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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Duelist Pack - Yusei hen 2 - > Junk Archer

Junk Archer Used Deck

Junk Archer
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Synchro Monster
Effect Monster
- 7 Warrior 2300 2000
"Junk Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn: You can target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it. During the End Phase of this turn, return it to your opponent's side of the field, in the same battle position.
Average Rating Score 7(17)
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"Junk Archer" card reviews and rating scores

17% (3)
35% (6)
47% (8)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan ねこーら
2023/03/13 1:25
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Is it difficult to decide the game from the low ATK?
ATK is lower than Junk Berserker, which can be played under the same conditions as 2300.
The advantage of exclusion is only for one turn, and if you don't combine special moves such as sending him to GY during that time, there is a high possibility that you will be defeated on the next turn.
It would be nice if I could decide on the turn I used the effect, but in that case I could weaken it with 《Junk Berserker》.
That said, Kana isn't bad in that he can use his destruction resistance thru properly with his other Synchro Monsters.
japan ブルーバード
2023/01/09 19:02
Yugioh Icon
7-star synchros that support Quicklon are always troublesome.
It's suitable for closing 《Shooting Quasar Dragon》because it can be removed by piercing destruction resistance. It's difficult to target, but it can't be helped because the rival Berserker is the same.
Rivals are 《Nitro Warrior》and 《Junk Berserker》. All of them have advantages and disadvantages, so honestly you can choose according to your preference.
japan 備長炭18
2018/10/01 20:04
Yugioh Icon
His Synchro Monster that specifies 《Junk Synchron》as its material. Since it's level 7, you can use Quickron instead.
Considering that this card has no RBI or resistance, it is difficult to activate the temporary exclusion effect twice. For that reason, it is an option when launching an all-out attack to avoid troublesome monsters, but now that removal methods are diversified, he is a low priority unless it is a Synchron-bound deck.
This kind of effect was most effective in Xyz, but since it has drastically decreased, there will be no opportunity to make use of it. As an alternative, I was able to move the Link Monster, whose position is important, from the EX Monster Zone to the Main Monster Zone, but I think it's already tough against loose materials.
japan シエスタ
2018/09/28 9:00
Yugioh Icon
It requires Junk Synchron to be specified as a material, but that alone can only summon 3-5 level S, so some ingenuity is required.
If you lift the quick from the explorer, it can be deployed in one piece.
Although it's temporary, you can banish the opponent's monsters, making it easier to attack.
However, at level 7, the RBI is modest, and the return turn is usually easy to handle.
Level 7S options have increased, and even within Synchron, there are combat-oriented guys like Berserker and Nitro.
If you use it normally, there are few opportunities to prioritize it other than using it as a finisher, so you can't deny the impression that it is inferior to others in terms of versatility.
I would like to devise ways to make good use of the differences in attributes and the points that can be excluded.
It's not bad at all, but I think it's a difficult one to handle.
japan なす
2017/10/29 15:47
Yugioh Icon
Level 7 Synchro with 《Junk Synchron》as material. 《Quickdraw Synchron》can also be issued at level 2.
Although it is temporary, it has the effect of banishing the opponent's monsters, and works effectively against destruction resistance and Xyz material removal.
japan ファイア野郎
2015/12/30 10:24
Yugioh Icon
A card with a built-in 《Interdimensional Matter Transporter》to the opponent's monster.
Temporary, but difficult for Synchron to deal with
Being able to remove destruction-resistant monsters is excellent.
In addition, the work of stripping the material of Xyz Monster,
Since it became possible to temporarily remove it and launch an all-out attack,
Different from Nitro Warrior and Junk Berserker
It can be said that it is one piece that has become active.
japan SOUL
2015/04/02 18:14
Yugioh Icon
As a level 7 that can be put out from Quick, it is an option along with Nitro and Berserker.
In the past, it felt like it was one step inferior to them, but with the introduction of Xyz, which is resistant to it, the value of this card has come to approach them.
Xyz materials can be removed by temporary exclusion.
In addition, Synchron's faster movement makes it easier to settle the game before the cards removed with this card come back, so it's also excellent for that purpose.
japan 39hope
2014/01/25 15:46
Yugioh Icon
Strong exclusion effect. It's only for 1 turn, but it's a pretty good effect. ATK is low, but might be strong if supported
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/10/03 21:27
Yugioh Icon
The RBI is not good enough, and the exclusion effect itself is strong, but it's a bit difficult to use because it comes back after one turn. Since you can peel off the Xyz material, I think it's more meaningful to use it than before. 《Junk Synchron》is specified as a material, but since it cannot be summoned with just the effect of 《Junk Synchron》, it would be a good idea to aim for Synchro by reviving “Bolt Hedgehog” from GY.
japan まんじゅう
2013/06/29 16:44
Yugioh Icon
japan みくみく
2013/04/29 0:36
Yugioh Icon
A card that gathers and shouts become arrows of tree spirits that split the sky! Become a path to light!
The RBI is low on its own, and the exclusion is only for one turn, so it's very subtle.
With his Synchron Deck, which has Jund-like deployment power, even a one-turn elimination can turn into a one-kill.
That said, with the advent of Xyz, there are more and more opportunities to show up.
It is possible to erase all the materials by using the effect, and it is a pleasure for the Synchron type with a thin back to be able to treat Gantetsu etc.
Although it cannot be used everywhere due to material restrictions, Synchron Deck can be fully considered.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/02/10 22:19
Yugioh Icon
The gathered cries become arrows of the spirit of the tree and split the sky! Become a shining path! The few consciences of Yusei-hen 2.
The effect is just a one-turn stopgap effect, but it can be a temporary removal with destruction resistance that is difficult to deal with by other Synchrons without being caught by stardust.
There is also the point that it can become an Xyz Hunter, and it has become better because it can also deal with Mine, Gantetsu, and Dragosac.
The hit point is low, and it can be treated as a low-class if it is bad, but in that sense, it is one of the synchros that was saved by the change in the environment.
japan とき
2010/11/16 23:42
Yugioh Icon
It is the centerpiece of Yusei Chapter 2, and if you aim for this card and draw Cancer-sama, you will feel like an archer.
One of his Synchro monsters designated as Synchron and his Junk that has the effect of banishing 1 opponent's monster until the end of the turn. ATK is less than the advanced level, and the effect can only be used to the extent that the attack passes, but the exclusion effect is quite useful in the change of the environment.
It's particularly strong against wall-type Xyz Monsters, and it's possible to rip off materials and pass through attacks.
A role that Berserker, his Synchron-designated S monster of the same level, cannot play has appeared, and it has developed into a card that can be an option.
japan NEOS
2010/08/09 17:51
Yugioh Icon
The exclusion effect is attractive.
However, the status is unstable. It's only a stopgap, but powerful.
This card has helped me many times. And he soon disappeared.
Now that Berserker has appeared, the significance of introducing it has faded, but it will still show interesting moves.
japan みめっと
2023/12/13 18:35
Yugioh Icon
japan 2013/07/27 20:58
I wondered if it was that strong until I used it, but with the Synchronized Archer effect
Exclude some big monsters, then everyone attack directly.
Thank you
There is w Archer is not weak! w
japan 2011/09/21 13:00
One that can be the ace monster in the reticulant Deck of the Synchron axis.
That said, it's only a temporary stopgap, and I'm worried about the RBI, so it's hard to handle this card alone.

Decks with "Junk Archer"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Duelist Pack - Yusei hen 2 - DP09-JP016 2009-10-17 Ultra

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 5,567 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 76,788


Japanese card name ジャンク・アーチャー

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