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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Duelist Pack - Edo hen - > Destiny Draw

Destiny Draw Used Deck

Destiny Draw
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Spell - - - - -
Discard 1 "Destiny HERO" card; draw 2 cards.
Average Rating Score 9.2(24)
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  3. Decks with Destiny Draw (227 Decks)
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"Destiny Draw" card reviews and rating scores

79% (19)
20% (5)
0% (0)
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0% (0)

japan ブルーバード
2022/11/07 13:41
Yugioh Icon
At first glance, he has 0 points, but in reality, he becomes an explosive ad by discarding cards that are convenient for him in GY, such as Disk Guy, Dash Guy, and Diabolic Guy. No cards to discard? If you don't have it in your hand, you can get it from Airman!
It has also been abused and regulated by Dogma Blade.
japan みめっと
2022/04/11 7:10
Yugioh Icon
A hand-swap card that expands the range of D's activities to the extent that this card can be said to be the spell card that discards one and draws two.
After all, D already had monsters with his GY effect, such as Diabo and Disk, and Blue D, Dread, and Dogma, which tended to rot in his hand when he couldn't put them out, so it was a great way to get rid of them effectively.
The biggest difference from similar effects currently appearing is that there is no additional effect, but there is no name Turn 1, so you can swap your hand around and hit a deadly blow with a burn with a Trap card or the like. It was done.
It's the real pleasure of unadjusted (no name turn 1) draw cards without additives (additional effects).
japan ねこーら
2022/04/11 1:39
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: A card exchange card that can send monsters that are effective in GY to her GY.
Since there is no limit on the number of times, if you can prepare D-HERO, which is the cost of your hand, you can fire repeatedly to rotate his Deck.
Since many of them have GY effects or have the effect of reviving them, sending them to GY itself is also an advantage.
If it's [D-HERO], there's no problem with putting in 3 copies.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/26 19:18
Yugioh Icon
D is a theme that uses his GY, so I'm very happy to be able to draw 2 while sending dashes and discs. It's interesting to cut down on the cost with Diamond Guy, but there are monsters like Diabo where he should be in GY, so I want to think about it.
japan アキ
2019/03/17 20:49
Yugioh Icon
Trade-In》limited to D-HERO. On the turn sent to GY, if you discard a Disk Guy that cannot be revived and draw 2 cards, and activate the effect of Dominate Guy or Cross Guy to revive the Disk Guy, he can compress his deck.
It also supports the effect of Diamond Guy, so it might be a good idea to aim for it.
japan もも
2019/01/30 19:07
Yugioh Icon
I like the name and the illustration as well as the strength.
japan シエスタ
2018/10/17 13:00
Yugioh Icon
It is powerful to be able to draw 2 while sending D, who often shows his true value in GY, to his GY, and D itself is a warrior and a HERO, so it is easy to search, and it also supports temptation and (part 1) train, so it used to be. I even went on a business trip to his Deck, which is not a D center.
It's also a good target for Diamond Guy.
However, not all of them are compatible with D, and Diavo is more likely to draw a Diabo in the deck because of its draw, so there is more than a little accident.
It's a good Droso, but with the increased card pool it feels like it's no longer a must in every D-centric deck.
japan bb
2018/01/19 21:07
Yugioh Icon
A strong draw source that needs no explanation.
It's going to be an unrelated topic, but I wanted Cards for Black Feathers to have this effect as well!
japan なす
2017/08/12 19:12
Yugioh Icon
D-HERO draw source.
I want Dash Guy, Diabolic Guy, and Divine Guy as costs.
If you can activate it from Diamond Guy, it will turn into a pot of greed.
japan EXデッキ焼き
2016/08/12 10:36
Yugioh Icon
A card that allows you to earn explosive ads with D-HERO. I was on a restricted card for a while.
It was a card that didn't drop in price because it was a card that would be piled up about 3 times when assembling D-HERO, but this time it was reprinted, but because it was super rare, the price didn't change much.
japan 迷走の聖刻印
2016/02/25 18:19
Yugioh Icon
Will D-HERO be strengthened with Ed's participation?
The D-HERO system is somewhat expensive, so it may be a chance to reprint
A card that draws 2 cards by sending D-HERO to his GY
GY Activate Diabolic Guy, Dash Guy, etc. are likely to be costs
Isn't D-HERO strong?
japan アルバ
2015/06/13 12:50
Yugioh Icon
This type of card is usually a privileged deck for exclusive decks, but D-HERO itself is often convenient for business trips, and perhaps because of Airman's existence, this card also goes on business trips, and despite the original's track record. An unfortunate (?) card that got caught up in regulations.
D-HERO has many cards that he wants to send to GY, and he can send advanced cards that he draws at the timing that causes accidents to GY, so it is very convenient.
Just by sending one card from your hand to GY, you can only draw 2 cards, and there are no drawbacks.
japan ファイア野郎
2015/05/19 19:18
Yugioh Icon
Draw source for D-HERO.
Diabolic Guy, which is effective by sending it to GY,
You can use Dashguy as a cost, or send a level 8 D-HERO to GY,
Satisfying the activation conditions for Overdesteny
A piece that becomes a combo member other than draw.
A piece that was once regulated, probably due to the influence of being abused overseas.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2014/05/10 19:10
Yugioh Icon
A card that has been abused and repeatedly restricted and unrestricted. For “D-HERO”, it is an important card that can be the engine that drives his deck, and there are many cards that work well together, such as “Diabolic Guy”.
japan 環境ヒエー
2014/05/04 8:46
Yugioh Icon
A very good draw source. It has outstanding performance compared to the current draw cards. However, speaking of whether the all-important D-HERO can shine in the current environment...
japan ファナナス
2013/02/09 11:06
Yugioh Icon
D-HERO's pinnacle support card. It's convenient to be able to quickly send Diabolic Guys and Dash Guys to his GY. As a draw source, it has a relatively light disadvantage compared to others.
After going through several restrictions and relaxations, the card has finally returned completely, but D-HERO itself is already...
japan Masuky
2012/11/18 2:16
Yugioh Icon
Valid draw source for D-HERO. After sending blue blood to his GY with this guy and drawing Xyz from Special Summon with Obades, this is how D-HERO uses it now. For the time being, I can see the future becoming quasi again in the next ruling
japan みかんゼリー
2012/10/22 16:30
Yugioh Icon
The draw sauce that D-HERO is proud of.
There was a time when I was restricted to drawing 2 cards, even though I used Discguy, which is now banned, and Diabolic Guy, who had improved in Synchro, to his GY.
And this time, the semi-restriction has been lifted, and it has become unlimited, so everyone who uses D-HERO is a banzai.
japan ナル参照
2012/09/28 20:25
Yugioh Icon
I'm back! But the response is weak...
japan ktm
2011/07/23 17:42
Yugioh Icon
It was a good way to delay the limit orz GY.
japan NEOS
2010/12/24 22:17
Yugioh Icon
It's a sacrifice...you should take care of your other decks...
Destiny HERO has quite a lot of cards to demonstrate with his GY. Additionally, his level 8 Destiny HERO isn't bad with trade-ins.
A lot of cards are based on this card.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/12 22:52
Yugioh Icon
Destiny HERO has fallen victim.
Fall victim to the exploit of discarding Diabolic Guy to draw and rotate...
When I thought about it, I was finally allowed to be semi-restricted.
I wonder if the pros will be happy with this...
japan とき
2010/08/29 14:35
Yugioh Icon
There are many cards in his Destiny HERO, such as the deceased Disk Guy, Diabolic Guy, Dash Guy, Divine Guy, etc.
Its main feature is that it has many general-purpose effects, and this card, which can be sent to his GY and turned into a draw, was also a versatile draw source in that sense.
It used to be a draw source that spins his deck at high speed. The D-HERO itself went wild with Dogma Blade and Ande Synchro, so it was regulated, but now it can be used without restrictions.
Use Dogma, Bloo-D, and Diabolic and Dash in your hand to draw and rotate. Don't forget that if you drop it on her GY with Diamond Guy, it will turn into a pot of greed.
japan かどまん
2024/02/04 18:36
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Destiny Draw"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Duelist Pack - Edo hen - DP05-JP020 2006-10-26 Ultra
DUEL TERMINAL - Dragunity of the Gale! - DT06-JP045 2009-07-01 Normal
DUELIST EDITION Volume 1 DE01-JP159 2012-05-13 Secret
Booster SP-Destiny Soldiers SPDS-JP014 2016-08-06 Super

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 1,360 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 82,398


Japanese card name デステニー・ドロー

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