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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Union's Descent  > Neko Mane King

Neko Mane King Used Deck

Neko Mane King
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 1 Beast 0 0
During your opponent's turn, when this card in your possession is sent to your GY by an opponent's card effect: It becomes the End Phase of this turn.
Average Rating Score 5.8(22)
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  2. Card Reviews (22 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Neko Mane King (10 Decks)
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"Neko Mane King" card reviews and rating scores

4% (1)
31% (7)
45% (10)
18% (4)
0% (0)

japan asd
2023/03/12 11:36
Yugioh Icon
A card to counteract an apocalyptic environment.
Perhaps because of the era in which it was introduced, it doesn't deal with exclusions like Runick, and it's useless against being handicapped or deck-deathed on your turn.
japan みめっと
2022/11/07 8:47
Yugioh Icon
A Norare monster that appeared in season 3 and looks like a matryoshka cat.
It has a nice landmine effect that ends the opponent's turn on the spot when he is sent to GY due to the opponent's effect during the opponent's turn.
Since the effect is triggered by any effect sent to GY from any area, it can react to the opponent's random removal, handicap, and deck death, and can be used as a starting point for development. It is a powerful meta card for Decks that include the actions of .
It is a card that has lost its versatility that its effective opponents and uses are extremely limited, but its ability to demonstrate is extremely strong, so it can be said that its value as a meta card is high.
japan ブルーバード
2022/09/27 20:47
Yugioh Icon
A card that suddenly attracts attention due to the Ishizu Tiara. Putting a hold on Agido the Ancient Sentinel and Kelbek the Ancient Vanguard, his violent GY manure.
In modern times, monsters are dealt with effects rather than combat, and this card acts as a landmine against sweepers. Since the status is very excellent, it can be used as a check by recruiting and reviving.
By combining it with 《Grapha, Dragon Overlord of Dark World》, a terrifying combo of voluntarily stepping on the trigger was completed.
The potential was originally quite high, but the time has finally come to make the most of that potential.
japan ねこーら
2021/06/24 21:20
Yugioh Icon
Overall evaluation: With a specialized deck, you can even win without letting your opponent do anything.
It needs to be sent to his GY by the opponent's effect, but it works as a preparation for removal etc.
Scrubbed Raid》is possible without preparation even if you pay for it.
It might be possible to keep him in GY with the aim of getting involved in the resurrection against removal.
It can be actively used by sending a card with a forced destruction effect in combination with sending cards such as 《Geonator Transverser》.
Sending a monster with a handicap effect and being handicapped during the opponent's turn, you can do whatever you want.
Send Criosphinx, and with Melffy Pony he recovers this card from GY, or if you set up a formation that searches with Melffy Catty, Melffy's common effect bounces this card into your hand. In addition, using it as a trigger, 《Criosphinx》handicap is activated.
Throw away this card and turn skip or establishment suru.
japan 奇怪賊
2020/12/02 11:29
Yugioh Icon
To be precise, it's a too strong reset effect that forces the opponent's turn to end phase.
Especially for handicap and his deck destruction, it's quite a meta card.
That said, it has many weaknesses, and it needs to be sent to his GY by the opponent's effect during the opponent's turn. is also weak.
Discard is also useless against his deck, which comes on your turn, not on your opponent's turn.
The combo of sending Queen of Rose and continuing fishing with Kinka Cat is also interesting, but it is possible to shoot his Quick-Play Spell immediately after triggering or in the end phase, so you can't overestimate it.
Since it's a level 1 Beast, it's possible to recruit with Raikou with 《Obedience Schooled》, return it to your hand with Alpha, and then set either of them.
There is no doubt that it is an interesting card, but since it basically depends on the opponent, a combo is essential to aim. It's just fun and it's going to end.
japan プンプン丸
2020/12/02 8:03
Yugioh Icon
It depends on the other party, but if you use something like 《Ceruli, Guru of Dark World》, you can actively use it
"Turn Skip" is a card effect with a large return, so I think it's worth aiming for a combo.
Decks that use this card were developed relatively in the shadows, so it's interesting to investigate.
japan アルバ
2020/12/01 22:48
Yugioh Icon
If you remove it, the turn ends abruptly, so its performance as a mine is strong.
It can drop from your hand or GY, so it's a sober meta for handicap and his deck destruction.
The difficulty is that if you don't read the opponent's deck and actions to some extent, you will be hit normally and end.
Since it is a bush snake type card, it has the property that the taste may be divided.
japan gaya
2020/12/01 20:16
Yugioh Icon
Although it is highly dependent on the opponent and the activation conditions are very difficult, it has a powerful effect that makes the opponent's turn 《Scrubbed Raid》without question. Since he has a strong meta card element, it depends on the environment whether he will be included in the deck or not, but I think it will be worth using as a side deck member in any era.
japan シエスタ
2020/12/01 10:47
Yugioh Icon
The effect itself is powerful with a lot of supports, but the conditions are completely dependent on the opponent, so it is difficult to activate and unstable.
Is it a dedicated construction, or read the environment and adopt it as a meta?
I think that there is originality and there is no future potential.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/22 5:41
Yugioh Icon
A natural enemy of Handes and his deck destruction. It doesn't matter where you send it, so if you throw it away with elimination or metapo, the turn ends. Although it is the current situation that it cannot be used casually because it depends on the other party.
japan Bさん
2018/08/11 19:06
Yugioh Icon
I can't aim, but the trigger condition is
It's interesting that it can be played from anywhere, such as the field, Deck, or hand.
It's strong when it's decided (laughs)
If you put him in the main, Exodia, 《Destiny Board》, etc.
Even though he won a special victory, I think he pinned the deck.
japan ヒコモン
2017/03/06 13:00
Yugioh Icon
It's powerful to be able to bring it all the way to the end phase at once. However, since it is necessary to send his GY by the opponent's effect, it is quite difficult to meet the conditions.
japan 編集
2016/01/02 16:27
Yugioh Icon
If you put something like this in there, there is a high probability that an accident will occur.
Is it still for meta?
japan サンダー・ボルト
2014/08/13 18:22
Yugioh Icon
Handicap/Deck An effective card in the destruction meta. However, it is useless against 《Necroface》and 《Ghostrick Skeleton》that are excluded. It's not very useful against his normal deck, but I think it could be a good sideboard card when Discard/Deck destruction shows up in the environment.
japan 同志スラリン
2014/01/10 22:33
Yugioh Icon
If it's just one-kill prevention, there are plenty of cards with higher versatility...
However, if this card is addictive, the advantage is that you can end the turn without letting the opponent take a defensive posture. I feel like it's a card to aim for one kill in return rather than blocking one kill...
japan とき
2012/07/01 14:48
Yugioh Icon
One piece that is mainly used to block one kill by making use of Deck death and handicap.
Other than that, it's Scrubbed Raid with a loose trigger, so it's a card that can stop one kill.
It's not something you can aim for, so it's good for side decks, but it's worth having a card like this.
japan SOUL
2011/11/03 18:12
Yugioh Icon
It's a pity that it doesn't support battle destruction.
However, the naming and the impact of the effect are good, so can it be used for performance?
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/04/11 22:20
Yugioh Icon
If it is decided, the turn ends.
But that's not what I'm aiming for...
japan NEOS
2010/11/27 13:19
Yugioh Icon
Opponent turn 《Scrubbed Raid》!
Even if the activation conditions are severe, the effect is powerful.
This is the best for 《Judgment Dragon》and Damned (I can't say for certain, but...)
However, Trishula is powerless...
japan 想夢
2010/10/02 13:01
Yugioh Icon
A card that can save you if your opponent is a one-kill deck.
But it's subtle to load from the main...
japan かどまん
2023/08/22 18:53
Yugioh Icon
japan キラープリン
2023/08/10 23:58
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Neko Mane King"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
EXPERT EDITION Volume.1 EE1-JP076 2004-09-23 Normal
Union's Descent 302-021 2002-07-18 N-Rare

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 7,606 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 27,045


Japanese card name ネコマネキング

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