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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > ORDER OF CHAOS > Blade Armor Ninja

Blade Armor Ninja Used Deck

Blade Armor Ninja
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Xyz Monster
Effect Monster
- 4 Warrior 2200 1000
2 Level 4 Warrior-Type monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to target 1 "Ninja" monster you control; it can make a second attack during each Battle Phase this turn.
Average Rating Score 8.3(32)
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"Blade Armor Ninja" card reviews and rating scores

40% (13)
46% (15)
12% (4)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan ブルーバード
2022/06/08 11:33
Yugioh Icon
Although he can hit twice with 2200 RBI, Excalibur also has 4000 RBI and there is not much difference in total RBI. It is good to be conscious of raising the RBI and doubling the total RBI.
The famous method is to use Invoker to launch Thousand Blades and get one kill. This combo, called the Invoker Blade, was once very popular as a one-kill combo with two 4-star warriors who don't use summoning rights, such as Death Guide and Photothra.
Taking advantage of the fact that it is a Warrior, it can naturally be used in combination with Isolde.
For some reason, Xyz at the end of the 7th term is rarely reprinted. Although it is cheap, it is an excellent property that can be used for one-kill parts even in modern times, but it is a valuable card, so I would like to have one.
japan シエスタ
2018/10/30 17:26
Yugioh Icon
Ninja …Yorika is an X-attacker who often plays an active role in a warrior deck that is easy to get out of Rank 4.
It's tied to warriors, but warriors are blessed with expansion cards, so summoning is easy.
There are many others with the same rank that are suitable for combat, but the damage race with two attacks that can also be attacked directly, and the high lasting power are selling points.
There is also 《Gagaga Samurai》of the same rank, which has similar effects and does not specify the material, but since it does not have a specified material, the hitting point is even lower, and this point is an important difference in consecutive attacks.
I think that the high performance of this finisher is still excellent.
japan なす
2017/09/06 14:21
Yugioh Icon
Rank 4 that grants the ability to attack twice on Ninjas, including himself.
In Ninja, it can be connected from 《Upstart Golden Ninja》.
It can be expected to play an active role as a finisher and wipe out low-level monsters in a deck that handles warriors other than Ninja because it is tied to materials.
japan ター坊
2016/11/03 6:59
Yugioh Icon
Excalibur, which is made of the same material, has strong rivals such as Dabellion and Hope Lightning, but this one maintains its originality. The double attack is strong, and it's enough firepower for finishing. Warrior-oriented Xyz Decks will almost certainly be adopted.
japan プンプン丸
2016/11/02 16:11
Yugioh Icon
A card that rivals Excalibur.
If your opponent has multiple small fry monsters, it's better to use this one.
Since you can attack twice, this one will benefit greatly from the RBI increase of Equip Spell, etc., so in such cases you should use this one.
Excalibur has the job of dealing with monsters with high hit points, so I would like to use it properly depending on the Deck.
japan ジュウテツ
2016/11/02 9:09
Yugioh Icon
Even with this alone, I think it's excellent that you can attack twice with ATK 2200.
There are restrictions on X materials, but with a "Ninja" Deck, you can recruit level 4 "Ninja" monsters with Upstart Golden Ninja, so I don't think there will be any problems.
japan かのん
2015/07/19 9:44
Yugioh Icon
A handy double-attack monster that can be put out with two Level 4 Warriors.
Even in a deck with no other Ninja monsters, this card itself
Because it is a Ninja, it is strong to be the target of consecutive attacks.
This is what happens when you don't make a monster to see how it goes for one turn
If you go out, you'll get a pretty fatal wound.
japan こまつほうせい
2015/03/13 6:36
Yugioh Icon
Excalibur and Warrior Xyz, the perfect match
The Japanese version is still expensive...
japan ラギアの使徒
2015/02/09 18:06
Yugioh Icon
"Ninja" Xyz with two attacks. The hit point is a little low, but because of the restrictions, it is the highest among monsters with the ability to attack twice at the same rank 4. There is also "Excalibur" in Warrior-bound Xyz, but if you can attack directly, the damage dealt is slightly higher. Also, if you use the Warrior monster "Extra Sword" with the Xyz Support effect to strengthen the hit point, it will demonstrate even more explosive power. It's possible that it can be used with [Ninja], but there aren't many "Ninja" support available, so it can be said that it is a card that can be expected to play an active role in Warrior Xyz Decks.
japan わがじゃん
2014/10/04 8:46
Yugioh Icon
A simple yet powerful effect. A tailwind called Invoker and Extra Sword. This is the card that made an era in my Yu-Gi-Oh deck transition. Well, I can't keep up with the current environment because I'm vulnerable to interference and I can't get ads.
japan wisteria
2014/05/19 4:45
Yugioh Icon
Marauding Captain》of Warrior Xyz Deck. A double attack that breaks the rules. Dirty, as expected Ninja is dirty
The total damage dealt by attacking twice is 4400, so it can deal more damage than "H-C Excalibur". Unlike over there, it consumes only one ORU, so if you survive, you can reuse it. On the other hand, in the opponent's turn, it's 2200 vanilla, and over there he can receive Honest support with his LIGHT, maintain his ATK until the opponent's turn, and has high defensive power. There are also situations where being able to consume two materials is an advantage. I want to understand each other's strengths and weaknesses and use them effectively.
japan セラ
2013/08/05 22:48
Yugioh Icon
Although there is a tie, I don't mind it so much and attack twice with a RBI of 2200
this can't be weak
I am indebted to his Madolche Deck
japan まんじゅう
2013/05/13 19:28
Yugioh Icon
It's tall, but it's strong because it's tall.
japan とっしー
2013/01/03 22:26
Yugioh Icon
2200 double punch is dangerous w
japan 未確認非行物体 
2012/12/12 21:41
Yugioh Icon
Outstanding destructive power!
                        by Yamayu
japan わたV
2012/11/04 20:22
Yugioh Icon
An elite Warrior Xyz who works together with Excalibur and Gandeva on the Warrior Deck.
If he designates himself, he can actually get 4400 RBIs and can be treated as a RBI staff member.
Let's use Excalibur properly depending on the situation.
japan オンリー・MARU氏
2012/11/02 17:55
Yugioh Icon
Ninja who looked at 《Kachi Kochi Dragon》but cut it down mercilessly.
The difference from Excalibur is that it "attacks twice". Excalibur is 4000 Olaa if you use the materials! It will be, but it won't pass much due to the relaxation of Majishiri. Besides, this Ninja is actually 4000 Olaa with 1 material! So Bladeheart might be stronger.
Used for Hirobi Deck.
japan みかんゼリー
2012/08/02 18:48
Yugioh Icon
There are restrictions on materials, but there's no way a Phoenix over 2000 is weak...
Continuous attacks can also be used on himself, and his 4400 Direct is powerful enough to occasionally end a match.
The RBI is low, so you can't beat the advanced, but depending on the situation, you'll want to call him a finisher.
Active around Alive HERO.
japan hide1201
2012/07/04 23:38
Yugioh Icon
Upper compatible with normally die Gusto Phoenix.
I'm not weak.
japan うぃな
2011/11/29 13:42
Yugioh Icon
Because it can attack twice by itself, its explosive power is the best among Rank 4.
Although the materials are specified, the level 4 warriors have excellent materials, so the restrictions are loose and it doesn't bother me that much.
If you use it in Ninja according to the template, it seems that the basics will be to take out HANZO from the novice and use it as Xyz.
japan NEOS
2011/11/26 10:21
Yugioh Icon
Since he himself is a Ninja, he may be able to attack twice on his own.
In Rank 4 Xyz, his ATK is inferior to that of Hope, so we want to differentiate him by enhancing equipment and making full use of Ninja's support cards.
However, it's a pain that Ninja's support can't handle important changes.
There are material restrictions, but since there are excellent Warrior monsters such as Doberg, it's not that difficult to Xyz.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/11/22 14:25
Yugioh Icon
Phoenix at Rank 4.
As a Rank 4 Warrior, it can be used as an RBI following Hope of peace of mind and reliability.
Rivals such as Excalibur, who can even beat the gods, and Rhongomiant, which is a lump of Xyz that I thought about, appeared,
The fact that it hits twice is a performance that can be used even in a fierce battle zone rank 4, and it is active in many of his decks with exclusive Xyz.
japan とき
2011/11/18 1:24
Yugioh Icon
Even at rank 4, its attack performance is outstanding. 2200 double attack is normally scary.
Although limited to Warrior, level 4 warriors have many excellent cards, and there will be many opportunities to issue this card.
It's more powerful than the more general 《Kachi Kochi Dragon》, and it's perfect for calling in a HANZO nourishing combo. A power card that can be used by warriors other than Ninja.
Recently, he is the cut-in role of Alive HERO. Attacking twice with Xyz is being re-evaluated...
japan SOUL
2011/11/17 23:28
Yugioh Icon
As a Warrior Rank 4, it can be an option alongside Hope.
It requires Warrior as a material, but since 《Goblindbergh》of rank 4 support is Warrior, there is no reason why it cannot be used.
Double attack can be granted to any Ninja, but since his own ATK is high, basically it will be granted to this card.
As a finisher, its performance was quite good, so I will give it a higher rating.
Currently, there is also Excalibur as a card that can be played under the same conditions, but this card's position has never disappeared, and it is often used differently depending on the merits of each.
japan asd
2023/12/09 17:09
Yugioh Icon
japan ねこーら
2023/12/09 16:35
Yugioh Icon
japan 戦士族大好き
2024/06/08 11:04
Yugioh Icon
japan かどまん
2024/04/11 20:24
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/10/03 17:53
Double Attack》can be used, so it can be used properly with Excalibur. It's easy to arrange materials. It is normally strong.
japan 2014/03/25 0:30
Rank 4 Xyz with the highest explosive power. However, please be aware that if you eat 《Swordsman of Revealing Light》, you won't be able to get a hold of it.
japan 2012/07/06 6:30
A card that seems to be useful following the stable Hope.
It's like an explosive blade.
japan 2012/07/04 23:33
It can be used differently from Rank 4 so far, so there is no loss.

Decks with "Blade Armor Ninja"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
ORDER OF CHAOS ORCS-JP041 2011-11-19 Super

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 3,001 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 211,971
Rank 4 Best Xyz Monster Ranking 66th


Japanese card name 機甲忍者ブレード・ハート

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