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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > RAGING BATTLE > One for One

One for One LimitedUsed Deck

One for One
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Spell - - - - -
Send 1 monster from your hand to the GY; Special Summon 1 Level 1 monster from your hand or Deck.
Average Rating Score 9.3(49)
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  2. Card Reviews (49 rating scores)
  3. Decks with One for One (3784 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
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"One for One" card reviews and rating scores

73% (36)
24% (12)
2% (1)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan かどまん
2023/01/26 15:17
Yugioh Icon
A card that always enters every time a ☆ 1 that you want to put in play enters his deck
Since the hand cost can only be used by monsters, there are cases where accidents occur depending on the situation.
Deck ・Just because it is a card that can call any monster from your hand
Its strength can be seen from the fact that it has been in the restricted position for more than 10 years
Because similar cards are not found in other LV
It makes you realize how dangerous wide spread cards are
japan 超弩級スライム
2022/11/03 13:32
Yugioh Icon
Normal Spell, which became restricted in the 6th term, was eased to a semi-restricted once in the 10th term, but returned to the restricted state again in a year.
You need a hand cost, but you can recruit anything at level 1.
There are various decks that can use this card, both environmental and non-environmental.
It continues to be used in "DD" because it can bring out Kepler without using summoning rights. There are more expansion routes to learn for that one card, though.
japan ブルーバード
2022/11/03 12:30
Yugioh Icon
It's been a long time since the 6th season. Which is longer, Monster Reborn, or reinforcements as a limited ally? 《Monster Reborn》was banned several times even after the restrictions were lifted, and since Oromai and Reinforcements established their restricted status in Season 6, it looks like it's going to be a surprisingly good match.
A card that greatly increases the value of level 1. At the beginning of its introduction, it was immediately limited by a lineup of intense power cards such as "Mind Master" and "Substitoad".
Compared to Kintele and 《Quick Launch》, the hand cost is higher and it is limited to monsters. Menmus, which triggered the regulation, is also Substitoad. I personally think, but it's dangerous to be able to access the first move bill without using the right to summon. Compared to the old days, the level 1 layer is thicker, and there is also 《Linkuriboh》. Above all, there is another infinite loop device telephone now, so it is still far from mitigation.
japan ねおんちゃん
2022/08/24 23:53
Yugioh Icon
A convenient card that fits anywhere in the Deck, where level 1 is the key to deployment.
It goes without saying that the effect of being able to Special Summon directly from the Deck under very general conditions is powerful, and the target level 1 is the existence of a collection of cards that are the starting cards for many Decks.
Black Steel Dragon for Red-Eyes, Shiraishi for Blue-Eyed, and many tuner spell users. Bringing them into play with summons still in play is both a starter and an upside.
It's a versatile card that can be said to be the strongest initial move, so it's reasonable to limit it. I'm a Red-Eyes user, so I'm always indebted to summon the Black Steel Dragon.
japan ねこーら
2022/08/24 23:28
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: If level 1 has a key monster, there is no loss in putting it in first.
The hand cost is necessary, but the summoning right is unnecessary, and the effect is effective.
If it has a search effect, the loss of the hand cost disappears, and there are quite a few level 1 monsters with such a useful effect, so this card is highly useful.
D/D Savant Kepler》《Morphtronic Celfon》《Box of Friends》10 easily come to mind.
If it's a level 1 axis, it will also lead to 《Where Arf Thou?》.
japan 金平糖
2021/11/14 18:12
Yugioh Icon
Top notch Level 1 support. Privileges for level 1 monsters.
It's strong because you can call monsters from the Deck. Especially level 1 monsters are abundant in the core of his Deck.
The hand cost limited to monsters sometimes feels a bit heavy, but even if you take that into consideration, it's still a powerful card.
japan gaya
2020/10/31 17:34
Yugioh Icon
A card that greatly increased the value of level 1. I think that the strength is sufficiently conveyed just by calling it a general-purpose recruit. In particular, his level 1 is the center of development, so if you adopt him in your deck, you can increase the stability, so it's very good.
japan るうぃる
2020/05/19 13:33
Yugioh Icon
Level 1 It has a strong effect of being able to recruit anything, but as the times progress, the synergy within the theme will become stronger, so the cost of cutting a card from your hand may feel annoying.
Of course, depending on his deck, it's a very useful recruit card, but it's not a perfect score.
I think that it is good to adopt it for a deck that is difficult to bring from the deck and needs deployment assistance. The fact that you can cut cards that don't require a cost or cards that are effective with his GY is excellent.
japan 世界ひろし
2020/03/30 20:23
Yugioh Icon
A card like a symbol of level 1 superiority
No explanation needed, Recruit isn't weak
japan はやとちり
2020/03/22 20:05
Yugioh Icon
It is no exaggeration to say that this card is the starting point for all decks that start at level 1. It helps a lot in increasing stability.
As with any card game, the lower the level, the easier it is to develop, but Yu-Gi-Oh's level 1 is especially blessed with this card.
There are disadvantages such as carrying 2 disads if you are stopped by Urara, and since you can only discard monsters, there is no cost in the first place and there is a risk that you can not use it. is a plethora of benefits.
Being a spell card also helped. It doesn't use summoning rights, and since this card itself doesn't have a lot of search tools, it's safe to say that even if it's restricted or semi-restricted, it's unlikely to become a banned card.
japan みめっと@引退
2020/03/22 12:55
Yugioh Icon
His supreme spell card that allows you to freely summon level 1 monsters from your hand or her deck.
If a monster with a Special Summon trigger, her GY trigger, or a particular tuner or a key card in her deck has a level 1, there's little reason not to use it.
It's a card that can be used even by Altergeists who rarely use spell cards from the main, and I've been indebted to it since the time when it was semi-restricted to call Meryushik and trigger penetration on the first move.
The weakness is that the cost is limited to monsters, so it is difficult to use in decks that do not have many monsters in the main deck, and the disadvantage is large when it is negate.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/07 19:48
Yugioh Icon
Jund, IF, Wight, DD, Cubic...there's no better card for a level 1 theme. Being able to recruit from the Deck is pretty convenient.
japan もも
2019/01/16 21:54
Yugioh Icon
A card that benefits from being level 1.
It's a pity, but rather than the hand cost, recruiting from the deck will give you an overwhelming advantage, so I'd like to believe that even if it's banned, there won't be any easing of restrictions.
japan アキ
2019/01/16 20:35
Yugioh Icon
Omni Dragon Brotaur》, which allows you to easily search for other monsters of the same attribute and type from your Deck, has appeared, so it seems that this card will be used more and more in the future.
japan シエスタ
2018/06/21 9:56
Yugioh Icon
A card whose level 1 is a big advantage.
There are quite a few decks of him with level 1 key cards that can bring level 1 cards without summoning restrictions, and there are many general-purpose decks.
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the cost is limited to monsters, but it is very good to be able to flexibly pull from a wide recruitment range.
It's a card that makes sense to be a limit with high versatility.
japan 備長炭18
2018/06/20 0:43
Yugioh Icon
Without a doubt, this card is the reason why level 1 monsters have the image of being easy to put out.
There is nothing to complain about as a combo part, but it is currently limited, and it is difficult to use even after the middle stage, so it is an evaluation that is one step away from the score.
japan 京太
2017/12/07 14:58
Yugioh Icon
Cards that are too versatile
There is no doubt that the merit of being Level 1 is this guy's existence
It indirectly causes many cards to be banned or restricted, but it's also restricted.
Yes, Menmus, 《Substitoad》.
japan 如月
2017/11/27 16:51
Yugioh Icon
A spell that allows you to Special Summon level 1 monsters at your hand cost.
It's very effective against Synchro Xyz because it can pinpoint level 1!
Cards sent to GY also have a real advantage if they have GY effects.
japan なす
2017/07/27 9:03
Yugioh Icon
A spell that can recruit a level 1 monster or put it out of your hand at a cost of 1 monster in your hand.
It is indispensable for his deck with level 1 as the main axis and for decks that handle multiple level 1 tuners.
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/06/12 12:45
Yugioh Icon
A card that he discards his hand and selects one level 1 body from the deck to Special Summon.
In the current environment, there are many themes where ☆1 is the beginning of development, so the restriction is appropriate.
There is also a similar card (?) where he can pull 1☆ from his Deck (Where Arf Thou?), but that also has the option of not summoning the monsters pulled from her Deck. However, if you don't select it, the disadvantage is severe, so it is well differentiated from 《Where Arf Thou?》, so I would like to use it properly.
japan ラーメン
2016/06/12 9:58
Yugioh Icon
As long as he's level 1, he can summon cards from the deck regardless of category or race, and although there is a limit to monsters in hand cost, he's extremely versatile.
That said, there are more and more decks dealing with ★1 that don't need to use this card. I think it's okay
japan EXデッキ焼き
2016/06/02 16:35
Yugioh Icon
In the heyday of Synchro, it became a restriction because it was possible to call out a level 1 tuner with many talented members while discarding cards.
Since monsters with a strong theme color are increasing instead of general-purpose level 1, the adoption rate in decks where there are no monsters that you want to put up on the field at all costs is dropping considerably.
japan デルタアイズ
2016/05/17 17:09
Yugioh Icon
It's a good card that can handle monsters you want to send to GY and recruit level 1 cards from the Deck.
japan アルバ
2016/02/01 20:23
Yugioh Icon
In the anime, it's common to say things like, "He throws out a card with a low level and ATK, even if he discards his hand!?" There are scarier things.
It has a wide recruiting range, so it is useful in decks that want to quickly pull out excellent level 1s.
It's surprising or natural that the regulation has never been relaxed since it was introduced.
For the time being, it can be played from the hand, but the action itself is too bad for the ad, so it seems to be almost forgotten.
japan ジュウテツ
2015/12/22 12:28
Yugioh Icon
"the Timelord" Deck will be useful as it allows you to recruit "Time Maiden" and send "the Timelord" monsters to his GY, which is the condition for activating the effect of "Empty Machine".
japan 音響Em
2015/07/16 0:54
Yugioh Icon
It's universal, so there are no limits.
Overwhelmingly easy to use with valve relaxation
japan カンノーネ
2015/05/31 14:16
Yugioh Icon
Special Summon from the deck can't be weak
Galaxy-Eyes Cloudragon》, 《The White Stone of Legend》, 《The Black Stone of Legend》, and other cards that can be overturned by themselves, key cards like 《Level Eater》and 《House Duston》, and cards that are strong on their own, such as Deskbot 001.
japan 風鼠
2015/03/12 11:31
Yugioh Icon
A card that requires a hand cost, but can Special Summon level 1 from the Deck.
A card that can be used as a variety of combo cards and has limitations.
japan hio
2014/02/12 12:24
Yugioh Icon
An excellent card that can recruit anything at level 1.
With his deck, which focuses on synchro, you can use 《Tuningware》and so on to use 《Machine Duplication》, and there are various other ways to use it, such as securing a release.
If possible, I would like it to be semi-restricted, but I can understand that it is dangerous if it is not restricted.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/08/14 23:30
Yugioh Icon
A powerful card that can recruit level 1 monsters. The hand cost is specified only for monsters, but it goes without saying that it is excellent at pulling level 1 monsters with the speed of Normal Spell. ATK? It is also an advantage to be able to pull out "Lighty" etc.
japan バーン信者
2013/07/24 16:21
Yugioh Icon
Semi-restricted hope card.
I don't want to rely on divine trials for maiden recruitment. I want a card that sends her Blue-Eyed in hand to her GY. please.
japan ジャッジメント
2013/07/24 14:37
Yugioh Icon
A must-have card in the Blue-Eyed Hakuryu Deck.
For support animals.
japan ダゼル
2013/06/23 0:53
Yugioh Icon
Levesty, frog, etc. do not lose ad
A little too restrictive
japan ファイア野郎
2013/06/06 22:53
Yugioh Icon
A card that can recruit level 1 monsters.
Of course, it's essential in his deck, which uses level 1 monsters as key cards,
It is also possible to recruit a Level 1 Tuner and connect it to an immediate Synchro Summon.
In Gael, it was once used to issue the current 《Substitoad》and 《Treeborn Frog》.
It is a limited card, probably because it can play such an excellent role.
As an aside, the number is coincidentally 141 in DUELIST EDITION Volume 3.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2012/05/21 22:17
Yugioh Icon
One person for one thing... Huh?
One of the big advantages of being Level 1.
It is said that there are many monsters that have been indebted to "Substitoad" at one time, Valve "Spore" at another time, and FBG and banned cards at other times.
Now that the Synchro environment has changed to the Xyz environment, the great advantage has decreased,
Even now, it is a dangerous expansion card unless it is in the limit position.
japan みかんゼリー
2012/03/16 20:08
Yugioh Icon
Active as a combo card for various decks.
The cost is heavy and when it rots, it rots thoroughly, but the effect of him special summoning from the deck into play is attractive.
Nothing but an excellent deployment card.
Of course, it's also an important card in his low-level deck.
japan とき
2010/11/01 1:33
Yugioh Icon
A card that allows you to Special Summon a Level 1 monster from your Deck by discarding one card from your hand. A must-have card for Decks with Level 1 monsters as key cards.
Its cost is not light, but it works as a very good search card.
Decks that use excellent level 1 tuners such as 《Spore》can be adopted regardless of the theme.
It can be used like the old 《Emergency Teleport》, and it is a convincing piece of restriction.
However, in the Xyz environment, level 1 is used to get rank 1, so if level 1 is not a key card, it becomes difficult to adopt. The value of recruiting will probably increase in the link environment, so whether or not it will be reinstated.
japan NEOS
2010/10/18 23:53
Yugioh Icon
A convenient card for summoning level 1 monsters.
Immediate synchronization is also possible.
However, the cost is a little heavy. This is because it cannot be activated against removal, and can only cost monsters.
japan B
2010/10/18 23:25
Yugioh Icon
A card that shows how attractive it is to select a monster from the Deck and have him Special Summon.
It can be used in a wide variety of ways, but even without thinking about it, he's mostly level 1, so it's strange that he usually wants a Deck...
japan SOUL
2010/08/05 11:13
Yugioh Icon
It can be used in various Decks centered around Level 1 monsters.
An important combo part.
japan 六花精オジサン
2023/11/16 21:45
Yugioh Icon
japan asd
2023/11/16 20:31
Yugioh Icon
japan 惑星調査隊
2023/11/16 9:08
Yugioh Icon
japan プンプン丸
2023/11/16 8:41
Yugioh Icon
japan PORD
2023/11/15 22:27
Yugioh Icon
japan 匙川
2023/11/15 18:50
Yugioh Icon
japan たたた
2023/11/15 18:40
Yugioh Icon
japan やっつけ先生
2024/03/28 0:42
Yugioh Icon
japan 2020/10/06 19:26
A card that can recruit anything at level 1
Thanks to Sambol and 《Monster Reborn》, it's almost time for this guy to enter the permanent restriction frame.

Decks with "One for One"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
RAGING BATTLE RGBT-JP045 2009-02-14 Rare
DUELIST EDITION Volume 3 DE03-JP141 2012-08-11 Super
Structure Deck -Seigan Ryu Todorin- (2013) SD25-JP030 2013-06-15 Normal
Structure Deck-Synchron Extreme SD28-JP031 2014-12-06 Normal
Structure Deck - Pendulum Domination SD30-JP028 2015-12-12 Normal
Structure Deck: Powercode Link SD33-JP029 2017-12-09 Normal
Duelist Pack - Yusei hen 2 - DP09-JP018 2009-10-17 Rare
Structure Deck: Sacred Beasts SD38-JP027 2020-03-20 Normal
Deck Build Pack Amazing Defenders DBAD-JP040 2022-08-20 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 1,166 / 13,086 Cards
View Num 654,203


Japanese card name ワン・フォー・ワン

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