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HOMEYu-Gi-Oh! Card Search > Search result

Card-Type is "Monster". Attribute is "WATER". Search result  Showing 751 to 780 of 815

Card-Type is "Monster".
Attribute is "WATER".

Search result. You can change the search conditions at the bottom of the screen.

Rating Score Card Name Card-Type
Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
深海の戦士 ▶︎ Deck 2.3 13 Deepsea Warrior Effect Monster
- 5 Warrior 1600 1800
As long as "Umi" is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected by any Spell Cards.
首領亀 ▶︎ Deck 2.3 10 Don Turtle Effect Monster
- 3 Reptile 1100 1200
When this card is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned, you can Special Summon any number of "Don Turtle"(s) from your hand.
ブライニグル ▶︎ Deck 2.3 11 Brinegir Effect Monster
- 7 Sea Serpent 1000 2600
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can target 1 WATER monster in your GY; this card gains ATK equal to that monster's ATK until the end of this turn. If this card is sent to the GY: You can target 1 WATER monster you control; it gains 1000 ATK until the end of this turn. You can only use each effect of "Brinegir" once per turn.
妖精王オベロン ▶︎ Deck 2.3 16 Fairy King Truesdale Effect Monster
- 6 Plant 2200 1500
While this card is in Defense Position, all Plant-Type monsters you control gain 500 ATK and DEF.
サイコ・カッパー ▶︎ Deck 2.2 13 Psychic Kappa Normal Monster
- 2 Aqua 400 1000
An amphibian with a myriad of powers to shield it from enemy attacks.
暗黒大要塞鯱 ▶︎ Deck 2.2 13 Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness Effect Monster
- 5 Sea Serpent 2100 1200
By tributing 1 "Torpedo Fish" on your side of the field, destroy 1 monster on the field. By Tributing 1 "Cannonball Spear Shellfish" on your side of the field, destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.
隅烏賊 ▶︎ Deck 2.2 6 Squirt Squid Effect Monster
- 2 Aqua 0 1800
Once per turn, when this card is targeted for an attack by an opponent's monster: You can move this card you control to another of your Main Monster Zones, then, Special Summon 1 "Squid Ink Token" (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK ?/DEF 0). This Token's ATK becomes that opponent's monster's ATK. While this card is in your leftmost or rightmost Main Monster Zone, your opponent's monsters with ATK less than or equal to this card's DEF cannot target it for attacks.
トリプル・ヴァイパー ▶︎ Deck 2.2 13 Hydra Viper Effect Monster
- 4 Reptile 1800 400
Each time this card declares an attack, you must Tribute 1 Aqua-Type monster. This card can attack 3 times during each Battle Phase.
氷結界に住む魔酔虫 ▶︎ Deck 2.2 18 Numbing Grub in the Ice Barrier Effect Monster
- 4 Insect 1300 1800
When this card is Normal Summoned, select 1 unused Main Monster Zone. While this card is face-up on the field, that selected Main Monster Zone cannot be used.
リチュア・キラー ▶︎ Deck 2.2 13 Gishki Reliever Effect Monster
- 2 Aqua 500 800
When this card is Normal or Flip Summoned: You can target 1 other monster you control; return that target to the hand. You must control another face-up "Gishki" monster to activate and to resolve this effect.
ひょうすべ ▶︎ Deck 2.1 14 Hyosube Normal Monster
- 4 Aqua 1500 900
This amphibian is strong on the attack, but leaves much to be desired when defending.
サイレントアビス ▶︎ Deck 2.1 13 Silent Abyss Effect Monster
- 7 Reptile 2000 1500
When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, destroy all face-down and non-WATER monsters.
ダークビショップデーモン ▶︎ Deck 2.1 8 Darkbishop Archfiend Effect Monster
- 3 Fiend 300 1400
Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you must pay 500 LP (this is not optional), or this card is destroyed. When resolving an opponent's card effect that targets an "Archfiend" monster you control, roll a six-sided die and negate that effect if you roll a 1, 3, or 6, and if you do, destroy that card.
ビッグ・ジョーズ ▶︎ Deck 2.1 28 Big Jaws Effect Monster
- 3 Fish 1800 300
At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card attacked: Banish it.
砲弾ヤリ貝 ▶︎ Deck 2.1 11 Cannonball Spear Shellfish Effect Monster
- 2 Aqua 1000 1000
While "Umi" is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected by any Spell Cards.
海原の女戦士 ▶︎ Deck 2 12 Amazon of the Seas Normal Monster
- 4 Fish 1300 1400
A mermaid who serves as a herald to the Ocean Lord. She protects the sacred domain of Atlantis.
チェンジ・スライム ▶︎ Deck 2 9 Change Slime Normal Monster
- 1 Aqua 400 300
A slime that can morph and adopt the shape and size of any monster it chooses.
オルターガイスト・フィジアラート ▶︎ Deck 2 14 Altergeist Fijialert Effect Monster
- 4 Spellcaster 1400 1200
When an "Altergeist" Link Monster is Link Summoned to your field (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 other Link Monster on the field; Special Summon this card from your hand to your zone that target points to, also, for the rest of this turn, that monster is also treated as an "Altergeist" monster. You can only use this effect of "Altergeist Fijialert" once per turn.
魚雷魚 ▶︎ Deck 2 11 Torpedo Fish Effect Monster
- 3 Fish 1000 1000
While "Umi" is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected by any Spell Cards.
ハイドロ・ジェネクス ▶︎ Deck 2 20 Hydro Genex Synchro Monster
Effect Monster
- 6 Machine 2300 1800
"Genex Controller" + 1 or more non-Tuner WATER monsters
When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, gain Life Points equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.
雷ウナギ ▶︎ Deck 1.9 12 Lightning Conger Normal Monster
- 3 Thunder 350 750
This massive eel generates huge charges of electricity and unleashes them as thunderbolts.
グレート・ホワイト ▶︎ Deck 1.9 12 Great White Normal Monster
- 4 Fish 1600 800
A giant white shark with razor-sharp teeth.
タートル・バード ▶︎ Deck 1.9 15 Turtle Bird Normal Monster
- 6 Aqua 1900 1700
An unusual turtle that not only swims at tremendous speeds, but can also sail across the skies.
満ち潮のマーマン ▶︎ Deck 1.9 11 High Tide Gyojin Normal Monster
- 4 Aqua 1650 1300
A very agile half-fish warrior known for its relentless attacks.
ブルー・ダストン ▶︎ Deck 1.9 8 Blue Duston Effect Monster
- 1 Fiend 0 1000
Cannot be used as a Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Material for a Summon. While this card is face-up on the field, it cannot be Tributed. When this card on the field is destroyed: Banish 1 random card from its controller's hand, face-down, until the Standby Phase of the next turn. You can only control 1 face-up "Blue Duston".
水精鱗-サルフアビス ▶︎ Deck 1.9 39 Mermail Abyssbalaen Effect Monster
- 7 Aqua 2500 2000
You can discard 4 other "Mermail" monsters to the Graveyard; Special Summon this card from your hand. When you do: Target cards your opponent controls, up to the number of "Mermail" monsters in your Graveyard (if possible); this card gains 500 ATK, and if it does, destroy those targets (if any). You can Tribute 1 other face-up Attack Position "Mermail" monster; this card gains the following effect this turn.
●At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles a Defense Position monster: Destroy that monster.
タクリミノス ▶︎ Deck 1.8 12 Takriminos Normal Monster
- 4 Sea Serpent 1500 1200
A member of a race of sea serpents that freely travels through the sea.
水の魔導師 ▶︎ Deck 1.8 9 Water Magician Normal Monster
- 4 Aqua 1400 1000
This monster swamps an opponent with an almost endless supply of water.
グラスファントム ▶︎ Deck 1.8 9 Grass Phantom Effect Monster
- 3 Plant 1000 1000
This card gains 500 ATK for each "Grass Phantom" in your Graveyard.
幻影のゴラ亀 ▶︎ Deck 1.8 12 Gora Turtle of Illusion Effect Monster
- 4 Aqua 1200 1400
Negate the effect of Spell and Trap Cards controlled by your opponent that target this face-up card on the field.
Other sorts : Card Registration Date, scale blue, scale red

(26/28 pages) 751 - 780

Change search conditions

Effect Category
addition to your Normal Summon/Set Normal Summon by Effect Tribute Reduce Compromise Normal Summon A minimum of three tributes is required for the Summon Tributes for 2 or 3 bodies Tribute Spell and Trap Cards Second Summon Special Summon this card from your hand Special Summon this card from GY Special Summon this card from Deck Special Summon this card from Extra Deck Special Summon this banished monsters Special Summon this card from Spell & Trap Zone Special Summon this card from Pendulum Zone Pendulum Summon By Effect Special Summon Trap Monster Special Summon Tokens Unequip and Special Summon Special Summon. ignoring its Summoning conditions cannot be negated Special Summon cannot be negated
Special Summon it in face-down Defense Position Set 1 Spell/Trap Place Pendulum Monster in your Pendulum Zone.
Draw・Card Search
Draw Draw-related effects add Card from your Deck to your hand add Card from your Deck to your GY add Card from your banished Card add Card from your Deck to your Extra Deck Add card from your hand to your opponent's hand
Destroy Monster Destroy Spell Destroy Trap Destroy Pendulum Zone Card Destroy hand card Destroy Deck card Destroy the negated card self-destruction, Destruction instead Take away destroyed cards
return to the hand return to the Deck, Extra Deck return to the Deck, Extra Deck, from hand return to the Deck, Extra Deck, from GY Place at the top of the deck Place at the bottom of the deck return to Extra Deck from Deck return to Deck from Extra Deck returns banished cards to the field returns banished cards to the GY banished cards return to the Deck, Extra Deck
banish Monster banish Spell banish Trap banish Pendulum Zone Card banish the negated card banish this card when it leaves the field banish hand Card banish GY Card banish Deck Card banish Extra Deck Card self-banish, banish instead banish face-down
Send to GY・Discard
send card from your field to the GY send card from your hand to the GY self-send, send instead Discard send card from your Deck to the GY send card from your Extra Deck to the GY
Tribute this card from field Tribute this card from hand
multiple attacks attack all monsters attack directly must attack attack while in face-up Defense Position
battles damage related piercing battle damage to your opponent inflict damage take damage no effect damage, decrease damage
LP, Life Point
pay LP lose LP change LP gain LP Life cost related
gain ATK lose ATK change ATK gain DEF lose DEF change DEF change Level change Rank change Pendulum Scale change Type change Attribute change face-up or face-down change battle position change Card Control change attack targets change effect targets change hand size change Card effects change the order of the deck Copy card information
Summon Limit
cannot Tribute Summon cannot Normal Summon cannot Flip Summon cannot Special Summon cannot Normal Summon(this card) cannot Special Summon(this card)
negate the attack negate Monster effects negate Spell negate Trap negate Summon negate Flip Summon negate Special Summon negate this card's other effects negate specific card
Resistance, Limit, Not Allowed
Cannot be destroyed by battle Cannot be destroyed by effects Limit attack targets Limit effect targets cannot target with Monster effects cannot target with Spell effects cannot target with Trap effects Unaffected by Monster effects Unaffected by Spell effects Unaffected by Trap effects Unaffected by specific card cannot be negated control of all monsters on the field returns to the owner Limit attack Monster and attack number Cannot attack Cannot attack directly Monster effects cannot activate Spell effects cannot activate Trap effects cannot activate Pendulum Monster effects cannot activate Special Card effects cannot activate Cannot activate cards or effects in response to the activation of your Card cannot Set cannot be Tributed cannot be banished cannot draw cannot change battle position cannot card control unused zones only control 1 cannot return to the Deck, Extra Deck cannot add Card from your Deck to your hand cannot send card from your Deck to the GY once per Duel
This card's name becomes another card's name treated as a Normal Monster treated as a Tuner Monster treated as a Non-Tuner Monster be treated another attribute or another type or another level treated as a Spell, Trap Treat as a specific category card
Fusion Material related Synchro Material related Xyz Material related Link Material related Ritual Material related Cannot be used as Material Place or remove counters
treated as an Equip Spell Equipped with cards
reveal set cards reveal hand cards reveal Draw cards reveal Deck cards reveal Ectra Deck cards
activate Spell/Trap Cards from your hand activate Spell/Trap Cards from your deck activate Spell/Trap Cards from your GY activate Card the turn it was Set Shuffle the deck Coin toss related effects Dice-related effects Rock-paper-scissors-related effects move Zone Exchanging hands, giving and receiving cards Applying effects during duels cannot conduct your Phase Skip Turn becomes the End Phase of this turn win the Match win the Duel
Card-Type and
Type/Attribute Attribute
Pendulum blue
Rating Score
Japanese Only Cards

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