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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Spell of Mask > United We Stand

United We Stand Used Deck

United We Stand
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Equip Spell - - - - -
The equipped monster gains 800 ATK/DEF for each face-up monster you control.
Average Rating Score 8.4(62)
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  2. Card Reviews (62 rating scores)
  3. Decks with United We Stand (716 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
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"United We Stand" card reviews and rating scores

45% (28)
50% (31)
3% (2)
0% (0)
1% (1)

japan かどまん
2023/05/01 16:19
Yugioh Icon
A card that was banned due to its high versatility in his early Equip Spell
It is simply because it can be equipped to any monster and has a high increase value and is strong in a straight line.
If you equip it to "Scapegoat" with 0 RBIs in a row, it will be 3200.
There is a famous parable about being able to knock down 《Blue-Eyes White Dragon》.
It was also used in 《Armed Samurai - Ben Kei》, etc., because it increases further if you equip multiple copies.
Like powerkas banned in other categories
This card also influenced his subsequent Equip Spell designs.
For a long time, I couldn't use his Equip Spell with an effect that surpassed this card.
Specifically, the equipment target is limited, and the increase value is low.
It is a card that seems to be suppressed to the level below this card
Although there are few scenes that rely on this card now
Since it is a type of card that can be used without fail once it comes into your hand, its usefulness has not declined.
His Equip Spell for combat support is still a top candidate for her deck.
japan 御手洗月
2023/01/21 12:18
Yugioh Icon
A card with a high strengthening ability of up to 4800, and a card that raises 800 by itself. Honestly, if he can raise his ATK to the max, I personally think he can win without using this card, but it's still pretty strong. It's weak against removal ability cards, so it's better to use it as equipment only for the turn you use it. Might go well with [Scapeghost]
japan セツナ
2022/10/09 12:44
Yugioh Icon
An equipment card that seems to embody power. Even just one body goes up by 800 (what is unity...).
Up to 4800 up and his ATK is tremendous. It's too much brain muscle... I love this kind of brain muscle card.
japan 超弩級スライム
2022/05/26 7:51
Yugioh Icon
Even one body is 800, which at the time of its appearance is the second highest value after "Axe of Despair", and if six bodies are lined up, it will be an amazing increase of 4800 points. It has good compatibility with cards that have high development power but cannot produce high RBI.
With his current Deck, it's relatively easy to line up 5-6 monsters, but in that situation, there are many situations where you can defeat your opponent without this card. Therefore, in recent decks, he will not be adopted unless it is a deck that can not find meaning in Equip Spell.
On the other hand, if I use power tools and Isolde, will I be a candidate for employment?
japan けーの
2022/03/01 22:19
Yugioh Icon
In modern Yu-Gi-Oh, it is not evaluated as an effect that can be searched and can get 1 ad immediately, so it has been withdrawn from the line, but I can take 4000 out of 8000 LP with this card, so I do not think it is weak.
In ancient Yu-Gi-Oh, how many times have you destroyed a friend's deck with Sukego Unite?
japan ブルーバード
2022/02/11 19:12
Yugioh Icon
It's a joke that it's effective even if you equip it when there's only one, but because he's united with none other than the Duelist, his ATK has risen.
In today's world where mass deployment is easy, it's no exaggeration to say that he's special summoning God when he easily transforms into a 4000 RBI card.
There was a time when it was evaluated as an accident card because it could not take advantage on its own, but since Isolderinaldo has become a real search, it can also function as a pinprick. The ability as a finisher can be evaluated sufficiently.
japan ねこーら
2021/03/22 13:11
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Among the Equip Spells that can easily obtain high ATK, this is one card that emphasizes strengthening.
Since the monsters are easy to deploy and the multiplier is high, it is easy to bring in a 1st turn kill with direct attack damage.
It's not like other equipment cards that can be expected to be strengthened by 3000 or more, and it's good to combine it with continuous attacks.
However, he has many weaknesses, such as being unable to use Equip Spell alone and being vulnerable to removal, so it is possible to aim for a one-turn kill after blocking the opponent's interference.
japan みめっと
2021/02/25 22:29
Yugioh Icon
Even though it can be equipped without any cost and without any specification, he is a pump-up type whose enhancement rate is not compared to other Equip Spells.
It is a card that reduced most of his Equip Spells before that to ashes because of its effect of increasing attack and defense by 800 even with a single monster.
It's a card that super-accelerates his LP gain from battles damage, but it's also interesting that depending on the deck type, it's not necessarily stronger than Axe of Despair or Mage Power.
japan カディーン
2021/01/25 20:29
Yugioh Icon
He is an Equip Spell that only enhances. However, the enhancement value is different from other his Equip Spells, and in most cases, the enhancement value is over 1600.
This number was out of the ordinary at the time, and Blue-Eyed was truly unstoppable and a "special move" during the restricted card era.
Few of his Equip Spells can match this card in RBI even in 2021, and even the 800 guaranteed minimum is above his Equip Spells in the wild.
Due to its excessive firepower, it used to be a banned card, but due to the diversification of Effect Monsters, his Deck, which is the control axis, has risen to the meta, and it is an unexpectedly serious drawback to say that it is "just a strengthening spell". When he found out, he was unexpectedly released.
In the end, he said that the Equip Spell itself, which is easy to carry ad losses, could not be compensated for by RBI.
Nowadays, removal before battle is common sense, and there are cards like Honest and 《Moon Mirror Shield》that will directly attack you. Due to the increase in monster zones, the power of the single shots fired from this card has actually improved, and the romance inside has not faded, and there is no doubt that it emits a dazzling brilliance than it did back then.
japan wairo
2020/08/19 13:19
Yugioh Icon
Equip Spell
800 by itself, 1600 to 5600 when lined up, still the highest peak as a simple ATK enhancement equipment
However, rather than using this card alone, it is often difficult to use one card for other development cards because the total damage will increase and the versatility is inferior.
I'd like to differentiate it by equipping it on monsters that attack twice, or by attaching it to resistant monsters to make them stronger in battle.
japan お空は青い
2019/06/05 11:21
Yugioh Icon
With just two in play, the Recruiter turned him into a Blue-Eyed.
At that time, it was normal, so 3 stacks were unavoidable.
Even now, mass deployment is commonplace, so about 2400 to 3200 up is easy, but not many people use it.
japan シエスタ
2018/08/28 14:46
Yugioh Icon
A card that is often compared among enhancement-type equipment. In the era when it first appeared, it was also banned due to its exceptional performance.
Now that the enhancement value is high and the deployment power has increased overall, you can expect a considerable enhancement.
However, the loss is large when it is removed due to the fate of the equipment, and this card is not a card that takes an add, so it is not adopted in a general deck of his now that removal is even more abundant. almost gone.
Even so, there is no habit, and if you are not careful, he has the explosive potential to reduce LP at once, and I think it is one of the easy-to-use general-purpose equipment.
japan 備長炭18
2018/07/15 22:32
Yugioh Icon
Easy high hit Equip Spell.
Just by equipping it, you can get a high ability increase of 800, and currently you can increase it up to 4800.
It's also a card that makes you feel a little nervous when it's equipped in a safe place.
japan はわわ
2018/03/24 15:30
Yugioh Icon
It's weak and fragile to removal, but it's amazing how easy it is to put out super firepower
It is the best card for Equip Spell, such as killing high RBI with resistance and using it for one kill.
japan アルバ
2018/03/17 8:45
Yugioh Icon
It's unthinkable now, but it used to be a banned card.
A card that will be a big wall of Equip Spell cards that mainly increase ATK.
The increase value is quite high at 800 per unit, and due to its nature, it will be more effective if used after deployment, so it will greatly contribute to raising the firepower for one kill.
Even with two 1600 units, if you equip something with two attacks, you can steal all the LP.
Recent mass deployments often defeat opponents without relying on this.
japan Merlion
2018/03/15 17:27
Yugioh Icon
A maximum of 7 bodies appear, so isn't it 5600 up?
Well, doing an extra link is going to be a bummer with this
It feels a little out of place.
There is nothing wrong with increasing RBI, so if you want to play brain muscle, please try it.
japan アキ
2018/03/15 13:19
Yugioh Icon
With just one monster, you can secure an 800 increase in both attack and defense, and the maximum increase is 4000, so it's a good idea to use it in a deck that can deploy a large number of monsters. The Coelacanth Deck easily raises 4000.
japan デルタアイズ
2017/11/06 17:21
Yugioh Icon
Equip Spell This card has a strong image of burial.
Especially the Morphtronic Deck...
japan なす
2017/07/09 1:16
Yugioh Icon
An Equip Spell that raises the RBI to 800 by the number of your own monsters. 4000 max and very powerful among his Equip Spells.
japan くすけ
2017/05/17 18:11
Yugioh Icon
His Equip Spell is already the strongest. Even if you don't unite (one person), he is a card that increases ATK by 800. Increases ATK by 4000 when there are monsters on your field. The strongest level if the link zone is included. Good card.
japan ルイ
2017/02/07 21:22
Yugioh Icon
A card that gets stronger the more friends you have. The maximum RBI is 4000 up and the explosive power is terrible!
For the time being, even bocce will increase the RBI of 800, so even bocce will increase ← here is important
It's called a controlled environment, but it's actually pretty straightforward, and he wins if he gets 0 LP.
It's perfect for secret ingredients such as the increase in fishing monsters, the expansion power that rises year by year, and P summons.
Brain muscle Equip Spell card is god after all. I want you to emulate the lightning anywhere.
japan あだ
2017/02/07 19:12
Yugioh Icon
It's the strongest candidate for his Equip Spell that can strengthen 4000 with a maximum of 5 bodies, but it's also good that it's easy to get because there are many used ones on the market.
japan メタルサイクロプス
2017/01/14 23:35
Yugioh Icon
Ex-banned equipment card. The evaluation of the equipment card itself is generally low, but it is truly intense when it comes to this point. These days, if you have about 3 bodies on the field, it's normal to line up, so it's already increased by 2400. Even with the troublesome effect resistance that has been increasing recently, there is generally no problem if you crush it with force. Battles are numbers, brother...
japan 負導師
2016/07/17 13:16
Yugioh Icon
A card that only increases ATK and defense power
However, even with just that, the increase value is not odd, and even one alone can be raised to a sufficient value.
The compatibility with Pendulum Summon is also outstanding, and the maximum 4000 fire power increase is a level that Lightning can not handle even against low class monsters.
The power of danketsu is amazing!
japan はやとちり
2016/07/17 11:45
Yugioh Icon
A dangerous card that completes a one-kill deck just by throwing it into the Pendulum Deck.
Even if it's not a P-themed deck, the despair that his ATK goes up with each turn is nothing short of spectacular.
Especially when he doesn't have a Trap on a monster with two of them on it means he's defeated.
Equip Spell cards are hard to put in because they're easy to lose, but here's what I think. "I just want to win"
japan げおんぬ
2016/06/21 0:38
Yugioh Icon
"People demonstrate their power when they are united!!"
japan 薄いお茶
2015/11/07 3:43
Yugioh Icon
A card that can be powered up more easily than ever before by summoning a large number of Pendulums. I'm afraid it will get banned again.
japan カンノーネ
2015/08/18 18:32
Yugioh Icon
Get one kill with the Super Dimensional Fighter or one with Igknight.
Even if you are alone, you can reach a slightly higher opponent just by raising 800, so it's a sense of security.
japan かのん
2015/03/06 15:27
Yugioh Icon
Cards with normal restrictions are now unlimited...
It's still pretty explosive with a deck that can be deployed a lot!
japan こまつほうせい
2015/01/17 13:37
Yugioh Icon
no this card is too strong
The explosive power is incomplete, how many times have you been one-killed?
It's too strong in the old environment and I can understand why it was banned
japan ラーメン
2015/01/12 9:54
Yugioh Icon
This card is actually the only card that has been banned by Equip Spell for him, who only has simple RBI enhancement, and how high the performance of this card is.
Even if it is alone, it will increase by 800, so if you put it in a hitting deck, it won't spoil much.
japan モートン
2014/11/26 7:19
Yugioh Icon
If you want to simply increase your RBI, this card is for you.
Even if it is a single item, it will increase by 800, and if there are two, it will increase by 1600, exceeding 1000 points per piece.
The effect can be expected with a deck that can be deployed in large numbers. If you increase it at once with Sukego, the firepower will increase by 3200 w
japan 海馬マジック
2014/10/19 11:59
Yugioh Icon
Among the equipment cards, the attack increase value is particularly high.
Up to 4000 points are also up.
The more friends you have, the stronger you become. . .
japan Sin嫁
2014/07/02 8:20
Yugioh Icon
Former banned and one-kill friend, 《United We Stand》. He has a high ability to deploy, so basically there is not much loss if you put him in a deck. In the current environment, will Terranite and him Qliphort fit in?
What I want to pay attention to is that the defense also rises with the same value. It's reassuring that it supports defensive destruction like 《Burst Breath》. Eh, ground breaking... No, yeah. maybe OK.
japan たたた
2014/05/05 10:26
Yugioh Icon
Cards that should be assumed first when equipment card related comes out
1600 up even with two bodies, a ridiculous increase, and it's quite popular as a one-kill part
japan 宵闇の変態
2013/09/18 5:57
Yugioh Icon
Born in the era when Equip Spell was strong, it was a powerful card that was banned for a while. Nowadays, people tend to shy away from him because of his Equip Spell, but his enhancement values are outrageous and shouldn't be underestimated.
Fortunately, my friend Sukego-kun has also had his restrictions lifted, so I wonder if he can do something interesting.
japan アスラLv12
2013/07/10 21:40
Yugioh Icon
As expected, the former banned card is not a date. Even if there is only one monster, it simply increases by 800. Up to 4000 up and if this card is issued, you may want to erase it preferentially
japan バーン信者
2013/05/27 13:02
Yugioh Icon
When I put it in Dragon Ruler as a trial, it was insanely strong lol
A single card will increase your sack to 5000, make Guidera the strongest, and make it easier to pass the effects of Cribble.
The strongest one-kill parts.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/11 15:45
Yugioh Icon
Equip Spell is one of the cards that you must be aware of. His base value is lower than Axe of Despair, but his deck is very powerful, as it allows for explosive enhancements in his Deck.
japan フィール
2013/05/11 6:13
Yugioh Icon
It's 800 UP even if we unite, but I want to put it in a deck that can be deployed in large numbers.
2013/02/25 22:14
Yugioh Icon
my one kill pronoun
You can finish your opponent at any time.
There are Atlantean version, Coelacanth version, Dai Gusto version and Matasa version, but they are all strong.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/31 19:53
Yugioh Icon
His powerful Equip Spell that finally became an unlimited card. Inflation... Or rather, the equipment card itself has a very good increase in ry ATK, and just arranging two of them will increase his ATK by 1600. Even if your deck doesn't use Equip Spells a lot, it's a good card to include if you're good at mass deployment. Using Equip Spell to increase firepower tends to be treated as a beginner, but it is a powerful card.
japan みくみく
2013/01/12 13:37
Yugioh Icon
This is the power of unity! card.
With a minimum of 800 and a maximum of 4000, there are no restrictions on targets, so versatility is high.
Although the equipment card itself is crushed by the cyclone, it is perfect for strengthening RBI if it is a mass deployment type due to its high potential.
However, because it is easy to use, I feel that other RBI-strengthening Equip Spells are taking their turn...
japan 未確認非行物体 
2012/11/27 17:25
Yugioh Icon
excuse me
↓It is 10 points.
                        by Yamayu
japan ファイア野郎
2012/11/02 12:24
Yugioh Icon
An Equip Spell that is terrifyingly strengthened as the number of monsters increases. The power of unity is great.
As expected, I only experienced a banned card once.
Although it has the drawback of being easily destroyed, it is often deployed in large numbers now, so it can be an aid to one-turn kills.
japan ドラゴンX
2012/09/21 19:38
Yugioh Icon
ATK rises too much and breaks...
What if he used it for Five-Headed Dragon with ATK 5000...!?
My friend used this and his ATK became 8600.
Before you know it, his ATK will rise. 《Mage Power》If you use it...! It exceeds 10,000.
And it's been reprinted a lot lately... One kill will be decided soon.
japan 二酸化炭素
2012/09/03 20:36
Yugioh Icon
Mr. MARU: Now that I think about it, I wonder why Ria's friend used this. If you use this, you'll be a brute. Wouldn't it be a dream to get one kill? If you have 5 of them, you'll get 3200 more.
japan みかんゼリー
2012/06/23 13:36
Yugioh Icon
This is the power of unity! !
It was a simple but powerful piece, and was banned for a while.
He is called with various decks, such as his deck centered on equipment cards such as D, and decks with many monsters that do not have enough RBI.
Something like an Equip Spell elite.
japan ボチヤミサンタイ
2012/03/13 0:17
Yugioh Icon
I have a good memory of doing a one-shot kill with a power tool.
I'm afraid it will be decided unexpectedly
japan みのし
2011/10/02 21:49
Yugioh Icon
You can't call it unity when you're alone...it's nothing.
Some kind of monster and 4 sheep are comparable to God.
Should I equip 3 of them? ...that's a terrible number.
japan m
2011/08/17 20:07
Yugioh Icon
800 points per person.
4000 points for 5 people.
If you were to pick an equipment card, this would be the first candidate.
Gadget or scapegoat and compatibility is outstanding.
japan 愛と正義の使者
2011/07/06 22:22
Yugioh Icon
This guy can be used even in attack up equipment.
I wonder why I can increase my attack even though there is only one person.
800 per person At this point, it has the performance to line up with many equipment.
1600 for two people At this point most of the equipment is teary eyed.
2400 for three people At this point, all equipment goes crazy.
4 or more people "Stop it! Axe of Despair already has 0 LP."
japan Shenow*
2011/06/01 11:39
Yugioh Icon
When you combine this with the Force and Gigantism...
"When I think about it... I think the damage to the opponent is enormous."
japan とき
2011/01/20 17:25
Yugioh Icon
A master of enhanced Equip Spells that has even been banned. Even a single monster can increase its abilities by uniting with a duelist.
His powerful Equip Spell with the effect of increasing his ATK and DEF up to 800 times the number of his face-up monsters.
It's a matter of whether his Equip Spell can be differentiated from this card and Axe of Despair. Combined with a gimmick that launches mass deployment, it will be a correction of over 2000, leading to a number that cannot be suppressed without removal.
Especially great with his Morphtronic. It is also a strong candidate as a card for power tools.
Years later he remains a watershed in Equip Spell's reputation. It reigns supreme as a simple and easy-to-use Equip Spell.
japan NEOS
2011/01/14 21:53
Yugioh Icon
Unite alone! Don't say anything empty.
Alone he's inferior to Archfiend, but with two or more he's more powerful than Archfiend's two copies of his ATK.
The downside is that it's an Equip Spell, so it's hard to remove. Equip Spell is still quite versatile.
japan SOUL
2010/12/16 11:27
Yugioh Icon
It's a wonderful story that it's stronger to use the power of unity of friends instead of using weapons.
The increase value is quite high, making it a particularly formidable card in the Equip Spell.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/13 20:45
Yugioh Icon
It's a friend!
Even a single unit can be expected to strengthen to the extent of unity, and it is also possible to jump up to monster class from there.
Even in these days when equipment cards themselves are treated as Soss, this card is still powerful as a former restricted card.
The way Viper with this equipped and his ATK on tokens when he uses Honest scares his opponents.
japan meno
2010/08/27 14:49
Yugioh Icon
An excellent equipment card that raises the value higher than 《Axe of Despair》just by having 2 or more monsters.
When choosing an equipment card, this card is the first candidate.
japan 愛佳
2023/08/04 23:55
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/07/11 10:15
Used in Madolche
Me: "Return two of the effects of Tiaramis."
Opponent: "I'm deployed without face down cards, but there's still a wall and my firepower is low (trembling voice)"
Me: "So, I activate 《United We Stand》."
japan 2013/07/01 19:13
Especially recommended for his Deck, which is the type that deploys a large number of monsters on the field!
japan 2013/05/11 19:04

Decks with "United We Stand"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 BE1-JP244 2004-06-24 Ultra
DUEL TERMINAL - Dragunity of the Gale! - DT06-JP042 2009-07-01 Normal
Spell of Mask SM-48 2001-04-19 Normal
GOLD SERIES 2011 GS03-JP013 2011-01-15 Gold
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 (7th period) BE01-JP203 2011-05-14 Ultra
Structure Deck Devil's Gate SD21-JP029 2011-06-18 Normal
THE GOLD BOX GDB1-JP053 2012-08-25 Gold
STARTER DECK(2017) ST17-JP027 2017-03-25 Normal
STARTER DECK(2018) ST18-JP028 2018-03-24 Normal
STARTER DECK (2019) ST19-JP029 2019-03-23 Normal
Duel Royale Deck Set EX DR01-JPC24 2021-07-10 Normal
STRUCTURE DECK - Yugi hen - Volume.2 SY2-029 2003-05-22 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 2,808 / 12,891 Cards
View Num 170,232
Card Type "Equip Spell" Best Card Ranking 26th


Japanese card name 団結の力

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