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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > FLAMING ETERNITY > Rescue Cat

Rescue Cat Used Deck

Rescue Cat
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 4 Beast 300 100
You can send this card to the GY; Special Summon 2 Level 3 or lower Beast monsters from your Deck, but their effects are negated, also they are destroyed during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Rescue Cat" once per turn.
Average Rating Score 9.6(39)
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"Rescue Cat" card reviews and rating scores

97% (38)
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japan かどまん
2023/02/08 21:11
Yugioh Icon
Cards that have been errataed and returned to the original banned card
Recruit 2 Beasts of LV3 or lower from the Deck by negate their effects
Before Errata, you could use the effects of summoned monsters without turn 1 restrictions.
It was around the time when DM ended and I just moved to GX.
Yu-Gi-Oh has entered a deflationary period overall due to restrictions on power cards during the DM period.
In the environment of the low beat era where the main deck is the main axis
It also has the disadvantage of self-destruction, so even if you call two low-ranking creatures, it's just a card with no particular use.
It was a pet-like card with a unique illustration
However, when GX ends and S summon is implemented in the 6th term, it will change completely.
The earliest tuner that appeared, 《X-Saber Airbellum》, was an LV3 Beast, so it was combined with the other non-tuner Beast.
It became possible to put out S monsters of LV6 or lower with this one.
In addition, the powerful general-purpose S monsters that appeared from the beginning of the 6th term
Ally of Justice Catastor》《Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier》《Goyo Guardian》The fact that they were all under LV6
With Summoner Monk that can directly recruit this card
Produced various S Decks and made a big success as a darling of the new era.
Although a powerful conversion destination called Airbern came out by chance
The rapid rise of this card is a symbol that tells us that the times have changed for Yu-Gi-Oh!
After that, every time a new summoning method appeared, it could be said that it was a pioneer of cards like Cinderella that changed from existing ones.
It was a card that symbolized the 6th season, but it was gradually regulated and banned in the middle of the 7th season.
About 7 years later, in the 10th term, the ban was lifted due to errata and continues to the present.
Something heavily overshadowed by errata and OCG inflation
In [Tri-Brigade], it has become an important card as a deployment card, and it has secured the position of the past in his deck that needs it.
There must be many duelists who think of this card every time their Beast is enhanced.
japan tierraの供物
2022/12/16 20:40
Yugioh Icon
Big senior of the site cat.
Activate Tenki, Yoshi! Urara check, Yoshi! 《Rescue Cat》Summon, Yoshi! Cat's effect activates, yo... eh? Is it bluff that you didn't use Urara in Tenki just now? Why…
A cat who is currently working hard for the Iron Beast and his Scareclaw. One of these guys can connect to 《Scareclaw Tri-Heart》. In other words, he is Scareclaw's rising star.
It was banned once in the past and came back after errata, but with the recent revision of the limit regulation, he tends to return Tri-Brigade to the environment again, so why don't you eat regulation again to suppress it? Please, I am a little worried.
japan ブルーバード
2022/06/11 14:12
Yugioh Icon
The neck strap is a site cat case. Before the errata, it was a case of a cat on the spot. Conmai "Yoshi!"
Even in modern times, a card that has 2 copies in 1 can't be weak, and it's a powerful initial move that there's no reason not to stack 3 in a Beast Deck.
japan 金目鯛融合
2022/05/06 8:04
Yugioh Icon
This is a card that was once banned and then returned. There is a limit of once per turn and a limit of negate effect, but 1: 2 exchange is a terrible thing, and like 《Melffy》, 《Scareclaw》, 《Tri-Brigade》, it is necessary to deploy Beast. At Deck, it's still the first move.
With Scareclaw, he can drop any Beast on GY, which is also important in terms of increasing the repertoire of revival destinations for Traichheart.
japan 京太
2022/03/31 20:38
Yugioh Icon
When it first appears, Roku has no way to make the most of it, so normal is appropriate.
The current texts, which are mainly used for material procurement, are all highly rare and difficult to obtain.
japan みめっと
2022/03/30 19:25
Yugioh Icon
One of the monsters that escaped from banned cards due to errata, it was strong even with errata, but the restrictions were lifted, and handling was improved more than before. An ideal card that is increasing in usage methods.
After the errata, the name Turn 1 was added to the effect, and the effect of the recruited monster was negate, but there were no restrictions on the turn it was activated or his Special Summon after activation. is very large.
If you interfere with the timing before the activation of the effect from NS and the effect that was activated, it may be a fatal loss, but if you pass it, it will be an effect that will touch his Deck alone, so it will be the first move. Perfect as a monster.
japan ねこーら
2021/12/30 13:33
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: It leads easily to Synchro Xyz link summoning.
Since you can deploy 2 monsters from level 1 to 3, you can go up to level 6 with a synchro summon, and Xyz Monster can reach rank 3.
It can also be connected to 《Number 64: Ronin Raccoon Sandayu》with a Beast designation, and there are no other restrictions, so it can be used for general purposes.
From 2 Tuners, he becomes 2 Synchro Monsters.
japan カディーン
2021/11/24 2:09
Yugioh Icon
A passage from the death spell Samo Samo Cat Bern Bern. Any veteran duelist would have chanted it at least once.
Due to the change of the times, she has risen from Kuzukyado to the top idol who can't be pushed or pushed. He got kicked out because he was too successful in life, but due to various reasons he was released from prison and continues to dance the dance of death with Halifayer without learning anything.
He is also one of the returning errata groups, but unlike other errata groups, this change does not kill his individuality and only blames abuse. collect.
On the other hand, it is also noted that the duelists who knew at that time lamented that the nightmare of the past had returned.
japan グッディワンディ
2021/11/23 23:26
Yugioh Icon
A strong card even if errataed, as it can be deployed in two and connected to Synchro, Xyz, and Link.
Synchro is up to level 6 or lower, and Xyz is up to rank 3, but the Beast is competent at rank 2, so it doesn't seem to affect it.
The increase in compatible Beasts such as Melffy and Tri-Brigade is also a tailwind
By returning it to your hand with 《Alpha, the Master of Beasts》, you can actually search for it, and it's indirectly enhanced.
japan タマーキン(封印)
2021/08/21 15:17
Yugioh Icon
A cat that once made a name for itself with the spell of Bern Bern
Even now, 10 points is enough to go from Catbernbern to Harifiber.
There are also themes that are compatible with Melffy, so it's all the more so.
Tighten the chin strap of the helmet
japan ジュウテツ
2020/07/10 10:03
Yugioh Icon
Since the "Melffy" Deck mainly consists of Level 2 EARTH "Beast", I think it's excellent that this single card leads to Rank 2X and 《Missus Radiant》.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/22 5:53
Yugioh Icon
A card that went on a rampage with Samopuri. It has the disadvantages of 1 turn limit and negate effect, but it's strong to have 1 card and 2 cards, so I think this adjustment is necessary.
japan シエスタ
2018/11/29 17:34
Yugioh Icon
The card that gave birth to the spell Bernbern DDBDDB, a samosamo cat comparable to Bochiyami Santai.
Compared to when it first appeared, it has received a lot of attention, and with the advent of the S Summon/Beast Tuner, it has gained a lot of attention and can be used in a variety of summoning methods. Before the errata, there was no name turn limit and the effects of recruited cards were not negate.
So I was able to aim for mass deployment by utilizing the resurrection card. Regarding negate, although it wasn't used much at the time, I think it's a reasonable decision because it can be abused due to the increase in excellent beasts now.
Since his own deployment power is still alive and DDB and Samopuri are unlimited, it is possible to deploy the spell of the example.
The number of supporters has increased more than before, so the success rate itself has increased, but most of the S who played an active role with him received errata, so he can't demonstrate his previous strength.
Neko Synchro's strength has declined, but it's still excellent because it can be used with only one card, and I think there are specs that may be useful again depending on the card pool going forward.
japan はわわ
2018/03/21 17:09
Yugioh Icon
It was errataed, but the effect is still strong and good
One card can be transformed into two, so it's an excellent card for material procurement.
japan 備長炭18
2018/03/02 13:42
Yugioh Icon
With the advent of S Summoning, the cat turned into a big monster and was temporarily banned.
Contrary to his cute face, he was sent to prison for repeating a relatively vulgar combo, but he was released after being errataed to the extent that it did not interfere with normal play.
japan あだ
2017/10/01 2:00
Yugioh Icon
Excellent for material procurement
Synchro, Xyz, Link, anything with this one body.
japan なす
2017/06/18 3:54
Yugioh Icon
It has the effect of creating 2 Beasts of level 3 or lower, and has a wide range of uses such as Synchro and Xyz. As a result, it was banned during the heyday of synchro.
It is still very good even now that it has been errata and has been gradually deregulated.
japan アルバ
2016/12/18 12:47
Yugioh Icon
It was a narrow card that was only used around Crystal Beast, but with the appearance of Synchro, it achieved a great success and created the instant death spell Samosa Mocat Bernbern.
After that, he was restricted and ended up with X-Saber overseas.
I thought there would be no easing because I was only releasing cards that I didn't think about this guy's existence, but he was released due to errata.
When this guy was in prison, he was able to do pretty crazy things on the front stage by himself, with Rank 5 to 8 Synchro, Uniforia's infinite resurrection, Wind-Up Rat, and her Madolche, but turn 1. The effects of restricted and issued monsters are now negated.
As a result, it is now possible to perform Xyz of Rank 3 or lower and Synchro of Level 6 or lower by itself, but it still has sufficient strength.
japan ルイ
2016/12/15 18:43
Yugioh Icon
Rescue Rabbit》「Someone wants revenge」
The kitty that has been errataed and returned this time has a lovely appearance and is very effective.
Even though it was errataed, its strength was still there, and until now I don't know why the effect wasn't recruited with negate.
After Synchro appeared, his strength became known to the world in a blink of an eye, and Xyz also appeared, and I thought it would be hopeless for him to make a comeback, but that wasn't the case☆
Grandpa Samopuri, who is relaxing on the porch and drinking tea, smiles when he hears the news of her release.
In the future, will the era of cats rather than rabbits begin? ? For the time being, there is also the existence of a designated race Xyz, so it doesn't seem to be treated as a completely unnecessary child.
For now... I have to prepare a silver plate (a sense of mission
japan oooos
2016/12/14 20:03
Yugioh Icon
Released with Errata
Monsters that are Special Summoned will negate their effects, but I think it's good to have two of them, they're still strong
japan デルタアイズ
2016/12/14 19:19
Yugioh Icon
Congratulations on your return to the errata.
And Beigoma is the expected limit.Is this guy also making an invoker?
japan EXデッキ焼き
2016/10/22 23:21
Yugioh Icon
Samosa Mocat Bern Bern, a duelist at the time, would have worked many times with his Spell spell.
However, it is not a card that was born during the height of Synchro, but a card that was born much earlier. He is a victim of time. He was just threatened by Samopuri and threatened by Bern. But sadly, with the growing card pool of low-level Beasts, there is no longer any release from bans.
japan ヒコモン
2016/05/18 12:40
Yugioh Icon
The card that spawned the word for his spell Samo Samo Cat Bern Bern DDBDDB. When he first appeared, even if he Special Summoned 2 Beast monsters of level 3 or lower from his Deck onto the field, they would self-destruct during the End Phase, what's the point? It was like that, but with the appearance of Synchro Summoning, it suddenly came into the spotlight. Ignores self-destruction by summoning and instantly synchro summoning. Contrary to its cute appearance, it is a banned card due to the fact that it summons his powerful Synchro Monster to go on a rampage. After that, Xyz Summoning appeared, so now he can set up his Xyz Monster of Rank 3 or lower. Moreover, since there is no turn limit, it is easy to reuse. Since the adjusted version of 《Rescue Rabbit》also appeared, I thought there would be no errata, but it was errataed on turn 1 of the effect negate.
japan 3108810
2015/11/02 4:07
Yugioh Icon
Now you can force it to call from the Deck with something like Transmodify...
japan 音響Em
2015/07/16 1:13
Yugioh Icon
Compatibility with Uniforia is too bad
japan かのん
2015/03/24 17:59
Yugioh Icon
victim of time.
I didn't have much power in the beginning.
Even though it appeared in GX, without even using the effect
You will understand that it was a role that was destroyed.
It got a lot of attention in the Synchro era and was banned because it was abused too much...
Now that we have Xyz...
japan アタラクシア
2014/08/21 4:49
Yugioh Icon
The original rescue monster, the strongest rescue monster, and the worst card. Thank you very much for your help during my active duty. …a long time ago.
Shall we tell a little story?
A long time ago. The cats called three Cobra Cudas, called Crystal Beasts, and called 《Catnipped Kitty》.
But then one day. Before the cat came Erbern, a stern man with white cards and sharp claws. And he says to the cat
"Hey, guide me to the field. You know what happens if you don't?"
The cat desperately resisted the intimidation. However, he was hypnotized by an evil sorcerer named Samopuri, and finally led him to Airbern.
From there, it's hell. Samosa Mocat Bern Bern → DDB x 2 before errata, it's too brutal. Now you can also do Xyz, so you can get up to 6 stars, 3 stars, 2 stars, or 1 card with just one card from your hand. I will never come back for the rest of my life...
Even so, KONMAI's pig box is quite undisciplined. To put such a cute cat in the same place as demons and dragons...
japan 福人ズッコケ
2013/11/28 17:24
Yugioh Icon
Backed by a powerful synchro, the cat continued to stir up the 6th period environment.
In addition to being able to deploy multiple monsters with one card, it also supports Recruiters, and by using its effects, Synchro & Xyz Summons are possible in no time. Currently, due to the existence of the annoying support called "Uniforia", it is quite difficult to return to the environment.
 The same can be said for 《Rescue Rabbit》, but when a new system is introduced, it will be abused, and if it goes wild to some extent, it will be ruthlessly regulated.
japan ナル参照
2013/07/07 16:17
Yugioh Icon
Cat. You look cute
You can tell how strong you are by looking at a rabbit. No, it's strange to use the effect.
Currently, it seems that there are many combos that can be one-killed with this card. Then I won't be able to come back...
japan ファイア野郎
2012/11/25 0:03
Yugioh Icon
A card that became major at once with the introduction of Synchro Summoning.
In the past, Crystal Beast summoned Amethyst Cat to turn it into a jewel, and Gladiator Beast summoned Slape Ape to connect it to Geysereth. You can now summon monsters with this one card and dominate the environment. It was later banned due to the appearance of XX Saber Dark Souls overseas.
Considering the fact that Xyz materials can now be prepared and that it goes well with Mystical Beast of the Forest Uniforia, it seems unlikely that restrictions will return.
japan ムーミン
2012/10/29 21:33
Yugioh Icon
Now that he's back, he'll be able to aim for Rank 5 Xyz, Level 7 and 8 Synchro with Wind-Up Dog, and it'll be fun...and there are many other decks he can build.
I wonder if I won't come back soon,,, it's impossible. yes.
japan オンリー・MARU氏
2012/10/24 16:35
Yugioh Icon
Time goes back. "Rescue Cat" was traveling alone in an era when there was no Synchro name. At this time, I don't think I'll know the nightmare yet.
Then came Synchro. Synchro: "Make a contract with me and become a demon."
Rescue Cat》made a contract, became a demon, and went on a rampage. Amidst a series of victims, he went on a rampage with Synchro.
And now, the so-called 《One Day of Peace》. No, should I say eternity? I was put in a cage of destruction called prohibition.
japan ドラゴンX
2012/06/26 19:34
Yugioh Icon
If the level is the same, you can Xyze.
Beast level 2 has Nimble Momonga...
If you xyze before destruction, it's not destruction.
The ban is obvious, but why is the ripoff Rescue Rabbit unlimited?
japan とき
2012/06/15 10:29
Yugioh Icon
A rare monster cat that depicts the late rise of the age and the upstart.
The peaceful times when he was active in recruiting jewel cats and his Ojama from nothing changed completely, and with the appearance of Synchro and Airbern, he reigns as a big player who can summon Synchro from a single card.
Samopuri Samopuri Cat Bern Bern Oraa became a nightmare cat that shook Japan and the rest of the world at the Saber Festival. It's a really good nuisance for Hogyoku and her Ojama...
However, such cards also returned with this large-scale errata jailbreak. Avoiding the resurrection of the spell of destruction by binding once per turn, the effect of the special summoned card becomes negate, but the ability to call level 5-6 synchro and rank 3 Xyz from one card is still alive. After Beigomax's death (although he's not dead), it can be expected to be a handy Rank 3 device, but in the end, it was a semi-restricted > unlimited relaxation project that no one used and was common among errata forces.
japan NEOS
2011/04/07 13:55
Yugioh Icon
A threatening ghost cat.
It's useful for gems and beast decks, but the most important thing is the synchro "Rescue Synchro", which works together with Airbelln.
A cat that has become vicious since the arrival of Airbern...
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/02/16 20:23
Yugioh Icon
In the past, it was all about peaceful combos with Crystal Beast and Ojama, but in the early days of synchro, thanks to a tuner called Airbern, 5 or 6 synchros became very popular.
As a result, it was restricted, but Darksoul, who doesn't take care of himself overseas, came out and became the world of X-Saber, and it was finally banned...
Cats aren't bad. It was bad that the X-Saber beast didn't hold its own weight...
japan SOUL
2010/12/25 16:58
Yugioh Icon
[quite a while ago]
At first glance, it seems difficult to use, but it is secretly adopted by some Crystal Beasts and Ojama.
The illustrations are pretty good, too.
It's not that the card can't be used.
[A little while ago]
Rampage due to the appearance of Synchro Summoning.
It was a mascot-like card, but it's a big evolution.
[and now]
For those who use it other than sync, it's perfect.
japan 想夢
2010/09/04 0:01
Yugioh Icon
It has the disadvantage of not being able to use effects during dimension activation and being destroyed during the end phase, but it has many uses such as Tribute Summon release and Synchro Summon material.
japan 2013/01/18 17:25
With the advent of Uniforia, the possibility of being released has become almost zero.
It's nothing but a nightmare to have Xyz and Synchro lined up on the field from one card in your hand.
Wind-Up animals are also excellent compatibility, so you will probably live in a pig box for the rest of your life.

Decks with "Rescue Cat"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
EXPERT EDITION Volume.3 EE3-JP153 2005-12-08 Normal
FLAMING ETERNITY FET-JP033 2004-11-25 N-Parallel
20th ANNIVERSARY PACK 2nd WAVE 20AP-JP061 2017-02-11 Ultra

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 660 / 13,013 Cards
View Num 74,796
Attribute "EARTH" Best Monster Ranking 53rd
Type "Beast" Type Best Monster Ranking 7th


Japanese card name レスキューキャット

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