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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Yu-Gi-Oh! THE DARK SIDE OF DIMENSIONS MOVIE PACK > Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord

Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord Used Deck

Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 10 Fiend 3000 0
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by revealing 3 other "Cubic" cards in your hand with different names, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Unaffected by other monsters' activated effects, whose original ATK is 3000 or less. When this attacking card destroys a monster by battle: You can activate this effect; this card can make a second attack during this Battle Phase. During your End Phase: Each player takes 3000 damage. You can only use this effect of "Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord" once per turn.
Average Rating Score 9.2(26)
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  2. Card Reviews (26 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord (83 Decks)
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"Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord" card reviews and rating scores

80% (21)
19% (5)
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japan C/ゾンマス蒼血重点
2023/06/19 10:54
Yugioh Icon
Cubic's ace monster, and the whole Cubic Deck depends on this card.
He can Special Summon on the condition that he reveals 3 different Cubic cards in his hand. A large portion of the deck needs to be dyed with Cubic theme cards, but if you specialize, you can say that the conditions are very loose. Also, since cards with the same name cannot be disclosed, there is no name such as Turn 1, so if all the cards in your hand are Cubic cards, scenes such as 1 turn 2 Nova or 1 turn 3 Nova will often become a reality.
As for performance, he has high attack performance with ATK 3000, resistance to effects from monsters with the same ATK or lower, consecutive attacks, and 3000 burns in the end phase. While other Cubic monsters have complicated relationships and effects that are difficult to handle, it is a very easy-to-use murderous card that just hits and burns to finish off, and it is like Strong Zero that makes you forget your anxiety. I hear that there are quite a few Cubic users who are attracted to the strong style and love it.
It should be noted that the burn in the end phase is an effect that can realistically cause a draw, as it is "a huge amount of damage", "a forced effect", and "takes damage at the same time". You can avoid self-destruction by using the effects of Cubic monsters or using it as material for Xyz Link, but it may be better to choose a draw against a disadvantaged opponent. It is rare in Yu-Gi-Oh to have a value judgment between draws. If you're going into a match with Cubic, it's a good idea to do your homework so you can take into account your opponent's side-ins and your own side-ins.
japan asd
2023/01/28 13:39
Yugioh Icon
A card close to his current Cubic raison d'etre.
Combined with 《Cubic Wave》, his overwhelming ATK and Burn can wipe out the opponent's LP in an instant.
It will require 3 types of his Cubic cards in your hand, so it will be difficult to use only his powerful Cubic cards and it will be almost pure construction.
japan 【E-HERO】愛用中クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2022/01/01 23:03
Yugioh Icon
"Actually, this is a product of the 9th term." And one of my top 5 favorites.
Illustrations with murderous intent, and effects that go well with them, show the opponent hell.
The method I use to deploy him in the Deck is: 〖Play 《Summoner Monk》from your hand, and with its effect, discard 《Cubic Karma》from your hand and play 《Duza the Meteor Cubic Vessel》from the Deck. As an effect, he sends the second 《Cubic Karma》from the deck to GY. Remove 2 《Cubic Karma》from GY and add 2 《Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord》from Deck to your hand. Use 2 monsters on the field to Xyz Summon Number 60: Dugares the Timeless, use 2 units, and use ``I draw 2 cards from his Deck, then choose 1 card from my hand and discard it. Skip the." effect. Accumulate "Cubic" cards with the cards you draw, and if you have 3 "Cubic" cards in your hand at that time, show them to your opponent. 〗. (If you have 《Summoner Monk》, 《Cubic Karma》and two 《Cubic》cards in your hand, you can get at least one.)
With 3000 hit points, it is possible to hit up to 2 consecutive hits, and if there is a super powerful card called "Cubic Wave" that can amplify the murderous intent, it will reach 6000 hit points. As such, most of his deck opponents should be able to bring him to near death. And with the effect of "(3): Activated during your End Phase. Deal 3000 damage to both players." Even if you try to negate the effect, it will be repelled by the effect of "(1): This card is not affected by the effect of a monster whose original ATK is 3000 or less other than this card." …In other words, 《Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit》and 《Effect Veiler》do not work. (If it stops during the development process until then, it's over...) The point to note is that the end phase's explosion effect will also damage you, so you want to maintain your LP. (If possible, it is recommended to play 2 《Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord》from the 2nd turn and attack on the second turn.)
Although it doesn't reach the environmental level, Aigamo (Aigami) used it in the movie, so it seems that it is relatively well known. The deck can be built for 2000-3000 yen, so it's fairly money-friendly.
japan tierraの供物
2021/06/23 15:25
Yugioh Icon
A god with a lot of effects. After playing this guy on the first turn of the second attack, he strengthened with Cubic, doubled his RBI with Cubic Wave, and hit it, and I won! ! It was strong to do.
Even now, the number of monsters with his ATK of 3000 or more is limited, and if you can get it out, you can have an overwhelming presence. I wonder if it's become too much
japan 死なない男
2021/02/16 19:49
Yugioh Icon
Cubic finisher.
In his hand, he can Special Summon just by showing his opponent 3 types of Cubic cards, so he is extremely strong against bounces.
The burn effect is also very heavy at 3000,
Regardless of whether you win or lose, when this guy is on the field, it often ends in one turn.
Also, it is troublesome that he is not affected by monster effects with ATK of 3000 or less, and although he is weak against Spell Trap, it can be said that he is sufficiently dependable.
japan サイバー流伝承したい
2021/01/19 17:07
Yugioh Icon
Cubic beasts and Cubic Monarchs are nothing more than personnel who show off their basic monsters. Ace in Cubic enough to say.
I think it's a card with a level of explosive power comparable to Cyber's style.
japan gaya
2020/10/08 21:50
Yugioh Icon
A killer with an unusually high kill performance. Cubic Deck is easy to put out, so it's easy to line up 3 cards in one turn. Strong against monsters, but weak against spells and traps is a fatal weakness.
japan ティンダングルの慟哭
2020/09/08 19:15
Yugioh Icon
mass of murderous intent
Increases firepower with wave motion, crushes the opponent from the front, and purifies with burn light.
It has a high resistance to monster effects, but is powerless against traps and spells, so be careful.
As a weak point, it can not be removed except for battle destruction, so it is not compatible with destruction resistance without wave.
I would like to secure a separate removal method such as Kaiju.
As mentioned above, it is vulnerable to Spell Trap, so I would like to combine it with back removal such as Light and Feather, but if the number of non-theme cards increases, the accident rate will increase and it will not be in play in the first place.
Contrary to flashiness, his deck construction is delicate.
japan 闇を彷徨う彗星
2019/07/06 22:25
Yugioh Icon
Cubic's trump card full of murderous intent.
Monsters have extremely strong resistance, continuous attacks with battle destruction, 3000 damage to each other at your end, and simple but terrifying effects.
The Special Summon condition is also very easy, just revealing three types of Cubic cards. Since you can search as many as you want in the Cubic industry, it's not difficult to add them to your hand. If you carelessly put it out, you will be blown away with yourself, so be careful where you put it out. However, since it's level 10, it's not like you can't Xyz.
As for its weakness, it has zero resistance to effects other than monsters, so whether it's a Mirafo or a black hole, if you get hit by it, you'll easily fall down. As a result, depending on the opponent's deck, he may not be active at all and may be slaughtered.
This monster is a short-term decisive battle type, so do it before it gets killed, will be the basic style after all.
japan ジュウテツ
2019/03/22 11:40
Yugioh Icon
It's a Special Summon monster, but if it's a "Cubic" deck, he can Special Summon with loose conditions, so I don't think there's a problem.
I think the effect of (1), which is unaffected by the effects of most monsters, is really excellent.
(2) Consecutive attacks are also easy to satisfy because his ATK is high.
The burn damage of (3) is quite large, but I think you need to be careful because it also affects you and has a compulsory effect.
japan アキ
2018/12/17 23:49
Yugioh Icon
A monster full of murderous intent that gives conditional continuous attacks and 3000 burns to each other. Unlike "Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon", he can Special Summon multiple bodies in one turn, has resistance to monster effects with ATK of 3000 or less, and has 0 defense, so it is easy to collect with "Recurring Nightmare". Troublesome. The downside is that you also get 3000 burns, so there is a risk of self-destruction.
japan シエスタ
2018/04/27 9:12
Yugioh Icon
Cubic Ace.
Due to the different summoning conditions from his other Cubics, he can be summoned easily by increasing his Cubic ratio on the Deck, while many Cubics do not function on their own, making them more prone to accidents.
This card itself supports Karma, Nightmare, 《Fusion Conscription》, etc., so there are plenty of search methods.
As a Cubic, it has a high hit point, and if it is destroyed in battle, it will deal 3000 damage per end in addition to continuous attacks, making it extremely murderous.
Cubic has highly explosive supports such as Karma and Wave, so if you combine them, you can quickly aim for the end of the game. Or rather, this murderous intent is the selling point of his Cubic itself.
It also has monster effect resistance up to a certain range. Its range is also wide, and depending on the opponent, it will demonstrate the goodness of holding more than Trinity.
It's not uncommon to have hit points higher than this card, so I'd like to use this explosive power without overconfidence.
It's a card with strong quirks, but with the performance that matches it.
japan A
2017/12/12 10:33
Yugioh Icon
A card that only thinks about killing
With the Cubic Deck, searching and special summons are easy, so it's not uncommon for two to line up.
I want to be careful only where it is powerless against permanent effects
japan Yuhfa
2016/06/22 18:58
Yugioh Icon
An overwhelming physical and pushy ace who only thinks about crushing the opponent. Despite being a top-class monster, it's easy to cast, and even if it's destroyed, it can be salvaged with Recurring Nightmare. Buster Gundyle's ATK 3000 attack is also a threat, but I'm scared of popping out here. It's Cubic's trump card, and it's no exaggeration to say that it's a wonderful card full of murderous intent. It's my favorite card.
japan れい
2016/06/21 0:34
Yugioh Icon
strong point
The biggest reason for building "Cubic" is the existence of this card.
In a nutshell, Junon was extremely murderous in the 9th gen.
All specs are focused on scraping the opponent's LP without waste, and 8000 LP can be easily wiped off by simply stacking one "Cubic" Spell card on top of this.
It's strong against most of the preceding figurine monsters such as Extrio, Sideline Infinity, Cyfleet, and recently ABC, and his Deck, which uses monsters to dominate the field, can be practically jammed with just this one card.
It is also good that Special Summon itself is easy to target to some extent due to the presence of Douza and his Cubic industry.
weak point
It can be easily removed from non-monster effects, so it's a little tough against decks with strong traps. Also, there must be a total of 4 cards and 3 types of Cubic, including this card, and inevitably it is necessary to increase the number of "Cubic" cards in the construction stage, which inevitably leads to the danger of card mishaps.
If you can get through this card, you will definitely get closer to victory, so you want to be careful when removing face down.
japan せいばー
2016/06/18 22:22
Yugioh Icon
Since there is a named fusion, there are many ways to search for cards, such as dropping it with E HERO Prisoner and recovering it with 《Recurring Nightmare》because its DEF is 0.
On top of that, a card full of murderous intent that attacks twice for 3000 burns
japan アームド強化来
2016/06/02 6:49
Yugioh Icon
If you look only at the burn, the performance is at the level where the burn card so far is teary eyed
Only 1000 points to half of the initial LP just by entering one shot is amazing
If the opponent destroyed in battle is his Attack Position and he has ATK 1000 or less, a single turn 1 kill will be established.
what is this? May I add one more disadvantage?
japan カンノーネ
2016/05/12 12:14
Yugioh Icon
You're faster than 《Judgment Dragon》! A trump card with specs that makes you want to say. Very bad against the sinful nature of getting less and less Cubic in your hand as you strip down your deck, but still strong
It is a sub-white dragon teary-eyed resistance and considerable murderous intent that it is not affected by the effect of his ATK of 3000 or less at the end of both continuous attacks.
One of its charms is that it can be dropped with Prismer thanks to its name, and can be handled with 《Allure of Darkness》or 《Recurring Nightmare》because it has 0 dark defense.
japan ABYSS
2016/05/12 0:31
Yugioh Icon
Cubic's ace with over-specification strength. As long as the summoning conditions can be cleared, there are no turn restrictions, so multiple deployments are possible, and it has strong resistance to monster effects.
On top of that, in addition to the attack performance full of murderous intent that is the same as the beginning of continuous attacks from 3000 RBI, it is a crazy guy with 3000 burns at the end.
Furthermore, he can bring him into the one-kill range by strengthening with Cubic and 《Cubic Wave》.
Trinity's fusion material can also be used, and Prismer's GY drop and 《Fusion Conscription》search are also supported, making it easy to use for its strength.
Cubic should be based on this card and Trinity.
japan Meteor
2016/05/05 20:35
Yugioh Icon
Brain muscle + Super resistance... Mbipa... Ugh! My head is...
It hurts to receive 3000 myself
japan とき
2016/04/23 23:50
Yugioh Icon
The lower class Cubic is a decoration, and with this card and Trinity alone, Aigami seems to be the final boss, and he is the core of Cubic and the absolute ace.
Or rather, his Cubic without this card is so miserable that I can't even look at it.
Collecting his Cubic in hand would be his Cubic business via Duza. There are many types of monsters to begin with, so it's also a good idea to build a highlander-like build.
This card itself can be collected in the same way, and can also be salvaged with 《Recurring Nightmare》. Therefore, the handling should have reached a level where you can fight somehow.
Once on the field, he is extremely strong against monster effects, and his continuous attack effect and large firepower burn can grind down his LP. Spell Trap has an instant death, so make sure you split the back.
japan 怪盗七夜月
2016/04/23 23:49
Yugioh Icon
It is a main strength card and has strong resistance. Unlike subwhite dragons, there is no turn limit, so multiple summons are possible in one turn. GY's 3000 burn hurts though.
japan メンタル豆腐デーモン
2016/04/23 15:37
Yugioh Icon
Cubic Trump
With the opening effect and 3000 burns, the opponent's LP can be greatly reduced
If the opponent's LP is 3000 or less, the game ends without doing anything.
Since it corresponds to 《Recurring Nightmare》, you can drop it to GY and collect 2 cards to develop or fuse.
japan プンプン丸
2016/04/23 14:36
Yugioh Icon
In the "Hosei" Deck, he can Special Summon just by showing 3 "Hosei" monsters, which are the cards that will be the main force. "Since all "Hosei" monsters have 0 defense,
GY is fertilized at once with ``name reasoning'' and search with or GY's to set up the scene well, line up multiple of these cards, and have ② continuous attack and ③ 3000 burn, further level Since it's 10, I think I can make Gustav Max and make a Burn deck or something...
japan ねこーら
2023/08/23 22:44
Yugioh Icon
japan 波切
2024/01/21 5:12
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 1,360 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 70,377
Type "Fiend" Type Best Monster Ranking 75th
Level 10 Best Monster Ranking 33rd


Japanese card name 暗黒方界神クリムゾン・ノヴァ

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