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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > DUELIST BOX 2012 (Special Card) > M-X-Saber Invoker

M-X-Saber Invoker Semi-LimitedUsed Deck

M-X-Saber Invoker
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Xyz Monster
Effect Monster
- 3 Warrior 1600 500
2 Level 3 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; Special Summon 1 Level 4 EARTH Warrior or Beast-Warrior monster from your Deck, in Defense Position, but destroy it during the End Phase.
Average Rating Score 8.6(49)
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"M-X-Saber Invoker" card reviews and rating scores

57% (28)
34% (17)
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2% (1)

japan みめっと
2023/06/26 10:08
Yugioh Icon
Released from banned cards with Performapal monkeys under the Limit Regulations that will come into force in July 2023. From a distance, the face pad looks like a monkey's face, and it looks like a gorilla's face. A rank 3X monster of the X Saber that is said to be.
It's a well-known story that the person inside is the tyrannical ex-commander of X-Saber, who is known as Gussan (X-Saber Souza).
It can be X summoned with 2 free materials, and the activation effect using 1 X material has the effect of Special Summoning a Warrior or Beast-Warrior and EARTH level 4 monster from the Deck in Defense Position, Special Summoning. Monsters self-destruct during the End Phase, but monster effects never negate.
What do you think? Of course, I think it's an effect that makes you want to use it for something bad.
That said, the monsters that can be recruited are restricted not only by their race, but also by their attributes and levels, so while they can be used in a variety of his decks that include powerful monsters, the number of useful monster types is relatively limited. It will come.
The levels of the monsters that can be recruited and the monsters used as X materials for this card will also be different.
In any case, let's look forward to the success of Mr. Invoker, whose whereabouts are finally known, from July.
japan ブルーバード
2023/06/26 8:38
Yugioh Icon
EARTH · Warrior or Beast-Warrior · A card that can be recruited from a looser range than level 4.
Recruiting the surplus 《Goblindbergh》to extend the development further, or recruiting 《D.D. Warrior》or 《Exiled Force》can be treated as a removal.
The Invoker Blade, which recruits Heroic Challenger - Extra Sword with this card, X-summons Blade Armor Ninja, and kills with 3200 x 2 + Invoker's 1600 RBI, is too famous. He was a popular combo in Madolche due to his ability to cover level 3 for Invoker and access to messengerato besides extra swords.
In addition, Wind-Up Recruit Wind-Up Soldier in Wind-Up, which is dead, and use it as a starting point for manufacturers and magicians. Koa'ki Meiru has been used in various decks, such as forcibly recruiting and deploying Urnite.
It was a pretty bad card with no turn 1 and no restrictions, but miraculously it was not used much at the environmental level, so it has escaped regulation for a long time. However, after the discovery of an infinite loop by "Firewall Dragon", he awakened as a recruiting agent for "Amazoness Archer (Updated from: Amazon Archer)". It has been banned in the form of being forced to clean up Firewall.
He passed a retrial and was released on parole. And no errata. The FWD case was completely false, but the effect itself is in the dangerous category, so it's quite surprising that it wasn't errataed.
japan ふぁいあ
2023/06/25 23:44
Yugioh Icon
Invoker, also known as "Madolche Unknown Old Man", has reappeared after resigning!
…But now, Madolche boasts more development power than when he was active due to Petincesur and his Vernusylph. Probably not. Is this what you call inflation?
However, the Recruit effect is the strongest in Yu-Gi-Oh, so there are a lot of decks that need this card's power.
Madolche is now on her own, so Uncle is on his way again to guide the next kid.
japan 愛佳
2023/06/25 22:39
Yugioh Icon
After hiding for about four and a half years, he finally returned.
[Wind-Up] and [Madolche] [The Six Samurai], which have a lot of development power, are cards that were often seen especially around 2012-2015.
I recruited Level 4 Warrior and Beast-Warrior, but the material specification was level 3 x 2, and the decks that I could use were limited.
Strong themes such as his Deck [Zodiac] and [Gouki] corresponding to this card also appeared, and demand increased at once.
Furthermore, at that time, he was able to recruit Amazoness Archer (Updated from: Amazon Archer) at a time when he was able to kill Firewall Dragon first, so he was banned in 2019.
Rather than this card itself, it was probably banned due to the increase in the number of his decks that can be used effectively and the relationship with the recruiting company.
Thanks to that, my [Madolche] and [The Six Samurai] were frozen, and I think there are quite a few other decks that were affected.
However, the ban is lifted for the first time in about four and a half years! I want to use it in [Madolche] again.
japan けやぐ
2023/01/25 4:08
Yugioh Icon
A forbidden card that has helped me in the past.
In The Six Samurai, I put out Level 3 monsters such as 《Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki》, 《Elder of the Six Samurai》, 《Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho》, 《Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai》, and then Special Summon 《Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru》from there to search for monsters other than those with the same attribute on the field.
Then, at that time, he created a ridiculously strong board with 《Firewall Dragon》, which was still before errata, and 《Knightmare Goblin》, which is also banned now.
In TRUE Zoodiac, he Special Summon while destroying 《Baobaboon》with 9 TRUEs. Then he played Invoker with the card of the same name, and from there, Zoodiac Thoroughblade he Special Summoned and discarded his other Zoodiacs, leading to a draw and a continuous X.
Anyway, it was a bad card lol
japan かどまん
2023/01/24 23:02
Yugioh Icon
Although he himself is a rank 3, it seems that it does not mesh with a specific ☆ 4 at first glance.
At the beginning of its appearance, it was a floating presence even within X Saber, and there was no synergy.
[Zoodiac], which swept the environment, provides a means of deployment from rank 3, and support in [Wind-Up] and [The Six Samurai]
Call Amazoness Archer (Updated from: Amazon Archer) in the middle of a loop Deck to accompany Burnkill, etc.
The condition of "Warrior or Beast-Warrior ☆ 4 EARTH", which seemed to be a narrow range at the beginning of its appearance
It is a typical card that spreads more and more powerfully as the card pool increases.
Before I knew it, his Deck, which used Rank 3, was the result of the existence of this guy.
I caught a glimpse of the difficulty of adjusting recruiters in a rough range in the circumstances that finally led to the ban
japan タマーキン(封印)
2022/04/29 3:18
Yugioh Icon
A monster that sets a precedent for not allowing Xyz Monster to have a Special Summon effect from the main deck
The number of times limit is called Turn 1 instead of the name Turn 1, which is also a cause of misbehavior.
Even though it was banned as a precedent, Xyz Monster has created a convenient junior, Miragestalio, Hope Sage, Gicantic Spright, and so on.
not regretting at all
They all have the name Turn 1
Mirajestario said he was one of the people who made Salamangreat the best in the world.
The Sage of Hope calls ZS and ZW to procure materials for the future dragon emperor.
Gigantic Spright is easy to use because the person you call matches your rank, and the disadvantage that you can only get level 2 for each other is that you care about Nibiru, etc. All the juniors are not doing good things.
Conversely, if you have a theme or illustration scenario you want to sell, the main deck will have a Special Summon effect and he will make Xyz Monster.
In this inflationary situation, if you give it the name Turn 1, it won't be too much of a problem to come back.
Because there are more dangerous juniors than that
japan 戦士族大好き
2022/04/23 19:57
Yugioh Icon
Beast-Warrior is bad! Beast-Warrior Gaa! (passing the buck)
This card was a savior for monsters with a half-hearted ATK like 《Field-Commander Rahz》that didn’t support 《Warrior Lady of the Wasteland》.
Even if he comes back, this card and 《Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights》will make him have 2 EX monsters with Deck SS effect.
X material is limited to EARTH Warrior or Beast-Warrior, Name Turn 1, SS cannot be used except Warrior Beast-Warrior when using the effect, Effect is negated SS, When you leave, you can tie him up to the point of exclusion, so I want you to come back. is.
japan kitty
2019/05/25 19:10
Yugioh Icon
A card that taught me the dangers of wide-ranging recruitment. Exploited in Gouki and The Six Samurai. With the existence of Summon Sorceress, I feel that Konmai has become cautious about recruiting effects.
japan プラント・プラン
2018/12/20 21:09
Yugioh Icon
In addition to being able to Xyz Summon with two level 3 monsters, he has the effect of special summoning an EARTH level 4 or lower Warrior or Beast-Warrior from the Deck, his powerful Xyz Monster.
Therefore, this card is always included in his compatible Deck. In particular, it is easy to Xyz Summon with just one beigoma, so in his decks, including Gouki, it was often abused along with beigoma. With that as an opportunity, he finally joins the list of banned cards.
japan らばす
2018/12/18 23:43
Yugioh Icon
Not many people know that C (Chain) died quietly in the shadow of the anti-exploitation ban.
Summoning the Invoker to the coil material, recruiting repairers while dropping the coil, catching the coil and synchronizing "only" was the strength of the chain, but finally everything was lost.
Even if there was nothing, he was completely dead by killing him. Thank you Chain, thank you Takasu
japan もも
2018/12/12 19:33
Yugioh Icon
I think that he is an example of not adding the Recruit effect from the deck to the monsters in the extra deck.
At that time, I think I was still narrowed down to recruiting, but I should have narrowed down to X-Saber.
japan ルイ
2018/12/12 17:41
Yugioh Icon
Easy Deck The card that taught me that recruiting is still dangerous, but what does it mean that I rarely see it in the original house?
In revenge for being cut off from his original family, he changed jobs with Madolche, The Six Samurai, Koa'ki Meiru, Wind-Up, and Zoodiac, while incidentally contributing to the first kill, a shadowy villain.
It's a card from 7 years ago, so naturally it doesn't have the name Turn 1, so it's inevitable that it's been abused.
Before he got banned, he wanted a EARTH 4 Star Warrior or Beast Warrior tuner, in the sense that he was hooked up to a halifiber.
It was too good to be able to come back even if it had a name turn 1, so everything was already too late.
I don't know when I'll be back next time, huh...
japan ラーメン
2018/12/12 0:37
Yugioh Icon
Rank 3 belonging to X-Saber, though I have a feeling it's not used much in X-Saber.
EARTH, ★4, Warrior or Beast Warrior, the range that can be recruited is narrow, but there is a threatening Zoodiac that has dyed the environment at once, and since this guy is a warrior himself, recruiting a Warrior will lead to Isolde. , During the heyday of Zoodiac, he went on a rampage as a member of the staff who summoned Zoodiac, and was the one who pushed the irrelevant SR Beigoma to the limit. It was very active as a machine to create Isolde in Rokubu, and Gouki even won a prize at the tournament.
Last time, I survived by sacrificing Beigoma, but this time, maybe it was judged that this card itself had a problem, so I finally sent him to prison. However, the possibility that it will continue to be abused for purposes other than the original synchronization has not disappeared at all...
japan シエスタ
2018/11/21 15:31
Yugioh Icon
Currently, X Saber is the only X.
It's a rank 3 with no materials specified, but I feel like the effect is a bit out of sync with something that summons a level 4.
However, there were many gimmicks that can be set up with one sheet, such as Beigoma and Death Guide, for Rank 3, so it's not a difficult story to mix.
He can summon a wide range of targets, especially Gouki, Zoodiac, and even 《Amazoness Archer (Updated from: Amazon Archer)》, and he can aim for a first kill, so it was banned because of its high potential.
I've been indebted to many decks, so I'd like you to forgive me at least one, but is it harsh...?
japan 備長炭18
2018/04/28 7:41
Yugioh Icon
Although she is Rank 3 with no materials specified, she can recruit up to Level 4, and can pull Warriors and Beast-Warriors with predatory plants and guides.
Personally, when Archer comes out with this guy, I usually have to prepare for death, so it's a little traumatic.
japan 霊夢
2017/10/04 11:32
Yugioh Icon
Because the range that can be called is not narrow
I want to put it in if I use it
Rank 3.
You were a bad guy in the Zoodiac era
japan なす
2017/09/03 6:38
Yugioh Icon
Level 4, rank 3 to recruit EARTH Warriors or Beast-Warriors.
He works better with Zoodiac, Amazoness, The Six Samurai, Madolche, Chain, etc. than X Saber.
japan デルタアイズ
2016/10/19 22:12
Yugioh Icon
It's a card I've seen recently in Zoodiac.
japan ヒコモン
2016/09/27 12:51
Yugioh Icon
His effect of Special Summoning 1 Warrior or Beast-Warrior from his Deck to Special Summon one of his EARTH level 4 monsters is very powerful. However, since he himself is Rank 3, his level did not match and his target was narrow. However, with the appearance of Beigomax, it became possible to raise rank 3 without summoning power, and thanks to his Zoodiac unified with his EARTH of Beast-Warrior, the evaluation skyrocketed. It has become possible to make a crazy move that fills the monster zone with one Beigomax. Well, it's clearly not this guy that's at fault, Beigoma and he are Zoodiac.
japan EXデッキ焼き
2015/07/09 8:01
Yugioh Icon
Souza, who has returned from another dimension, which is rarely seen in X Saber, but seen in sweets and her Wind-Up. From Rank 3, you can immediately prepare the following monsters, so you can connect to various combos. Unexpectedly, it can also be used with X-Saber.
japan 絶対王ジャック
2015/04/02 0:11
Yugioh Icon
You might think he's an old man who drifted into the country of sweets, but he's actually a bitter guy who can also play an active role in X-Saber.
The strength of this guy is that if you make even rank 3, you can call a fault roll.
If you can fight with the leading Daxo and Truling Set End,
In the opponent's end, Daxo's Fault Roll Search and Trulin's Pasiuru ss
Invoicing with Crane Crane etc. on your turn Bogger ss Fault ss Hyunrei ss Bogger ss Tremis ss Fault recovery Fault ss Pasiuru ss Hyunrei ss easily surpasses 8000
Relatively necessary even for X Saber
japan こまつほうせい
2015/03/13 5:30
Yugioh Icon
that? It seems that there is no turn in X Saber ...
Mainly he is a card used in Madolche and Wind-Up.
japan 真の仲間
2015/03/11 3:41
Yugioh Icon
old man i don't know
Adopted in his combo-oriented deck that uses Madolche and other low-level Warriors
Note that ATK is strangely low, so it's easy to get killed on the return turn.
Compatibility with the essential X Saber is not good at all
japan かとー
2014/08/10 8:54
Yugioh Icon
I remember seeing him in Madolche, not X-Saber.
This time it's a very happy reprint, and there may be many people who couldn't buy it because it was soaring to 2000 yen at one point.
That being said, it's a rare card, so I think you can settle for around 500 yen, but I'd like to have at least one card to spin the X Saber.
japan ちゃそ
2014/08/09 12:08
Yugioh Icon
It was reprinted to take advantage of the new X Saber coming out, but it seems that X Saber has no place. You can put it out, but X Saber's star 3 has an excellent effect when destroyed in battle, so it's better not to overlay it...
Maybe I should change my name to Madolche or Koa'ki Meiru
japan 39hope
2014/08/09 9:42
Yugioh Icon
General-purpose Rank 3 Xyz.
Since you can call monsters from the Deck, you can connect them to Synchro and Xyz.
However, ATK 1600 and RBI are low and that is the drawback.
It was used in Madolche, Wind-Up, etc., and the price became considerably high.
But I re-recorded it, but it's still Sulea...
japan 宵闇の変態
2014/08/08 17:16
Yugioh Icon
↓Hmm? do anything now
Souza was sent to another world. Even though there were many restrictions, there was no reason for the recruiters that could be put out from the extras to be weak.
Since its release, various combos have been considered, and it has been given a role as a deployment part in Madolche, Wind-Up, and Rokumu, and the price has skyrocketed, but it is here that it will be reprinted. To. It's a rare item, but due to DD demand, it's now available for less than 500 yen.
japan マグナム
2014/08/08 13:17
Yugioh Icon
Invoker Blade, Synchro Assistant, etc. will help you deploy.Level 3 has many deployment cards such as Slash and Werewolf Magist Junk Forward, so it's easy to use.
Don't Wahler, I'll do anything!
japan ABYSS
2014/03/16 15:24
Yugioh Icon
Also known as Madolche Invoker.
Recruiting from Deck is naturally strong.
It is an important one-shot kill part for calling extra swords and calling messengerato.
japan わがじゃん
2013/10/22 14:19
Yugioh Icon
A Rank 3 general-purpose Xyz with incredible potential. Starting with [H・C Extra Sword], [Madolche Messengelato] [Exiled Force], etc., various monsters that are especially important for 1-kill can be summoned from his deck. I'm playing with [Field-Commander Rahz] [Samurai Sword Baron] pinned in the war dead deck.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/08/06 10:26
Yugioh Icon
Excellent recruitment from Deck. However, since the summoned monster will self-destruct during the End Phase, it will show its true value in a Deck that specializes in mass deployment. The compatibility with the essential "X-Saber" is not so good.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/26 11:32
Yugioh Icon
When it first came out, it didn't get much attention due to its low stats and effectiveness, but with the rise of Extrasword and his Madolche/Wind-Up, its value skyrocketed. RUM also appears and can become Hope Ray. 《Armageddon Knight》and Peten can kill 1
japan みかんゼリー
2013/01/02 18:58
Yugioh Icon
The RBI is low, and the recruiting range is a little narrow, and there are restrictions on self-destruction and battle position, but being able to recruit directly from the Deck is normally strong.
It is a piece that can create further developments, and you can try to strengthen the hitting point with an extra sword, and you can do one-kill with a bus guide.
As a general purpose rank 3, it can be used as a deployment factor or as a combo part.
japan 未確認非行物体 
2012/12/12 21:46
Yugioh Icon
I specialize in Xyz.
                        by Yamayu
japan ソニック
2012/06/05 18:03
Yugioh Icon
X Saber not used in X Saber. It seems to be a big success in his other decks.
Thanks to this guy for creating the M.X Saber category. I still haven't given up on the new X Saber (I don't think there is one) www
japan ハネヒツジ
2011/12/30 15:15
Yugioh Icon
It is easy to use because it is general purpose rank 3.
The effect is Defense Position and self-destruction, so the summoned monster will be used as a material or the effect will be used.
The Immortal Bushi》・Other than koaki, it is very active in [C].
Because Repairer is strong because it can be used as a material while using the effect.
If you bite the runaway summon, you will get amazing deployment power.
During this time, when I turned [C] for the first time in a year, I was astonished to find that I was able to pull back even though I hadn't messed with the main game.
japan NEOS
2011/12/01 19:01
Yugioh Icon
X-Saber from DT got the power of Xyz!
The effect summons a monster from his deck, so it can be connected to Xyz or Synchro after that.
Its drawback is its low ATK.
japan うぃな
2011/11/17 13:40
Yugioh Icon
The recruiting range is wide, but it is not suitable for rushing and the monsters you call will also self-destruct, so is it a theory to call a disposable monster that is easy to reuse?
Luckily, it can be used as a pseudo-reinforcement, as it can contain customized monsters such as Razor and 《The Immortal Bushi》.
japan SOUL
2011/11/16 20:34
Yugioh Icon
Like Ignis, it's a candidate for his Warrior Deck with The Immortal Bushi.
Exiled Force》is one of the best monsters you can summon, so it might be a good idea to turn one of 《D.D. Warrior Lady》into a rogue.
Koa'ki Meiru can call Ur Knight, so it might be a good idea to build a build that allows you to get Rank 3 for this card.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/11/16 6:42
Yugioh Icon
Lost X-Saber... Certainly environmental.
Recruit itself isn't bad, but the drawback is that it can't be used in Synchro or Xyz without another one, making it difficult to use alone.
However, after all, the monsters he summons from the deck are somehow strong, and by adding more to this, the number of one-kill themes has increased.
It is one of the few ways to recruit extra swords, and the demand has increased as a one-kill part that can cut 8000 with just two pieces of guide and photothra.
For that reason, many people would have been delighted to see it reprinted in SPRG.
What do you mean you still can't call the majority of X-Sabers...
japan とき
2011/11/16 1:28
Yugioh Icon
When it's too fast
A mysterious X Saber that recruits EARTH Warrior and Beast-Warrior level 4 monsters. What the hell is Souza-san...
There was no reason why a card that could be recruited immediately when called was weak.
It hurts that it can't be used offensively because its own ability is low and it's called in Defense Position, but on the contrary, it's good at accelerating deployment and linking.
It seems that there was no way for a general-purpose deployment personnel to change, and especially after the guide landing, the price has skyrocketed.
In particular, he is able to call Amazoness Archer (Updated from: Amazon Archer) in Gouki and get a one-kill in Link Solitaire. The shooter was banned, but he continued to play an active role in Gouki, and this time, Gudstalink and his Gouki were particularly severely revised, and he was finally banned because it turned out that The Six Samurai could also do bad things. Will I be sent to another dimension again?
japan ねこーら
2023/12/03 9:41
Yugioh Icon
japan asd
2023/09/03 12:02
Yugioh Icon
japan グレイ
2024/08/17 17:05
Yugioh Icon
japan クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2023/12/18 17:23
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/06/20 18:52
It is often ridiculed as Madolche Invoker, but a promising stock that can also be active in Rokubu, Wind-Up, C, etc.
japan 2014/06/15 13:40
It's just an expensive damn card.
New User Purse Killer
That's why Yu-Gi-Oh is a gold game.
japan 2014/03/16 13:52
Actually, in my case, The Six Samurai is very indebted.
Legendary Six Samurai Husband and wife spring up easily, then call Kizan, Shadow, Excalibur
And then, Aragyo, Zanji, and Shihan as you like. Depending on your hand, 《Zubaba General》over 4000
I think it's a good card that teaches you the fun of combos in Yu-Gi-Oh, where single-player performance is emphasized these days, such as connecting to .

Decks with "M-X-Saber Invoker"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
DUELIST BOX 2012 (Special Card) DB12-JPS03 2011-11-26 Secret
Booster SP -Raging Masters SPRG-JP024 2014-08-09 Super
tournament pack2024 Vol.4 24TP-JP407 2024-10-01 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 2,432 / 13,089 Cards
View Num 202,904
Rank 3 Best Xyz Monster Ranking 9th


Japanese card name M.X-セイバー インヴォーカー

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