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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck List > GhostrickDeck List > Hikikomori Ghostrick Deck and Deck Instructions

"Hikikomori Ghostrick" Deck 2015

Ghostrick Deck List Image

Deck Introduction/Deck Commentary

Deck Category / how to win
"Ghostrick" / Lock, Burn
Key Card
Ghostrick Angel of Mischief
Deck commentary


The new entry has increased the expansion power!
Although it is called a "bad" angel, I think that it is the ace of Gostri Deck normally.
I'm a ghostly hikikomori, but I hope he wakes up soon -0-
(early stage)
・Call the required Gostri (Mummy or Lantern) in Jiangxi.
・In Death Guide, decide Alucard→Remove→Danger→Recruit Combo.
・Put up the house quickly.

・Make rock with Xyz + Nekomusume. Attacks can be prevented with lanterns, role shifts, or panics, and effect destruction can be prevented with outs or divine declarations.
・When a large amount is deployed, stop with 《Swords of Concealing Light》and knight.
・When a monster with a high RBI comes, put out a ghoul and attack it with Datenshi. Durahan is also ok. 3000 class can be processed normally.
・Prepare multiple bad angels, use the surplus Gostri cards to recruit the necessary traps, and stabilize the field.
・Since the lock is also stable, you can ignore the opponent's back defense monsters and attack directly.

・Break will trigger mass deployment, panic, etc. and set up a counter.
・Somehow you can stop it with breakthrough skills, outs, divine declarations, etc.


Unfold & Brain Muscle Deck is very strong. Keep rocking.
You can fight without worrying about some damage. It's half anyway.
I'm going to hit it with a RBI increase with Nekomusume Rock and Ghoul.
Since the duel progresses with back defense, the mental damage to the opponent is great.
There are many cards that do not target the opponent, such as Roll Shift.


The first move is slow. It can't be helped because it's a specification.
When there is no out etc., it will be clogged if you eat the whole removal.
If a monster that is not affected by card effects comes, you will have a hard time. (ex, Apoqliphort)


Duelists around him include Qliphort, Madolche, Ritual Beast, Infernoid, gimmick puppets, and Fire King users.
It is made so that it can be operated regardless of the type.
Qliphort was also able to bring the win rate to around 4-50%.
As such, Frost and Marie are missing from any of the recipes.
So are parades, museums and skeletons.
We focus on changing tactics according to the situation.

Deck self-score
deck score
Each item description
Deck Maker
Yu-Gi-Oh! Icon ばりちゃん ( Total 1 decks )
Posted date : 2015/01/08 16:08
Main Deck (20 Types・40)
monster (9 Types・19)
NumNameAttributeLevelTypeATK / DEFcheapest price
2 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Ghoul DARK 3 Zombie 1100 / 1200 ¥20
2 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Mummy DARK 3 Zombie 1500 / 0000 ¥18
2 List of decks using this cardTour Guide From the Underworld DARK 3 Fiend 1000 / 0600 ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardCrane Crane EARTH 3 Winged Beast 0300 / 0900 ¥20
3 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Jiangshi DARK 3 Zombie 0400 / 1800 ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Doll DARK 2 Spellcaster 0300 / 1200 ¥20
3 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Nekomusume DARK 2 Spellcaster 0400 / 0900 ¥20
2 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Yuki-onna DARK 2 Spellcaster 1000 / 0800 ¥50
3 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Lantern DARK 1 Fiend 0800 / 0000 ¥20
spell (4 Types・7)
1 List of decks using this cardAllure of Darkness - - - - ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardTerraforming - - - - ¥8
2 List of decks using this cardSwords of Concealing Light - - - - ¥30
3 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Mansion - - - - ¥20
trap (7 Types・14)
2 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Vanish - - - - ¥50
2 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Scare - - - - ¥50
2 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Break - - - - ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardBreakthrough Skill - - - - ¥40
3 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Night - - - - ¥30
3 List of decks using this cardGhostrick-Go-Round - - - - ¥20
1 List of decks using this cardSolemn Judgment - - - - ¥35
Extra Deck (6 Types・10)
2 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Angel of Mischief DARK 4 Fairy 2000 / 2500 ¥20
3 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Alucard DARK 3 Zombie 1800 / 1600 ¥80
1 List of decks using this cardSky Cavalry Centaurea LIGHT 2 Beast-Warrior 2000 / 0000 ¥25
1 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Socuteboss DARK 2 Spellcaster 1400 / 1200 ¥10
2 List of decks using this cardGhostrick Dullahan DARK 1 Fiend 1000 / 0000 ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardSlacker Magician LIGHT 1 Spellcaster 0200 / 2100 ¥50
Main deck minimum construction amount ¥1534

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view num 26657 Score num 50 Score 446

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