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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > THE DARK ILLUSION > True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher

True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher Used Deck

True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 9 Wyrm 2900 1900
If this card is in your hand: You can destroy 2 other monsters in your hand and/or face-up field, including a FIRE monster, and if you do, Special Summon this card, and if you do that, you can banish 1 monster from your opponent's field or GY, if both the destroyed monsters were FIRE. If this card is destroyed by card effect: You can add 1 non-FIRE Wyrm monster from your GY to your hand. You can only use each effect of "True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher" once per turn.
Average Rating Score 8.4(15)
  1. Card Info
  2. Card Reviews (15 rating scores)
  3. Decks with True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher (91 Decks)
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"True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher" card reviews and rating scores

33% (5)
66% (10)
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japan プラント・プラン
2018/12/19 19:53
Yugioh Icon
Destroys 2 monsters, including FIRE, from your hand or field to perform a Special Summon, so it works well with Fire King. Dinosaurs that use Auro, Micella, etc., can also connect to VFD with another TRUE while activating Hebikara's effect. RBI is also quite high, and it is a very important card as a "TRUE" card. Since it was reprinted in "Structure Deck -Soul Burner-", it is a big point that it has become easier to obtain (although the compatibility with his main Salamangreat is a little weak).
japan なす
2017/08/31 18:17
Yugioh Icon
You can banish 1 opponent's monster with TRUE that can be issued by destroying FIRE.
In Dinosaurs, while destroying Babykera or 《Petiteranodon》, including Micella and Auro, it can connect with Lithos Azimu D and Rank 9.
japan アルバ
2017/07/05 11:15
Yugioh Icon
In order to Special Summon, the TRUE Emperor destroys monsters on the field and from his hand, including monsters with the same attribute as himself. I have to think of a card to destroy because there is not enough.
I want to connect to a combo of cards that are meaningful to be destroyed, but is it quicker for him to eat each other between TRUE Emperors?
In the case of FIRE, there is a perfect material called Fire King.
In Dinosaurs, he has a certain amount of FIRE, so he is a sub of Ritos Azim, and he was active as a rank 9 material worker as a TRUE emperor, splitting Baby Puchi.
The RBI is 2900, which is powerful, and the additional effect when he destroys two FIRE is powerful, excluding one monster from the field GY that does not target.
The effect when destroyed is useful in his GY's recovery of his Wyrm, but weaker than others.
japan ABYSS
2017/01/15 22:28
Yugioh Icon
Flame dragon king. Scoring is quite high.
The unique effect is monster exclusion, and it is excellent that GY can also be excluded.
FIRE is especially easy to use because there are many destruction triggers such as Fire King.
When destroyed, the effect is a phantom dragon salvage other than flames.
I wonder if this is a little plain effect...
While not weak, he feels stronger as a flame support than as TRUE.
japan マスじい
2016/12/24 23:22
Yugioh Icon
His TRUE Emperor's highest RBI known so far, excluding VFD.
If the conditions are met, he has a powerful exclusion effect during Special Summon. Non-targeted exclusions can interfere with the field or her GY. It's not the effect when Special Summon succeeds, but the effect is used at the same time as the Special Summon, so it's difficult to make a sacrifice escape, and when this card is activated in your hand, you can put a lot of pressure on your opponent. His FIRE monster, which is required for Special Summon, has a destruction theme called Fire King, so I think he is treated favorably among the TRUE emperors.
If Destroyed effect salvages his Wyrm other than his FIRE, this effect is especially hard to use even among his TRUE Emperors. His other TRUE emperor has many powerful effects such as revive, recruit, and search, but if this card is destroyed in the early stages, the effect is difficult to use, and since it is new and has a confirmed search, it is a factor to replenish the hand. It is a little difficult to use as well. Even if you use it, I think it will be a situation where you are out of breath at the end.
japan ケシゴム
2016/06/01 23:50
Yugioh Icon
Wyrm The hopeful hope and savior of the Fire King, Yang Zing.
It doesn't matter if it's the same name as the destroyer, so he'll do the job even if it's just three stacks in Yang Zing. The exclusion effect is only when he destroys two FIRE, so it would be nice to be able to destroy Shungei on the field!
japan Meteor
2016/05/05 20:00
Yugioh Icon
The effect is like a blaster
Stats are +100 offense and defense
Exclusion that does not target with 3 cards in hand...
Well, it's better to use it with Fire King, the basic specs are heavy Fortress
japan ネタ使い
2016/04/21 9:06
Yugioh Icon
Fire King Yang Zing
I want this search card
I want to put about 5 cards in my deck
japan カンナヅキ
2016/04/12 5:36
Yugioh Icon
Fire King Savior
If you draw 《Supply Squad》and destroy 2 Barons in your hand and field, you can remove 1 card, draw 1 card, and search for 2 cards in the next standby.
japan メンタル豆腐デーモン
2016/04/10 21:01
Yugioh Icon
Fire King's Wishing Star
Can Yang Zing, which has Shungei, also adopt it?
There is a feeling of rehash of Dragon Ruler, but I wonder if his TRUE emperor with a different attribute of ② will also appear.
I also wonder if the name is related to his Dracoslayer Dracoverlord series
japan プンプン丸
2016/04/10 8:07
Yugioh Icon
The reason why the effect of ① is so long is that it's a measure to make sure you don't miss the timing with Yang Zing. It feels like a card like this, will it be easier to raise rank 9 with this?
japan とき
2016/04/09 16:37
Yugioh Icon
This is probably the red TRUE that invites the end of the world that Volflame confronts.
Effect to destroy 2 monsters including FIRE from hand or field to Special Summon, and if both destroyed cards at that time are FIRE, banish 1 monster from opponent's field or GY, if destroyed by effect other than FIRE has the effect of searching his Wyrm for
It may be a card made for Metalfoes, but it has excellent compatibility with Fire King, such as easily destroying his FIRE from the hand, hand, or on the field, and overcoming its drawbacks of hitting points and lack of removal. Of course, being a P Deck, he's not bad with Metalfoes, but the synergy with Fire King is just too good...
The effect at the time of effect destruction will be active in TRUE, but it is a bit painful that he is difficult to use in the early stages compared to TRUE.
japan あいえす
2016/04/09 13:51
Yugioh Icon
fake blaster.
I have a feeling it will become a series.
Both RBI and exclusion effects are reasonably strong, but level 9 Wyrm is not blessed with support.
At present, it is best to combine it with his Metalfoes of the same bullet.
japan かどまん
2023/09/12 20:37
Yugioh Icon
japan みめっと
2023/08/14 17:59
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
THE DARK ILLUSION TDIL-JP025 2016-04-09 SecretSuper
Structure Deck: Soulburner SD35-JP011 2018-12-08 Normal
Structure Deck R-Attack of the Fire King SR14-JP012 2023-09-09 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 2,804 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 46,368
Type "Wyrm" Type Best Monster Ranking 41st
Level 9 Best Monster Ranking 57th


Japanese card name 真竜皇アグニマズドV

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