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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Curse of Anubis  > Prohibition

Prohibition Used Deck

Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Continuous Spell - - - - -
Activate by declaring 1 card name. Cards with that name, and their effects, cannot be used. Cards already on the field are not affected (including face-down cards).
Average Rating Score 7(41)
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  2. Card Reviews (41 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Prohibition (138 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
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"Prohibition" card reviews and rating scores

19% (8)
43% (18)
34% (14)
2% (1)
0% (0)

japan カディーン
2023/01/11 16:56
Yugioh Icon
A piece full of hate that completely seals a single card.
In the first place, since it was a card from a time when the rules were sloppy, it wasn't clear what to seal for a long time.
Even in the current text, "cannot be summoned", "cannot activate cards", and "cannot attack or change battle position" are remnants of the miscellaneous rule era that does not work because it is prohibited to put it on the field itself.
Now that the ruling has been finalized, the thorough prohibition that does not allow any loopholes has been evaluated, and it has become a side agent for experts.
Like Albus, he can be fatally wounded.
It contains a lot of text and rulings that are unique to this card (and Psi-Blocker, which uses its effect), and it doesn't even allow you to set "You can't put it on the field." unusual effect.
"Can't be used as materials for Special Summons that require materials" is a wonderful restriction that prohibits even the use of materials by future summoning methods.
What you want to be careful about is that it can be referenced. Even if he declares "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", he will be able to get "Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon" if he has Blue-Eyed Hakuryu in GY, and even if he specifies "Numeron Calling", it will still be "Numeron Network". You can do it from here.
In the old days, it was okay to set or create a fusion material, but Konami was very good at setting up the rules without neglecting it.
However, the troublesomeness is rather accelerated, and serious memory problems occur due to the fact that the effect affects the undisclosed information called the set and the behavior of not prohibiting the card before activation. Be aware that when a set card falls into his GY, it is obligatory to check it one by one and record which cards are unaffected.
Even so, there are cases where you have no choice but to ask the judge for help, such as when a set card returns to your hand, so talk to the judge in advance.
In that sense, it's for geniuses.
japan ブルーバード
2022/10/11 7:01
Yugioh Icon
After the 2nd game when you grasped the deck, insert 3 cards by side change, declare the opponent's key card, and the opponent dies. I'm afraid of such a traffic accident, so back removal is indispensable even in modern times.
In modern times, there are almost always essential meta cards such as Urara, Nibiru, and 《Infinite Impermanence》, so it is possible to use them from the main.
With the Sacred Beasts, it's possible to do a combo that declares Urara first, removes it with Hamon, picks it up at the gate, and declares it again.
If you are friends with your opponent, you will know the opponent's favorite card, so it will be the worst and worst interference card.
japan ねこーら
2021/02/27 22:49
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Useful as a meta that declares and seals weak cards and opponent's key cards.
Cards already on the field are not affected, so it is essential to put them out first.
In order to seal the opponent's key card, it is necessary to obtain information in combination with confirmation of the hand, but it is possible to drive it into malfunction.
However, even if you seal your trump card, there is a good chance that you will lose with another trump card.
It is also possible to declare 《Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring》or 《Nibiru, the Primal Being》to prevent the opponent from using it and deploy it safely.
However, even in this case, there is a possibility that an unexpected meta card will come later, and if it is not done well, it may end in vain.
It is easy to read in an environment where a specific card is the strongest, but it is difficult to read if it is scattered.
japan みめっと
2021/02/04 22:13
Yugioh Icon
A Continuous Spell that almost completely prohibits the use of a specific declared card.
Although it does not apply to cards that are already in play, it is also a card that has been attracting attention as a self-bounce card because it can be redeclared by returning it to the hand.
Due to its extremely peculiar scope of application, it was left as an obsolete word "play" for a long time even though the text was improved, but the prohibited content was later stipulated.
And there is this text written there.
●Cannot be used as materials for Special Summons that require materials.
Why can't such excellent text be used for other cards? If this is written, the extensibility will be completely lost, so I don't think it's a good idea to use it too much, but even so, it's strange that this should be written. It is a story that there will also be cards.
japan シエスタ
2019/06/12 9:01
Yugioh Icon
THE Pinpoint meta. And it can be said that it is a type of card whose effectiveness changes greatly depending on the skill of the user.
For his Deck, which is keyed to a specific card, it can have quite an impact. Of course, most decks can be expected to function to some extent just by declaring general-purpose cards that you are wary of (such as Urara and Veiler). In that case, it is even better if you have a means to handle it yourself)
However, even though it is a card that requires information addition, there is also a habit that it is desirable to put it out first. Of course, his deck, which has multiple keys, is less effective as a meta. While it is permanent, it is naturally fragile to removal.
Also, when it was reprinted in the 10th season, which was quite painful, it was errataed for the original card name only, and it was weakened such that even cards with the same name such as Harpie and Blue-Eyed could not be sealed. Except for the ones on the rules, the number is small.
It's powerful if you get stuck in a mold, but it's a card for advanced players who have a lot of anxiety factors and require a lot of playing sense.
japan kitty
2019/06/11 19:37
Yugioh Icon
card for the side. Basically, you're declaring an extra or a key part of his deck. It doesn't cost 《Red Reboot》and doesn't cost 《Hey, Trunade!》. A pretty strong card.
japan シンシン
2019/04/06 22:25
Yugioh Icon
Sticky Decks stick, but other common metacards stick better in such decks. such a card.
japan カンベイ
2019/04/05 17:53
Yugioh Icon
One piece in which the term "play" was errataed in the detailed explanation when it was reprinted in the 10th term.
It's easy to focus on the "Play" errata, but this card actually has one more errata. That is, the cards that block play are limited to cards with the same "original" card name as the declared card. In other words, it means that the meta no longer applies to monsters that are treated as cards with the same name by card effects in themes such as [Cyber Dragon], [Harpie Lady], and [SPYRAL]. Since it has been used as a powerful meta card against his deck as described above, this weakening has been a real blow.
japan pKMnS
2018/08/11 12:59
Yugioh Icon
Representative of "card chooses user"
But if you can master it, it's the one and only strongest card that can add meta to all Yu-Gi-Oh decks, not comparable to Sakura.
It's up to you to make use of it.
japan 備長炭18
2018/03/12 16:21
Yugioh Icon
A card that has been errataed in Strak R and the meaning of "play" is written in a much clearer way.
The sentence "Can't be used as materials for Special Summons that require materials" may be used on future cards.
japan なす
2018/03/11 20:38
Yugioh Icon
A Continuous Spell that disables declared cards.
In addition to being able to block the opponent's key cards, it is also highly versatile, such as hand triggers, and it is possible to declare many cards in his Deck to prevent interference.
japan 雪見アイス
2017/11/08 0:14
Yugioh Icon
Evaluation as a side.
Stop at the spyral dandy.
Dub helicopters and toughness also stop. Become a scarecrow.
japan パラソル
2017/10/09 20:14
Yugioh Icon
A very nice card that has been popular recently. If you pull out of hand
generally active. At least 1:0 never rots.
I think this is the only Spell card that can reliably rot Urara.
japan デルタアイズ
2017/05/23 16:34
Yugioh Icon
It's The Meta Card. It's difficult to maintain and you have to say your official name, but it's quite interesting when you try it.
japan もも
2017/03/19 17:58
Yugioh Icon
Depending on the environment, it will stick in a good way.
I don't think there are many decks for him that will malfunction if you declare a card name.
It's a Continuous Spell, so it's hard to maintain.
japan tellerTho
2017/01/19 17:55
Yugioh Icon
His recent decks (ABC, HERO, Yang Zing, Blue-Eyed, etc.) are often of the type that can't be talked about without a key card, so personally
I think you should put this in your side deck rather than weirdly twisted cards like Sakura.
japan セプテン
2016/05/20 13:35
Yugioh Icon
Skidre, Wöhler, Macro
cards that stop everything
Veiler in particular can confuse opponents as he is 90% in his deck these days
It's weak point is that it doesn't have resistance, but if it's possible, it'll be restricted.
japan アルバ
2015/12/01 7:45
Yugioh Icon
It's something that completely disables the declared cards except those that are on the field, but it's too pinpointed and it's permanent, so it's easy to get out, and after it's out, the sealed card goes wild.
However, in a sense, it is the most reliable meta card.
japan SOUL
2015/11/24 22:18
Yugioh Icon
A card for the side.
There are many of his decks that rely on specific keycards, so it's effective against many of his decks.
However, it is necessary to put it up in advance, and if you declare it inappropriately, it may end up meaningless, so you must understand the opponent's deck well and make an appropriate declaration according to the situation. It's not easy to use it.
Also, arbitration is quite troublesome... so I'm still reluctant (sweat
If you are confident that you can use it, please use it.
japan たたた
2015/02/11 6:02
Yugioh Icon
A super pinpoint guard who wields a fierce duel with his relatives.
It's really troublesome if it's used repeatedly with a card that can bounce your own card like Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar
Some people put it on the side, so be careful after the second game of the match
japan かのん
2015/01/13 11:51
Yugioh Icon
I used to use it occasionally
Most of the time it was either destroyed or killed by another card, wasn't it?
japan 39hope
2014/05/14 17:49
Yugioh Icon
It is quite convenient if you put it in the side deck.
Just say the name of the core card in your opponent's Deck and they should stop moving.
But since it's a continuous spell, he's weak against spells and trap removal.
japan wisteria
2014/05/13 21:20
Yugioh Icon
A kind of ultimate form of meta card. Makes the opponent's specific card unplayable.
Although the effect itself is powerful, it is easily defeated by 《Mystical Space Typhoon》and 《Heavy Storm》because it is a Continuous Spell. So meta Mystical Space Typhoon or Heavy Storm? Rather than doing that, it would be more meaningful for him to strengthen the stability and movement of the Deck itself. When there is a card that must be meta, I think it's better to put him on the side when Deck is in the environment because he can't turn without a specific key card.
Personally, if I were to adopt this guy from the main, it would be [Alien] with 《Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar》. My friend's Alien player reads this girlfriend's deck with the sleeve and specifies the key card with the preceding 《Prohibition》, so it's very annoying. It's not fair...
japan キノワタ
2014/04/02 12:12
Yugioh Icon
Thanks to this guy, I was able to win
It is very useful if you put it on the side
But I have to remember the official name
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/09/27 17:26
Yugioh Icon
Although it is a card with practicality, it is a card that has been omitted from the Beginner's Edition. It's in the Structure Deck, so it's easy to get. The effect is pinpoint meta at the level of one card. However, if you declare it, you can basically neutralize any card, so you can use it as a side member. Overconfidence is prohibited because there are many ways to deal with permanent cards such as "Cyclone".
japan ペイン
2013/09/08 14:43
Yugioh Icon
When I put out two of these to my bk opponent, they were broken by a cyclone.
Let's all be careful.
japan 聖なる破壊
2013/07/21 10:29
Yugioh Icon
Stick to the side. I remember being wasted when I chose a card that would be a key card if I knew what the opponent's deck was and if I built his deck normally, it was still being adjusted and I didn't get it.
japan 似非紳士
2013/05/04 21:42
Yugioh Icon
Stack two or more cards, and "activate ban, ban cyclone", "activate ban, ban XX (key card)".
Sealing Cyclone in the first hand should be quite painful for the opponent.
japan ファイア野郎
2013/01/14 17:20
Yugioh Icon
A pinpoint meta card.
It would be nice to declare a card that is harsh when used in his deck that uses a specific card as a key card, or in his deck that the opponent is using.
In the current environment where there are plenty of removal methods, it is easy to be removed first, but it can be said that it is a high card as a deterrent.
japan みかんゼリー
2013/01/14 13:20
Yugioh Icon
It's pretty localized, but it's not bad as a technique to defend against Laval's opponent's key cards, such as explosions, and cards that you're not good at.
However, since you have to determine the deck type of the opponent, I think it's basic to put it on the side.
If he selects "Cyclone" for his rock deck, it will also help maintain this card itself, killing two birds with one stone.
japan ドラゴンX
2012/08/28 16:40
Yugioh Icon
If the opponent is Inzektor, choose Dansel.
Inzektor is vulnerable to bans. That's what it means
But the name can be broken, so think about it before using it.
japan daruku
2011/10/13 18:11
Yugioh Icon
Pinpoint is just pinpoint
A difficult piece to use.
A card that is difficult to use now because it has many removal effects even if it seals a key card...
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/20 9:41
Yugioh Icon
local meta.
If you are weak against a specific card, you can suppress it by using this.
Gladiator Beast vs. Geysereth vs. Tanks, The Six Samurai vs. Gates, Insector vs. Hornets...
Such a card is the first to be removed, but it is a fact that it is still a highly deterrent card.
japan NEOS
2010/10/22 18:53
Yugioh Icon
Certainly powerful enough to make it impossible to use.
However, even if you declare it, it is meaningless if it is destroyed by another card.
I wouldn't say it's very strong.
japan とき
2010/08/16 21:46
Yugioh Icon
The ultimate pinpoint meta card.
Declares one card name, and has the effect of blocking the expansion of that card to the field, activation and application of effects, attacks and form changes, and use as materials. In the past, the single word "play" was violently summarized, but it has become very detailed.
Depending on the opponent, I would like to aim for a card that is difficult, or combine it with a card that returns this card itself to the hand, and specify a card according to the situation.
The value of this card has increased significantly now that the number of theme decks has increased and his deck with a clear core card has increased.
There are many points to be aware of, such as the point that it is permanent and easy to be targeted, the point that you can only seal one card after all, and the point that you choose your opponent, so be careful.
japan くず
2023/09/04 6:28
Yugioh Icon
japan ねおんちゃん
2023/09/04 4:55
Yugioh Icon
japan 生姜醤油プリン
2024/04/22 18:37
Yugioh Icon
japan .
2024/03/05 2:50
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/02/11 18:42
There are a lot of decks that stop with this one
It can also be used as a decoy to protect prone, and is quite strong
However, since you have to formally say the card name word for word, it is suitable for advanced players.
japan 2011/05/22 11:35
Don't get into fights over mispronounced card names.

Decks with "Prohibition"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Structure Deck "MACHINER'S COMMAND" SD18-JP021 2009-12-12 Normal
Curse of Anubis CA-40 2000-08-28 Rare
Structure Deck: Lair of Darkness SR06-JP029 2018-03-10 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 5,627 / 13,015 Cards
View Num 74,662


Japanese card name 禁止令

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