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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > V JUMP October 2006 and up > Proxy Horse

Proxy Horse Used Deck

Proxy Horse
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 4 Cyberse 1100 1100
If this card you control would be used as Link Material for a Cyberse monster, you can also use 1 Cyberse monster in your hand as material. During your End Phase: You can banish this card from your GY, then target 2 Link Monsters in your GY including a Cyberse Link Monster; return them to the Extra Deck. You can only use each effect of "Proxy Horse" once per turn.
Average Rating Score 9.5(2)
  1. Card Info
  2. Card Reviews (2 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Proxy Horse (2 Decks)
  4. Card Category and Effect Category
  5. Products in Japan
  6. Ranking and View Num

"Proxy Horse" card reviews and rating scores

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japan みめっと
2022/07/23 18:09
Yugioh Icon
A low-level Cyber Slink monster that has the effect of allowing you to use up to 1 Cyber Slink in your hand as a link material when using itself as a link material for Cyber Slink.
With this effect, you can become a Link 2 Cyber Summoner alone on the field ・You can earn more links while reducing the number of times you deploy to the field by one, and compared to Cyber Summoners with similar effects, the conditions are looser. It's attractive to be.
However, this hand link is a permanent effect, so be careful that it will be negate by the effect of the card.
I'm curious about the timing of the activation of the GY effect, but how many EX Decks do you have? I think it's good that he can prepare his own EX Deck replenishment means for his Cybers series deck that can be developed in one turn.
japan アルバ
2020/12/21 22:51
Yugioh Icon
I thought it was a death flag of the usual hype saying "Let's try the best link summon", but it's a normally capable horse.
Contrary to the existing Cybers hand link, the field must be this guy, but the hand can be anything as long as it is Cybers, and the destination is not specified other than Cybers.
Cybers has 《Splash Mage》, so if you link summon with this effect, you can almost guarantee up to link 3.
GY's link return effect is great for Cybers, who consume a lot of extras, although some cards have bad compatibility.

Decks with "Proxy Horse"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
PREMIUM PACK 2022 22PP-JP029 2021-12-18 Secret
V JUMP October 2006 and up VJMP-JP192 2006-10-01 Ultra

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 803 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 8,898
Type "Cyberse" Type Best Monster Ranking 40th


Japanese card name プロキシー・ホース

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