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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > RAGING TEMPEST > Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf

Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf Used Deck

Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Xyz Monster
Effect Monster
- 4 Machine 2200 2200
2 Level 4 Machine-Type monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Machine-Type monster you control; this turn, it can attack your opponent directly, also other monsters cannot attack. If this card in your possession is destroyed by an opponent's card (by battle or card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: You can add 1 Level 4 Machine-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.
Average Rating Score 7.9(14)
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"Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf" card reviews and rating scores

14% (2)
78% (11)
7% (1)
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japan タマーキン(封印)
2022/11/08 9:37
Yugioh Icon
Rank 4 brain muscle in charge of the Earth machine
Versatility is quite low because Machine is required for summoning conditions
Main lines used are trains and Machina
In Machina, it's mainly to bring out a level 4 train that was revived by Flying Pegasus with an unclas pair from a single gear frame.
Dawn 2000 bahn with Gustav on the train! Gives Libe the ability to attack directly with Libe and Iron Wolf, and directly attacks 6000 punches with Libe
is the golden move
In particular, trains have a demerit because they are originally whereabouts, and they are not compatible with Ribe.
A good monster that raises the train's murderous intent
Basically, the game will be decided as soon as Iron Wolf appears, but even if you can't finish it, there is no loss because it has the effect of calling the follower. very good
I want to put one in the train and Machina extras
The summoning window says "Impregnable Iron (Kurogane) Castle", but it is not difficult to break through the Iron Wolf itself, and it is not impregnable, it is the side that captures it.
Superiorora is a truly impregnable castle.
Rather than a castle, it is a bullet that embodies the brain muscle of a train.
After all power is power
power is power
brain solves everything
japan 金平糖
2022/10/01 16:14
Yugioh Icon
A lone wolf of steel. The effect itself is pretty good, isn't it? It doesn't look like a card that should be prioritized in terms of performance, but if you expand your horizons to his Machine Rank 4, it looks different.
In fact, Machine Rank 4 has a fairly thin layer, and most of them have category designations for materials, making it difficult to use. Other cards like Tin Archduke and Wind-Up Star are almost backward compatible with Aeroboros.
For this reason, when using Rank 4 in a deck that has a restriction that only Machines can be played, I think that there will be many cases where this card will also be called out, although it is a somewhat passive reason.
japan シエスタ
2020/05/09 10:49
Yugioh Icon
The search effect can be demonstrated when destroyed by direct attack, but there is No82, which has the same rank 4 and does not have attack restrictions and is not tied to materials. It's hard to activate and it's hard to hit.
However, Machine has many cards with explosive power, so it can be differentiated in that respect. There is no such thing as a Deck whose deployment destination is bound to the Machine.
Even on its own, it's an effect that can be useful in the closing phase, so if you have room, use it. Rank 4 is a fiercely contested area, and usually it doesn't feel like it's a performance that can be easily prioritized. I think it's for a combo.
japan 備長炭18
2018/10/21 11:34
Yugioh Icon
It took me a while to line up multiple Xyz, or rather, high RBI Machines, so I really had no choice but to use this card as a direct attacker, but since it has 2200 RBI, I have high hopes for it as a finisher. You can also
However, the effect is still plain, and it is less anxious to attack all at once after mass deployment or removal.
The performance isn't bad, and it's like the privilege of the Machine, so it might be useful to have one for rock music.
japan はわわ
2018/03/22 18:27
Yugioh Icon
2200 direct attacker is strong
If you have space left over, you can put one in.
japan ヒコモン
2018/02/20 13:00
Yugioh Icon
A card that can be a 2200 direct attacker. When destroyed by the opponent, he can also search Machine Level 4 monsters, but if it's for search purposes, there is Gear Gigant X that can be used with the same material. It's not impossible to be a direct attacker with 4400 RBIs, but it's difficult to break into the fierce battlefield rank 4 anyway. Especially now that Link Monster has appeared, there is no room for this card.
japan なす
2017/07/14 15:03
Yugioh Icon
Rank 4 that allows you to search for level 4 machines with effects that give the machine direct attack ability and destruction from the opponent.
Granting direct attack ability can be selected by yourself, and it is effective as a stop. If you use 《Limiter Removal》, etc., you can deal more damage, and even 1 kill is within sight. Its search effect only works when it is destroyed by the opponent, and its range is narrower than that of Gear Gigant X, but as a bonus it is powerful.
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/11/08 19:05
Yugioh Icon
Machine-bound his Xyz Monster.
Limited to Machine, it has the effect of making it possible to attack directly even though it can only be attacked by that monster.
Where you want to select a machine with as high ATK as possible.
In addition, the Machine also has 《Limiter Removal》, so you can use it to aim for big damage ◎
Due to the characteristics of the direct attack, it is possible to set up a surprise attack called a direct attack where the opponent is lined up with wall monsters.
It's not bad to be able to search for ☆ 4 machines, although it's limited when the opponent destroys it. However, in the ☆ 4 (below) machine search, there is also Giga Gear tied to his machine, and since the speed of search is higher over there, direct attack addition will be the main operation.
japan ター坊
2016/11/06 15:29
Yugioh Icon
A similar general purpose effect is Heartland Draco, but unlike over there, any machine will do, so it can deal more damage than over there. This card itself also has a high value of 2200, which is enough to aim for a final finish. Furthermore, the Machine has a limit of the treasured sword of the family, so one-kill is also possible.
The follow-on search of the bonus is not bad as insurance when you fail to kill it.
japan メタルサイクロプス
2016/11/05 18:42
Yugioh Icon
Is it particularly compatible with ancient machines? One piece that Machine can fully consider. Even if it is destroyed, it can pull the following, so it can be said to be a solid effect.
japan プンプン丸
2016/10/12 11:56
Yugioh Icon
For the time being, it's a "train" card, but it's a delicate place whether it can be issued or not.
After all, it is a card that ignores the opponent's monsters at 2200 and hits them directly and uses it as a guiding firepower. In the first place, the role is different from cards like Dabellion and Lightning, whose main purpose is to deal with the opponent's monsters (You can't deal damage if you stand in Defense Position, right?). I think that is a reasonably strong card (whether or not there is space for extras.) Well, I think it's worth considering whether or not you can put it in a Machine Deck.
japan ラーメン
2016/10/09 10:44
Yugioh Icon
The effects of Machine Rank 4 and 1, which can be produced with the same materials as Geargiga, are properly differentiated from Geargiga.
With the effect of 1, you can only hit 1 enemy, but you can attack directly. Of course, you can also choose this card itself, so it can be used as a lead firepower when the opponent's remaining number is 2200 or less, and if you use it with Limitica, you can do a ridiculous amount of damage. , I'm happy to be able to pass damage even if there is a resistance in the opponent's field.
The 2 effect allows you to search when your opponent destroys it, which isn't bad as a recovery, but this effect is dependent on the opponent and is like a subordinate effect to Gia Giga, so it's safer to keep it as a bonus. I want to live
japan とき
2016/10/08 15:24
Yugioh Icon
A new rank 4 Machine Xyz that was only around Geigiga. Archduke? Are you talking about speedroids? ?
Direct attacks can be applied to Machines. It can also be given to yourself, so it is also ideal for stopping. Dark Rebellion is an option if you just want damage, but...
After being able to withstand damage, you can search when destroyed. However, the goal here is pretty tough because there is a gear giga. This card should be regarded as a search mainly for direct attacks as insurance.
Both effects have the feeling of combining existing cards, and lack flashiness. That said, it's a card that does its job steadily, so I think it's okay to trust it.
japan アストラル
2016/10/08 12:41
Yugioh Icon
A card that didn't play an active role in the anime, but allows you to attack directly.
There is nothing that can be prevented by obesity

Decks with "Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
RAGING TEMPEST RATE-JP050 2016-10-08 SecretSuper
SELECTION 5 SLF1-P014 2022-11-05 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 3,871 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 24,705
Rank 4 Best Xyz Monster Ranking 87th


Japanese card name 重装甲列車アイアン・ヴォルフ

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