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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 661 to 675 of 817

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Goka, the Pyre of Malice ▶︎ Deck 《Goka, the Pyre of Malice》
japan ルイ
2017/03/07 17:44
Yugioh Icon
It's an effect that makes you want to use it to make Galdos self-destruct with Fire King.
In addition, it is quite delicious if you split the seed of flame and make a special summon.
In addition, I put it in Shiranui as a trial and it is quite strong.
It is useful because it can be used to trigger the GY return effect while actively breaking the god of war and connecting it to the second god of war.
Since it is a 6 star, it is also highly rated that it is relatively easy to put out the flame god that is difficult to put out.
Tokens can be generated once, but the drawback is that the next standby is slow.
It would be safer not to expect too much as a Synchro Material Procurement Personnel.
After Master's Rule 4 comes into effect, it's a card that I secretly expect as a way to actively destroy monsters in the EX monster zone.
Star Seraph Scepter ▶︎ Deck 《Star Seraph Scepter》
japan ルイ
2017/03/06 20:25
Yugioh Icon
It was said to be an off-base business trip card, but in the end it was allowed.
Mostly because of Putre and Ruler.
Does that mean that the 3-body Xyz is now known for its height?
If you use this card to halve the RBI and summon it in a runaway manner and Xyz it from a large number of searches, the draw and search will be too much brain juice, it's dangerous.
There are powerful star 4x3 material monsters such as Amaterasu and Ouroboros, so let's use them around here.
Also, if a monster with 4x3 star material appears, the evaluation may change again.
Aromage Rosemary ▶︎ Deck 《Aromage Rosemary》
japan ルイ
2017/03/04 21:41
Yugioh Icon
A lady who acts as Aroma's attacker and does not activate monster effects when attacking.
"Honest? It doesn't matter!"
Let's recover it with "Aroma Garden" and use it as a tsuyu pay with 2300 RBI.
Changing the battle position is mandatory, so supporting cards such as Humid Winds that recover during the opponent's turn is essential.
Let's operate it so that it doesn't become a clumsy girl who uses it well and falls on its own.
However, as can be said for Aroma in general, I wonder how this sister can be caught by pulling it out of the ground...
Also, when two of these sisters gather together, Bahasha-San can summon rice cakes.
I feel like if it's mochi pounded by a beautiful older sister, I'll be forgiven.
Well, the smile is a little tight, though ←
Windwitch - Ice Bell ▶︎ Deck 《Windwitch - Ice Bell》
japan ルイ
2017/03/04 21:18
Yugioh Icon
A lady with crystal wings. / If you are a Buster dimension person, please use it for free.
In fact, with this one piece, he can compress two decks and set up a crystal wing with effect destruction resistance without using the right to summon.
Who would have thought that the card, which was said to be an adjusted version of Beigoma, would break as expected?
It's an effect that creates a chain block, so I guess I adjusted it (intended) in the sense that I could throw G with ease.
Ice Bell Glass Bell Snow Bell is already a nightmare level.
By the way, depending on how you look at it, it looks like you're not wearing it... can't you see it?
It seems that people on the streets say she's a woman who sleeps with anyone (Deck)... Her somewhere is the same as Mr. Zoodiac.
By the way, should I pile up a total solar eclipse or a book of the moon...
Painful Decision ▶︎ Deck 《Painful Decision》
japan ルイ
2017/03/04 20:41
Yugioh Icon
However, this card is as painless as ever.
What is suffering in the first place? (now
With Gem-Knight, you can procure fusion materials and exclusion costs at the same time, or search for RUM Hilme-San and do Xyz Change.
When I first saw it, I didn't know where it was strong, but when I used it, I realized its strength.
Vanilla P is of course useful, but how will Masters Rule 4 change usability?
I would like to expect further success from there.
Ring of Destruction ▶︎ Deck 《Ring of Destruction》
japan ルイ
2017/03/01 18:36
Yugioh Icon
Front side limited free chain removal + burn.
In the past, it was possible to target your own monsters, regardless of each other's LP numbers, and the damage was done at the same time, which is unthinkable today.
It was returned with an errata to the extent that it is still this. A somewhat strong card with an exquisite way to errata.
After errata, as long as the number is below the opponent's LP, it doesn't matter if his original ATK fluctuates or exceeds his LP, so it's surprisingly compatible with status fluctuations.
… Well, the amount of damage I receive first will also be terrible for me.
I needed to devise how to use it, but it is still strong enough.
But I think it will ease up soon...
Gimmick Puppet Egg Head ▶︎ Deck 《Gimmick Puppet Egg Head》
japan ルイ
2017/03/01 17:53
Yugioh Icon
No matter how you look at it, you can only see the leader's patch!
Overall, it's relatively salty, but the 800 sober burn also has a level change effect, so it's an effect that doesn't hurt.
For the time being, 2400 damage is quite large including direct attack and plain burn.
Machina Fortress is enough if you just cut the rotten advanced gimmick puppet that came to your hand.
Since the name of the hand cost is fixed, there are times when you can't use it when you want to use it.
I'd like to take advantage of the fact that it's a valuable low-level gimmick puppet, and use Rank 4 or 8 depending on the effect.
Dragonic Tactics ▶︎ Deck 《Dragonic Tactics》
japan ルイ
2017/02/27 20:19
Yugioh Icon
A card that recruits 8 dragons.
After consuming 3 cards, it's finally 1 body, so I'd like to reduce it with Sacred Time, Debris Dragon, Queen Dragoon, etc.
If a card that summons Dragon tokens that can be deployed in large numbers comes out, the evaluation may change again.
Dice Re-Roll ▶︎ Deck 《Dice Re-Roll》
japan ルイ
2017/02/27 18:49
Yugioh Icon
I don't understand what you mean by text fraud!
Since it says only once per turn, you think it's permanent, right? It wasn't permanent.
If it's used up, it's use up, and he can be put out with Spell from the beginning.
Moreover, activate it in advance before rolling the dice! I'm amazed, this is! (Rage
I can only say how this happened.
Isn't it okay to use Continuous Spell normally?
Indomitable Gladiator Beast ▶︎ Deck 《Indomitable Gladiator Beast》
japan ルイ
2017/02/27 18:27
Yugioh Icon
neither strong nor weak. But somehow it's great.
Equite has rivals such as Darius, but that doesn't mean it can't be used at all.
As a cost to return a rabbit that has been excluded by the cost with DDR, it is quite useful in the rabbit axis because it can reliably collect Andals in the Deck.
I don't choose the cost, but basically it will be used to return monsters.
However, since it's a cost, it's a little minus that you can't return the fusion body.
If I could return it with this, I would have nothing to say.
I think it's a card that feels like a combat support, recovery, and a bitter role.
Gladiator Beast Andal ▶︎ Deck 《Gladiator Beast Andal》
japan ルイ
2017/02/27 18:15
Yugioh Icon
Who wins vanilla Gladiator Beast! I also had a time when I thought.
Due to the nature of vanilla, he blocks Gladiator Beast's unique recruitment, but it's GOOD to deal with rabbits and expected GUY! !
Plus, being a beast warrior, Souko has the advantage of having easy access to his Zoodiac.
It is reassuring to be able to follow up with fusions such as Esedari and Heraclinos even if the moon is written in the middle of developing for the purpose of Xyz.
Above all, he can recover from GY to the deck with his underlying strength, so the second and subsequent rabbits will not rot at all ◎
Follow up with 《Faustian Bargain》or 《Gladiator Beast's Respite》if you end up in your hand.
Megalosmasher X ▶︎ Deck 《Megalosmasher X》
japan ルイ
2017/02/27 17:52
Yugioh Icon
High-performance dinosaur for vanilla. No matter how you look at it, he looks like a Sea Serpent.
His ATK is enough to knock down the troublesome 《Thunder King Rai-Oh》, and his defense power is 0, so it can deal with 《Box of Friends》and 《Masked Chameleon》.
Of course, since it's vanilla, it corresponds to the rabbit and the expected GUY, and from there, Bahasha Mochi Lagia Dorcas Spider Shark, what is this!
what? What if it comes to your hand? I don't know, that's out of my control.
It would have been better if it was a tuner, but it's too luxurious.
It's safe to say that it's the most excellent card among all vanillas out there.
Sabersaurus ▶︎ Deck 《Sabersaurus》
japan ルイ
2017/02/27 17:27
Yugioh Icon
(Before becoming Lagia or Dorka) It seems that it is a gentle dinosaur.
In addition, it seems that if it is used as an Xyz material and evolves, it will become a dragon with 《Solemn Judgment》or Divine Punishment.
He's mostly a rabbit or guess guy, and he's pulled from the deck and used to make Xyz, but even if he's pulled out, it's good that it's easy to get him to participate in battle because he has a high RBI.
I hope he's sleeping on Deck.
Megalos Smasher X has appeared, but it's still a capable vanilla that can still be used.
If you end up in your hand, follow up with 《Faustian Bargain》.
Dimensional Alchemist ▶︎ Deck 《Dimensional Alchemist》
japan ルイ
2017/02/26 21:00
Yugioh Icon
Excluded version "Card Trooper" that can collect excluded cards while increasing RBI.
I can increase my RBI by 500, but since he has to remove the top of the deck, I'd like to make good use of it by returning Necroface with sake.
The important thing is the second half of the effect, and being able to salvage the monsters that were removed when they were destroyed is unobtrusive but powerful.
It would be nice to be able to hit the sent monsters and collect the removed monsters, but it's a minus that it can't be done because of the "on your own field" text.
At least if it didn't matter where it was destroyed, I would have been able to salvage it while dividing it with Dragonic D etc..., sorry.
Depending on the situation, you may miss the timing... well.
It's a card that's modestly strong but not worthy of special mention.
Every effect is a bit finicky and tends to end up out of the Deck.
If you are lucky, it may be safer to consider it as a card that can be collected.
Level Limit - Area B ▶︎ Deck 《Level Limit - Area B》
japan ルイ
2017/02/26 20:30
Yugioh Icon
Don't add meaning to the end of this card name! Absolutely!
Before Xyz appeared, it was the most frustrating card because it was so strong that it could not even attack.
However, now, let alone Xyz with no levels, Link Monsters with no levels or ranks have appeared, causing headwinds to headwinds, and now there is no limit.
It's a card that makes you feel the times rather than inflation.
If it is 4 stars or higher, it is unexpectedly troublesome to immediately return to Defense Position without creating a chain block at the moment of Attack Position.
If you use it in the current environment, let's use it in a combo with a card that can activate its effect by changing the battle position.

(45/55 pages) 661 - 675

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