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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Vol.4 > Summoned Skull

Summoned Skull Used Deck

Summoned Skull
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Monster - 6 Fiend 2500 1200
A fiend with dark powers for confusing the enemy. Among the Fiend-Type monsters, this monster boasts considerable force.

(This card is always treated as an "Archfiend" card.)
Average Rating Score 7.2(41)
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  3. Decks with Summoned Skull (195 Decks)
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"Summoned Skull" card reviews and rating scores

12% (5)
63% (26)
24% (10)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan asd
2023/03/28 8:32
Yugioh Icon
It is named as a fusion material with 《Archfiend's Manifestation》, and can be brought into the hand with 《Fusion Conscription》and 《Fusion Deployment》.
Archfiend's Manifestation》《Archfiend's Awakening》《Archfiend's Call》《Archfiend's Ascent》Derivative cards have the effect of special summoning 《Summoned Skull》when she is sent to GY with a common effect, and you can prepare it on the field. A card that is easy to maintain.
If you just want to summon "Summoned Skull", it's relatively easy.
japan みめっと
2023/01/02 19:02
Yugioh Icon
Fiend's Normal Monster has an overwhelmingly high ATK among the advanced monsters that appeared in Season 1.
By cutting off the useless defensive power, a level 6 monster with an ATK of 2500 was realized with a single sacrifice even with the standard level setting at the time.
There are monsters used by Yugi in the original work, but the strong ones are even stronger. It is given very preferential treatment.
Despite being this strong, it was reprinted as normal in EX, which everyone was indebted to, so many duelists were able to easily get it, which is also the reason for its popularity. has also been selected.
japan ブルーバード
2022/08/13 9:57
Yugioh Icon
Summon 《Summoned Skull》!
As a monster that can be put out with one release, it is a monster that has captivated everyone from kids to serious people with exceptional firepower. At that time, the level was determined according to the total of offense and defense, so this guy with low defense slipped into star 6.
It was originally Yugi's trump card, but it is also a sad monster that faded out due to a route change in the animation.
japan ねこーら
2020/10/27 12:57
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Easy to use with various supports.
The fact that he has a high ATK among the monsters that can be released as a single body isn't something we place much importance on in the current environment, but Archfiend support, fusion material support, and Special Summon with 《Archfiend's Manifestation》etc. are also possible, and how to use it. is diverse.
In Red-Eyes, he shares DARK support and also travels as a fusion material for 《Archfiend Black Skull Dragon》.
japan gaya
2020/10/25 18:26
Yugioh Icon
Cards like early heroes. Out of all the vanillas out there, Blue-Eyed and Bramage are probably the only cards with a past as glorious as this one. The race and attributes are also excellent, so I think it's still a strong card.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/12 10:05
Yugioh Icon
A card that was often used in the old days as an early game monster. His ATK, which is equivalent to Bramaghi with a single sacrifice, was an attractive presence for duelists at the time. Currently, due to ATK inflation, it has become difficult for him to play an active role as an attacker, but he is a card that can still be used as it supports various supports such as Fusion, Category, and DARK.
japan シルキン
2019/12/08 12:51
Yugioh Icon
Everyone asked for this card in the early days.
His ATK is the same as 《Witch of the Black Forest》, 《Dark Magician》, Tribute is enough.
There were many times when Tribute summoned this guy with monsters stolen from 《Change of Heart》. A remake monster has also appeared, and it is still one that has captured the hearts of many duelists.
The need for the mysterious summons "Summon Summoned Skull" has long been a joke.
japan お空は青い
2019/06/02 6:54
Yugioh Icon
An ace card that was once used by everyone.
There was no current that would make Bramaghi stand.
Now the support is uneven, so the position has been reversed.
japan アルバ
2019/03/09 11:54
Yugioh Icon
A card that seems to have made one line of 2500 in advanced.
Original cards such as Gaia, Red Eyes, and Bramage have been compared with each other because the RBI is less than this even though the number of releases increases by one.
Currently, it's difficult in high-level vanilla where only RBI is available, but since it's only a main character card and there are many variations, it can be expected to develop.
japan マサール
2018/07/18 14:12
Yugioh Icon
Normal Monster, DARK, Fiend and monsters that are treated favorably. Kira in his early illustrations is pretty squishy.
japan シエスタ
2018/07/03 8:59
Yugioh Icon
Other than that, the hero who is easy to forget is the founder of RBI, and there are many supporters in the category of blessed attributes.
At that time, it was a level 6, but it had a well-balanced stat that could be searched with a witch without being knocked down by Tsukuyomi, and it was one of the most useful vanilla advanced cards.
Now even vanilla high level cards with stats that surpass itself have appeared, and as expected, it's becoming painful on its own.
However, there are cards that specify himself, and the fact that he is treated as normal in Deck is quite large, and many remakes have appeared.
For some reason, I have the impression that he has a lot of appearances, as expected of the first protagonist's trump card.
japan 備長炭18
2018/05/25 12:29
Yugioh Icon
Level 6, or Fiend vanilla, boasting outstanding popularity, the original Archfiend.
It has a high 2500 RBI in one release, and many duelists would have used it when the concept of Tribute Summon appeared.
Even now, in addition to race and attribute support, there are various support as his Archfiend, so it is easy to adopt.
Recently, Link, Ritual, and Fusion have come, so I'd like the orthodox Xyz to come next time.
japan アキ
2018/02/24 11:07
Yugioh Icon
With one Tribute, he had a high ATK of 2500, so at the time he was highly evaluated for being able to destroy Psycho Shocker in combat.
japan ジュウテツ
2017/11/10 9:13
Yugioh Icon
I think his strength is that he has the highest ATK among the monsters that can be used as fusion materials for "Evil Dragon, Red, Archfiend's Dragon".
japan ソレイユ
2017/09/06 2:49
Yugioh Icon
2500 RBI is high in one release, and the illustrations are cool! I still cherish the relief that I hit a long time ago.
japan デルタアイズ
2017/06/05 10:37
Yugioh Icon
It's a monster that represents his Fiend, blessed with rarity and reprints.
japan なす
2017/05/21 17:49
Yugioh Icon
Among advanced monsters, ATK is high, there is also support, and it is strong enough.
japan ヒコモン
2016/09/21 12:43
Yugioh Icon
A powerful card that was once loved by most people due to its amazing strength of 2500 RBIs in one Tribute. As expected, it is out of the question to put it out at Tribute Summon now, but it can also be used as material for 《Archfiend Black Skull Dragon》. Well, even so, it's very difficult to fight seriously. Needless to say, illustration ads are very expensive.
japan げおんぬ
2016/06/19 11:20
Yugioh Icon
I think it's strong. Even as time goes by, the strong are strong. Compared to the current card, I would like to give an evaluation of 7. Vanilla pales in comparison to advice-summoning Effect Monsters such as Monarch. His ATK of 2500 is strong with the single release Tribute Summon. It's still the same.
japan たたた
2015/04/21 20:01
Yugioh Icon
Everyone used it until Psycho Shocker came out
Even after that, his ATK, which was able to knock down that psycho shocker, was highly evaluated.
Recently, Archfiend has become a category, so please use it if you have a feeling
japan みくみく
2014/12/28 6:06
Yugioh Icon
Summon 《Summoned Skull》! !
With 2500 RBI and his ATK ranked second in the upper ranks, he can benefit from Normal Monster DARK Fiend Archfiend and abundant support.
Therefore, if you feel like it, it's a powerful card that can still be used in active service.
When summoning, it might be cool to say "I'll call Summoned Skull!" like Yugi-san...
japan wisteria
2014/05/08 0:32
Yugioh Icon
A card that everyone used. With 2500 RBIs from a single Tribute and Witch of the Black Forest search, he was the main attacker in many of his decks along with Duminai Elf. From season 2 onwards, although it gave up its role to 《Jinzo - Psycho Shocker》, it still benefits from the Normal Monster support that will appear later, as well as the [Archfiend] category, so it's still a card you can use if you want to.
japan 夜の帝王
2014/01/25 23:07
Yugioh Icon
In the old days, the 2500 was revolutionary at sacrifice.
His Fiend billboard that continues to be reprinted and remade even now.
10 points in honor of supporting the popularity of Yu-Gi-Oh during its golden age.
japan kuroro
2013/10/18 20:22
Yugioh Icon
A good vanilla with a great possibility of still being active
Supports such as Darkness, Vanilla, and Archfiend are also available, and this guy is a great guy who can become a virus carrier on its own.
japan 子猫鈴麗
2013/05/14 2:13
Yugioh Icon
A card that is given preferential treatment in many ways.
There are many summoning methods, resurrection, and support.
There are also powerful fusion targets such as Black Archfiends, and I think they are pretty easy to use and strong among Normal Monsters.
japan リバース@影の使者
2013/04/13 21:13
Yugioh Icon
In the original, he has not appeared since the Kingdom arc.
Even though it's as strong as bramage lol
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/03/25 18:35
Yugioh Icon
It used to be an ace monster, but in addition to being a material for "Black Archfiend's Dragon", it also has the name "Archfiend", so if you have support, you can still play an active role. Being able to cost Deck Devastation Virus or Eradicator Epidemic Virus by itself is also great.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/03 12:08
Yugioh Icon
Summon "Summoned Skull"!
At that time, 2500 for one release was a very valuable figure. However, he is currently losing to 《Frostosaurus》in RBI. Still, being a DARK and bearing the name of his Archfiend is enough to differentiate him and benefit from various supports. The one who works hard in games
japan ファイア野郎
2012/12/30 14:38
Yugioh Icon
A card used by Yugi.
He used to be a high-level monster with the highest ATK, and even now that he has given up that position to 《Frostosaurus》, he is often seen because he is compatible with many support cards, including Archfiend.
japan みかんゼリー
2012/11/01 20:14
Yugioh Icon
In the early days, it was active as the strongest monster that can be put out with one Tribute.
Since he is blessed with racial attributes and can receive vanilla support and he can also receive Archfiend support, it is still a card that is still alive today.
Fuse with Red-Eyes to become Black Archfiend's Dragon.
japan SOUL
2011/07/08 19:33
Yugioh Icon
It is a fusion material for the Black Archfiend's Dragon, which has a relatively high ATK, and also has a high ability value itself.
There are not many monsters with high abilities as fusion materials, so it is a valuable existence.
You can also get support from Archfiend.
It tends to lose its turn to Skull Archfiend after the remake, but it has the advantage of being able to receive Normal Monster support along with 《Archfiend Soldier》.
japan とき
2011/01/11 17:02
Yugioh Icon
After the introduction of the Tribute Summon rule, his DARK Fiend advanced normal monster dyed the environment all the way until the appearance of Psycho Shocker.
Being able to search with a witch was a big attraction at the time, and there were quite a few monsters that went up to the environment level with the cards used by Yami.
His ATK is still high in advanced vanillas, and he's named Archfiend, and his specs aren't bad. Higher Dark Vanilla can be used as a material for Magic Deck Dark Deck without hesitation.
Recently, special packs have included remake cards of this card that support various summoning methods, and can be used as a card that pops out with its effect.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/08/09 21:44
Yugioh Icon
Summon 《Summoned Skull》! is something that everyone does
That picture in the anniversary pack was pretty shocking...
Vanilla with his ATK exceeding the standard of his ATK of the advanced monster is still strong.
There are many support cards for some reason, and it is one of the early cards that are still active.
japan NEOS
2010/08/09 21:39
Yugioh Icon
Among advanced normal monsters, he has the second highest ATK.
It's a little underpowered now, but it's powerful anyway.
japan おんぼろ
2010/08/09 20:31
Yugioh Icon
A card that may still be used in the old days.
2500 of one Tribute, and you can also receive vanilla support with Dark Devil.
And above all cool. It's important there.
japan パンピー
2023/11/09 23:12
Yugioh Icon
japan 愛佳
2024/08/14 22:29
Yugioh Icon
japan 生姜醤油プリン
2024/08/04 4:37
Yugioh Icon
japan かどまん
2024/02/25 12:48
Yugioh Icon
japan 2012/10/17 17:40
Mistress of Yugi
japan 2010/12/14 18:48
A card that becomes a medium for viruses.
Among the early cards, it falls into the easy-to-use category..Maybe?
And cool.

Decks with "Summoned Skull"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 BE1-JP142 2004-06-24 Super
DUEL TERMINAL - Viron Descends! - DT09-JP001 2010-05-01 Rare
LIMITED EDITION 3 L3-01 2001-05-01 Ultra
Struggle of Chaos SC-51 2001-09-20 Ultimate
Vol.4 --32 1999-07-22 Ultra
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 (7th period) BE01-JP121 2011-05-14 Super
Memories of the Duel King -The Kingdom of Duelists 15AY-JPA06 2014-03-08 Ultra
The Duelist's Glory -Fragments of Memory- side: Yami Yugi 15AX-JPY06 2015-01-10 Secret
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links Legend Deck Guide Dark Yu-Gi Deck LG01-JP002 2017-06-02 Normal
EX --023 1999-12-16 Normal
EX-R EX-04 2000-11-23 Normal
REVIVAL OF BLACK DEMONS DRAGON RB-03 2000-10-26 ParallelUltra
Booster R3 B3-02 2000-11-23 Ultra

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 5,346 / 13,089 Cards
View Num 95,565
Card Type "Normal Monster" Best Card Ranking 69th


Japanese card name デーモンの召喚

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