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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 76 to 90 of 817

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Speed Bird ▶︎ Deck 《Speed Bird》
japan ルイ
2019/06/02 17:57
Yugioh Icon
It may not be bad, but when should I use it? It's a card that doesn't feel like using it when told.
It would be nice if you could revive even one body by responding to effect destruction. I thought so.
Can you deploy two 2 stars? But? In the first place, he said that it would be troublesome to drop 2 of them to GY and to put this guy on the field so that it would be destroyed in battle.
Ojama: If you want to revive, you have to revive 3 of them without fail, and even if you ask for vanilla binding, it's Tri-Wight.
Although it looks convenient, it is very difficult to use, so it would be quicker to use another card.
I wouldn't use it, if you like it you can.
Tenshin ▶︎ Deck 《Tenshin》
japan ルイ
2019/06/01 4:27
Yugioh Icon
Follow Junk Warrior.
If it's 2 stars or less, it might have been combined with a token (although it's still too weak), but if it's 2 stars or less, I can only say that I'm honestly licking it.
United We Stand》It's still better to hit with it equipped.
As the name suggests, please change (remake) quickly.
Greed Grado ▶︎ Deck 《Greed Grado》
japan ルイ
2019/05/29 18:51
Yugioh Icon
Do you want to draw 2 cards by sending it and spending more time and money?
Even in the heyday of Synchro Monster, it was rarely used, so there's no way it's used in today's environment.
Considering the loss of S summons, the cards used up until the deployment, the cards to be sent, and the trouble of destroying battles and effects, if you don't seriously draw 4 or more cards, it won't be useful at all.
If it's just the appearance, I think it's a 1:2 exchange, so I can't help thinking about using it, but it's too bad.
It's better to put in a Spellcaster and use a Wonder Wand, 《Spellbook of Knowledge》.
If you want to actually use it, I recommend you to see the reality.
Earthbound Linewalker ▶︎ Deck 《Earthbound Linewalker》
japan ルイ
2019/05/29 18:39
Yugioh Icon
It is a model of an industrial waste card that is too fitting for the words "disgrace" and "put the cart before the horse" that claim to be support.
Even if this guy is put in to maintain Earthbound Immortal, this guy himself is not suitable for maintenance.
The development team probably made it with the feeling that if they printed it out, someone would use it (Hanahoji-), and the level of appropriateness overflowed.
It seems to be insurance, but the incompetent bastard doesn't realize that he's killing all the goodness of Earthbound Immortal.
Such incompetence, it's better to tear it up and throw it away, there's a limit to industrial waste.
Link Hole ▶︎ Deck 《Link Hole》
japan ルイ
2019/05/27 16:42
Yugioh Icon
This is no exception to the mysterious removal cards that are recorded every time a new summoning method comes out, so you can guess the performance.
Why don't you use a card with this kind of performance? 《Tribute to The Doomed》or Thunder Break, right? That's what I mean.
Even though it's just aiming for a 1:1 exchange, the activation conditions are still lazy.
Or rather, I don't want you to piggyback on the new summoning method every time and print a card of a level that is not worth talking about.
With this performance, the removal card that came out in the early days of Synchro is still better.
I'd probably use it at most for curiosity perverts, though I would never use it lol
Daigusto Emeral ▶︎ Deck 《Daigusto Emeral》
japan ルイ
2019/05/25 18:02
Yugioh Icon
A card that steadily gets ads, I think this is what a good card should be.
Even though it's just a small greedy pot, it's nice to be able to revive anything other than Effect Monsters, whether it's a Link or an Xyz.
It's a secret that I thought that only Normal Monsters could be revived.
In the current environment, we're going to release bang bang from EX, so we can recover the resources of the EX Deck, and if we have 2 or more cards, we can collect the same name and loop.
However, since it is important to have either suppression, deck recruitment, or search, I haven't really seen it recently, although the effect is excellent.
In that sense, the greedy pot, which has a slightly stricter condition of collecting 5 cards, is the winner.
It's not weak, but it's a card that feels a little underpowered, partly because of the environment that has changed from its Rank 4 heyday to Link.
There is no difference that it is still a usable card, I like this kind of thing.
X-Saber Pashuul ▶︎ Deck 《X-Saber Pashuul》
japan ルイ
2019/05/23 17:36
Yugioh Icon
If it's a HERO that includes a V-HERO, I think it's a worthwhile card.
It's nice to have both Halifair and Isolde, and minimize his Equip Spell in his deck for 2 stars.
To be honest, it's better than not having a permanent effect that can't be destroyed in battle, but I think my favorite is that I can self-burn to myself and become a material for Natubi, and I can activate the effect of GY's V HERO.
When I actually used it, I felt that it was quite a big deal that I was able to use Multiply Guy on the opponent's turn relatively aggressively with a subtle evaluation of Minimum Ray.
It works well with Saber Reflect, and I'm glad that Truth Reinforce makes it easy for him to recruit decks.
Since I was able to overwhelm the opponent by killing without knowing, I personally thought that I should give it a high rating.
I think it's a nambo card if you use it well, I recommend it.
Majestic Mech - Senku ▶︎ Deck 《Majestic Mech - Senku》
japan ルイ
2019/05/23 17:04
Yugioh Icon
There's a limit to text fraud!?
This is a model of industrial waste that somehow has "only" the bad part of a specific category even though it is not very useful.
If I could attack directly and draw one card, I would still be able to use it somehow, but what was the development team thinking when designing it?
If this is the case, shouldn't the effect be activated if it deals battles damage? A level that I can't help but think.
I'm sorry, but I really don't want you to stop devising shitty effects out of those blessed illustrations.
There's nothing to talk about, it's a damn card (´Д`) Haha... (a big sigh)
Hand of Nephthys ▶︎ Deck 《Hand of Nephthys》
japan ルイ
2019/05/23 15:33
Yugioh Icon
It's not that the people around me have gotten stronger, but that doesn't mean I've gotten weaker, but is this the trend of the times...?
It started with the appearance of 《Onslaught of the Fire Kings》, which doesn't even use the right to summon, although the conditions are somewhat strict, and the irony that this support guy is missing due to the enhancement of "Nephthys" support.
In the past, I was indebted because Brainwashing was an easy-to-use performance before errata, but Nephthys himself was already said to be weak.
Once revived, you can get a large Oarashi Mochi at the release cost! It seems that there was a big fuss at the time.
A silent errata with a "Nephthys" monster in your hand or a Special Summon from his Deck? …No.
It's not weak, and it's all about the inflationary environment, which I personally like.
Fortune Fairy Swee ▶︎ Deck 《Fortune Fairy Swee》
japan ルイ
2019/05/22 17:54
Yugioh Icon
She's still better than a fortune-telling witch, but she seems to end up being a burden in actual battles.
If you want to temporarily remove a card, but you have to Special Summon every single card in your hand, it's a no-brainer if the place to Special Summon is specified.
Want to temporarily exclude? Wouldn't it be better to make 7-star S monsters available and then use Zeta? level.
If it's Jund, there's also Archer, and in addition to having too many rivals, do you think this guy who doesn't have his own Special Summon ability will be called upon?
It's not limited to this card, but the fortune-telling witch itself is just too shabby to be able to do it under such strict conditions...
In the current situation, it's only "best", and I think the correct recognition is "not at a level that can be adopted", which is a relatively serious story.
It's bad for those who like it, but it's better to use other cards.
Personally, I can only say that it is out of the question.
Fortune Fairy Ann ▶︎ Deck 《Fortune Fairy Ann》
japan ルイ
2019/05/21 16:18
Yugioh Icon
As expected, if you draw this one with a poor effect, your luck will be unhappy.
Even if it's just an accident when you draw it in your first hand, even if you remove her spell caster from your hand if you use her Special Summon, so what? The story.
Can Fuu-chan collect it? But just because of that, do you use this guy for that reason? After all it is subtle.
If you are aware of the anime connection and put in Fortune Lady, the accident rate will jump further, so it is better not to use it unless you are a very pervert.
I don't know what you want to do, it seems pretty tough to find usefulness.
Sonic Stun ▶︎ Deck 《Sonic Stun》
japan ルイ
2019/05/18 19:45
Yugioh Icon
Put it out in the era of TG The Agent, Konmai-san, huh? That's why people call me Konami or Konmai!?
It's not weak, but it's the first card that is rarely used, and it's doomed to bear sadness at this point.
Negate the attack with the attack reaction type? Are you going to SS TG? I thought I should at least destroy the attacking monster.
At the end of the day, it's terrible that GY doesn't respond.In the first place, if you want to negate an attack, you can set it on the field or not, and there's an excellent Necro Gardner, the third die. ….
I wanted you to make it a free chain because you don't need an attack negate if you're going to trap anyway.
Is it the blunder of Konami which sees synthetically and does not become an honest talk, and took out the times wrongly?
Gold Moon Coin ▶︎ Deck 《Gold Moon Coin》
japan ルイ
2019/05/18 12:10
Yugioh Icon
A one-chan card that can use its effect if it is destroyed or destroyed by an opponent's effect (I'm not saying there is)
It's a combo premise, and he can self-destruct with Exodia, so it looks pretty interesting, but it's minus that it's too peculiar to use as a draw source normally.
"Hand Destruction", which destroys the opponent's hand, is enough for one disad, "Card Destruction" is fine for swapping, and "Card Destruction" is fine for comboing with Manjushka.
It's a calming card in that the status quo is an interesting effect.
Number 60: Dugares the Timeless ▶︎ Deck 《Number 60: Dugares the Timeless》
japan ルイ
2019/05/18 11:48
Yugioh Icon
It's a No. 4 rank with only a mass of possibilities, and a toy for the satisfied people.
Shaddoll Beast, 《Monster Reborn》, Simple 《Limiter Removal》, Xyz with all the bad elements.
If this had appeared in the Master Rule 3 era, it would have been pretty bad.
Each effect has a specific disadvantage after being used, but if you set it during the turn, there are virtually no disadvantages, so it shouldn't be weak.
When it comes to this type of card with resurrection, it usually comes with a set of negate effects, but if you don't have that, it's like asking you to play solitaire.
Moreover, if there are no restrictions that cannot be made with link materials, all the more so.
A certain amount of development is a condition, but if you close your eyes to the huge cost and minor disadvantages, you can dream of suppressing it with 《Armageddon Knight》and a suitable 4 star that can be SS with a large fusion from Devil Franken. .
I have a feeling that this will be traded at a fairly high price, and since it is compatible with 《Circle of the Fire Kings》, it will also accelerate solitaire.
It's a performance that I can't help but give a perfect score even considering the disadvantages, it's a good card without complaints.
Possessed Dark Soul ▶︎ Deck 《Possessed Dark Soul》
japan ルイ
2019/05/16 13:50
Yugioh Icon
A card that can steal a surprisingly large amount of monsters, the hint is Black Garden.
I thought it was a weak card that seemed like it could be used, but it wasn't.
Usually 3 stars or less are used for Synchro, Xyz, and Link, and it's extremely rare to survive in the current environment, so it's certainly an extremely difficult task to master.
However, if you combine it with Black Garden, it's a different story, and it's already a masterpiece to take away his Rose tokens with Plant, Darkness, 2 Stars, and 800 Attack/Defense.
If you make full use of Black Garden's resurrection effect and token generation, you can make dangerous moves, so I think it's a good match.
Stabbing Stabbing in the deck but not stable? Then you should go and stab yourself!
It's possible to steal control forever, but it'll be a quick attack material, and that's trivial.
Recruiting with Death Guide and Killer Tomato, searching with 《Fusion Reserve》since it's a fusion material, I don't think you'll have any problems with that.
you there! If you're building his deck with Black Garden as the main axis, why not include it?
Personally, it's a combo premise, but it's a strong and interesting card if you get hooked on it, so I'd recommend it.

(6/55 pages) 76 - 90

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