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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > DUEL TERMINAL - Invasion of the Invels! -LIMITED EDITION 1 > Gishki Chain

Gishki Chain Used Deck

Gishki Chain
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 4 Sea Serpent 1800 1000
If this card is Normal Summoned: Look at the top 3 cards of your Deck, you can reveal 1 Ritual Monster or 1 Ritual Spell Card among them and add it to your hand, also after that, place any remaining cards on the top of your Deck in any order.
Average Rating Score 6.5(21)
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"Gishki Chain" card reviews and rating scores

9% (2)
33% (7)
52% (11)
4% (1)
0% (0)

japan シエスタ
2020/12/04 17:49
Yugioh Icon
The predecessor of Kano Chain. There are vestiges of the Deck top operation.
Compared to Manju and Sonic, it has more hitting points, but the essential search effect is uncertain.
He's a Gishki that focuses on ritual summoning and has effects on the top of the deck, but since there are many searchers with more certainty, summoning rights can't be used for such a thing.
As is often said, due to the influence of restrictions on manju and others, he was once employed by Nekroz as a follow-up, but now those restrictions have also been lifted.
Even though there are differences in attributes, does it pale in comparison to certainty?
It's not without its own unique advantages, but I wonder if considerable ingenuity is required for operation.
japan アルバ
2020/12/03 23:11
Yugioh Icon
In his prime, he hired Nekroz to keep himself at the top of the environment after Manjusenju was put to a limit and the ritual world was barren.
It seems that he didn't have much influence on Gishki because he didn't even enter Manju from the beginning.
Looking at it as a search, he has a high gambling factor, and he has a biased ratio like Nekroz, so he can't be used effectively unless it's a deck.
Even if you win a gamble, you can only add one card to your hand, so if you can't make use of the top operation, it can't be a reason to prioritize it over Manju Senju.
And he doesn't get along very well with Gishki.
japan 備長炭18
2018/02/18 11:34
Yugioh Icon
I still see it occasionally at Nekroz. Really once in a while.
The adoption rate at Gishki is...
japan カンノーネ
2015/08/21 9:26
Yugioh Icon
Chains that are not Laval
I wonder if it got a little attention due to Manju regulation
The person who changed the name of my 《Convulsion of Nature》Deck to 《Convulsion of Nature》Nekroz.
Convulsion of Nature》Deck that adopts the ritual is stupidly convenient because it can be searched and strengthened. However, when I put it out on my first hand, he gave me a disgusted look as if he was Nekroz.
Even if you can search for ritual cards, it is rare that the top operation becomes hopeless.
japan ラギアの使徒
2015/01/18 18:27
Yugioh Icon
It has been excavated as an alternative due to the regulation of 《Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands》. Although it is harder to handle than 《Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands》, it can be said that [Nekroz] is a good substitute for Ritual Monsters and Ritual Spells. On the other hand, the conventional Ritual Deck, which has been devastated by this revision, has a low ratio of Ritual Monsters and Spells, and cannot be used much.
japan シャイニング
2015/01/03 18:06
Yugioh Icon
A monster that has been raised in price or hired by Nekroz.
Masmati and choice, but his Nekroz actually has a high percentage of his Ritual Monsters, so this adoption is more than enough. Each Nekroz itself has effects like her Spell/Trap in Friche, so the Spell/Trap percentage is low.
japan 幻獣先輩
2015/01/03 0:58
Yugioh Icon
A former NEET who followed in his senior's footsteps and got a job at Nekroz. In addition, it seems that he was fired by Gishki because he didn't put Senjumanju in the first place and had little impact on the revision.
Hungry for the search, he's a new frontier for Nekroz. Searching is a ritual, and Nekroz has a high chance of searching.
Currently competing with Masmati for a frame. Which way is correct?
It's not right when Nekroz is here, so merge with Laval now!
japan ファイア野郎
2015/01/01 19:46
Yugioh Icon
A monster that takes in Laval later and increases versatility at once.
A card that allows deck manipulation and ritual searches.
However, it is difficult to have Manjugod that can be reliably searched under the same conditions.
However, other Ritual Search Cards, including that one,
Since it became a restricted card, it has been attracting attention as a substitute,
Before and after the change, the price will soar.
Even if you can't search, you can use her summoning power to operate her deck and become an attacker,
It's a card that can be used in Gishki.
japan London
2014/12/23 13:02
Yugioh Icon
A new companion for Nekroz. The effect is to add either Ritual Spell or a monster from the top 3 cards, and although it is not as good as Senju or Manju, in Nekroz, most of his decks are Ritual Monsters or Ritual Spells, so this kid is usually competent.
Let's forget Senju and Manju and start doing bad things with 《Gishki Chain》!
japan ナル参照
2014/08/07 2:11
Yugioh Icon
Seahorse. A child who will later be absorbed by Laval and become a general-purpose child.
Excellent 18 points as an attacker. It's not bad at all if you add more deck top operations and rituals to your hand.
However, for Gishki, if you want to add ritual-related cards to your hand, Shadow or Vision should be fine....I'd also recommend giving Abyss the right to summon.
If so, will we still be focusing on Deck top controls? Legia is the only one that has a similar top control effect.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/10 12:00
Yugioh Icon
A card with his relatively high ATK. Can perform pseudo Ritual Spell/Ritual Monster search.
However, it is easy to search with Shadow and Vision, and I want to use summoning rights for Beast and Abyss, who earn an advantage as much as possible, so I honestly don't have a slot to adopt. His business trip to Deck other than Gishki is also interesting, but the wall of Manju that can definitely be searched stands in the way.
japan みかんゼリー
2012/11/06 18:32
Yugioh Icon
Perhaps the biggest rival will be Manjugot.
However, this one has 1800 RBIs and can also be an attacker, and above all, it is superior in that it can receive support such as Abyss.
On the other hand, it lacks stability compared to Manju, so it's both.
japan とき
2011/01/09 10:51
Yugioh Icon
With 1800, he can not only act as an attacker with ATK, but can also be a searcher if he is lucky.
Although it depends on luck, it is worth evaluating that it is an attacker and can also be searched.
In Gishki, it's easier to use Abyss and Aerial search, and Noelia's GY Fertilization is easier to use, but Nekroz, who has a high ratio of Ritual Monsters in his Deck, has noticed its performance and its value has skyrocketed. One piece.
Other than that, since it's Spellbook Organization (Updated from: Pigeonholing Books of Spell) internal organs, it's possible that he can't be used in a Deck top control deck.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/12 21:46
Yugioh Icon
A ritual support card with an airman-like idea. ATK is also Airman.
In Yu-Gi-Oh, where Droso is scarce, just looking at 3 cards and changing the order is worth it, and if there is a ritual relationship among them, it will be profitable.
The difference from Manju, who is sure to pull, is the presence of a searcher called Abyss Aerial and 1800 RBI.
In the past, he had a search that didn't use summoning rights, so he didn't have a seat in Gishki, and Manju was enough for ritual searches,
He uses Ritual Monsters like spells, and he has more opportunities to play an active role due to Nekroz's attention, and Manju Senju's restrictions.
japan 想夢
2010/08/05 22:39
Yugioh Icon
Attackers who benefit from Gishki.
The effect is the monster version of Spellbook Organization (Updated from: Pigeonholing Books of Spell) + search, so it can be used.
Considering the search, Manjugot is more reliable.
japan フッキー
2010/08/05 1:03
Yugioh Icon
With Manjugot, you can definitely search for one, so you don't have to rely on luck with this card. It was different if it was a salvage target.
If you use it, it's a deck that makes the most of simply changing the order of his deck. This looks interesting.
japan 超弩級スライム
2023/08/15 6:20
Yugioh Icon
japan ねこーら
2023/08/14 22:23
Yugioh Icon
japan かどまん
2024/01/03 12:27
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/09/06 14:35
Gishki's attacker.
It's an unstable effect, but if you calculate the probability at the deck creation stage, you can draw with a probability of 75% or more. It's a pity that it doesn't support Special Summon, but it's easy to make a strategy even if you only operate 3 cards.
japan 2013/09/13 18:45
Convulsion of Nature》is used for accident prevention

Decks with "Gishki Chain"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
DUEL TERMINAL - Invasion of the Invels! -LIMITED EDITION 1 DT10-JP017 2010-08-03 Super

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 6,458 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 64,146
Type "Sea Serpent" Type Best Monster Ranking 41st


Japanese card name リチュア・チェイン

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