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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck List > Dark Simorgh Deck List > True Monarch Simorgh Rock Deck and Deck Instructions

"True Monarch Simorgh Rock" Deck 2015

 Deck List Image

Deck Introduction/Deck Commentary

Deck Category / how to win
Key Card
Dark Simorgh
Deck commentary


The Odd-Eyes related is conscious of his Odd-Eyes advent in the next bullet.
The basic move is to accelerate the draw with Panshin, draw in 《Anti-Spell Fragrance》, and set up a lineup to summon Aitail on the opponent's turn.
Now all he has to do is Special Summon Simorgh and land a rock combo.
Simorgh can be reused in Cyframe Road, so one piece was fine.


If he hits first with a Simorgh lock, he can go for a one-shot on the return turn.
Also, Aitail can summon his Simorgh during the opponent's turn, so it's hard to hit Veiler.


Under adjustment.


Deck Maker
Yu-Gi-Oh! Icon すう ( Total 2 decks )
Posted date : 2015/09/22 21:21
Main Deck (23 Types・40)
monster (10 Types・19)
NumNameAttributeLevelTypeATK / DEFcheapest price
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Extra Deck (11 Types・15)
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