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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > BREAKERS OF SHADOW > Solemn Strike

Solemn Strike Used Deck

Solemn Strike
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Counter Trap - - - - -
When a monster(s) would be Special Summoned, OR a monster effect is activated: Pay 1500 LP; negate the Summon or activation, and if you do, destroy that card.
Average Rating Score 9.8(84)
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"Solemn Strike" card reviews and rating scores

97% (82)
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japan かどまん
2023/05/07 18:22
Yugioh Icon
Next to the declaration, warning, and advice, the 4th "God's declaration" Counter Trap
Can negate SS due to monster effects and rules
Among the four types, the LP cost of activation is the lowest and the effect is strong.
If you're going to load up a Counter Trap, it's the first card that comes up as a candidate.
The downside is the trap card category itself.
It's just that decks that don't use traps themselves are becoming commonplace due to the speeding up of duels.
Conversely, it is still a regular in Decks that emphasize traps.
japan ブルーバード
2022/10/28 9:51
Yugioh Icon
It covers the basic movements of modern Yu-Gi-Oh!
Note that you can only negate Special Summons that don't get on the chain like Black Horn of Heaven.
There is no particular support, but along with 《Solemn Judgment》and 《Solemn Warning》, it is called God Trap, Sangenjin, etc. and is treated like a real category. advice? He was a nice guy.
japan 金目鯛融合
2022/04/13 7:22
Yugioh Icon
Counter Trap, which can negate monster effects with only LP cost, is valuable. 《Solemn Judgment》uses half of his LP, so if it is activated early in the game, it is also good that the notification consumes less LP for him.
japan ナナカマド
2022/01/11 13:58
Yugioh Icon
God Counter Trap that stops Special Summons that do not create monster effects and chain blocks.
It's probably the God counter that has the most chances to play an active role in terms of stopping monster effects. Of course, this card cannot handle everything, so overconfidence is prohibited.
japan tierraの供物
2021/09/09 16:05
Yugioh Icon
Finally, it was reprinted as normal in the pack, and I got a lot of it, so I put it on the deck that had extra slots... but this is strong. The reason is as others have said. If you're in trouble, or if it looks like it's going to be a troublesome situation, just activate it and the opponent will stop.
This is a card that clearly shows how bad the current unregulated environment is.
japan アネデパミ
2021/08/16 12:08
Yugioh Icon
Although it is not a Friche, it is a card that is easy to use even from the second attack.
Speaking of weaknesses, it's about not being able to deal with troublesome permanents from normal summons and fusion summons.
japan カディーン
2021/07/13 1:39
Yugioh Icon
A dependable old man who counters Special Summons by activating monster effects and rules, and counters everything that Effect Monsters do. Compared to 《Solemn Judgment》, you can see the transition of what the times demand.
On the other hand, there are loopholes that are hard to come up with right away from the text that says that the old-fashioned simple strategy of attacking with effects that do not activate from Special Summons by Spells and Traps is useless. The entire 〇Notice series is like that.
It's a small detail, but there are situations where it's better to counter the trigger effect when the Special Summon succeeds than negate the Special Summon, so think carefully before using it.
japan 京太
2021/07/11 2:52
Yugioh Icon
The undisputed strongest Counter Trap
1500LP and I'm not afraid of VFD, Lightning or Azeus
japan 死なない男
2021/01/28 21:20
Yugioh Icon
In modern Yu-Gi-Oh, uncle Kami continues to expand his playing field.
At 1500 LP, his Special Summon on monsters that don't get on the chain, his Special Summon on monster effects, negate monster effects and threats that can be destroyed.
Also, since it is a Counter Trap, it is also an advantage that it is rarely negated.
Conversely, there are more cases where you have to be wary of this card for suppression monsters that interfere with effects.
japan ノクト
2020/07/03 16:32
Yugioh Icon
It's a bit of a pinpoint scene, but the scherzoon or divel effect is activated → Topologic bomb! It's delicious to prevent.
japan みめっと
2020/04/21 19:39
Yugioh Icon
The third son of the three Kami Trap brothers, Counter Trap has been popular since its introduction due to its excellent activation cost, lightness, and negate range. A super-powerful general-purpose trap that always stands in the way of subsequent trap cards with similar effects at the same time.
In particular, being able to prevent hand triggers that don't include his Special Summon effect and his GY-triggered monster effects is a distinct advantage over Judgment and Warning.
Like other God Trap, it doesn't have a name Turn 1, so it's strong even if you draw 2 or more cards at the same time. It's good to be able to use it.
However, when negate the effect of a monster on the field, if the monster has destruction resistance, it can be negate, but be careful not to destroy it.
It's the most useful of God Trap, yet it's easy to use, and because it's a Counter Trap, it can't be chained with a negate effect due to a monster effect, so it's a great Counter Trap with high performance afterward, but it's surprisingly easy to care for and escapes. It can be said that it is a card that demonstrates its power even more when used in combination with other God Traps.
From a metabi perspective, it's amazing how reassuring it is when you're in a two-stage stance with Air Fo, but if you don't hide Sentence, Starro, and Kakumei Gaeshi together, you'll end up being frightened by the opponent's Nagisa and Raist. Good balance.
japan シエスタ
2018/06/30 10:25
Yugioh Icon
There are warnings on cards that specialize in countering monsters, and counters that are the same god and are strong against monsters, but compared to that, Normal Summon and Special Summon by card effects cannot be crushed, but in any case, negate monster effects. Since it can be destroyed, there is no big difference. What's more, you can negate your hand, his GY, and even afterward, and it's cheaper to activate than a warning. Overall, I think it's easier to use than that one. At most, there is some impact on the fact that fusions and rituals that are resistant to destruction cannot be destroyed without crushing the resurrection restrictions.
Because of this, the positions of the Divine Punishment and Horn series have become even narrower, regardless of the warning. It can be said that it eats up the existence of a good number of traps.
It's very powerful in environments that often rely on monster effects, and it's a level of performance that can be said to be essential for slow decks with plenty of defense.
japan 備長炭18
2018/04/02 9:14
Yugioh Icon
It can only be said that it is too easy to negate monster effects and Special Summons just by paying 1500 LP in the current game king.
Even if it was summoned, most of those monsters would have been summoned to use their effects, and in any case, the ability to cover a wide range with this one card is a terrifying performance.
japan はわわ
2018/03/22 13:01
Yugioh Icon
It's decided to be strong like this!
japan アキ
2018/03/19 13:15
Yugioh Icon
1500LP is a little high, but it is convenient to negate his Special Summon effect of monsters and destroy them. In the current environment where there are many decks of his that rely on monsters, it is a very easy card to stick.
japan もも
2018/02/10 22:50
Yugioh Icon
A card that is highly versatile and unlikely to go bad because most of her decks rely on monsters.
Too much for the cost.
japan アイギス
2018/01/30 23:10
Yugioh Icon
A card too strong for a semi-restricted card. At the time of its introduction, it was highly versatile, unlimited, and highly rare, so the market price was also high. With Cyber Slink reprinting, everyone can get one for 1000 yen.
Leaving aside that past story, let's talk about card performance... It's no exaggeration to say that there are almost no Decks that don't use monster effects and don't use Special Summon. In other words, one that sticks in most of his decks. I have memories of being tormented by this guy in the unlimited era...
Be careful about the timing to activate and the remaining LP. Let's cherish life.
japan くらっこ
2018/01/30 11:04
Yugioh Icon
I have nothing to say.
japan なす
2017/07/10 20:03
Yugioh Icon
A Counter Trap that negates Special Summons that don't create monster effects or chain blocks for 1500 LP.
Monster effects negate and Special Summon negate both stick in many decks, so they don't rot. It also has a very low LP cost of 1500 and is very powerful in Counter Trap.
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/05/13 22:15
Yugioh Icon
LP should be decorated and should not be 0. It is time to think so. Even 2000 is light, but the cost of 1500 is like pulling a hair out.
It would be maddening to erase the effect of a monster that was finally activated with such a small cost. Counter Trap Because of its spell speed 3, the only way to resist is Shinsen, and in most cases there is nothing you can do about it...
strong! too strong…
The more I read the evaluation comments of the previous people, the more I can feel their strength and grudge.
The only weak point of this card! It's a financial issue... take a look at the showcase. Unbelievable figures are supposed to be pasted as amounts.
… Are you reprinting it in the next Strak?
Uaaaaaaaaa (no Д`) I decided to buy Cyber Link! Thank you KONAMI, thank you Yusakuuuuuuu!
…With this, I can stack three notifications…(゚д゚)Haha!
……Minasan, Douyaramousorosorokiseiga kuru youdesuyo (^o^;)
japan ゼルク・ルージュ
2017/03/20 10:59
Yugioh Icon
Too low cost.
It says that the most important monster effect and Special Summon can stop that habit. Konmai, why aren't you regulating it? It's a big loss to your wallet.
japan 百式
2017/03/18 3:38
Yugioh Icon
Kato (Isn't it obvious that there is no limit?)
japan 雨月
2017/03/01 1:31
Yugioh Icon
What a card! !
japan ゴギガガ
2017/02/18 21:22
Yugioh Icon
The culprit of the major advantage game.
Many of the divine counter traps are restricted cards and have to pay a corresponding cost to activate the negate effect, whereas the cost of notification is 1500...
And unlimited (important)
On top of that, it is no exaggeration to say that negate can do the most important things in Yu-Gi-Oh, such as monster effects and Special Summon.
Stop oppressing the old Deck with link summons even though you're letting things go unchecked... (Despair)
japan ルイ
2017/02/17 10:44
Yugioh Icon
Divine Punishment "Someone wants revenge"
An undisputed power card that is still unlimited and unrestrained. Why aren't they regulated?
It's been a long time since I've been reprinted, but I wonder if I'm giving a notice that this guy won't be reprinted because it's for making money.
He is powerless against cards that are Special Summoned, but it's too strong to use a monster effect to immediately leave the field.
The same can be said for Synchro Xyz, but it's best to crush it when doing a Special Summon in order to not meet the resurrection limit.
If you think that only 1500 will crush the buds of the opponent's development, it will be cheap mon.
But it's not "at all" kind to your wallet, isn't it?
I mean, the cost of 1500 LP is almost the same as using 8000 LP even if you use all 3 cards!
I want it to be regulated immediately. It's tough when you can't put in a fan deck, but if you put it all in, people hate you...
I wonder if it can't be helped...
japan オリエンス
2016/11/17 16:16
Yugioh Icon
When will this be regulated?
Since Normal Summon and Special Summon via Spell/Trap can't be negate, do you mean to use 《Solemn Warning》?
japan oooos
2016/10/04 23:40
Yugioh Icon
No matter how powerful the monster effect is, the activation will be negate and destroyed.
It is a power card with a prohibited/restricted level.
japan youBB
2016/09/17 14:42
Yugioh Icon
A card that was thought to be restricted in about half a year, but for some reason it is not regulated at all
Is this the motive of Konmai who still wants to make a profit with this...
If you really think about it, negate destruction is becoming commonplace In the current environment, this guy who can't create a chain is in a necessary evil position
japan とんでんへい
2016/09/11 5:55
Yugioh Icon
There's no doubt that it's a powerful card, but why is Shinsen Shinkei limited, but this one is still unlimited?
The Duelist's wallet is also heavily damaged.
japan 負導師
2016/07/17 3:27
Yugioh Icon
One of the reasons for the first-mover advantage
If you go face down with your first move, you can stop the opponent's initial movement unless you get hit by something like a feather broom or Tsuitsui.
Unlike Sentence, it is vulnerable to Spell Trap, and can't stop Special Summons such as "Fusion Summon", "Ritual Summon", "RUM", and "Call of the Haunted" via Spell Trap.
…but once you use a monster effect, it’s the same thing after all.
Even in God's ○○ series, this is the only performance that can be prohibited rather than restricted
Well, even if it's restricted, I can see that Dimensional Barrier, which is worse than this one, will take over...
japan Nissy
2016/07/16 20:55
Yugioh Icon
It negates the effect and destroys it, so if you summon a low-level monster on the first turn of the second attack and use the effect to deploy it, you'll feel like crying (;∀;)
Really stop stacking 3 sheets... but I'm sure it will be restricted in the near future. That's true? Conmai (intimidation)
japan たた
2016/07/11 3:09
Yugioh Icon
Seriously, I want this guy to stop stacking 3 cards in a boring Deck
I wish this whole series would be restricted (banned)
japan デルタアイズ
2016/06/26 16:10
Yugioh Icon
Congratulations on your re-recording.
The effect is nothing to say.
japan アッキー
2016/06/23 16:56
Yugioh Icon
1500 LP monster effect Special Summon negate is an annoying card I didn't regulate it in July, so in October I really want Ariadne to stop making me choose 3 《Solemn Strike》from one of the candidates for cards that I can't predict
japan アームド強化来
2016/05/16 18:35
Yugioh Icon
The significance of existence of Divine Punishment has almost disappeared
The cost is too light even though it has two very good effects
japan デッキビルダ~る.
2016/03/14 11:55
Yugioh Icon
Semi-restricted or higher is better in the next revision. A boring card for fans.
However, it's too strong, and even if you don't want to put it in, even a fan deck has little chance of winning...
japan くろゆき
2016/03/14 1:34
Yugioh Icon
It doesn't support normal summons or chained special summons, but it's such a powerful card that it doesn't matter. What is Divine Punishment? . .
I want it to be restricted as soon as possible. However, it is difficult to use after pulling, and be careful that it is useless for permanent effects.
japan sento
2016/03/12 0:17
Yugioh Icon
EM Dracoslayer's regulation is good, but this regulation is fast~
You don't have to regulate this, just reprint it...
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/03/10 15:54
Yugioh Icon
"Man who absolutely destroys monsters"
It is no exaggeration to say that the performance.
Currently, monsters with effects and Special Summons are mainstream, so this card makes it easy to stop those monsters.
You need 1500 LP, but if you can destroy the opponent's main force and tactics, it will be cheap.
It's about time to tighten the restrictions...
If you think about it, it seems that the fact that it is not regulated has a strong implication of restraining the control monsters. Spell speed 3 is still great.
Activate the effect of Cyber Dragon Infinity → I say "If so, I'll make you disappear" (《Solemn Strike》activation)
This is the best answer to the effects on suppression monsters and other Effect Monsters.
I don't think I can escape the tightening of restrictions and semi-restrictions in the future...
japan イズル
2016/03/10 13:03
Yugioh Icon
This is one of the reasons why [Malebranche of the Burning Abyss] and [Monarch] can fight with [Dracoslayer Performapal] as one of Counter Trap's most powerful cards. It's a god blow that kills all the guys who spawned in Pendulum all at once. I don't know why, but 《Divine Wrath》is also attached, and I think many duelists have cried because of this card.
If things go on like this, regulation will be certain, but if [Dracoslayer Performapal] is not strictly regulated, what is already the strongest will continue to progress. It will be interesting to see what happens in April.
japan ゆっくり
2016/03/09 10:24
Yugioh Icon
Stronger than 《Solemn Warning
If you stack 3 of these guys, you won't need the next trap
japan 発々条
2016/03/09 10:06
Yugioh Icon
It is a feeling.
I am looking forward to April.
japan ハセ
2016/02/28 23:46
Yugioh Icon
too strong
what was the punishment
japan Closedays
2016/02/12 0:12
Yugioh Icon
Why did this card escape the limit...
japan ネオス好き
2016/01/17 17:05
Yugioh Icon
It's unquestionably broken, but I think it's the only time I can use 3 copies.
Worth getting if you're not afraid of a crash due to restrictions or a crash due to reprints.
It's a must have level for the competition. If I bring this out in a stray duel, I'll wither
japan ヒコモン
2016/01/14 9:20
Yugioh Icon
No matter how you look at it, the cards are made with restrictions in mind. Even a warning that pays 2000 is a limit, but it can be activated at 1500. It doesn't support Special Summons such as Summons, Flip Summons, and 《Monster Reborn》, but it's no big deal to leave monsters that don't activate their effects. The cruelty of being the prey of this card when the effect is activated. I think you should at least pay 2500.
japan 編集
2016/01/05 16:40
Yugioh Icon
It's a demon
japan あだ
2015/12/29 1:17
Yugioh Icon
It's not something that started recently, but it's one of the symbols of Commai's rare card business.
The reason why it escaped regulation again is because Konmai is making this guy and Abyakuryu the top earners.
japan 音響Em
2015/12/28 23:27
Yugioh Icon
japan デッキビルダ~る
2015/12/18 19:48
Yugioh Icon
To escape the restrictions... it's impossible.
I mean... In the January revision, there were no changes except for the 3 prohibited types, and it was confirmed that the operation management would be cut short.
Do you really understand the current environment and manage it?
Three stacks of 《Recurring Nightmare》….
japan ター坊
2015/12/11 22:08
Yugioh Icon
Majespecter and Tempest are allowed because they are almost exclusive cards. But why did you convert an effect that can only be used for such a purpose to a general-purpose card! ?
Let's put restrictions in next year's revision. Or rather, because of Ariadne, I feel like all the general-purpose counters in the God series are restricted.
I'm sorry, I'm just complaining, but I want it.
japan トワイライト
2015/12/10 23:07
Yugioh Icon
General-purpose 《Majespecter Tempest》. text street
It negates monster effects and Special Summons.
A large amount due to the recent monster effect supremacy and P summoning
While it is not uncommon to develop such a card,
Naturally speaking, it may be natural. But when I go out
1500 SP is more than enough for a duelist's wallet points
I came here because it was going to be soaring.
japan 鬼畜兎。
2015/12/07 21:27
Yugioh Icon
An unmistakable power card that made Divine Punishment and the enhanced Black Horn horn a niggling despite its low cost.
It had been unlimited for a long time, but it became semi-limited because it became easier to obtain after entering Struc. It's an easy business.
japan 双六
2015/11/16 22:54
Yugioh Icon
It's convenient to have, but is it really necessary? level of
The point of the counter can be evaluated
japan インヴェルズ近衛兵
2015/11/14 2:33
Yugioh Icon
Why did you make this card! say! Why!
Stop designing cards to blatantly restrict or ban...
japan かなかな
2015/11/10 22:07
Yugioh Icon
God's series is back!
I wonder if Konami worked hard because Shinchu was too much last time...
I would like it to be banned or restricted as soon as possible.
2015/11/06 9:22
Yugioh Icon
Among the card effects that other Surea and Urrea are mediocre, the effect is conspicuous
A card with a reputation for being crazy.
Looking at the LP cost and effect itself, it's an adjusted version of Solemn Warning, but
Special Summon, which has a lower LP cost and does not chain,
Instead of being able to prevent it, it now stops all monster effects.
Special Summon is essential for any theme. can only stop it
However, even though it is strong, it can also prevent monster effects, so depending on the situation
It is easy to stop the opponent's movement.
As a result of adjusting "Solemn Warning" according to the environment of the 9th period, the original
Get more versatility than Because of its card power and rarity,
It is currently trading at a very high price.
japan ハカラメ
2015/11/02 18:45
Yugioh Icon
God's ~ Counter Trap series latest work.
Well, if I had to sum it up in one word, it would be "the strongest and the worst"
It's a card that is completely stuck in the environment, and it's guaranteed to stack 3 until the limit is reached.
And in the same bullet, he has Ariadne who can search for Counter Trap...
Ah, it's already unreasonable!
japan 真の仲間
2015/11/01 2:01
Yugioh Icon
Restriction unavoidable
I feel like God's relationship is made on the premise of regulation for some reason
japan ユリス
2015/10/31 23:25
Yugioh Icon
A card that seems to be made with restrictions in mind.
who wants to win now
Isn't it good to have all of them together?
EMEm, etc.
japan 雷音@菅野獅龍
2015/10/31 16:52
Yugioh Icon
A card that can mostly stop the current environment.
The monster effect negate cannot be prevented unless summoning / special summon is included in the warning, and the effect that he was able to use by paying LP has plummeted so far. He's already (Limited).
He also has the ability to stop Special Summon. 500 points cheaper than warning.
But to be frank, the effect of the previous item is stronger, so this is unlikely to be a topic.
I don't care, but this god won't turn into a monster
japan ジュウテツ
2015/10/31 12:03
Yugioh Icon
Although it consumes a lot of LP, I think it's great that you can stop various monster-related actions.
I think the Counter Trap is also big.
japan ☆みーにゃん☆
2015/10/30 21:15
Yugioh Icon
It was made on the premise of limitations... wasn't it?
I can't help but think that this is probably the top card among all Counter Traps.
It's Majespecter Tempest cost changed to LP, and even Majespecter is breaking more cards that were said to be broken.
I can use 3 now, but how long will it last...
2015/10/21 13:02
Yugioh Icon
Like the fucking monkey, I want to appeal loudly why I issued such a card.
A power card that's broken no matter what anyone thinks
Think carefully before selling
japan アルバ
2015/10/21 0:54
Yugioh Icon
A super rare that gives off a tremendous presence because the contents of other light objects are miserable.
One effect is an upward compatible effect of the black horn that crushes any number of Special Summons that do not ride a chain.
However, note that it does not support Normal Summon, Flip Summon, and Special Summon on a chain. Considering the effects in the second half, this is more than enough.
The other is Divine Punishment itself, which means that it can't be knocked down at the timing of the opponent's Special Summon.
You can choose between two effects, and he pays 1500 LP, which is a very good deal, and there are no strange activation conditions like advice, so I can't help but feel that God's Punishment is relatively teary-eyed.
It is also a general meta for his evil Pendulum and Effect Monster, but it is also a problem child because the conditions are too loose, so his deck can be knocked down by a final shot.
Well, I guess I'll go to the limit within that.
japan とき
2015/10/19 9:18
Yugioh Icon
A general-purpose counter with unrivaled brutality, a newcomer expected of the god series.
Locks out all monster effects and Special Summons that don't go on chains at a lower LP cost than warning.
Of course, since Special Summons from monster effects are also blocked, it will be possible to do work close to warning except for Special Summons from Spell Trap.
It's powerless against Special Summons from Summons and Spell Trap, but considering that it blocks the effects of monsters that come out of it, there's also the danger that it's more binding than a warning.
The LP cost and activation conditions are quite loose, so it doesn't seem like it's going to ruin its reputation. I'll have you go out with the hell that God calls for a while...
For some reason, it was a regular high-priced card that wasn't regulated, but at the same time it became the centerpiece of reprinting in Cyber Slink, regulation to semi-restriction was announced, and two strongholds collapsed at the same time.
japan ラーメン
2015/10/18 18:00
Yugioh Icon
Cards that only say "Yeah, that's great," Yu-Gi-Oh isn't just for those who want to win tournaments, right? Special Summon negate is a Pendulum, not only Rank 4, but also non-Rank 4 Xyz and Synchro are affected, right?
I'm glad that it was a tremendous price thanks to the fact that people jumped on it as planned, so I quickly said the limit.
Even though I said that, I got one in a box, so I can't forgive myself for using it.
japan 光芒
2015/10/18 16:36
Yugioh Icon
Although it can only stop monster-related cards, it's a card that changes the hand cost of Punishment to his LP cost, and still has Punishment and Black Horn of Heaven in one card.
Although it can't prevent Special Summon on a chain, I think it's very big to be able to crush a Synchro Xyz Pendulum with a single sheet. Still, since it just came out, there is no limit, and you can stack 3 cards...
japan ゆくら
2015/10/18 16:34
Yugioh Icon
Cards that are currently attracting the most attention
Generalized his Majespecter Tempest
Performance clearly out of proportion to cost
Fixed LP is a card that can negate in a different range than Shinkei, which has a cost, but he is clearly superior to Shinkei in terms of cost and range.
Since Shinkei is restricted at this point, he is probably the reason why Konami made a shit card with the premise of restriction again.
It might be better to put a lot of back split for a while
japan 馬の骨
2015/10/18 15:43
Yugioh Icon
As for the damnation... this card has eliminated the damnation. I can't stop a special Special Summon that I want to see a warning, but even Tempest says it's scary...
japan カンノーネ
2015/10/18 7:43
Yugioh Icon
Summon negate is more used than Spell Trap negate, right?

Solemn Warning

A special negate that doesn't ride a chain block is strong enough, right?

this guy
Considering this background, I don't understand it, but I don't think it should have been released
japan ikki
2015/10/17 22:44
Yugioh Icon
Magicite power card too much
The cost of 1500 is a fart compared to the advantage you can earn with this.
In other words, if you pay 4500, you can stop 3 times... The early LP's divine declaration looks like garbage.
No limit waiting. People who want to win now should buy 3 tickets
japan ABYSS
2015/10/17 22:21
Yugioh Icon
Generic Majespecter Tempest.
It's decided to be this strong...
I can only think that it is made on the premise of restrictions.
japan ファイア野郎
2015/10/17 22:11
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Forbidden God's punishment for the saint who got her thing...
Her Counter Trap card with Divine Retribution and Black Horn of Heaven built in.
Both have proven their excellence, and there can't be a weaker card that can be used depending on the situation.
Unlike 《Solemn Warning》, 《Monster Reborn》etc. cannot be stopped.
Although the LP cost is not light,
By stopping both Special Summon and monster effects,
It is often fatally wounded, and as a piece that matches the current environment,
It will be the featured card of this pack.
It seems that there is a possibility that it will be regulated at some point if it is so versatile.
japan 宵闇の変態
2015/10/17 22:05
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You always tell me
A dangerous Counter Trap with the power to become one of the new general-purpose frames. If you say "Majespecter Tempest" whose cost has changed from a specific monster to LP, it's obvious how powerful it is. If you're not good at it, it's a defensive range that's more than a warning of restrictions, and you can cry for divine punishment and black horns.
From the existence of Ariadne who appeared at the same time, I get the feeling that it was printed with some restrictions, but if you care about it, you'll lose.
It is a piece that feels the difference between rarity, good card power, good players and Konmai.
japan wisteria
2015/10/17 21:51
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(If I put out a card that is stronger than the restriction warning) What do you think...
Super powerful Counter Trap with immediate limit card feeding level.
The unit performance is also wonderfully high with a built-in summoning negate similar to LP cost divine punishment and sentence, but it should be noted that the cost is only 1500. Why is it lower than God Guard...
You can also search with Ariadne in the same pack, and it would be a nightmare if Ariadne said "sentence, notice, notice" (although it will definitely happen). Be wary of this card for at least 3 months and put a lot of back splits.
japan hio
2015/10/17 21:31
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A broken Counter Trap that incorporates Divine Punishment and Black Horn at the same time.
LP cost is 1500, but it's cheap, not high, considering the 2000 cost warning is a limitation. Not to mention that it comes with divine punishment.
In addition, Ariadne, which appears in the same pack, can be used for searching.
It will be a meta for P summoning, but of course, the side that uses P summoning will also adopt this... Especially EMEm can divert the Higurumi gimmick to Ariadne as it is and search.
I can easily imagine what will happen...
japan ぷれあです
2015/10/17 14:47
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It is a card attracting attention conspicuously in BOSH.
That should be it, a card with both Divine Punishment and Black Horn can be used by paying only 1500 LP.
It is a card that has a very wide range of interference and is hard to perish.
However, the LP cost is high, so you shouldn't overuse it.
Well, if you have Ariadne, you can step on it.
Three stacks are possible, but a big wall called Sulea stands in the way.
japan 福人ズッコケ
2015/10/17 14:41
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Looking only at the effect, it is almost a higher version of Divine Punishment and Black Horn, and in terms of cost and direction, it is at a level that is even competing with the current limited card "Solemn Warning".
Compared to Warning, there are many Special Summons that can't be stopped, such as Soul Charge and Name Reasoning, but instead, if it's a monster effect, he will block anything other than Special Summon. A warning is a warning and does not allow it to enter the field in the first place, so it can be expected to have an effect similar to divine punishment, but it can be said that it can counter monsters that have already been summoned, hand triggers, and her GY activation. deaf.
Even though it now allows Normal Summon and Spell Trap, it's undoubtedly top-class utility as a meta card, just like Warning. I'd like to expect it to be a deterrent to overly strong P summons, but isn't it a little too versatile...? No, it was too expensive.
japan えいてぃ
2015/10/17 14:33
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No, what is this?
Divine Retribution's hand cost is now his LP cost! And as an added bonus, it also comes with a Petit Shinkei! effect.
In this environment where LP is neglected and ads are emphasized, even though it is strong just because the hand cost has changed to 1500 LP, Special Summon on the chain cannot be negate, but Synchro Xyz Pendulum can be negate. is attached as a set. Because of that, it's hard to rot, and the child who doesn't need the above-mentioned Divine Punishment or 《Black Horn of Heaven》...why did you add two effects?
The scary thing is that you can stack three cards like this. Although the LP cost of 1500 is by no means light, it's a bad world.
japan asd
2023/11/16 17:14
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japan 愛佳
2023/08/11 19:14
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japan ねこーら
2024/05/19 13:19
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japan 一時休戦中クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2024/01/08 11:02
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Decks with "Solemn Strike"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BREAKERS OF SHADOW BOSH-JP079 2015-10-17 SecretSuper
Structure Deck -Cyberse Link SD32-JP040 2017-06-17 Normal
Structure Deck: Mechanized Madness SR10-JP039 2020-02-22 Normal
Deck Build Pack Grand Creators DBGC-JP044 2021-08-28 Normal
LINK VRAINS PACK 2 LVP2-JP020 2018-11-23 Rare

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 317 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 308,358
Card Type "Counter Trap" Best Card Ranking 2nd
Card Type "Trap" Best Card Ranking 10th


Japanese card name 神の通告

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