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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > SOUL FUSION > Dinowrestler Pankratops

Dinowrestler Pankratops LimitedUsed Deck

Dinowrestler Pankratops
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 7 Dinosaur 2600 0
If your opponent controls more monsters than you do, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Dinowrestler Pankratops" once per turn this way. (Quick Effect): You can Tribute 1 "Dinowrestler" monster, then target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy it. You can only use this effect of "Dinowrestler Pankratops" once per turn.
Average Rating Score 9.9(63)
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"Dinowrestler Pankratops" card reviews and rating scores

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japan まくろる
2023/03/29 19:59
Yugioh Icon
A rare card that is limited in OCG (also overseas TCG) and unlimited in Master Duel.
Basically, it is a card that is easy to use when attacking second, and by building his Deck around Dinosaur, it is possible to pull it with 《Double Evolution Pill》or 《Petiteranodon》, but if you go on a business trip alone, it is generally fine. It is not realistic unless you increase the number of cards to aim for a draw.
In addition, in Master Duel, which is based on the premise of single-player battles, the first player is basically considered to have a great advantage, and it seems that the restriction has been lifted in order to reduce the difficulty of the second attack overstepping the opponent's obstacles.
Thanks to his high ATK and destruction using himself as a material, he can remove two cards with one card. For those of you who are not blessed with a coin draw.
japan ハッ セフィロス
2023/01/13 21:48
Yugioh Icon
In Yu-Gi-Oh Aru Aru ocg, the low rare and strong ones are MD and UR.
First of all, the effect of (1) is a Special Summon that does not form a chain that can be activated when the number of monsters on the opponent's field is greater than the number of monsters on your field.
Then, the effect of (2) is to release a 《Dinowrestler》monster on your field with Friche, target one of your opponent's cards, and activate that card.
It's strong. First of all, Special Summon, which does not have a high RBI and a chain, should be noted. Taking advantage of this high hit point, it immediately enters the battle phase and hits the opponent's monster. You can deal with Merkabah or Midrash with just this. And since it does not use a chain, it is also strong against increase in g. The second strong point is the removal effect of Friche, which is mainly activated by releasing this guy. With this effect, you can deal with Azeus who can't win with RBI, make Baroness vomit his negate effect, chain Apollo who activated negate effect and destroy it, and deal with troublesome monsters such as skidre and magic seal and back. can. Also, recently it tends to be compared to Fenrir, but it is not simply backward compatible. I summarized the difference from Fenrir.
Stronger than Fenrir
・ Face-down cards can also be destroyed
・You can strike a destructive effect at your own timing.
・RBI 2600 exceeds the so-called hero RBI (although Fenrir can exclude opponents with battle effects)
Weak point compared to Fenrir
・Cannot be summoned if there is no opponent monster
・It does not work for people with resistance because it destroys the target effect.
・Following search is not possible (Since Fenrir is restricted, it is no longer possible to search for Fenrir with Fenrir)
Can be said to be strong or weak compared to Fenrir
・Release yourself (Because you can release yourself, you can destroy an already activated Skidre or use it with Sky Striker Ace or his Numeron)
I can't deny that the appearance of Fenrir has taken away my turn, but it's still a strong enough card.
japan 超弩級スライム
2022/08/27 8:40
Yugioh Icon
A broken card that can be easily played unless it's the first turn or something like that, and destroys anything with a free chain.
In terms of RBI, he surpasses the so-called ace RBI like Utopia, and after destroying it in battle, you can also destroy another one with an effect and sharpen your LP by direct attack attacks of your friends.
In the anime, it was used as a link material for 《Dinowrestler King T Wrextle》, but it's usually stronger if you don't use it as a material.
japan 763
2022/05/19 15:23
Yugioh Icon
A solitary wrestler who can fascinate many performances by just one person.
His Special Summon in the pseudo-Sydra condition is an out-of-effect text, so it slips through the interference of the system that negates the activation, and the removal that activates after release ignores "Macro Cosmos" and "Skill Drain".
Its overwhelming lack of peculiarity and ease of use will continue to help and torment many duelists, and will continue to be a restricted card.
japan やっつけ先生
2022/05/16 21:04
Yugioh Icon
The king of side cards. An all-purpose wrestler who always uses the side card as one of the strongest cards in the second round. He has unquestionable versatility and card power, so he can be put in the main deck. Since it has a high RBI, after destroying it in battle, you can destroy the card and trade 1 for 2, leave it as it is and interfere with the destruction of Furice like Drancia during the opponent's turn, or peel off permanent effects such as Skidre and Magic Seal. It solves various situations. It won't be banned, but I don't expect it to be lifted.
japan ブルーバード
2022/03/31 9:34
Yugioh Icon
A monster like a makunouchi bento with all the removal that was good in the past for Sydra.
Abnormally high RBI for the ease of putting out + Crazy specs that destroy one card with Friche. Since it's a Dinosaur, you can search and SS from Oviraptor, so you won't feel the difficulty of movement due to restrictions.
It's also very good as a tsubarai, and it's worth sticking with a pin for this role alone. In addition to simply removing it, you can sometimes remove an extra card with Sacrifice Escape because of Friche. By releasing yourself, you can slip through even the opponent's skid. It can also be used as a God Trap discovery device that guides the opponent's God Trap. It is also one of the few means of countering imperial edicts.
In addition, it was normal with such a crazy performance. 《Tribe-Infecting Virus》and the festival of the Shinto police again. Are you okay, Konami-san?
japan グラナティス
2022/03/12 18:46
Yugioh Icon
A distorted card that comes out easily and releases itself with Friche to try to destroy the opponent's board and force them to consume interference with one card.
Oh! ? You're in! ? (Suzaku) Guren return! (Self-release) Ah, it's terrible...
japan 絶望の使徒
2022/03/11 18:25
Yugioh Icon
A legendary normal deception monster. are you higurumi
In Master Duel, it is UR instead of N
japan ルーナエ
2022/01/05 20:03
Yugioh Icon
Go out on your own! Destroy anything with Friche! Outrageously strong!
The treasure that the Dinowrestler left behind for everyone, the mere creation of this monster was enough to make the theme of the Dinowrestler come into being! ?
Could you please let me stack 3 only on the Dinowrestler Deck?
Is it just my imagination that it looks like I'm going to use words without a heart?
japan ソリティアマスター
2021/05/19 21:10
Yugioh Icon
really strong It's a comical illustration, but I think Laist and this guy are the strongest. It can be used to block the effect of Merkabah with one card, destroy the bag after hitting Inspect Border, and deal with Azeus alone. It can also be used as an obstacle by placing one turn as an RBI member. Two he wanted in his deck.
japan ミドラ
2021/01/30 0:22
Yugioh Icon
Sometimes I almost forget that this guy is a dino wrestler.
A loose Special Summon with high stats, Friche removal and versatile effects. strong.
japan 死なない男
2021/01/30 0:15
Yugioh Icon
The effect is more powerful than you can imagine from the illustration, and it has the ability to twist the Cyber Dragon and make it 3 times stronger.
It's no exaggeration to say that this card was created to support the second offense, which is being overwhelmed by the first offense.
Targeting but Friche removing any one card is too strong.
However, whether it is a limit or a 3-stack, I feel that the impact on the environment is small.
japan アネデパミ
2020/12/17 11:38
Yugioh Icon
Back attack card
As expected, it became a restricted card because it was too convenient
japan 黙する炎獣
2020/12/14 21:21
Yugioh Icon
to the limit this time
I don't know why they strengthened the limit on this card instead of limiting skidre...
japan gaya
2020/11/04 13:45
Yugioh Icon
It's an excellent card with 2600 RBIs that can be played easily, but it's also a card that is too capable with a built-in all-around removal. Moreover, since it can be removed with a flitch, there is no fault.
japan ノクト
2020/06/19 0:24
Yugioh Icon
yes. strong. This performance is amazing at this low price. If you have extra frames, it's a good level to put in for the time being. It has a high RBI, can be destroyed with Friche, and is super easy to summon, so I think it's a perfect card without any complaints.
japan ザーク
2020/04/15 16:26
Yugioh Icon
Hmm, a card that feels the power of the 10th generation. It's easy to put out, but it's more than the main character's RBI, and it's a flinch removal skill, and with this performance, it's just a normal one.
japan ユメ
2019/11/07 18:56
Yugioh Icon
These days, I feel that cards that are subject to regulation due to their simple high performance are quite rare. Black holes are unlimited.
He is a handsome hero that everyone loves, but he is also a war criminal who has lowered the value of general-purpose removal cards such as Thunder Break and Cyclone.
Great power sometimes produces sorrow...
japan はっしも
2019/09/21 6:33
Yugioh Icon
Ah, it's a card that looks like it's in Tekken.
Well let's see the text...
When I looked at it with a certain feeling, I was stunned (゚Д゚) with a card that didn't say anything about being weak.
The only drawback is that it does not support "Fossil Dig"
Other than that, SS is also possible. An all-purpose ancient creature that also handles removal.
Moreover, unlike Saidra, it is a card that can be deployed even if you have your own monsters as long as the number is small.
While moving on the opponent's turn, it destroys the field on your turn. A true pro wrestler.
japan ネタ使い
2019/09/09 5:30
Yugioh Icon
This was the first pack I bought after a year.
I heard a voice saying "Huh?" in real life and watched it twice
It was the biggest shock since 《Scrap-Iron Scarecrow
japan プラント・プラン
2019/07/13 12:11
Yugioh Icon
A "Dinowrestler" monster that is often called in the Side Deck.
Due to his Special Summon condition in ①, he is often called from the side deck when we attack second.
Its 2nd effect, which allows you to destroy cards on your opponent's field by releasing itself, is extremely powerful. Since it can be activated even during the opponent's turn, it is a card that is easy to handle as a free chain card destruction effect. In addition, since it has a high ATK, you can use it as an attacker, then activate its 2nd effect to knock out your opponent's monsters at once.
Moreover, since it is recorded in normal, it is one of the big advantages that it is easy to obtain.
Due to its high versatility, it became a semi-restricted card in the July 2019 limit regulation. However, depending on the situation, there are decks where he uses 2 copies to avoid multiple copies due to the turn 1 limit, so the damage isn't that great.
japan みめっと
2019/06/25 11:04
Yugioh Icon
A ridiculous monster born alone from a dino wrestler who mass-produced only 5 or 6 delicate cards.
26 RBIs that can be self-SS under loose conditions, releasing Dynawrestlers including himself will exert an all-purpose removal effect with Friche, and if you release yourself, you can also destroy skidre, other than not being able to search directly with Fossil Dig. A card without a tag, and still 10 points to spare.
It has a genius power when it comes to making the opponent use cards, and it has a certain amount of RBI, so you don't have to use the effect reluctantly, and you can use two or more cards to process this card. It is rough.
There is no longer a way to completely harmless him except to use some kind of permanent card such as SS Bind to prevent his Special Summon from his hand.
You'll never see a general-purpose normal top-tier monster in the main deck like this again.
It is suitable not only for throwing in from the side when attacking second, but also as a supporting role for his deck who is worried about his initial move.
If you use it with the Dinowrestler Deck, you can turn bullets into bullets other than yourself, so you can turn into a demon sergeant who throws Dinowrestlers who have no work to do on the field.
japan むーちょ
2019/06/11 8:14
Yugioh Icon
Many monsters with destructive effects cannot be simply backward compatible with this card.
1. SS from hand with loose condition
2. All-purpose destruction by self-release (Dinowrestler Deck can be used every turn by releasing other monsters)
3. Friche
At least I wanted you to summon 1,,,
If I was asked to pick a card with the highest versatility and performance on its own, I would pick this card.
japan kitty
2019/06/01 14:54
Yugioh Icon
Destruction of Friche. Plus loose summoning requirements and versatility to fit into any deck of his. Normal difficulty to obtain. It's too perfect a card....Semi-restricted. Well, even though it's a card for attacking second, it's too strong.
japan お空は青い
2019/05/31 9:10
Yugioh Icon
The Nikkei average is over 20,000 below 10,000.
japan ベリー
2019/04/26 15:56
Yugioh Icon
Cheap and strong!
It boasts excellent ease of use, as well as Friche removal, which is convenient for loose summoning conditions. It has a high degree of versatility that is incomparable to other dyna wrestlers.
Even if it's not essential, it's worth having it on the side, and since he's a level 7 monster that can be Special Summoned, it can be used as a main character.
Moreover, it is a good card that does not make a difference between those who have it and those who do not.
In the current situation where the first attack is an advantage game, isn't it okay to have an unlimited number of guys who can play an active role in the second attack? I think
japan くろゆき
2019/03/30 23:40
Yugioh Icon
There are many strong normal cards, but there are probably no normal cards that are this strong.
The strongest monster that made many cards a thing of the past.
japan アキ
2018/12/18 8:42
Yugioh Icon
An excellent dino wrestler who can destroy one card with loose summoning conditions and himself as a cost. Since it's normal, it's easy to get, and with the advent of this card, I feel that most single removal cards are no longer needed.
japan しょきちょー
2018/12/03 18:41
Yugioh Icon
Frankly speaking, why did you print it?
japan アームド強化来
2018/12/03 14:12
Yugioh Icon
Strong, just a symbol of inflation.
However, even though it is an ace class, isn't it too easy to design a free chain?
With this, the role of single removal in general before the 10th term has almost finished.
Cyclone, Sambre and everyone else
thank you for everything
japan まじっく
2018/11/26 19:21
Yugioh Icon
A piece that boasts extremely strong potential in the second attack. Due to the high versatility of the effect, it is highly valued not only for Dinosaur and Dinowrestler's deck but also for his deck. Since it is a normal card, it is also an advantage that it is easy to obtain.
"If there are more monsters in the opponent's field than in your field" is honestly too easy if you attack last. After doing Special Summon, destroy one opponent's card you released yourself. And you can proceed as if nothing happened.
It's a card so powerful that it's clearly a misconfiguration.
japan はわわ
2018/10/09 12:21
Yugioh Icon
A general-purpose card for a side member who plays an active role in the second attack
It has a level 7 2600 hit point that can be SS under looser conditions than Sidera, and even has a free chain destruction effect.
A piece that makes you feel inflation
japan ソレイユ
2018/08/26 11:13
Yugioh Icon
Higher RBI than Sidera is also a loose summoning condition.
A free chain all-purpose destruction that can use itself as a cost, are you really normal? A powerful card that makes you want to say.
japan ラーメン
2018/08/20 11:03
Yugioh Icon
An outrageously versatile monster that is mixed in with the ordinary category of dino wrestler, and is normal.
SS is possible under Mandrago conditions → understand
2600 RBI → Well I understand
All-purpose destruction by own release → Hmm?
Trigger immediate →? ? ? ? ? wwwww
Like this, the effect is self-contained and the RBI is high, so depending on the situation, it can also be used as an RBI personnel to defeat suppression type figurines with about 2500 RBI, and it can also be used as a decoy to pass the favorite.
Other than the original Dinosaur, he is a Level 7 Dinosaur, so he can be recruited from 《Petiteranodon》, so he can play an active role as a general-purpose Dinosaur.
A card with such incredible versatility that it can be put in any deck if there are extra slots, this is normal...
japan ジュウテツ
2018/08/20 6:35
Yugioh Icon
Even by itself, it can be used as a card with a free chain card destruction effect that can be Special Summoned under loose conditions, and I think it's an excellent card with ATK 2600.
japan デルタアイズ
2018/08/07 3:17
Yugioh Icon
Dyna wrestler boasting amazing versatility
Blessed with attributes, levels, races, and ATK
The effect is also unquestionable, releasing yourself and destroying the Friche card.
japan ちゃちゃまる
2018/08/06 19:33
Yugioh Icon
Regardless of the type of card that can be destroyed, regardless of the display, you can also use yourself as a cost, and the Special Summon conditions are loose.
Since the effect is self-contained, you can put it in a variety of his decks.
japan もも
2018/07/31 20:37
Yugioh Icon
Built-in Special Summon conditions that are looser than Sidera and self-cost sunbre.
The potential to travel to the main deck, but the impression is that there are many on the side deck.
japan ラピス
2018/07/23 1:53
Yugioh Icon
This is broken...
japan ファンデッカー
2018/07/21 16:45
Yugioh Icon
Why is this normal, that is the biggest question of this pack. so strong.
Even though he can't go first, is the 2,600 RBI suddenly coming in as shocking as a goal? In addition, it is versatile enough to be exchanged 1:1 or more with any card in a free chain. It goes into every deck of his, not just the dino wrestler.
Since the effect is self-contained, it seems that he will continue to play an active role as a representative of high RBI.
His Photon Slasher and Cyber Dragon, which are simple representatives of Special Summon, are differentiated by their level, attributes, theme, etc. Whichever you choose will always come in as a strong option.
It's no exaggeration to say that it's a performance that could break the game balance, with a maximum rating of 10 points.
japan TK
2018/07/18 15:03
Yugioh Icon
It's going to rot in the first place, but with this card's performance, it can't be helped.
As a general-purpose removal, he is inferior to Kaiju against monsters, but this one is significantly superior in terms of responsiveness and usage. It depends on the environment and the opponent, but there is no loss if you put it on the side.
It works well with his deck, which increases the number of elites and sandbags on the opponent's field. For example, he can leave things like Sky Striker's area zero target combos, and if they get in the way, he can leave whenever he wants.
japan kamaboko
2018/07/17 15:19
Yugioh Icon
It has a loose Special Summon, a free chain removal effect, and high ATK and versatility to enter any deck.
This single card can deal with decks that are not good at large monsters and his continuous traps.
Inspect Border, which is often used in Meta Beat, can also be defeated unilaterally.
Recently, 《Called by the Grave》is mentioned as a normal and powerful card, but this card is also rated as powerful for its rarity.
japan ブラスター
2018/07/17 14:49
Yugioh Icon
It has a high RBI that surpasses Sidera, a low-cost Flice removal, and a performance that makes Sidera teary-eyed.
japan ヒコモン
2018/07/17 12:26
Yugioh Icon
A new level 7 semi-advanced monster that allows him to Special Summon with looser conditions than Sydra. Moreover, although it is necessary to Release a "Dinowrestler" monster, it can destroy any card on the opponent's field regardless of type. You can release yourself, so it is convenient as a removal staff on a business trip. Dynawrestler is still a theme from now on, so it will be easier to use with pure Dynawrestler by enhancing it in the future. It's not surprising that it's rare, but it's good that it's normal and easy to get for some reason.
japan シエスタ
2018/07/17 9:02
Yugioh Icon
A: What is a dino wrestler? B: Oh! Is that a Pankratops?
A big game that belongs to the not-so-good dinosaur wrestlers.
It requires the presence of monsters on the opponent's field, but if there are more monsters than your own field, it can be deployed even if there are already monsters, and it has a looser deployment effect than Sidera.
With loose conditions, he can special summon, but the RBI is as high as 2600, and although he requires a board add, he has Friche's removal, and he himself can also be a cost. He seems to have strengthened.
Material personnel, attackers, removal, interference... It's extremely versatile.
As a result, the dyno wrestler makes this guy the main axis rather than linking poorly.
In other words, it is stronger to use it as a general purpose than a dyna wrestler. Especially if it's a dinosaur with many means to pull.
It's hard to function in the first place and it's not all-purpose, but it's definitely a card with a very high performance on its own.
japan 究極
2018/07/16 22:47
Yugioh Icon
Aside from the synergistic relationship, it is a super power card that will definitely play an active role in any deck.
japan アルバ
2018/07/16 21:00
Yugioh Icon
A super-powered general-purpose card that suddenly appeared in Dinowrestler.
It has a high RBI that makes it hard to believe that it comes out under the same conditions as Mandrago.
In addition, it has a tremendous effect of releasing itself in a free chain and destroying monsters, spells, and traps regardless of their type and front and back.
A high-spec card that you wouldn't expect to come out of a normal monster pack.
japan exa
2018/07/16 0:44
Yugioh Icon
Due to the Special Summon conditions, it cannot be used in the first attack, and it does not have the power to prevent the first attack deployment like a hand trigger, but...
2600 comes out easily without making a chain block. A half-baked figurine monster can be KOed from the second attack, and while it is a powerful removal card that does not matter the type of card in the free chain, it does not allow ordinary enemies to destroy it in battle. Since it is a normal card, it may dominate the casual environment.
japan ABYSS
2018/07/16 0:24
Yugioh Icon
It's clear that the rarity and strength are not proportional.
His Evilswarm Mandrago effect, which is even looser than Cyber Dragon, can be deployed with 2600 RBI and free chain elimination that can cost itself, and it is quite an excellent performance as a general-purpose monster, not to mention Dino Wrestler and his Dinosaur.
As expected, it's set to level 7 so that it can't be searched with Fossil Dig, but...
It's a complete power card, and a great one with specs that can travel to any deck on its own.
Normal with this spec...
japan 備長炭18
2018/07/15 11:10
Yugioh Icon
As with Evilswarm Mandragora, if there are even one opponent's monsters, he is a top-class Dinosaur with 2600 RBI that can be Special Summoned, and can be triggered and removed immediately by releasing the Dinar Wrestler on the field. Since it is not a text that says "other than yourself", you can also use yourself as a cost.
It's easy to rot in the first attack, but when the opponent deploys the second attack, it pops out without forming a chain, and with its own RBI, it knocks down a suppressed monster that has a certain amount of ATK, and it's a card that tries to prevent it. It is very cunning and reliable to run away while removing Friche.
In addition, although it is said that it is easy to spoil with the first attack, it can be said that it will not spoil if you attack second. ...I don't even know what I'm talking about.
Among the dyna wrestlers that came out this time, he has gained versatility in exchange for throwing away combos within the theme, and has been on business trips to many duelists as a regular side card.
It says "Called by the Grave".
japan カンベイ
2018/07/15 9:19
Yugioh Icon
Summoning rules that allow Special Summon with looser conditions than "Cyber Dragon", sufficient ATK to break through high-level monsters in battle, and releasing "self" to activate the opponent's "card" in "free chain" It has high power as an abundant general-purpose card that completely self-contains its removal effect.
It's unimaginable in an era when Exiled Force and his Cyber Dragon were valued as "must-have-in-the-deck all-purpose cards."
However, from the fact that the appearance of this card has not made a fuss among today's duelists, it is clear that the current Yu-Gi-Oh environment is not the kind of card that is required. be.
Addendum: I said something like that, but no matter how I looked at it, it was too broken and ended up being thrown into every possible deck of his.
japan わがじゃん
2018/07/15 6:40
Yugioh Icon
It's plain, but it was a completely general-purpose business trip part.
Mr. GO Onizuka's new category, which no one looked at, was actually powerful. In the first place, with the same conditions as "Evilswarm Mandragora", his ATK 2600 is as good as his Special Summon, and it's completely broken that he can hit "Raigeki Break" himself as a cost. A piece that makes you feel that the times have changed.
japan wairo
2018/07/14 15:37
Yugioh Icon
A great card with built-in Friche removal in the pseudo-Sidler effect
Is it reasonable to use it as a general-purpose card because it doesn't have a particularly good compatibility with other Dinowrestlers?
Since it corresponds to Oviraptor and 《Double Evolution Pill》, it may be good to use it as a member of the Dinosaur Deck.
japan shiro
2018/07/14 13:34
Yugioh Icon
A card that only has plain strong things written on it
Special Summon can be looser than Sidera, and the RBI is perfect beyond the ace line. In addition, I brought the destruction of Friche
It is a level that can be used as a general-purpose card normally
japan はやとちり
2018/07/14 13:23
Yugioh Icon
A terrible performance that such a card is allowed if inflation is extreme. 2600 that can Special Summon with looser conditions than Cyber Dragon, which alone is amazing, but it also has a free chain effect that can destroy any card. In other words, with this card alone, you can transform into Raigeki Break that costs nothing and can be activated immediately. It doesn't even hang on Skidre Macro. It has the performance to fit into any deck. The Good Stuff Deck could take a new evolution with this card. I can't give anything other than 10 points because I don't have any flaws.
japan 京太
2018/07/14 11:02
Yugioh Icon
Child of Friche removal
Performance is on par with Suraire.
By the way, Master Duel is semi-restricted.
japan とき
2018/07/14 10:59
Yugioh Icon
Triceratops pankration.
When there are more monsters on the opponent's field than he has, he has an effect that allows him to Special Summon, and a triggered instant effect that allows him to release Dinowrestler and destroy that opponent's card.
In Dinowrestler, the effect of wrestling suppresses the opponent's deployment, so the Special Summon effect is a little difficult to use, but it has a certain significance as a removal role that Dinowrestler lacks. However, Dinowrestler is not a category with high development potential, so it may be possible to release yourself for removal effects.
Rather, this card has the potential to shine in general use. His Special Summon conditions are looser than Sydra's, but he has 2600 hit points, and by releasing himself, he can remove the triggered immediate effect, which is extremely powerful. As a semi-advanced monster, it is the highest level monster, and is an ideal hitter who can hit while keeping a check.
japan かどまん
2023/10/04 20:27
Yugioh Icon
japan あまちょこ
2024/05/23 23:17
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japan こいこい
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japan 脳筋中毒者
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japan 2020/12/18 9:38
Wrestlers who absolutely exchange 1-1
An interesting card that needs to be used wisely to expect more than that.
What really hurts is that Altergeist is the only solution to the unreasonable countermeasures of opponents who are limited to imperial orders, skidre, and Macro Cosmos, but it was the only solution sleeping in Deck, but it became a limitation. I've never been violent in the environment, but I wonder why? It's not the kind of card that can win with just one card, but it seems that Konami's sideboard Pancra was dominating the environment... well, that's impossible. Who is it? Is there hope in despair (decree and VFD)? The answer can only be found in the duel Hey, duel (While holding the Virtual World)

Decks with "Dinowrestler Pankratops"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
SOUL FUSION SOFU-JP009 2018-07-14 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 181 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 133,531
Type "Dinosaur" Type Best Monster Ranking 2nd
Card Type "Effect Monster" Best Card Ranking 75th
Level 7 Best Monster Ranking 2nd
Card Type "Monster" Best Card Ranking 74th
Attribute "EARTH" Best Monster Ranking 11th


Japanese card name ダイナレスラー・パンクラトプス

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