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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > ACADEMY DUEL DISK Osiris Red > Hidden Armory

Hidden Armory Used Deck

Hidden Armory
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Spell - - - - -
Send the top card of your Deck to the GY; add 1 Equip Spell from your Deck or GY to your hand. You cannot Normal Summon/Set the turn you activate this card.
Average Rating Score 7.9(23)
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  3. Decks with Hidden Armory (323 Decks)
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"Hidden Armory" card reviews and rating scores

26% (6)
60% (14)
13% (3)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan 愛佳
2023/05/03 23:54
Yugioh Icon
Although it has the disadvantage of not being able to Normal Summon, his GY sending at the top of the deck, Equip Spell, Search and Salvage are very good.
Combined with 《Premature Burial》, it goes well with [◯◯ Blade] and Synchro Summons, and since it is a card that comes with a Duel Disk, it was a very expensive card close to 10,000 yen. I will.
The effect of sending the top of the Deck to his GY can also be an advantage, so I'd be happy if 《Mikanko Dance - Mayowashidori》《Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair》"Sky Striker" cards go to GY.
Even with [Takemitsu Sky Striker Ace], he plays the role of accumulating his spell in GY, making it easier to use 《Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights》.
With [Mikanko], who uses a lot of Equip Spells and doesn't have a problem with summoning, it's good to throw in a few copies.
japan ねこーら
2022/06/17 23:53
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: I would like to incorporate it into the movement of Special Summon, considering the compatibility of the point that Normal Summon becomes impossible.
Any Equip Spell can be searched, but the disadvantage of being unable to Normal Summon is quite heavy, and Equip Spells with Special Summon effects often negate their effects.
Searching for Equip Spells doesn't stop the deployment, so it works well in Decks with plenty of Special Summon methods.
Equip Spells that equip monsters as Special Summons cannot be used directly by equipping them to monsters, so this card is worth searching for.
If you search for Equip Spells to equip monsters that Normal Summon, options such as 《Tool Box》will also appear.
japan 超弩級スライム
2022/05/07 8:07
Yugioh Icon
Equip Spell search and salvage cards
Equip Spell can search for anything, and is a valuable access method for Equip Spells that are not subject and have no access.
His Equip Spell, which can Special Summon monsters like DDR, works well because it destroys summoning rights. On the other hand, it doesn't work well with his Equip Spell, which equips already summoned monsters like Evil Eye of Selene, so it's not a card you can easily adopt just because it's an equip theme.
Also, recently there is a way to indirectly search from Isolde to Rinaldo, so the shadow has faded recently.
japan ブルーバード
2021/12/10 19:45
Yugioh Icon
One of the culprits that caused the duel disc competition in an era when the word reselling was unrelated.
Dogma Blade, which was the strongest at the time, and World Trance, were a disgusting card that reduced his LP (reality) to 0 due to the extremely harsh conditions of requiring 3 cards in his Deck. When I think about it now, it makes me feel the flow of the times that this was just the beginning.
It's a card that had a very big impact on the environment, and is it because of this card that 《Premature Burial》and Plunder are still banned? It's so true that it's whispered.
japan tierraの供物
2021/09/27 14:21
Yugioh Icon
Equip Spell A search card for anything. Although Normal Summon is lost, cards with direct access are invaluable for themes that tend to rely on Equip Spells, such as the Phantasm Deck.
Soberly he has the effect of sending the deck top to his GY, so is he excellent in terms of GY fertilizer?
As others have said, the combo with a certain burial card is a nostalgic memory. For the time being, you can still do similar moves with 《D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation》and 《Predapruning》.
japan みめっと
2021/08/31 20:34
Yugioh Icon
At the time, it was one of the "bourgeois cards" that were becoming obsolete in the Yu-Gi-Oh!
With this card, Equip Spell quickly became one of the easiest spell cards to pull and pick up and handle.
However, if you NS, you can't even activate it, and of course you can't NS after activating it, so basically it's a disadvantage that greatly conflicts with the characteristics of Equip Spell, which requires a monster to equip.
And Equip Spell, which can completely ignore such disadvantages, is an Equip Spell that doesn't have a turn 1 name, doesn't require monsters on the field, and because it's a limited card, it has a huge benefit that can be salvaged.
It can be said that his Equip Spell, which has the effect of special summoning monsters that are not equipped to monsters in the field, needs careful adjustment.
japan はやとちり
2020/03/22 1:43
Yugioh Icon
A card that allows you to search and salvage Equip Spells instantly with no ad loss.
However, it has the fatal disadvantage of not being able to Normal Summon that turn.
Decks that fight only with Special Summon are rare, and I think that adopting this card will require a review of deck construction and timing.
Of course, leaving the field for one turn means death, so we need situations where using it is even more beneficial.
However, the effect itself is very powerful, and some of the Equip Spells are one-kill parts, and there are cards that can turn the tide of battle.
japan サンパイ
2020/01/24 17:22
Yugioh Icon
The biggest reason why early burial was banned. Although the disadvantage of not being able to use Normal Summon is painful, there are some decks that he doesn't care about in recent years that rely on Special Summon. A must for his deck that relies on Equip Spells such as Takemitsu.
japan はわわ
2018/03/24 15:46
Yugioh Icon
Normal Summon is impossible and the disadvantage is severe, but he is strong in Equip Spell search or salvage
Equip Spell with SS effect can reduce bad luck
japan なす
2017/07/17 17:16
Yugioh Icon
A spell that can search and salvage Equip Spells while sending Deck Top to her GY instead of Normal Summon.
Normal Summon is painful, but her Equip Spell's search and salvage is powerful as well as GY fertilization. Equip Spell If it's a main axis, I'd like to put it in as much as possible.
japan ヒコモン
2016/06/02 12:34
Yugioh Icon
Versatile Equip Spell search card. Equip Spell itself isn't used much, so it doesn't stand out, but it's a powerful effect that you can search for his Equip Spell by offering the Normal Summon right. He can search not only from the deck but also from GY, so even if he drops an Equip Spell that he wants in GY, it can be recovered. There was a time when it was traded at a very high price because it was on the card that came with the Duel Disk.
japan アルバ
2015/09/12 2:36
Yugioh Icon
An old super expensive card.
Because it was an accessory for the infamous Duel Disk, it was quite expensive.
However, unlike Prismer, the reprint was relatively quick.
Unlike the Prismer, it was after its usefulness had dropped significantly, but...
The guy who buried "Premature Burial" with Brew.
Or rather, what is the decision to issue this when there is 《Premature Burial》?
Versatile Equip Spell search. It can also be salvaged, so it almost never spoils.
However, there is a heavy disadvantage that the summoning right cannot be used, so if you adopt it, you have to think carefully.
Premature Burial》and DDR have a Special Summon effect.
I think he will be noticed again when Equip Spell comes out, as he is quiet now but useful in the future.
japan デッキビルダ~る
2015/05/24 12:02
Yugioh Icon
Used to search and salvage 《Comic Hand》in Toon. If it becomes popular, the price will soar...
If you use it with a mermaid, you don't have to use the summoning right, so you can avoid the disadvantages.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/05 0:32
Yugioh Icon
The restriction of not being able to Normal Summon is quite strict, but since you can search for Equip Spells and fertilize his GY, if Equip Spells are a key card, I'd like to somehow devise ways to use them. It's also possible to collect from GY, so it's okay if the card you want to search falls into his GY when fertilizing GY.
japan みかんゼリー
2013/02/28 1:04
Yugioh Icon
Equip Spell search card. Even though the effect of Premature Burial was powerful, this card pushed the ban to the point where it was finalized, didn't it?
It's painful that you can't Normal Summon, but you can also search for expansion cards such as DDR and 《Supervise》, so depending on the deck, I think it's a very useful card to have.
In the case of Dual, it's also good to fertilize GY shrewdly.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/25 6:07
Yugioh Icon
Equip Spell itself is a trend to avoid, but an excellent card that can search and salvage his Equip Spell. GY sending doesn't bother me that much, but the disadvantage is that it can't be summoned. His Equip Spells like Supervise and DDR are often searched to counteract this disadvantage. Power tools are out now, but this one is excellent in that it doesn't choose the situation or his deck
japan とき
2011/07/09 8:57
Yugioh Icon
Equip Spell's all-purpose search salvasi is very good.
It seems to have lost a lot of value with the banning of Premature Burial, its biggest partner, but it's still usable in his deck where Equip Spell is key.
The disadvantage is quite heavy, so I want to carefully determine when to use it.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/12/05 10:22
Yugioh Icon
Although there are disadvantages, I feel that I will not be able to return the early burial again thanks to this...
Supervise》in Dual, DDR・Fusion Weapon in Gem-Knight, etc.
It's quite convenient to be able to search for equipment you want on a specific deck.
It's a disadvantage that you can't even set it, but you can search for 《Symbol of Heritage》.
japan NEOS
2010/11/27 11:19
Yugioh Icon
Add his Equip Spell from Deck, GY to your hand instead of blocking the summoning chance.
This card is searched for a lot of resurrection cards.
It's Arms, so let's search for weapons...
japan SOUL
2010/08/17 12:27
Yugioh Icon
For searching for Supervis, 《D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation》, and other combo parts.
It is still used today.
I tended to avoid using it due to the restriction that Normal Summon is not possible, but I think it's a good idea to include it and use it when considering this card, as it can unexpectedly blend in with your Deck.
japan asd
2023/09/11 10:19
Yugioh Icon
japan かどまん
2023/12/21 11:33
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/09/13 17:50
Until it was reprinted, it was a sinful card that made players cry for their expensive but powerful Equip Spells, one after another, in a permanent ban cage. It looks like it can still be used at Takemitsu (libidet 《Powerful Rebirth》required)

Decks with "Hidden Armory"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Structure Deck "Warrior's Strike" SD17-JP024 2009-06-20 Normal
ACADEMY DUEL DISK Osiris Red ADDR-JP003 2007-11-23 Ultra
Deck Build Pack Infinity Chasers DBIC-JP042 2019-02-23 Normal
Deck Build Pack Grand Creators DBGC-JP042 2021-08-28 Normal
Deck Build Pack Amazing Defenders DBAD-JP041 2022-08-20 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 3,873 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 114,696


Japanese card name アームズ・ホール

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