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BOOSTER6 Card List

code : -.
Total : 40 Types.
Release Date:1999-12-01
1th period

Average of all cards:3.1pt

Total 40 Types
Monster 35 Types
Normal Monster:16 TypesEffect Monster:14 Types
Fusion Monster:5 Types
0 Tuner Monster 2 Flip Monster 0 Gemini Monster
Spell 4 Types
4Normal Spell 0Equip IconEquip Spell 0Quick-Play IconQuick-Play Spell
Trap 1 Types
0 Normal Trap 1 Continuous IconContinuous Trap 0 Counter IconCounter Trap
Enhanced Category : 3
Djinn:1 Types / Penguin:1 Types / Ocean Dragon Lord:1 Types

Card Rating: Top 5

Card List in descending order of rating

rating order610 / 647 view num31229 Check card pricing information (Japan)

Rarity Rating Score Code Card Name Card-Type
Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Sentinel of the Seas
▶︎ Deck
1.1 12
01 Sentinel of the Seas  Normal Monster
- 4 Aqua 1300 1000
A merman warrior that relentlessly attacks those who pollute the seas with their presence.
Battle Ox
▶︎ Deck
2.6 14
02 Battle Ox  Normal Monster
- 4 Beast-Warrior 1700 1000
A monster with tremendous power, it destroys enemies with a swing of its axe.
✪ Stone Statue Of Dragon's Soul
▶︎ Deck
1.9 10
03 ✪ Stone Statue Of Dragon's Soul  Normal Monster
- 3 Warrior 1100 900
A stone warrior with the soul of a dragon. With his sword, he cuts through his enemies.
✪ Mechaleon
▶︎ Deck
3.6 11
04 ✪ Mechaleon  Normal Monster
- 2 Reptile 800 600
It can change its body color and hide in any location.
Ushi Oni
▶︎ Deck
2 14
05 Ushi Oni  Normal Monster
- 6 Fiend 2150 1950
A bull fiend restored by the dark arts, this monster appears out of a jar.
✪ Spirit Of The Wind
▶︎ Deck
1.1 12
06 ✪ Spirit Of The Wind  Normal Monster
- 5 Spellcaster 1700 1400
A spirit of the wind that flies around at will. When he is in a bad mood, he turns into a storm.
✪ Galvas
▶︎ Deck
1 10
07 ✪ Galvas  Normal Monster
- 6 Beast 2000 1700
A lion with wings, a beastly figure, and the incarnation of evil.
▶︎ Deck
1.6 10
08 Garoozis  Normal Monster
- 5 Beast-Warrior 1800 1500
An axe-swinging beast-warrior with the head of a dragon.
✪ Rock Turtle
▶︎ Deck
1.3 10
09 ✪ Rock Turtle  Normal Monster
- 6 Aqua 1450 2200
A turtle whose entire body is made of rocks. It is characterized by a very high defense.
✪ Spirit Of Rock
▶︎ Deck
1.5 13
10 ✪ Spirit Of Rock  Normal Monster
- 5 Spellcaster 1650 1900
It looks like a haniwa, but it is a rock spirit. It is quite strong in both attack and defense.
Sky Dragon
▶︎ Deck
1.2 13
11 Sky Dragon  Normal Monster
- 6 Dragon 1900 1800
A flying dragon with four wings housing some very dangerous blades.
✪ Siren
▶︎ Deck
2.1 13
12 ✪ Siren  Normal Monster
- 5 Spellcaster 1600 1500
He manipulates the wind to create gusts that blow away everything in sight.
Sword Arm of Dragon
▶︎ Deck
2.3 19
13 Sword Arm of Dragon  Normal Monster
- 6 Dinosaur 1750 2030
This Jurassic juggernaut has a spine covered in sword-like plates, and a tail to split open skulls.
Neck Hunter
▶︎ Deck
1 14
14 Neck Hunter  Normal Monster
- 6 Fiend 1750 1900
A fiend that wields a mean sickle and fires devastating beams from its eyes.
Parrot Dragon
▶︎ Deck
2.6 15
15 Parrot Dragon  Normal Monster
- 5 Dragon 2000 1300
A dragon from the cartoons that's more dangerous than it appears to be.
▶︎ Deck
1.3 18
16 Kairyu-Shin  Normal Monster
- 5 Sea Serpent 1800 1500
A sea dragon known as the King of the Ocean, it attacks its enemies with huge tidal waves.
Mystical Sheep #1
▶︎ Deck
3.5 10
17 Mystical Sheep #1  Effect Monster
- 3 Beast 1150 900
You can substitute this card for any 1 Fusion-Material Monster. When you do this, the other Fusion-Material Monster(s) must be the correct one(s).
Gale Dogra
▶︎ Deck
7.3 37
18 Gale Dogra  Effect Monster
- 2 Insect 650 600
You can pay 3000 LP; send 1 monster from your Extra Deck to the GY.
Goddess with the Third Eye
▶︎ Deck
3.8 10
19 Goddess with the Third Eye  Effect Monster
- 4 Fairy 1200 1000
This card can be used as a substitute for any 1 Fusion Material mentioned by name on the Fusion Monster Card, but the other material(s) must be correct.
▶︎ Deck
2.7 18
20 Hoshiningen  Effect Monster
- 2 Fairy 500 700
All LIGHT monsters on the field gain 500 ATK, also all DARK monsters on the field lose 400 ATK.
Star Boy
▶︎ Deck
5.3 21
21 Star Boy  Effect Monster
- 2 Aqua 550 500
As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase the ATK of all WATER monsters by 500 points and decrease the ATK of all FIRE monsters by 400 points.
▶︎ Deck
9.4 64
22 Cyber-Stein Forbidden Effect Monster
- 2 Machine 700 500
(This card is not treated as a "Cyber" card.)
You can pay 5000 LP; Special Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck in Attack Position.
▶︎ Deck
4.9 20
23 Greenkappa  Effect Monster
Flip Monster
- 3 Warrior 650 900
FLIP: Target 2 Set Spell/Trap Cards on the field; destroy those targets.
Beastking of the Swamps
▶︎ Deck
2.6 17
24 Beastking of the Swamps  Effect Monster
- 4 Aqua 1000 1100
You can substitute this card for any 1 Fusion Material Monster. When you do this, the other Fusion Material Monster(s) must be the correct one(s).
Versago the Destroyer
▶︎ Deck
4.9 18
25 Versago the Destroyer  Effect Monster
- 3 Fiend 1100 900
This card can be used as a substitute for any 1 Fusion Material mentioned by name on the Fusion Monster Card, but the other material(s) must be correct.
▶︎ Deck
1.9 17
26 Bladefly  Effect Monster
- 2 Insect 600 700
As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase the ATK of all WIND monsters by 500 points and decrease the ATK of all EARTH monsters by 400 points.
Penguin Soldier
▶︎ Deck
8.6 56
27 Penguin Soldier  Effect Monster
Flip Monster
- 2 Aqua 750 500
FLIP: You can target up to 2 monsters on the field; return those targets to the hand.
Witch's Apprentice
▶︎ Deck
2.9 18
28 Witch's Apprentice  Effect Monster
- 2 Spellcaster 550 500
As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase the ATK of all DARK monsters by 500 points and decrease the ATK of all LIGHT monsters by 400 points.
Monster Eye
▶︎ Deck
4.8 17
29 Monster Eye  Effect Monster
- 1 Fiend 250 350
You can pay 1000 Life Points; add 1 "Polymerization" from your Graveyard to your hand.
Little Chimera
▶︎ Deck
2.8 23
30 Little Chimera  Effect Monster
- 2 Beast 600 550
All FIRE monsters on the field gain 500 ATK. All WATER monsters on the field lose 400 ATK.
Kaiser Dragon
▶︎ Deck
1.5 15
31 Kaiser Dragon  Fusion Monster
Normal Monster
- 7 Dragon 2300 2000
"Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1" + "Fairy Dragon"
Crimson Sunbird
▶︎ Deck
3 12
32 Crimson Sunbird  Fusion Monster
Normal Monster
- 6 Winged Beast 2300 1800
"Faith Bird" + "Skull Red Bird"
Mystical Sand
▶︎ Deck
4.8 16
33 Mystical Sand  Fusion Monster
Normal Monster
- 6 Rock 2100 1700
"Giant Soldier of Stone" + "Ancient Elf"
Amphibious Bugroth
▶︎ Deck
3.5 12
34 Amphibious Bugroth  Fusion Monster
Normal Monster
- 5 Aqua 1850 1300
"Ground Attacker Bugroth" + "Defender of the Sea"
▶︎ Deck
2.3 9
35 Skelgon  Fusion Monster
Normal Monster
- 6 Zombie 1700 1900
"The Snake Hair" + "Blackland Fire Dragon"
Exile of the Wicked
▶︎ Deck
2.3 13
36 Exile of the Wicked  Normal Spell
Destroy all Fiend monsters on the field.
Restructer Revolution
▶︎ Deck
2.8 19
37 Restructer Revolution  Normal Spell
Inflict 200 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points for each card in your opponent's hand.
Last Day of Witch
▶︎ Deck
2.2 13
38 Last Day of Witch  Normal Spell
Destroy all face-up Spellcaster-Type monsters on the field.
Fusion Sage
▶︎ Deck
4.4 28
39 Fusion Sage  Normal Spell
Add 1 "Polymerization" from your Deck to your hand.
Magical Thorn
▶︎ Deck
4.6 14
40 Magical Thorn  Continuous Trap
When your opponent's card(s) in their hand are discarded to the Graveyard, inflict 500 points of damage to their Life Points for each card that was discarded.
BOOSTER6 Card List
3.1 /10.0 pt
Number of card ratings : 705
User Review : 705

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