is worth applying as a brain muscle, so it is quite a romantic card.
The tuner is designated, but even if you use it, it will be assembled in a dedicated deck that only comes from the designated tuner, so I don't mind.
Scrap fist Deck fun
japan わがじゃん
2015/08/29 8:34
Yugioh Icon
“Here is Junk Warrior!?”
"Yusei's monster powers up with the power of bonds...
"This is the possibility that Yusei showed us...!" ? ”
One piece that can not be evaluated calmly thanks to the last round. He has no resistance or binding power, so you need to protect him, but he's so cool that it's worth building a Deck just to recreate it.
japan 真の仲間
2015/03/11 10:32
Yugioh Icon
Jet Warrior of the same level came out
After powering up with Power of Rose, apply Rush Warrior
If you put in a special move card, you'll feel like you're going crazy.
Hello, let's accelerate.
japan たたた
2014/01/05 20:10
Yugioh Icon
I put it in my wight deck and heat it up
It's funny that it's easy to win 9300, but after all it's a brain muscle
japan 3108810
2013/08/10 5:37
Yugioh Icon
A representative piece that can be put out with Junk Synchron.
However, it is the incarnation of Feel, which is often overlooked in Synchronized decks with [Junk] in its name.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/15 1:56
Yugioh Icon
There are restrictions, but due to the effect of Junk Synchron, Synchro Summoning is extremely easy. If 《Quillbolt Hedgehog》is in his GY, ATK 3100 or more is possible, so there is explosive power. It's a card that specializes in combat, but it's solid strength.
japan ファイア野郎
2013/02/03 21:59
Yugioh Icon
Yusei Fudo's ace monster.
There is a tuner designation, but his Junk Synchron is pretty good, so Synchro Summoning is easy. If you build his deck that specializes in strengthening other monsters of level 2 or lower, you can get explosive his ATK.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/30 13:43
Yugioh Icon
Although it is basically inferior to Librarian, Catastor, and Android, it can also grow into a powerful attacker with its own effects. In particular, Doppel Warrior made it easier to get high ATK. 《Wetlands》Synchro summoning him with the Deck will increase his ATK explosively, so it might be interesting to aim for him.
japan 未確認非行物体 
2012/11/25 11:36
Yugioh Icon
I'm not that low level...
                        by Yamayu
japan 酒呑童子
2012/03/11 16:23
Yugioh Icon
His ATK goes up as far as you can if you combine Greed Quasar and 《The Calculator》in a dedicated Deck.
japan Dann
2011/11/10 18:16
Yugioh Icon
I used Doppel to stabilize ATK/3100, but when I used 《The Calculator》, it easily exceeded 10000. It's going to be higher than this, so bond power is amazing...
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/12/18 10:40
Yugioh Icon
The gathering stars evoke new power, become a shining path!
Synchro Summon! Get out, 《Junk Warrior》! !
attack! 《Scrap Fist》Oh!
Unlike other warriors, Junk Ron is too good, so it's quite easy to appear in dedicated synchros.
It's excellent as a stepping stone for Quicklon, or as a finisher with low levels lined up, and it's a very popular one thanks to that cool production in the final episode.
japan とき
2010/08/29 11:49
Yugioh Icon
The first and last Synchro Monster to support Yusei.
It has the effect of increasing his ATK by the sum of his ATK of level 2 or lower monsters on his field when S summoned. I've seen a video that theoretically this card's maximum ATK reaches 5.8 billion by utilizing this effect.
Even if it's a joke, the explosive power of the dedicated deck is quite impressive. In addition, the one-kill performance of the special spell "Scrap Fist" is exceptional, so it is an S monster that has amazing one-kill performance. Even if you don't explode, if you put Borhej or Doppel on the side, you can hit 3100 points.
In particular, the latter can produce amazing RBIs if followed by Doppel Tokens, and can be used as a hidden high RBI for the Synchron Deck.
If you think that the second half doesn't have much of an anime turn, it's the final episode.
japan SOUL
2010/08/29 11:31
Yugioh Icon
In some cases, you can get explosive ATK.
It can also be issued with 《Quickdraw Synchron》and 《Level Eater》.
It used to be useful against Catastor, but with the advent of the Librarian, its usage has disappeared...
japan おんぼろ
2010/08/23 12:37
Yugioh Icon
A monster that can get a terrifyingly high RBI at a low cost if you build his exclusive deck.
Plainly he works well with Meklord Monarch.
japan NEOS
2010/08/09 14:31
Yugioh Icon
In terms of effectiveness, it's inferior to Catastor and Android, but it's blessed with races and attributes, so it's worth it.
Furthermore, if you combine it with frogs, you can demonstrate explosive abilities.
In addition, it is highly evaluated that you can connect Nitro Warrior with Nitro Synchron and Turbo Warrior with Turbo Synchron from here.
If you're going to make a Planetary Deck, I definitely recommend introducing this card.
japan 2013/09/13 2:44
Applause for this last episode!

Decks with "Junk Warrior"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
DUELIST PACK - Yusei hen - DP08-JP012 2008-10-18 Normal
STARTER DECK(2008) YSD3-JP041 2008-03-15 Ultra
STARTER DECK(2009) YSD4-JP042 2009-03-14 Normal
STARTER DECK(2010) YSD5-JP042 2010-03-20 Normal
DUELIST EDITION Volume 3 DE03-JP159 2012-08-11 Secret
Structure Deck-Synchron Extreme SD28-JP043 2014-12-06 Normal
Yu-Gi-Oh Chips Light Shio Flavor YCPC-JP013 2018-11-26 Normal
ANIMATION CHRONICLE 2023 AC03-JP000 2023-06-10 N-Parallel

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 2,208 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 143,630
Level 5 Best Monster Ranking 69th


Japanese card name ジャンク・ウォリアー

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