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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > THE SHINING DARKNESS > Wattgiraffe

Wattgiraffe Used Deck

Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 4 Thunder 1200 100
This card can attack your opponent directly. If this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent by a direct attack: Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of this turn.
Average Rating Score 7.4(31)
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  2. Card Reviews (31 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Wattgiraffe (59 Decks)
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"Wattgiraffe" card reviews and rating scores

25% (8)
61% (19)
6% (2)
0% (0)
6% (2)

japan ねこーら
2023/05/06 13:35
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Easy to attack with high RBI and effect sealing.
ATK of 1200 is particularly high among monsters that can attack directly, and it also has merit effects.
As for its merit effect, it blocks the activation of your opponent's cards, so you can safely follow up with other monsters or deploy it in Main 2.
As an opponent, if you don't stop this card's effect first, you won't be able to stop other effects, so it's enough to use as a decoy.
japan みめっと
2022/04/13 2:31
Yugioh Icon
A Thunder monster with an ATK of 1200 and a low-level direct attacker belonging to the theme.
Furthermore, if you receive damage from this monster's direct attack, all activated effects will be stunned until the End Phase.
Putting aside the activation conditions, if a low-ranking monster has an effect that can't be erased later, it's an amazing thing that you don't often see.
Aside from whether or not it is a monster that will serve as an index for low-level direct attackers after that, and whether or not it is connected to being able to attack directly, if there is no special additional effect that becomes its unique strength, this monster must have a very good combination of races and attributes. It is now rejected because it cannot take precedence over monsters.
japan 荒船
2021/01/24 22:12
Yugioh Icon
One of the few cards in Watt that actually works. Even a direct attack... it's a very valuable card that will give you an advantage if it succeeds, but it's currently difficult for Watt, who has low card power overall, to make use of it.
japan シエスタ
2019/12/17 9:42
Yugioh Icon
As a low-level direct attacker, it has a high RBI, and if it passes, it can block the opponent for the entire turn, but now with inflation and speeding up, it's hard to do that.
Of course, I think it's an influence that the opponent will come to stop as much as possible, so it's easy to use as a decoy.
Is it an excellent card that can be directly used as a comparison standard for attackers?
japan アルバ
2019/02/20 22:15
Yugioh Icon
A half-hearted low-level direct attacker is a card whose existence is denied before this card.
It has a high status among low-level direct attackers with no demerit cost, and can block the opponent's movement when the direct is decided.
Effect activation complete blockage, but after the direct is decided, it is late, but since the action after that is unlimited, it is possible to destroy the field against the opponent who has no resistance with removal etc.
japan 京太
2018/02/17 22:36
Yugioh Icon
plain bad card
Sulea of the general pack, omission of reprint, enemy of Yariza's eye...
japan 備長炭18
2018/02/16 19:02
Yugioh Icon
A giraffe that Yariza-dono regards as an enemy to his parents.
It is possible to attack directly by itself, and although it is necessary to intervene in the attack, blocking the opponent's effect is extremely unpleasant.
Thunder's unique Thunder Sea Horse, Thunder family support, Search with Cobra, Recruit with Kitombo, it's easy to put out.
Despite being so effective, it hasn't been reprinted and is still reasonably priced.
japan ゴギガガ
2017/11/16 12:37
Yugioh Icon
Watt is an excellent direct attacker with a required level of three stacks.
Once you decide to attack directly, your opponent will not be able to activate his spells, traps, and monster effects, so you can hit them as much as you like.
After blocking the opponent's resistance with a direct attack, the two-hit attack with 《Moon Mirror Shield》or 《Wattwoodpecker》strengthened with Honest is particularly powerful, and in some cases, it can decide the game at once.
japan あだ
2017/09/12 23:26
Yugioh Icon
It's not acceptable for people who dislike Yariza-dono to give this guy a high rating.
japan なす
2017/09/12 22:31
Yugioh Icon
One of Watt can attack directly.
If you successfully attack directly, you can block the activation of your opponent's card effects.
King Cobra, 《Thunder Sea Horse》, Search with ONi Thunder, Recruit with Dragonfly, Revive with 《Wattkeeper》, Salvage with 《Recycling Batteries》.
If you can hit it directly from an OKa Thunder or OTo Thunder, you'll be able to reach Rank 4 and so on unhindered.
japan デルタアイズ
2017/01/11 23:20
Yugioh Icon
Yariza-dono's nemesis
Licking a direct attacker looks painful...
japan 月光
2015/05/31 1:38
Yugioh Icon
An excellent effect in the current environment where Mirafo does not come often. I see a lot of skidre.
If you use 《Monster Reborn》or something like that to play this card by itself, a very advanced reading will begin with the Battle Phase Declaration. The side that uses it must always be vigilant against Butte and Buraro, and even if it is removed with a removal system, it will be no good if it is Xyz or Synchronized in Main 2.
japan 風鼠
2014/10/18 1:44
Yugioh Icon
A powerful card that negates the card effect that activates when dealing direct attack + battles damage. His ATK is high for a monster that can attack directly. At Watt, first, one of the three confirmed cards
japan 赤白
2014/08/02 14:38
Yugioh Icon
Of course, Yariza-dono is a problem child who crushed many direct attackers. As a direct attacker, his ATK is high, but when the attack succeeds, the cold wave and effect sealing are very powerful. In addition to reversing and crushing recruiters, you can almost certainly pass through buttes and bralos in the main 2 deployment. Thanks to its high level, it's easy to get Buttes and Bralos out, but it's flaw is that it's slightly incompatible with Lock Cards. In Watt, along with Cobra and Dragonfly, it is an essential card, but for some reason it has not been blessed with a chance to be reprinted.
japan 結城
2014/04/08 19:55
Yugioh Icon
Kirin-san, who was not reprinted because it was judged by Conmai as an unpopular category.
It's a pity that it's a level 4 that gets caught in various locks, but it's a very good direct attacker.
Maybe Konmai likes Mr. Puck's elephant (increase) more than Ms. Kirin.
japan えいてぃ
2014/04/08 19:36
Yugioh Icon
↓? ? "Yariza-dono, no matter how much you're an industrial waste, it's too unsightly to lower the evaluation of other innocent cards! Sugori-dono, who was able to expect to be adopted by the head family as a result of his auspicious efforts, cried. You're welcome!"
Ace in Watt.
In addition to 《Thunder Sea Horse》, the excellent recruiter 《Wattdragonfly》and 《Wattcobra》, which is famous for being able to get adverts easily, can be called in, so there will be many opportunities to put them on the field.
In terms of performance, he has an ATK of 1200 and is excellent as a direct attacker, but after a direct attack, only the opponent has a cold wave, which is suitable for Surreal.
It's an ant to crush recruiters and the like, and in the main 2, ant to develop pounding without fear of summoning reaction Trap.
But it often doesn't make much sense. As an evaluation, about 8 points seems to be appropriate, but this time the despicable Yariza-dono unfairly lowered the evaluation, so 10 points.
japan pppid
2014/03/05 0:00
Yugioh Icon
This strength that can be understood by being used
Along with other things, it is quite strong to be able to destroy Reverse Recruiter, and in the main 2, it can be deployed while rotting Warning Sentence Abyss Veiler.
It's the natural enemy of Deck, which is the latest trend.
japan たたた
2013/10/07 0:51
Yugioh Icon
1200 RBIs, a threat for an unconditional direct attacker
Moreover, he is the core of Watt who also has a Spell Trap suppression effect
It's LIGHT, so I'm glad it supports honesty... But since it's level 4, it's a pain to get caught on rocks other than "Messenger of Peace"
2013/02/16 22:07
Yugioh Icon
This guy is an invincible wall when combined with light mirror stop water
japan 二酸化炭素
2012/09/24 22:29
Yugioh Icon
Mr. MARU "Chaos Watt's signboard giraffe. Giraffe with 1200 burn effect attacks even more and this effect is wonderful."
Wattgiraffe》"That's right. Isn't it amazing for a giraffe!?"
Mr. MARU "It's amazing, but it's not adopted due to the subtle price"
japan みかんゼリー
2012/03/15 12:32
Yugioh Icon
A card that destroys another monster that can attack directly.
Kirin, who has the highest RBI that can attack directly.
Being able to negate effects like Raikou is unglamorous, but can be useful.
The key is how to keep it alive until your next turn...
Messenger of Peace》is still the mainstream.
japan NEOS
2011/08/02 22:43
Yugioh Icon
Merit attacker + card effect sealed...
Since it is level 4, the drawback is that it cannot pass through locks.
It's expensive as a direct attacker, but be careful as it can be easily destroyed.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/10/26 21:51
Yugioh Icon
What does it mean to have a 1200 direct attacker...
There is a possibility that this guy will be the first to fall victim to things like Milafo, but the temporary cold wave effect is quite convenient as it can prevent End Cycle.
The spearman has teary eyes.
...But why wasn't it re-recorded in DE4? Even though it is one of the reasons to buy TSHD, which is named as a lost pack...
japan とき
2010/08/06 23:00
Yugioh Icon
Watt's key card that has his ATK of 1200, which is quite high for a direct attack monster, and also puts the opponent into a pseudo-lightning state after a direct attack.
A monster that clearly destroys the balance of monsters with direct attacks.
Attacking with << Robbin' Goblin >> while locking is annoying.
It is this card that makes Watt's color direct, and Watt's Fif combined with Messenger of Peace is quite troublesome.
If this was level 3, it would have been the best Fifth monster, but...
In Watt, even though it's a card that requires 3 stacks, what does it mean that DE4 will not be reprinted...?
japan ねおんちゃん
2023/08/11 4:30
Yugioh Icon
japan ジュウテツ
2023/08/11 1:37
Yugioh Icon
japan 一時休戦中クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2024/01/17 15:41
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/04/08 18:25
It's a card that was born to disrespect Yariza-dono. After all, it is Thunder (). It's an industrial waste. I can't beat Yariza-dono, who can be called in with reinforcements and beacons, because I have the guts to rely on horses.
japan 2013/10/06 21:40
The result of touching Yariza-dono's anger is not included in the DE.
He's the number one guy who tries to attack but gets caught in an attack reaction trap and can't do anything in the end, but I really can't forgive the existence of this guy who's trying to drive Yariza-dono into a corner.
japan 2012/10/02 17:38
As a direct attacker, ATK is high and there are merits, so it's a strong one.
LV4 is a difficult point, but...
It's a bit of a shame that it wasn't re-recorded in DE4.
japan 2012/08/16 16:02
? ? ? “An unconditional direct attacker with an attack of 1200 and even more effects and being smashed!”
If you put it in a chain burn, it will be active in a +1200 burn that seals the end cycle that you are not good at.
Please use it as a set with Cobra-san of the search effect.

Decks with "Wattgiraffe"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 4,845 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 45,139
Type "Thunder" Type Best Monster Ranking 58th


Japanese card name エレキリン

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