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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > THE DUELIST GENESIS > Magical Android

Magical Android Used Deck

Magical Android
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Synchro Monster
Effect Monster
- 5 Psychic 2400 1700
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
During each of your End Phases: Gain 600 LP for each Psychic-Type monster you currently control.
Average Rating Score 6.4(24)
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  3. Decks with Magical Android (354 Decks)
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"Magical Android" card reviews and rating scores

8% (2)
33% (8)
58% (14)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan 愛佳
2023/05/17 23:58
Yugioh Icon
Flame of my hatred that burns in the depths of my heart! Become a black storm and overrun this world! "Why does it have a healing effect for what you said?"
Since it was released in TDGS, it was often seen along with 《Stardust Dragon》and 《Goyo Guardian》, but now there is 《T.G. Hyper Librarian》with the same level, ATK, and material specification, so it is important to take advantage of this unique monster.
In [Gusto], which is a psychic synchronized theme, if you can line up a lot of psychic, you can use it as it is, and it can be used in its own way.
japan ブルーバード
2023/05/11 9:58
Yugioh Icon
Connection for people who don't have Catastle. Since the amount of LP recovered every turn is not stupid, it has a different strength than Catastle, and many kids loved it even after obtaining Catastle.
japan ねこーら
2022/08/13 23:31
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: If LP recovery is necessary, it can be prioritized.
If you want to convert the LP difference to his ATK or have some effect on the recovery trigger, you should prioritize it.
If you line up Psychic, you can aim for a large recovery.
You can recover 600 by yourself, and if you use these two cards, the total will increase to 2400.
It's level 5, so it's easy to synchro summon.
japan 金平糖
2021/07/08 0:18
Yugioh Icon
Unlike Search and Salvage, the effect can be activated reliably because the effect is self-contained. ☆ 5 Synchro Monsters with similar properties that are not tied to materials only have 《Shiranui Swordsaga》, and can only be used when they come out. You can use it as a material for a large Synchro Monster during your opponent's turn while filling it up.
japan ノクト
2020/06/23 2:51
Yugioh Icon
Nostalgic general-purpose sync... everyone used to put it in...
The recovery effect looks plain at first glance, but it's not that the recovery amount is low, so I think it's surprisingly bad. If I was asked if I would use it in actual combat, I would say NO...
japan サンパイ
2019/12/26 9:10
Yugioh Icon
A card that can recover at least 600 every turn. The RBI is also high for Level 5 Synchro, and it was once used in various decks, but the value plummeted due to the library man. The library man is now unlimited. There is synergy in Psychic, so it may be adopted.
japan シエスタ
2018/08/21 9:28
Yugioh Icon
There is no tuner designation, and as a Level 5 Synchro, the RBI is quite good, and the effect is also appreciated by his psychic, which consumes a lot of LP. is also expensive. After that, I will hit Lloyd without hesitation.
However, there are many rivals with the same RBI, but the new rule has greatly weakened the Librarian, which has a strong draw effect. There are also Armades who have it.
Although LP gain is often neglected, it is easy for him to easily perform LP gain, and he becomes an effect that cannot be taken lightly in an extra duel where the difference in LP is important.
However, if it is used as a general purpose, the amount of recovery is known and it is a forced effect, so there is a possibility that it will be taken advantage of.
Low priority among level 5 synchros.
japan ナノーネ
2018/08/20 20:22
Yugioh Icon
I was indebted when Synchro appeared. 2400, which can be put out at any time unlike high-level monsters in the Deck, was very convenient. It was also excellent that it was not just vanilla but could recover at least 600 LP. Also the illustrations were cute.
japan もも
2017/08/04 23:26
Yugioh Icon
General purpose level 5 Synchro Monster.
his LP cost of Psychic monsters,
A monster that needs to recover with this card.
I think it's not bad because you can expect a stable amount of recovery with the Psychic Deck.
japan なす
2017/05/24 23:09
Yugioh Icon
Among his Level 5 Synchro Monsters, which are not bound by materials, his RBI is high. Excellent LP recovery effect.
japan アルバ
2016/07/18 0:03
Yugioh Icon
The effect is a bit lackluster, but in the early days of Synchronization, there were only this guy and Catastur in general-purpose 5 Synchro, and Catastor was hard to get if you missed the timing with DT, but this is a normal pack, so it's very difficult. It was easy to put in and was taken care of.
At that time, when I needed an effect, I was a catastrophe, and for the time being, this guy was the RBI.
After that, Librarian, who has more useful effects with the same RBI, and Almades, who has the same attribute, have appeared and I am sorry for the role.
Evaluated a little higher for memory correction and use in ETED.
japan こまつほうせい
2015/03/13 4:58
Yugioh Icon
Image used by people who don't have Catastle
Last time I won thanks to this guy's RBI, so I got a higher rating
japan ヒコモン
2015/01/29 11:40
Yugioh Icon
It used to be used in many of his decks as a general-purpose level 5, but unfortunately with the advent of Catastor and Librarian, it's basically unlikely that anyone other than a psychic will ask for it. It's a pity that the effect itself is slow to recover from the end phase, but it's a slightly unusual card that can be used if you have extra extras to spare in terms of fighting with an advantage in the extra turn.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/08/02 23:23
Yugioh Icon
At that time, this strength was very surprising in normal. Now that Librarian and Catastor are the two strongest cards, I have the impression that they are one step behind, but the power of this card itself cannot be underestimated. Psychic Decks Are Easy to Call Psychic is important in itself, and effects are useful in many ways. Being LIGHT is also a good point.
japan ナル参照
2013/06/15 17:09
Yugioh Icon
Spell artificial life form. For those without a librarian. By the way, in Greek, android means "man-like".
The selling point is that it is easy to put out with a psychic, but it is more likely to be a stepping stone than a recovery effect or RBI.
However, since the amount of recovery is large, it is reasonably good. If you don't let him stop you, you'll recover a lot, so some of his LP cost will be returned.
Poor child. I also use myself as a stepping stone.
japan SOUL
2013/03/12 12:00
Yugioh Icon
As a general-purpose level 5 synchro, high ATK on par with Librarian.
Since it is LIGHT, it is good to put out this when looking at the cost of opening. (However, in that respect, it seems that Almades will appear in the future and compete for the slot)
Since it's Psychic, it can be used as a material for 《Miracle Synchro Fusion》in Psychic Decks, and its recovery effect is somewhat large.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/10 14:05
Yugioh Icon
Due to his stable RBI and his convenient LP recovery effect, there should be many Duelists who have been indebted to him alongside Catastre since the dawn of Synchro. However, with the advent of the librarian, it has almost become a restructuring staff.
Still, it's a Psychic Synchro that's fairly easy to get out, so it's still active in Dimensional Psychics with 《Ultimate Axon Kicker》as a trump card, and it's put in before the Librarian.
japan みかんゼリー
2012/03/20 1:52
Yugioh Icon
A sad kid who got away from the general card frame because of Catastor and Librarian...
That said, it's still alive and well in the Psychic Deck, and since it's easy to put out, it's perfect for 《Ultimate Axon Kicker》.
Although the recovery effect is plain, it will be useful at times.
japan とき
2010/11/18 12:59
Yugioh Icon
An excellent S monster that was once a good friend of your wallet as an excellent level 5 Synchro that you can easily obtain in Normal.
Compared to Librarian, Catastor, and Almades, the effect is one rank lower, but even now, if you want 2400 RBI, Librarian is the limit, so it's not zero value to adopt.
But more than that, in Psychic, he can be expected to play an active role as an S monster that is easy to S summon, and as a material for 《Ultimate Axon Kicker》.
As for LP recovery, if you're a psychic, it's often in the 4 digits, so you can never underestimate it.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/10/23 20:09
Yugioh Icon
It was a cheap and reasonably convenient synchro, but because of some librarian, that position is in jeopardy...
If you can maintain it over there, you can earn a considerable advantage, and his spell use can beat Catastor.
The advantage here is a stable add of 600 recovery and a psychic that supports honesty.
Recruitment may be in danger other than psychic...
japan NEOS
2010/08/09 15:18
Yugioh Icon
A must-have card for any Psychic Deck.
It's easy to sync, and can be used as a fusion material for 《Ultimate Axon Kicker》later.
There was a time when I called myself Anderoid...
japan 魚雪
2010/08/08 23:47
Yugioh Icon
Highest ATK for 5 star synchro.
Come with Catastor.
japan フッキー
2010/08/03 1:54
Yugioh Icon
Synchro Monster is a must.
Not having this in his deck can make the difference between winning and losing.
That's Yu-Gi-Oh!
japan 2013/01/14 11:48
600 recovery strong

Decks with "Magical Android"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
THE DUELIST GENESIS TDGS-JP043 2008-04-19 Normal
DUEL TERMINAL - Invasion of the Invels! -LIMITED EDITION 1 DT10-JP037 2010-08-03 Normal
DUELIST EDITION Volume 3 DE03-JP018 2012-08-11 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 6,645 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 69,787


Japanese card name マジカル・アンドロイド

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