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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > New Ruler > Spirit Reaper

Spirit Reaper Used Deck

Spirit Reaper
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 3 Zombie 300 200
Cannot be destroyed by battle. After resolving a card effect that targets this face-up card, destroy this card. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent by a direct attack: Discard 1 random card from their hand.
Average Rating Score 7(38)
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  3. Decks with Spirit Reaper (179 Decks)
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"Spirit Reaper" card reviews and rating scores

7% (3)
71% (27)
18% (7)
2% (1)
0% (0)

japan かどまん
2023/07/05 22:24
Yugioh Icon
Although it has an ominous appearance and name, it is abbreviated as "Takeshi", which is similar to a person's name.
It used to be called [Good Stuff] or [Standard]
Collecting what we now call general-purpose cards, he was once a monster that was part of the Deck and was also restricted.
First, 《Mystic Tomato》and 《Pyramid Turtle
It was compatible with the mainstream recruiters at the time and was an easy-to-handle monster at this point.
In addition, search is also compatible with 《Sangan '' and 《Goblin Zombie '', and handling is outstanding.
The ability to revive with Book of Life, a Zombie resurrection card, was also great.
Battle destruction resistance is a powerful effect in the era when there were few removal methods by effects
At that time, the breakthrough of this card required the opponent to consume some kind of card, and it was possible to realize a 1: 1 exchange.
It has the disadvantage of self-destructing when it is targeted by some effect, but it is basically a wall monster.
It can be said that it has fulfilled its role sufficiently if you let the opponent consume some kind of card.
Takeshi's strength is that he can get more than just a wall because he can get an ad by handicap at the time of DA.
From "Marshmallon", a representative of the same wall monster
It is thanks to this effect that it was used for a long time in actual combat.
japan ブルーバード
2023/03/10 9:03
Yugioh Icon
known as Takeshi. Thanks to my combat resistance, I was able to stick with it, and when I was superior, I was able to participate in the attack and gain a handicap. It self-destructs when taken as a target in exchange for combat resistance, but it was also an advantage of not going to the opponent with brain control or energy control.
Moreover, he belongs to Zombie, which was said to be one of the three strongest races at the time. You can recruit from , and you can revive with and use evil tactics. His ATK was very low with his DARK to finish off, so it also supports Death Deck. Considering the time of its appearance, it was a battle machine that was too blessed.
The only drawback is that if you stand still, your combat resistance will become your enemy and you will be beaten. It's a good memory to be beaten by an octopus in the future over.
japan 超弩級スライム
2023/02/06 22:29
Yugioh Icon
It would be a troublesome monster in an age where there is little removal due to battle destruction resistance.
Compared to Marshmallon, which also has battle destruction resistance, it's inferior in terms of hardness in terms of self-destruction, but if you have a chance, it's advantage is that you can reduce the possibility of a comeback with handicap.
Back in the days when Inzek didn't exist, it might have been realistic to wait until the opponent drew a removal method and release a Tribute Summon.
However, in the current high-speed environment, if you can't interfere with the opponent's development, it's not uncommon for it to be easily removed from the backside and just one kill. Of course, it's not like there aren't opponents who attack without warning, but even so, it's impossible to endure for more than two turns unless the opponent has an accident.
japan みめっと
2021/06/03 10:59
Yugioh Icon
He is the representative angle of the "lower class monsters with battle destruction resistance" in the Yu-Gi-Oh OCG that appeared in the 3rd season, and is senior to Marshmaron, who also made a name for himself as a wall with battle destruction resistance.
Speaking of low class monsters with battle destruction resistance before season 2, it had a tragic quality like Bysardes, so it's hard to imagine how strong this monster with unconditional and infinite battle destruction resistance was at the time. I don't think so.
In Kiratoma, he was recruited and separated from Zarugu and 《Sangan》, and as a Zombie, there are many dedicated SS methods such as Pirata and Book of the Living. It is clear from the fact that this monster was designated as a restricted card that it was one of the Good Stuff Monsters.
Combat destruction resistance is no longer rare these days, but since it is a named fusion material for 《Reaper on the Nightmare》, it can be said that it can still play an active role.
japan プンプン丸
2021/06/03 8:36
Yugioh Icon
Abbreviated as "Takeshi"  Isn't everyone using this card?
A card that used to be a "restricted card" due to its hardness that prevents it from being destroyed in battle and its aggressive ability to handicap if there is a chance. There is also an effect that self-destructs when the target is taken, but for example, 《Shrink》《Shrink》will destroy it, but that's a 1:1 ratio, so it's doing its job. "It's a strong card in that sense."
japan ねこーら
2021/06/02 2:05
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: It works as a wall, and there is a job itself that can be handicapped by looking at the gap.
If you put it out in the back defense, it will not self-destruct even if the target is taken, and it will demonstrate its role as a wall.
After overcoming it, use a large monster to pry open the opponent's board, then follow up with a handicap attack.
However, it has a lot of removal spells, so it's hard to be stable with battle destruction resistance alone, and equipment cards and the like self-destruct, so it's a bad idea to make up for it.
You can call him with 《Fusion Deployment》or something like that, but even if you attack directly, is it better to call the attacker and reduce his LP?
It seems to be useful, but it's about the 4th season.
japan プラント・プラン
2019/07/14 14:36
Yugioh Icon
A wall monster that cannot be destroyed in battle.
It has the disadvantage of being destroyed once the target is taken. However, putting that aside, it might be a useful card as a wall monster.
ATK is poor, but the handicap effect of a successful direct attack cannot be underestimated.
However, as mentioned above, ATK is poor, so be careful that it will be very disastrous if you get sandbacked.
japan アルバ
2018/12/09 10:50
Yugioh Icon
A wall monster that rivals the old Yu-Gi-Oh marshmallows.
As a wall, it self-destructs if it is taken by a target, but it has a rather strong offensive element compared to Marshmallow, which can be handicapped if you can hit a direct attack while looking for an opening.
Because it is a low status Ande, there are many supports.
japan シエスタ
2018/07/24 10:00
Yugioh Icon
A card known by the nickname of Takeshi.
It has battle destruction resistance and has a place as it is as a lower class.
Since there is a card that uses undead and itself as a fusion material, you can receive fusion support and there are plenty of ways to develop it.
In addition, it has a handicap effect, and if there is a chance, it can reduce the opponent's strength, and it can also be active as an attacker at times.
However, it may have been considered excessive to have a handicap on the wall, but since it has the effect of self-destructing when the target is taken, it is quite weak outside of combat.
Even now, it's not bad at all, but it's a bit difficult to play an active role like in the past, as it's a mismatch in a high-speed environment with an increase in removal methods that gives a little damage and handicap.
japan 備長炭18
2018/03/01 10:47
Yugioh Icon
A monster with battle destruction resistance that makes a pair with marshmallows.
Once in a while, I'm happy when Handes succeeds.
japan デルタアイズ
2018/02/23 20:03
Yugioh Icon
A wall monster that can be handicapped by direct attacks.
Watch out for punching bags!
japan もも
2018/02/19 12:57
Yugioh Icon
A card that can be said to be the offensive version of Marshmallow.
They have the same battle destruction resistance, but instead of not having 1000 burns, they have a handicap effect with direct attacks.
A card built into Tomahan parts.
japan アメメ
2017/09/13 7:56
Yugioh Icon
aka Takeshi
Not only can it become a wall, but if you have a chance, you can attack with a handicap, but there is a risk of taking a large amount of damage from a counterattack, so be careful.
It self-destructs if it is targeted, so I think it's a bit disappointing not to be able to use it for libido.
japan なす
2017/07/20 17:12
Yugioh Icon
One of the monsters with battle resistance.
It self-destructs when targeted by effects, so it's easier to remove than Marshmallow, but thanks to being a Zombie, there are more ways to revive it than over there. The handicap effect from direct attacks is also strong, so you want to aim for it.
japan ター坊
2017/04/13 14:29
Yugioh Icon
Among my friends, my nickname is Takeshi
There is also a marshmallow as a lower grade that cannot be destroyed in battle, and due to the self-destruction effect in the first half, it is slightly inferior in terms of standing. However, the handicap effect in the second half shines, and it is a big advantage that it can be used as an offensive personnel when turning to the offensive.
Other than that, it's just a matter of preference due to differences in attributes and races.
japan はやとちり
2016/07/05 19:21
Yugioh Icon
It's not suitable as a defense, but the handicap shines a lot. Yu-Gi-Oh doesn't even allow you to use the Dust Shoot, so you can see how good it is if you can get handicapped just by attacking directly and it won't be destroyed in battle.
For the time being, dealing with the opponent's monster and hitting it with this guy is pretty easy to decide in the current environment with loose regulations.
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/06/17 16:50
Yugioh Icon
A man that will never be destroyed in battle.
At the same time, he is destroyed when he is targeted by a Spell, Trap, or Monster.
It also has the effect of random handicap when you decide to direct attack (beware of Dark World because it is a [discard] type handicap), but it is not something you can aim for because it has a low ATK, and the main thing is not to be destroyed in battle. will be operated as
japan ヒコモン
2016/03/03 12:57
Yugioh Icon
An excellent wall monster along with marshmallows. It took the world by storm in an age when battle destruction was the norm. However, with the flood of non-combat removal, it's hard to find. It can also be used as a counterattack, such as performing a follow-up attack with handicap.
japan yt14132
2015/12/16 1:30
Yugioh Icon
This guy and 3 marshmallows
pretty strong
japan ゆくら
2015/11/15 17:53
Yugioh Icon
No, he's nostalgic.
When I was little, I used to line up this card and marshmallows and endure them, and when the opponent's field was full, I used Raibol to counter it.
Since it has a simple handicap effect, I set it to attack position and went to hit it.
Even though it has a self-destruct effect, it's hard to use, but the handicap is pretty strong (I guess it means riding a horse with a Fusion Monster and attacking directly)
To be honest, the number of monsters that can't be destroyed by battle has increased, and it's easier to remove them from an environmental point of view.
japan たたた
2013/06/22 4:03
Yugioh Icon
Takeshi for short
Losing Judgment Dragon with this is a good memory
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/05 23:28
Yugioh Icon
It has combat resistance, but it disappears when using an effect that has a target, so it's a little difficult to handle. That said, if the target is taken by an effect, it will often be removed anyway, so it may not be a disadvantage that you are so concerned about. The discard effect is also pretty good, so it's a pretty useful card in the Zombie Deck.
japan 愛と正義の使者
2013/04/15 22:52
Yugioh Icon
It used to be a powerful card that could fit in any deck of his...
Combat resistance is now a bonus. Handicap and level 3 undead are worth it.
japan DD
2013/03/09 20:20
Yugioh Icon
The effect of not being destroyed in battle is powerful, but it's hard to play an active role in the current environment. However, if you take advantage of the fact that it's a Zombie, it's still a card that can be used.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/31 16:41
Yugioh Icon
A wall with battle destruction resistance that ranks with marshmallows. This can also turn to attack, and at that time, it exerts a powerful handicap effect. However, if it is targeted by a card effect, it will be destroyed, so it is worse than Marshmallow. Since the attribute race is blessed, there is no loss in throwing it into such a deck
japan ダイナソー紅月
2012/10/30 13:06
Yugioh Icon
An excellent wall that cannot be destroyed in battle, although it has the disadvantage of self-destructing when targeted by card effects.
There is no opportunity to use the handicap effect.
japan lock
2012/10/29 21:21
Yugioh Icon
A usable child who can also be a wall and handicap. Because it is hard, there are not many opportunities to handicap
japan ファイア野郎
2012/10/26 14:15
Yugioh Icon
A battle-destruction-resistant monster on par with Marshmallow.
This has a self-destruct effect, so it is easier to destroy than marshmallows,
In a pinch, you can also attack directly and aim for handicap.
If marshmallow is a defensive wall monster,
This should be called a wall monster that can turn to attack.
japan 二酸化炭素
2012/08/30 20:26
Yugioh Icon
Mr. MARU: "It's very normal. It's not used very often in the current environment, and there aren't many opportunities for 300 burns. I don't think there are many people who can put it in the deck. Excluding undead."
Spirit Reaper》「・・・」
japan 真ロストマン
2012/08/14 9:41
Yugioh Icon
Is it normal in the current environment ~ :-(
japan みかんゼリー
2012/06/15 23:18
Yugioh Icon
It's destroyed when targeted, but it's nothing but an excellent wall.
And if there is a chance, directly determine the handicap effect.
Synchro, Xyz, Undead, compatible with various decks.
Is it up to him to decide which one to put in, the stable burn marshmallow?
japan そうだ、ロリコンだ
2012/06/15 11:22
Yugioh Icon
If you look back at the restriction history of this guy and Marshmallow, you can see how the battle destruction resistance in the current environment is not evaluated.
A card that can be used for unexpected attacks, such as handicap if you decide to attack directly. If you're not good at it, you'll be turned into a punching bag.
Note that the self-destruct effect is at the end of the effect processing, so even if you use escape etc., it will only return to your hand. See the wiki for details.
japan 霞の谷のウィンダ
2011/09/18 22:49
Yugioh Icon
It's an excellent wall that can't be destroyed in combat and lets you use your opponent's removal.
It's perfect for release and sync, so there's no reason not to put it in!
japan とき
2011/01/21 10:34
Yugioh Icon
Two giants that are resistant to battle destruction, along with Marshmallow.
Compared to the solid marshmallow, this one is a little trickier.
Its weak point is that it can target, but its handicap effect is also powerful and has the potential to turn aggressive. However, if you set up a handicap, you should be prepared for a painful experience on the next turn.
Due to the change in the environment, I can hardly expect it to be in the field, and I think it's better to call it a handicap card that can withstand it. However, his ATK is too low for that. Depending on the mass deployment of the opponent, there is also the danger of punching bags.
japan NEOS
2010/12/29 8:26
Yugioh Icon
Unlike Marshmallow, this one has his DARK and Andean effect.
The handicap effect has many chances to activate unexpectedly.
Even if you defeat the marshmallow, if this card is issued, you will be defeated...
Like Marshmallow, it is weak against penetration.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/12/20 19:29
Yugioh Icon
A ghost who falls down whether it's contracting or rushing.
It's a good memory that the CPU shot Overpowering Eye at this guy and killed himself.
Since the self-destructing race is an excellent wall monster, there is no reason not to use it.
The handicap effect that doesn't exist is also annoying if you get hit.
japan SOUL
2010/08/16 17:09
Yugioh Icon
In some cases, it can be fused into a ghost that hunts nightmares.
If you're going to use a fusion curse creature, give it a shot if you have the chance!
Focusing on Zombies, reviving them multiple times with Zombie Master can buy you a lot of time.
Well, it can't be helped with monsters with removal effects.
japan 一時休戦中クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2024/03/17 23:24
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Spirit Reaper"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
EXPERT EDITION Volume.1 EE1-JP024 2004-09-23 Rare
Structure Deck "Threat of Undead" SD2-JP006 2004-12-09 Normal
Structure Deck "Curse of Darkness" SD12-JP010 2007-03-08 Normal
Structure Deck "Resurrection of the Giant Dragon" SD13-JP009 2007-06-23 Normal
New Ruler 301-024 2002-05-16 Normal
GOLD SERIES 2010 GS02-JP004 2010-01-23 Gold
THE GOLD BOX GDB1-JP024 2012-08-25 Gold
DUEL ROYALE Deck Set EX ROUND2 DR02-JPA14 2022-04-29 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 5,569 / 12,891 Cards
View Num 87,871


Japanese card name 魂を削る死霊

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