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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Mythological Age > Fengsheng Mirror

Fengsheng Mirror Used Deck

Fengsheng Mirror
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Spell - - - - -
Look at your opponent's hand. Select and discard 1 Spirit Monster to the Graveyard if Spirit Monsters exist in his/her hand.
Average Rating Score 3(10)
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  2. Card Reviews (10 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Fengsheng Mirror (1 Decks)
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"Fengsheng Mirror" card reviews and rating scores

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70% (7)
30% (3)

japan みめっと
2022/09/26 6:56
Yugioh Icon
His spell card was created to put a stop to Spirit Monster's hit-and-away tactics.
What I'm doing is confiscation at no cost, so it's normally strong, but since the cards that can be handed down are limited to spirits, most of the time it's just a card that checks the opponent's hand.
If spirit-based decks become popular in the environment, do you feel like you'll enter from the side deck when you're the loser?
japan ねこーら
2021/05/06 23:20
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: There is a tendency to only check the hand.
Since the spirit returns to the hand, if the opponent uses a spirit, it is possible to handicap it while checking the hand.
However, since Spirit is not so popular, it is null only to check the hand.
That said, there are also 《Mind Haxorz》and 《Golden-Eyes Idol》, and for his Spell card, is it possible to immediately support 《The Suppression Pluto》?
japan 備長炭18
2018/03/27 10:07
Yugioh Icon
Real hand peeping card.
It might be good if it's a type of spirit that can move alone, such as Yatagarasu or Tsukiyomi.
Also, the spirit returns to the hand, so if you select your opponent, you will be blessed with a chance to activate it. However, since it is a Normal Spell, if you are aiming for right after the search, you can expect more effect from Minecraft or 《Drastic Drop Off》.
It's out of the question to use it properly because of its pinpoint, so it's probably best to use it mainly for the purpose of hand peeping, which doesn't require summoning power or cost, but most duelists would be stunned if it was really adopted.
It's called Flip Monster.
japan シロタ
2015/03/06 3:01
Yugioh Icon
You can increase the success rate of Minecraft. Handes of slippit monsters are ornaments.
At the time, it probably acted as a countermeasure against Hatta Lock, but it probably won't be used effectively now.
japan かのん
2015/03/05 12:10
Yugioh Icon
A card that is too pinpointed as Spirit Meta.
It's not used much even now, but in those days it must have been even more miserable.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2014/02/04 21:02
Yugioh Icon
One sentence, "Look at the opponent's hand." It would be ideal if it could be connected to something like Mind Crush after it was activated, but since it's a combo-only card, it's not very useful. Spirit handicap won't be used much.
japan とき
2013/02/12 18:19
Yugioh Icon
In fact, it is a card that allows you to see the entire opponent's hand at no cost.
Normally, you can't do anything more than just look at it, so...
The tragedy is that Yu-Gi-Oh still doesn't have a deck that specializes in peeping, as it's tough to use it unless it's a deck that specializes in peeping.
Spirit handicap? Forget it!
japan ファイア野郎
2013/01/05 23:23
Yugioh Icon
The Spirit Monster itself doesn't seem like much.
If you use it, you can just look at the opponent's hand at no cost.
If you're aiming for handicap, I think you should throw away the idea that you want to handicap with this card rather than your opponent's hand.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2012/10/27 8:11
Yugioh Icon
Spirits aren't cards in any deck...
It's not bad as a no-cost peeping method, but even Tsukuyomi no Mikoto, who has returned to restrictions, isn't on the side...
japan SOUL
2010/09/28 11:26
Yugioh Icon
Even if Tsukuyomi life's limit is restored, well, I still have 《Mind Crush》...

Decks with "Fengsheng Mirror"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Mythological Age MA-27 2001-11-29 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 10,896 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 8,018


Japanese card name 封神鏡

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