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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Labyrinth of Nightmare > De-Fusion

De-Fusion Used Deck

Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Quick-Play Spell - - - - -
Target 1 Fusion Monster on the field; return that target to the Extra Deck, then, if all the materials that were used for its Fusion Summon are in your GY, you can Special Summon all of them.
Average Rating Score 6.6(30)
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  3. Decks with De-Fusion (151 Decks)
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"De-Fusion" card reviews and rating scores

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japan みめっと@引退
2022/04/11 14:40
Yugioh Icon
One of his spell cards with a fusion name that doesn't fusion summon and doesn't do anything with fusion spells.
As a Quick-Play Spell, if you use it on your own monster, you can use it for a follow-up attack by increasing the number of moves in the Sacrifice Escape or Battle Phase, and for the opponent's Fusion Monster, a removal card that penetrates destruction resistance with Friche. becomes.
If you use it on your own monster, the return when it is decided well is large, so the combo is high and unstable, so ignore the effect destruction resistance of the opponent's Fusion Monster & general purpose to remove without causing GY effect I feel that the existence value as a meta tag is greater.
In the original work, in addition to the original method of dealing with humanoid drakes, the combination of Valkyrion can be canceled and three obelisk sacrifices can be arranged, and by splitting the ultimate dragon and increasing the number of dragons on the opponent's field, Paladin's firepower and It was used in a variety of special ways, such as accelerating LP cuts from all-out attacks, and Malik recovering LP by canceling the combination of himself and Ra, but none of these are possible in OCG. It is how to use.
japan カディーン
2022/02/08 23:45
Yugioh Icon
Old-timer fusion support that was used in an impressive way in both the original and animation.
Although it is said to be a support, it can bounce the opponent's Fusion Monster, so it has a meta aspect, and although it can only target Fusion Monsters, it has a wide range of uses.
If you use it on your own monsters, there are no restrictions on the material monsters, so it's a delicious effect that you can get change just by the SS effect of the material. The strengths that cannot be underestimated are the explosive power of the material's all-out attack and the possibility of a free chain sacrifice escape.
The drawback is that it is difficult to satisfy the condition of "a set of fusion materials". Activation itself is a furiche, but it is extremely difficult to demonstrate the maximum effect under these conditions.
In recent years, it has been used exclusively for the purpose of exiting the opponent's Fusion Monster, and there is a strong clause that canceling one's own fusion is operated as a sub-plan. If you use it against your opponent, he only needs to be a Fusion Monster, so he can hit M-HERO and Super Thunder Dragon, so it's useful outside of mirror matches.
A card like a special agent in the fusion dimension that sneaks into the side every time a fusion deck rises in the meta.
japan ide
2022/02/08 22:20
Yugioh Icon
A card that can safely deal with troublesome Fusion Monsters such as 《Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon》. However, I think it's a good idea to take up space in his deck for this local card. Is there a chance for hiring on the side?
japan ねこーら
2020/12/23 22:53
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: A card that is adopted as the opponent's Fusion Monster meta rather than separating his Fusion Monster.
Since it has the name "Fusion", it can be searched with "Predaplant Chimerafflesia".
It's useful against Dogmatika Shaddoll and Dogmatika Invoked, and the opponent's Dogmatika Maximus can be used to place Chimera Frecia into his GY, allowing you to search and remove Shaddoll Fusion Monsters.
However, it is worthwhile to use it yourself, and his Shaddoll, which has loose fusion materials, can be used in many ways, such as reviving monsters sent to his GY with Shaddoll Fusion and pursuing them.
It might be a good idea to use it together with 《Predaplant Chimerafflesia》yourself.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/26 7:19
Yugioh Icon
Fusion Monster's Escape + Material Special Summon. However, in recent years, the number of fusion variations has increased considerably, and the scenes in which this card plays an active role are quite limited.
japan シエスタ
2019/02/12 9:05
Yugioh Icon
Effect of the name. Quick-Play Spell Therefore, it is a tricky card that can be used for various purposes from escape to pursuit.
It can do interesting moves, but it's highly dependent on combos, so it's hard to say that it's a card that's at the actual level.
Postscript: Due to the presence of fusions such as Sandra and his Shaddoll, which have been highly influential recently, it is often installed on the side as a meta, and its value is increasing.
Dogmatika, who is often on business trips, has the effect of reducing the opponent's EX, so having Chimera Frecia ready will make searching easier.
Of course, it would be even better if it was a deck that actively handled the fusion itself.
Depending on the Deck and the environment, I wonder if it became practical.
japan アルバ
2017/05/29 12:34
Yugioh Icon
It has a wide range of uses, including pursuit, evasion, and reusing the effects of fusion material monsters.
In the case of follow-up attacks and removal avoidance, it is assumed that materials from the field and hand are used and fused, so if an accident occurs, it will spoil.
It's excellent for the Fusion Monster meta, and it's a Quick-Play Spell Compulsory Evacuation Device.
Although the name is 《De-Fusion》, it can be used for M・HERO and Gladiator Beast, etc.
japan ツルギ
2016/12/13 16:12
Yugioh Icon
If I dare to explain it strictly, it is "a card that bounces a Fusion Monster".
After that, you can revive a set of "monsters that can be used as fusion materials" from his GY.
What I'm talking about is... For example, you can't revive Proto Cyber, which is used as material for Cyber Twin, with 《De-Fusion》. Because he's not a sidera in his GY, so he can't be a fusion material. Same with Prisma.
Also, Starve Venom cannot be revived by any fusion material. Because he on the field can only use DARK monsters as fusion materials.
If you pay attention to the above, you can do some pretty interesting things with this card.
japan 龍馬
2016/07/06 13:04
Yugioh Icon
It seems that it can also be used in Cyber style. Fused "Cyber Twin Dragon" and when he was attacked with "Dimensional Prison" and Book of the Moon against Cyber End Dragon, he used this to avoid being removed or turned into a back defense.
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/06/18 16:48
Yugioh Icon
Return 3 of his opponent's Blue-Eyed ultimate dragons to his Blue-Eyed and defeat them all at once! ! ! (Original reproduction)
A card that returns a Fusion Monster to its material.
Pursue with materials, protect Fusion Monsters with Sacrifice Escape,,,
Quick-Play Spell Nanomo◎
japan tres
2015/12/18 17:02
Yugioh Icon
You can follow up with fusion material monsters and avoid fusion monsters from effects. As the number of Fusion Monsters increases, there will be more ways to use them.
japan ファイア野郎
2015/02/21 14:33
Yugioh Icon
A card that can return Fusion Monsters to materials.
It is very important that it is a Quick-Play Spell,
Returned to material by using it on his Fusion Monster
Follow up with a monster, or use it to remove your opponent.
It is possible to chain and avoid removal.
Without a Fusion Monster, it could cause an accident, but it's a card that increases the explosive power of her fusion-based Deck.
Recently, Shaddoll and HERO
Since the number of excellent Fusion Monsters is increasing,
You can also become a side member.
japan ★カービィ★
2014/11/30 15:45
Yugioh Icon
I will cry if this Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon kills me lol
Kaiba-sama donmai ><
japan hio
2014/08/05 21:21
Yugioh Icon
A card that is being re-evaluated due to the significant enhancement of HERO, the rise of his Shaddoll, and the increase in fusion themes.
One kill using Black Archfiend's Dragon is famous.
As a bounce removal against Fusion Monsters, it's worth throwing sideways as a meta even if you don't use fusion.
Categorically, he is also effective against M・HERO who becomes a Fusion Monster.
japan ガガガ君我
2014/08/05 19:15
Yugioh Icon
The trick is to have a fast-acting spell.
It can be used for both evasion and offense and defense when it is taken as a target.
Depending on the fusion material, there is a bonus of +α.
In particular, the appearance of Blaze makes it easier to fuse at any time, and if that Blaze is used as a material (if it is not the same turn), he can search for fusion again with Special Summon when it is released.
A card that becomes stronger as the number of non-fusion HEROs whose effects can be activated during Special Summon increases.
japan 結城
2014/07/18 10:27
Yugioh Icon
Since ARC-V has started and fusion has been strengthened again, I've been seeing it occasionally.
In fact, it is good to use it on your own fusion body to lead to a follow-up attack or a second fusion,
I think it's also strong to use as a removal against mirrors and HERO opponents.
It's a card that exists from Dueling City, but it still feels like it's still active.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/18 18:09
Yugioh Icon
A card that is both a fusion support card and a fusion meta card. However, basically you will often use it for your own Fusion Monster. Its strength is that it is a Quick-Play Spell.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/09 18:22
Yugioh Icon
A fun fusion support card that works in a small turn
You can use it on his Fusion Monster to sacrifice escape and chase.
If you use it on your opponent's Fusion Monster, it will be a fusion meta bounce card. Since the effect of collecting materials from Special Summon s is optional, there is no disadvantage to you if you use it on your opponent.
But basically you'll be using it for yourself
japan わたV
2012/12/20 14:53
Yugioh Icon
It will be in the fusion meta for now, but I don't see many fusions right now, so I'll be using it mainly for my own Fusion Monster.
As you can see from the fact that it is a Quick-Play Spell, the true value of this card is that it can be activated during the Battle Phase. After attacking with a Fusion Monster, it is possible to follow up with a monster that has been unfused and returned.
Also, as Mr. Scrap Toritodon said, he has excellent compatibility with ZERO.
japan みかんゼリー
2012/10/31 17:03
Yugioh Icon
You can also use it against your opponent, but it depends on the opponent, so basically you can use it on your own Fusion Monster to avoid removal, or when you hit it again with materials.
I'm really happy that it's a Quick-Play Spell, and although it may cause accidents, it's a very useful and powerful card if used well.
Recommended for those who want to aim for one kill with fusion.
japan ユウ
2012/02/13 18:25
Yugioh Icon
Can be used for pursuit and evasion.
If you use super fusion, you can attack even more.
japan みのし
2011/09/06 16:53
Yugioh Icon
Basically used for pursuit and target avoidance.
Very rarely used against opponents. use it for yourself
Please use it as a companion for his deck that diversifies fusion.
Be careful when attacking your opponent. Since it is a rewind, it will be attacked after all.
japan とき
2011/01/03 0:38
Yugioh Icon
A Quick-Play Spell that has the effect of returning one of her Fusion Monsters on the field to the EX Deck, and the effect of reviving them if the combination of monsters used for the fusion of that monster is in her GY.
You can also use it to return the opponent's Fusion Monster, but it's a versatile escape device that can be done satisfactorily, so if you use this card, you'll have to unlock your own card.
The reason why I bothered to cast his Fusion Monster is that this card is his Quick-Play Spell. The operation of separating the attacking fusion and pursuing it with materials is a powerful operation that has a long history from the original work. Accidents are scary, but the explosive power is considerable. It is also possible to aim to reduce the power by whiffing the destruction effect that aims at the Fusion Monster.
I can't expect much to remove the opponent's fusion, so it's a card that he uses for explosive power in his deck, which frequently uses fusion. It also has little meaning if the fusion material is poor, so it will be a card used by decks aiming for large fusion.
The existence of 《Ultra Polymerization》, which revives the material without returning the Fusion Monster, was born, but it has many disadvantages, so it is impossible to follow up and avoid removal like this card can. You can think of it as a card for almost another job.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/02 18:51
Yugioh Icon
Fusion Monster itself doesn't look that far, so I basically use it for my own monsters.
If used on Abu ZERO during the Battle Phase, it is possible to skip the Sambol effect at the same time as two monsters appear and give two direct hits.
Feel free to throw in some fusion with the HERO Deck.
japan NEOS
2010/08/18 20:46
Yugioh Icon
Basically, it's brave to use it for pursuit and evasion.
For pursuit, I want to unlock monsters with powerful fusion materials such as Black Archfiend's Dragon and Wild Juggyman.
Evasion should be avoided when the effect taken by the target is activated.
In addition, due to the rewinding relationship, even if you dodge the attack declaration, you will be chased.
japan ブルーバード
2023/11/26 12:05
Yugioh Icon
japan 愛佳
2024/07/06 23:58
Yugioh Icon
japan asd
2024/06/27 15:23
Yugioh Icon
japan パンピー
2024/03/02 17:05
Yugioh Icon
japan かどまん
2024/02/02 11:39
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "De-Fusion"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BEGINNER'S EDITION 2 BE2-JP029 2004-12-09 Normal
Duelist Pack - Hell-kaizer hen - DP04-JP017 2006-10-26 Normal
DUEL TERMINAL - The Heartbeat of Trishula! - DT08-JP044 2010-01-01 Normal
Labyrinth of Nightmare LN-46 2001-07-02 Super
BEGINNER'S EDITION 2 (7th period) BE02-JP026 2011-08-13 Normal
Memories of Duel Kings - Dueling Cities 15AY-JPB31 2014-07-05 Normal
Structure Deck - Yugi Muto SDMY-JP032 2016-06-18 Normal
PRISMATIC GOD BOX PGB1-JP033 2020-12-19 Normal
STRUCTURE DECK - Pegasus J. Crawford hen - PE-47 2002-03-21 Normal
STRUCTURE DECK - Yugi hen - Volume.2 SY2-048 2003-05-22 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 6,392 / 13,016 Cards
View Num 71,820


Japanese card name 融合解除

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