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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Vol.2 > Swords of Revealing Light

Swords of Revealing Light Used Deck

Swords of Revealing Light
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Spell - - - - -
After this card's activation, it remains on the field, but you must destroy it during the End Phase of your opponent's 3rd turn. When this card is activated: If your opponent controls a face-down monster, flip all monsters they control face-up. While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent's monsters cannot declare an attack.
Average Rating Score 8.1(68)
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"Swords of Revealing Light" card reviews and rating scores

52% (36)
29% (20)
14% (10)
2% (2)
0% (0)

japan 超弩級スライム
2023/02/06 22:42
Yugioh Icon
It sounds good to say that it can block attacks for up to 3 turns.
However, in this era where removal is rampant, it's difficult even for a single turn with just his Continuous Spell, which can't even interfere with the opponent's deployment, and it's better to interfere with hand triggers and his Continuous Traps such as There Can Be Only One to survive. it would be easy. Even if it's a card that prevents attacks, it would be better to put in 《Waboku》or 《Threatening Roar》, which are strong against removal other than Endsyke, even if it's only for one turn.
That said, how does it work with his deck, which has high interference ability but doesn't spawn many monsters or has low stats?
If you just want to supplement your stats, he'd be better off with an Equip Spell.
japan ブルーバード
2022/09/29 9:15
Yugioh Icon
Though they were always together….
In the old days, it was a strong card that was boasted as a 3 draw if activated. In the old days, his Spell Trap removal was heavily regulated and this card was really hard to deal with. 《Giant Trunade》《Ice Barrier Tiger King Duroren》could be reused and locked endlessly. The often-forgotten effect of revealing hidden defense is also surprisingly useful, such as exposing 《Marshmallon》or causing 《Snowman Eater》to self-destruct.
However, the number of removal cards has increased, and it has become difficult to just block attacks, and the adoption rate has gradually declined. Entering around the 8th term, he started to choose Deck, and in the 9th term, Spell Shattering Arrow stuck in this card attracted attention as a countermeasure against his Pendulum and completely finished its role. Who would have thought that Swords of Concealing Light, which had been backward compatible with this card's downfall, would suddenly become a top meta?
japan 京太
2022/08/30 18:57
Yugioh Icon
In one DM, he stopped Blue-Eyed's attacks and helped align Exodia.
A reusable removal target for the Falcon.
japan ザーク
2020/08/28 10:42
Yugioh Icon
It's not just limited to this, but it's hard to remove too many attack locks.
If it develops slowly, it seems to be active as it is, but it is a high-speed environment where such development is difficult to occur. 《Threatening Roar》is safer even if it's used up.
Well, even among Yugi's cards, I don't think there will be any kind of support like Mirafo.
japan プンプン丸
2020/08/27 8:34
Yugioh Icon
It's a little unreliable because it can be broken immediately in the environment so far
I believe in the possibility of supporting cards like 《Fury of Kairyu-Shin》and 《Mirror Force Launcher》in the future.
japan ねこーら
2020/08/26 17:30
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Although attack restriction without cost is excellent, preparation for removal is desired.
You can keep holding off attacks for 3 turns, and aim to draw a reversal card and rebuild.
If you have used up all your cards in the second half, it is quite common to have one turn.
However, there is usually a high chance that the opponent will be attacked before they run out, so you want to hit it early in the game.
In that case, you still want to be prepared for removal.
Or maybe you're a bluff and another card is the favourite.
japan みめっと
2020/02/16 10:16
Yugioh Icon
One of his spell cards that symbolizes Yugi, which existed before the Kingdom arc in the original, and a card that can continuously stop attacks only for the opponent without restrictions is actually quite valuable.
After activation, he remains on the field like a Continuous Spell, but since this card itself is a Normal Spell, even if the chain is destroyed, Dark-Piercing Light will still be applied.
It's not a bad effect, but considering its presence in the original, it's a card that makes me want a dedicated support card like Mirafo or Torrent.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/16 7:23
Yugioh Icon
His attack blocking isn't bad, but his spell removal is pretty rampant, and it's hard to survive for 1 turn, let alone 3 turns. In addition, since some people misunderstand, this card is a Normal Spell. Therefore, if you copy it with Diamond Guy, only the effect that turns the opponent's monster face up will be applied.
japan シルキン
2019/12/06 8:42
Yugioh Icon
It has the power of being a restricted card. If you get 3 turns grace, it's easy to reverse in the current environment.
In the current environment, it became easy to break, so the possibility that it could not be maintained for 3 turns also increased.
It was very hot when I was able to draw this card in a pinch.
japan チュンヂュアン
2019/06/06 23:10
Yugioh Icon
It is attractive that it blocks the attack of the opponent's monster until 3 turns,
It's really tough now.
That being said, if he can block the opponent's attack for just one turn, I think his spell card is reliable enough.
If you can activate this Spell card, there is a possibility that the situation will be reversed in an unexpected situation.
Because there is, it is a reassuring presence even now.
japan お空は青い
2019/06/04 15:19
Yugioh Icon
Right now it will be split by Tsuitsui or Phoenix.
Back then he could use the Tribute Summon's time to prepare his Tribute.
It may have been a restricted card.
japan プラント・プラン
2018/12/21 19:07
Yugioh Icon
Defense card famous as the original lock card.
However, now he has a lot of Spell Trap removal, and it is often unlocked by Tsuitsui. Therefore, it is not possible to lock more stably than before. For this reason, it is necessary to consider the recovery when this card is destroyed, so the adoption rate is lower than before.
japan シエスタ
2018/06/06 8:47
Yugioh Icon
Yugi often uses it, and it leaves a strong impression as a representative attack rock.
Even though it is a Normal Spell, it remains in the field like an eternity, which is a rare feature to this day.
There is no particular cost and only the opponent's attack is blocked. There is a deadline of 3 turns, but it should be enough. You can reset the deadline by using bounces.
When activated, the opponent's set monster can be overturned, but whether or not it survives depends on the opponent and the situation, so it's almost a bonus.
It's easy to use, but now that there are plenty of removal methods, it's easy to be dealt with, and if it's just one turn, you can almost certainly surpass it with Reconciliation or 《Threatening Roar》.
I want to activate it after reducing the opponent's resources, and follow up on removal exactly.
It doesn't feel as threatening as Mirafo, but when it comes to using it, it gives the impression of being a plain and troublesome oxidized silver card.
It's one of the most famous Yu-Gi-Oh cards, so it's likely that a dedicated support like Mirafo will appear soon.
japan 備長炭18
2018/03/30 18:42
Yugioh Icon
It is a veteran defensive card that forces only the opponent to be unable to attack, and is +1 by adding Dark-Piercing Light and Nightmare's Steelcage.
Compared to other defensive cards, if it is destroyed, it will stop, so you can't rely on it, but you have a lot of time to spare for 3 turns.
Even now, it's frustrating when it's activated only when there are no removal cards.
japan はわわ
2018/03/22 16:07
Yugioh Icon
Cards that were once powerful
It's now easily removed, so I don't feel safe at all when I activate it.
There are many excellent defense cards, so it will be difficult to adopt
japan もも
2018/02/13 19:42
Yugioh Icon
A former restriction card, a card that blocks attacks.
You can still use it for things like self-bouncing.
However, the times have changed, and Swords of Concealing Light, which blocks effect resistance as a back defense rather than blocking attacks, has become more effective.
japan 如月
2017/12/14 17:10
Yugioh Icon
It's a powerful meta card that completely blocks your opponent's attacks for 3 turns (6 turns after activation)!
Note that it is not a Continuous Spell.
If you can activate 3 cards in a row, you can stop your opponent's attack for 18 turns.
However, such a thing rarely happens, and it's over when it's removed, so let's use it properly with other protection cards.
japan Caius
2017/07/16 6:55
Yugioh Icon
It's by no means weak, but it's a card I wouldn't put in if I was asked to put it in.
After all, there were too many ways to remove it, and there were many situations where it couldn't fulfill its role.
It seems that there is room for adoption in self-bounce.
japan デルタアイズ
2017/06/27 18:36
Yugioh Icon
It's an excellent Normal Spell for attack suppression.
It used to be a restricted card.
japan なす
2017/05/21 22:01
Yugioh Icon
Although it is easy to remove, it is powerful in that it blocks the attacks of only the opponent's monsters.
japan ルイ
2017/01/11 19:00
Yugioh Icon
Relying on God in a pinch. Protects against enemy attacks for 3 turns.
It's easier to destroy than when it first appeared, but being able to defend for 3 turns at no cost is strong.
Although it will eventually self-destruct, it is not uncommon for it to be eliminated first, and in a sense it is also excellent as a decoy.
At least one turn, at best two turns would be nice.
It's already a promise that it will break as soon as you use it, and it will take time for the other party to use it.
Since it stays on the field, it's a good idea to use it again with bounces to lock attacks.
It's my favorite card that makes me happy when I'm in a pinch.
japan メタルサイクロプス
2017/01/11 18:24
Yugioh Icon
The times have flown and become easily destroyed, but that is the same for all eternities.
The effect of not letting you attack for a long time is still strong, and it will definitely take a while if you don't have a way to remove it. Moreover, it is also strong that there are no restrictions on this. Even if I let this guy hit removal, I think it's good to think of it as a profitable trade. Since it's a spell, it's fast-acting, and it's also strong against later attacks. However, it is certain that the opponent will move to destroy it, so let's assume that you can't protect the basic 3 turns.
japan はやとちり
2016/09/08 23:56
Yugioh Icon
A representative card that raises tension when pulled in a pinch.
However, in the current environment, don't expect to be able to defend yourself exactly for 3 turns.
Rather, it can be said that it is meaningful to protect the favorite card by becoming a decoy for Spell / Trap card removal.
So, it will be useful in his counter-type Deck, where he steadily deploys monsters while interfering and removing them with Traps.
japan カンノーネ
2016/06/22 19:02
Yugioh Icon
Classic rock card with Normal Spell for some reason.
The truce agreement that level restriction B district locks each other, but you can beat me without worrying about pacifism ()
Well, it's not a name that talks about pacifism.
It's a one-sided massacre that's allowed because it self-destructs on turn 3, but if you just bounce it with Golgar, destroy it with a counter, and put it back on, it becomes a pretty nasty lock.
japan げおんぬ
2016/06/19 16:37
Yugioh Icon
It's over when it's removed, but I think it's strong. It's an old card, but it's still usable today. A game card.
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/05/23 23:41
Yugioh Icon
Ancestor lock card. One-sidedly block the opponent's attack.
His Spell card for Yugi's trump card position. He saved Yugi from a pinch many times.
There are many duels that have become key cards to victory, such as arranging Exodia, descending Black Luster Soldier, and destroying the castle under the dark player killer battle.
Currently, he is mainly active as a companion for special victory themes such as Exodia and Final Countdown.
Now you can stack 3, but as a result of the flood of removals like Cyclone, it may be difficult to defend this card for 3 turns.
It is also a strong point that it is compatible with cards that can be spell bounced and can be used repeatedly.
japan sento
2016/03/12 13:10
Yugioh Icon
It is an early card, and its effect is quite strong.
With Spell Bounce, it's available forever. Is it okay to use it with the Golden Chest? !
japan ヒコモン
2016/02/16 12:59
Yugioh Icon
Ancestor lock card. This card was put out to buy time and draw in the reversal card, creating a stylistic beauty. It was a restricted card for a long time due to its powerful lock ability, but due to the mitigation of Cyclone and the increased number of ways to remove his spells and traps, it has been made unlimited. Recently, the number of users has decreased noticeably. No matter how you look at it, it's a Continuous Spell, but perhaps because it's an initial card, it's a rare card that's treated as a Normal Spell.
japan 音響Em
2015/12/22 12:58
Yugioh Icon
It's weak to not take surprises like Screen of Red
It is good to be able to bounce immediately with Golgar
japan ゆくら
2015/12/01 16:05
Yugioh Icon
buying time
Since it was in the early days, no matter how you look at it, he's a Continuous Spell, but...
It's easy to get killed, so it's wiser to prepare the field while your opponent gets rid of it rather than defending it for 3 turns.
By the way, it is compatible with Spell Trap Bounce and can block the opponent's attack infinitely unless it is removed.
The effect of reverse flipping is not negate, so it will be a bonus
japan アルバ
2015/11/29 9:17
Yugioh Icon
It protects you from battle for 3 turns at no cost, so it's not weak, and you can lay the groundwork for a comeback while buying time.
Even though it is easier to break because it can be stacked, it feels more annoying.
japan 真の仲間
2015/03/15 15:44
Yugioh Icon
Being able to unilaterally attack only yourself is somehow excellent
The adoption rate has dropped noticeably, but it can be used enough to protect monsters
The increased card pool makes it easier to destroy, making it easier to reuse.
japan 盲信するデュエリスト
2015/02/11 14:38
Yugioh Icon
Blocks attacks for 3 turns. It's simple, but that's what makes it so powerful.
The disadvantage is that it remains in the field even though it is not a Continuous Spell,
Is it the point that he activates the opponent's reverse effect such as Shaddoll when activated?
I think it's good to reuse it with Golgar of Alien Deck.
japan かのん
2015/01/12 11:23
Yugioh Icon
I feel like it's easier to destroy, but when this card comes in a pinch
Pretty happy, right?
japan ラーメン
2015/01/12 9:05
Yugioh Icon
It can be said to be Mirafo, but I feel a change in the environment when I can naturally stack 3 powerful cards of this level.
Although there is a risk of being destroyed, it is still powerful enough to block the opponent's attack for 3 turns without any disadvantages.
japan Credlock
2014/10/27 0:36
Yugioh Icon
It will be removed when you use it.
If the opponent uses it, you will be completely stopped.
Please stop... (despair)
japan シャイニング
2014/09/26 9:42
Yugioh Icon
The effect itself is usually excellent, so I'm afraid it will be removed
Well, the fear of removal is almost the same for all cards, so this is the rating.
japan 史貴
2014/08/30 8:22
Yugioh Icon
It was unrestricted due to the increase in removal, but it's still strong if it's decided.
It can also be bounced and reused, which can buy you a lot of time if you do it right.
Since it's not a Continuous Spell, is it a bit painful that it's out of Watchdog's search target?
japan 山猫
2014/07/13 10:47
Yugioh Icon
A card that blocks the opponent's attacks Why isn't he a Continuous Spell...
Immediately cracked by cyclone unlimited impact?
Think the other way around, ``I made the shield sword use the cyclone.''
japan ジュウテツ
2014/03/11 9:34
Yugioh Icon
Although the effect can be resolved if it is removed, I think it's good that if you can't remove this card, your opponent will be forced into a disadvantageous situation.
japan たたた
2014/02/06 3:41
Yugioh Icon
A rock card that has been loved since the first season
It's great to be able to turn back monsters face up, but don't let him inadvertently shoot a Worm or something.
Due to its nature, it is better to move with the idea of ``it will be dangerous if this is gone'' rather than ``it is safe because there is this''
I can't forget the sound effect when I used this in DM4
japan ショウ♪
2013/08/17 5:25
Yugioh Icon
A card that has always been indebted to me
They often come when I'm in a pinch!
japan 聖なる破壊
2013/08/04 17:28
Yugioh Icon
You shouldn't let your guard down just because of this. Just in case... like?
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/04/16 23:22
Yugioh Icon
In the current environment, it's easy to get removed, and it's hard to say that it's likely to last for 3 turns, but if this card uses removal, that's what it is. Unlike other lock cards, it's also attractive that you can attack yourself. The first half of the effect can also trigger a reverse effect.
japan DD
2013/03/09 19:50
Yugioh Icon
The Rock Deck and his Exodia Deck are still in use today, but they are rarely used in official tournaments. It's easier to destroy than before, so it can't be helped. For the time being, if you combine it with a bounce card, you can reuse it.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/25 18:36
Yugioh Icon
The effect of shutting out only the opponent's monster's attack for 3 turns is pretty disgusting. Inferiority Advantage... No matter when you activate it, it will work in your favor. You can also use it to forcibly expose your opponent's face-down monsters, but be careful with Raikou. Cyclone is rampant and tends to be neglected, but since it is unlimited, it may be interesting to stack 3 w
japan ゼンマイ
2013/01/06 22:33
Yugioh Icon
great time card
japan ミソ
2012/11/28 15:53
Yugioh Icon
A very powerful time card. It can be broken by Psych, but on the contrary, if you think that you protected his other spells and traps, it might not be that bad.
japan ファイア野郎
2012/10/22 21:01
Yugioh Icon
The original defensive spell.
If you have 3 turns, you can grab enough time and grab the key to reversing,
Recently, it has become easier for other cards to destroy it before it is destroyed by its own effect, so
Although it is weakened, use it with the bounce card,
There is now a way to reuse them.
japan 二酸化炭素
2012/08/30 20:06
Yugioh Icon
MARU: "Whenever I use this against my opponent, I always think. I wonder if Cyclone will come... I want to summon Ruler Xyz... I have an image of Swords of Revealing Light being used by beginners. But it's surprisingly versatile, isn't it?
japan うぃな
2012/06/19 8:29
Yugioh Icon
One of the big names in defense cards.
It's easy to remove, so it's often not showing its true value, but it's still the best card for buying time, and it's still a card that can be used for bounces.
Reverse crushing is also soberly powerful.
japan みかんゼリー
2012/03/26 20:03
Yugioh Icon
Attack blocking device, finally unlimited.
It's powerful to be immobilized for 3 turns without a way to remove it, and while it's vulnerable to Cyclone and other Spell/Trap destruction systems, it's really useful when it's useful.
You can also use combos while bouncing with Falcon, etc., and the fact that you can turn the set card face up is a big advantage that you shouldn't forget.
japan レシプロ
2012/03/18 18:50
Yugioh Icon
Goes well with the Falcon.
The first effect is also plain, but it crushes Raikou and the like.
japan 愛と正義の使者
2011/12/22 16:53
Yugioh Icon
The problem is that there is a time limit. There was a time when I thought so too.
When it was used several times in hurricanes, etc., I thought it was ridiculous.
Only then will the cyclone not come...
2011/11/22 15:59
Yugioh Icon
A classic card that continues to protect players from the distant past.
The ring of the dark castle (ry
japan daruku
2011/10/13 18:14
Yugioh Icon
A card that protects you from old attacks.
now semi-restrictive
Is it no longer used? i am sad···
You can see that it is quite strong if used in combination with the bounce effect w
japan m
2011/09/23 14:18
Yugioh Icon
This one can buy you 3 turns. Very convenient.
Even if the situation collapses, 3 turns are enough to connect to the situation reversal.
Conversely, it is effective even if you use it when you are superior, and you can hit one-sidedly for 3 turns.
It's also useful for checking his pesky Flip Monsters. Marshmallow Zamaa! is also possible.
japan ウィンたそ
2011/06/14 21:34
Yugioh Icon
A convenient card that has long been used to stop enemy attacks. How many times have you been helped...
japan とき
2011/01/21 19:43
Yugioh Icon
A time-honored sabotage spell familiar from the original. Normal Spell but remains in play.
It stays on the field for 3 turns counted during the opponent's turn, blocking the opponent's attack declaration, and when activated, it also has the effect of turning all of the opponent's face-down monsters face-up.
It's a convenient card to buy time, and I'm the one who gets overturned while I'm slowing down when this card is played. The first half of the effect can sometimes cause the opponent's reverse to miss.
It is also powerful to be able to unilaterally continue to block attacks in combination with self-bounce effects such as Falcon and Golgar. Currently, when adopting this card, is it basic to combine it with such a self-bounce tactic?
However, it's the visible cards that are flooded with removal that are targeted by any of his Spell Trap removals to stay in play. Depending on the situation, there are many cases where even work that buys time cannot be completed, and it can be said that the frequency is increasing. It's a card that's hard to believe in anymore, so it's likely that you'll need a solid motivation to use it.
japan SOUL
2010/12/15 17:39
Yugioh Icon
It's not profitable on its own, but if you have 3 turns, it's easy to aim for a turnaround.
However, since there is also the issue of deck space, it would be difficult to aggressively put in decks other than those that can use bounce combos...?
japan NEOS
2010/10/21 19:19
Yugioh Icon
A defensive spell that buys you time.
Things that are often destroyed in the current environment are still powerful.
Raibo after activating this card is powerful.
japan B
2010/10/21 12:30
Yugioh Icon
Sadly, it doesn't even last 3 turns these days...
still, still
An effect that turns face-down monsters face up and an effect that blocks attacks.
If you can make use of both at the same time, isn't it still quite strong?
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/08/07 16:34
Yugioh Icon
A convenient time saving card.
It's also useful in checking for his Flip Monsters, such as Raikou in Lightsworn.
And because of the nature of being able to stop the opponent's attack continuously, it has a lot of compatibility with Falcon and Duroren.
With unlimited cyclones and rampant removal cards, it's finally possible to stack 3...
japan パンピー
2023/12/06 2:28
Yugioh Icon
japan かどまん
2023/07/20 9:59
Yugioh Icon
japan 一時休戦中クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2024/05/28 14:00
Yugioh Icon
japan asd
2023/12/13 15:06
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/09/25 22:56
I remember Yugi using this in the first episode of the original to stop Kaiba from attacking his Blue-Eyed and equip him with an Exo.

Decks with "Swords of Revealing Light"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 BE1-JP129 2004-06-24 Super
Structure Deck "Power of the Dragon" SD1-JP014 2004-12-09 Normal
Structure Deck "Judgment of the Wizard" SD6-JP021 2005-09-22 Normal
Structure Deck "Guardian God's Stronghold" SD7-JP019 2005-12-08 Normal
Structure Deck "Flash Wave" SD11-JP022 2006-12-14 Normal
Structure Deck "MACHINER'S COMMAND" SD18-JP022 2009-12-12 Normal
Vol.2 --36 1999-03-27 Ultra
GOLD SERIES GS01-JP012 2009-01-17 Gold
STARTER DECK(2011) YSD6-JP026 2011-03-19 Normal
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 (7th period) BE01-JP110 2011-05-14 Ultra
Duelist Box 2012 (Deck) DB12-JP030 2011-11-26 Normal
STARTER DECK(2012) ST12-JP023 2012-03-17 Normal
THE GOLD BOX GDB1-JP012 2012-08-25 Gold
Duelist Set Ver.Lightning Star DS13-JPL27 2012-11-23 Normal
Starter Deck Reinforcement Pack ST13-JPV13 2013-03-16 Super
Memories of the Duel King -The Kingdom of Duelists 15AY-JPA24 2014-03-08 Ultra
Memories of Duel Kings - Dueling Cities 15AY-JPB17 2014-07-05 Normal
Memories of the Duel King 15AY-JPC25 2014-08-23 Normal
Structure Deck - Yugi Muto SDMY-JP027 2016-06-18 Normal
Structure Deck: Powercode Link SD33-JP027 2017-12-09 Normal
PHANTOM GOD PG-40 2000-08-10 Ultra
Duel Royale Deck Set EX DR01-JPA21 2021-07-10 Normal
STRUCTURE DECK - Yugi hen - YU-19 2001-06-28 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 3,401 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 206,216


Japanese card name 光の護封剣

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