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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Pharaoh's Servant > Sonic Bird

Sonic Bird Used Deck

Sonic Bird
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 4 Winged Beast 1400 1000
When this card is Normal or Flip Summoned: You can add 1 Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand.
Average Rating Score 5.1(21)
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"Sonic Bird" card reviews and rating scores

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14% (3)
52% (11)
33% (7)
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japan みめっと
2023/02/16 13:14
Yugioh Icon
A low-level Winged Beast monster that is Senjugot's Ritual Spell search version, and the basic stats other than race and attributes match.
Unlike Ritual Monsters, Ritual Spells have few effects that can be activated independently even if you don't have a pair in your hand, so due to the existence of Manju, it has a lower priority than Senju.
I wonder why Senju's paired monster is a speed-crazed bird monster that seems to have nothing to do with rituals, but when I say that, Witch and Sangan and Seimaji and Mask of Darkness are completely different. It's a different thing, and it can't be helped because the selection of the substitute material monsters for the fusion material is a mysterious match.
While Senju becomes a remake monster that is a higher class that expands its own effects such as Manju and Choju, this one is remade in the form of becoming her Ritual Monster.
japan ねこーら
2021/02/16 12:40
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Although it is an effect that is lower than 《Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands》, it is possible to differentiate by race and attribute.
It has a unique position, such as being able to search for 《Wynn the Wind Channeler》and perform ritual summons for 《Conductor of Nephthys》and 《Shinobaron Peacock》.
Is it possible to use a Ritual Spell that excludes itself from GY as a search or hand cost?
japan 備長炭18
2018/02/22 20:55
Yugioh Icon
Normally, it is a card that is backward compatible with Manjugot, but in Spirit Bird, the race and attributes match, and there is a possibility that it can be differentiated from Manju.
Even so, 《Pre-Preparation of Rites》and Manju are more stable, so unless you really want to have a Ritual Spell in your hand, it's basically difficult to use.
japan アルバ
2017/08/27 23:31
Yugioh Icon
It's backward compatible with Manju, but unlike Senju, it doesn't have racial attributes, so it's not completely backward compatible, but it's a big difference.
The Ritual Deck is very accident-prone, so there are plenty of opportunities for Manju from the 4th deck onwards.
Compared to Senju, who only has monsters, his spells themselves are harder to search for, so I feel like this one is slightly better.
When Nekroz was in its heyday, Nekroz was able to search for Ritual Monsters, which allowed him to search for Ritual Spells.
japan ラーメン
2016/10/17 8:59
Yugioh Icon
Although it is backward compatible with Manju, it is a card that has been reconsidered a little with the appearance of Spirit Bird.
It's true that it's Manju's deterioration, but it shouldn't be weak when summoned, and it wouldn't be strange if this was prioritized by Spirit Birds that can share Godova, etc. So far, there have been no scenes where WIND Winged Beast can be used. However, in a sense, this card may be the one that saved me the most with the appearance of Spirit Bird, as I can't use all the lower grade Spirit Birds.
japan ヒコモン
2016/06/30 12:52
Yugioh Icon
A support card that has long supported ritual themes. Since the Ritual Monster card cannot be searched, 《Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands》is backward compatible. Since the attributes and races are different, it is almost no problem to say that they are completely inferior. Unlike 《Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands》and 《Senju of the Thousand Hands》, Nekroz was able to search for 《Nekroz of Clausolas》and immediately search for Ritual Spell, so this card was almost never adopted and escaped regulation. That said, this card isn't weak, so if a powerful ritual theme comes out in the future, it may be adopted.
japan かのん
2015/02/18 13:06
Yugioh Icon
I'm glad that Sonya is getting more and more hired
I wonder why I was the only one left behind in the unlimited area...
Numbers Last Hope》in Deck with no search people other than recent rituals
japan グレイ
2014/12/23 3:49
Yugioh Icon
Ritual Spell search just by summoning.
I'm glad that the magic hand of the regulation this time wasn't directed at this guy. As long as this card is unlimited, we Ritual Deckers will not despair...(´・ω・`)
japan ファイア野郎
2014/09/21 20:25
Yugioh Icon
A card that can search for Ritual Spells.
Since it is backward compatible with Manjugod and has different attribute races,
It is difficult to share support with Ritual Monster more than Senjugod.
Because it is the only versatile ritual search card that is exempt from regulation,
It can be said that the importance of this has increased somewhat.
japan SOUL
2014/03/03 18:37
Yugioh Icon
Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands》from the 4th sheet onwards.
I can't search for monsters, so it's tough not being able to procure the release of Ritual Monsters, but anyway, if I'm focusing on his GY manure for Advanced Ritual Art, it's a candidate for adoption.
japan ペジャング
2013/12/02 18:05
Yugioh Icon
Senjugod of wind and birds and beasts.
I was surprised to be able to line up Garandolf and Damurg with this guy.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/08/28 4:30
Yugioh Icon
Backward compatibility effect of 《Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands》. Unlike "Senju of the Thousand Hands", the attributes and races are different, but it's also a minus that you can't share support because of that. For the time being, there are still few cards that can search Ritual Spell, so it may not be possible to use it as a 《Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands》from the 4th card onwards.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/10 10:55
Yugioh Icon
This is also a deterioration of Manju, just like Senju, but it can still be differentiated due to the different attributes and races. Furthermore, the Ritual Spell search is all-important, and if your deck relies on cards like 《Advanced Ritual Art》, you may want to use it as a manju after the 4th card.
japan みかんゼリー
2012/11/04 15:21
Yugioh Icon
No matter how you look at it, it's Manju's deterioration, so it's OK with Manju.
On top of that, this one isn't an angel, so it's not compatible with 《Herald of Perfection》.
If a powerful Winged Beast Ritual Monster comes out, it might be a little easier to use.
japan NEOS
2011/05/17 14:48
Yugioh Icon
High-ranking Manju exists.
It's not like you can't use it with Senju when you don't have Manju.
With WIND and Winged Beast, it has a different race attribute than the above two.
japan とき
2011/01/09 0:08
Yugioh Icon
A ritual support monster that can search for 1 Ritual Spell when summoned.
Similar to 《Senju of the Thousand Hands》, it is backward compatible with 《Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands》, but Ritual Spell can be salvaged with 《Preparation of Rites》, so it is valuable as a mange after the 4th card.
Especially when Advanced Ritual Art is the cornerstone of your tactics, it's quite possible that Manju isn't enough, so it's worth having it as a support.
For the time being, it is delicious that it is also a +1 ad, but is it only the manju after the 4th one? That said, Ritual Spells are vital in decks that specialize in rituals, so they're worth having.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/10/23 7:11
Yugioh Icon
Don't say degraded manju...
I can do Godova, but I don't have a Ritual Monster who can share Godova, so I'm a little narrow...
It's better than Manju because it brings higher grades, but I'm not an angel, so I can't use it as a cost for Perdek...
japan 想夢
2010/08/06 8:14
Yugioh Icon
Ritual Spell version of Manju Gott after the 4th one.
Like Senju Gott,
I can't expect it to be an RBI, so if I summon
I think it would be good to make it a Ritual Summoning Tribute soon.
japan asd
2024/05/23 13:04
Yugioh Icon
japan かどまん
2024/05/23 9:45
Yugioh Icon
japan 2010/08/28 1:23
Since Preparation of Rites doesn't support Ritual Spell searches from his deck, it still has more room for adoption than Senju of the Thousand Hands.
If you think 《Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands》is not enough.

Decks with "Sonic Bird"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 BE1-JP056 2004-06-24 Normal
DUEL TERMINAL - Invasion of the Invels! -LIMITED EDITION 1 DT10-JP002 2010-08-03 Normal
Pharaoh's Servant PS-42 2000-07-13 Normal
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 (7th period) BE01-JP051 2011-05-14 Normal
Duel Royale Deck Set EX DR01-JPB12 2021-07-10 Normal
DUEL ROYALE Deck Set EX ROUND2 DR02-JPC07 2022-04-29 Normal
STRUCTURE DECK - Pegasus J. Crawford hen - PE-21 2002-03-21 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 8,592 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 45,888


Japanese card name ソニックバード

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