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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > STARDUST OVERDRIVE > Preparation of Rites

Preparation of Rites Used Deck

Preparation of Rites
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Spell - - - - -
Add 1 Level 7 or lower Ritual Monster from your Deck to your hand, then you can add 1 Ritual Spell from your GY to your hand.
Average Rating Score 9.5(35)
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"Preparation of Rites" card reviews and rating scores

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14% (5)
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japan ねこーら
2023/02/12 18:58
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Should be adopted if using Ritual Monsters of level 7 or less.
You can search for Ritual Monsters and aim for various developments from there.
It is also useful to search for "Impcantation Chalislime" and use the effect to recruit Impcantation. Connect.
Megalith doesn't start without a level 8 Ritual Monster.
In addition, you can Ritual Spell salvage to compensate for your hand consumption.
Although there are conditions such as using a Ritual Spell in advance, it's nice to have more cards in your hand.
japan シエスタ
2020/08/06 9:35
Yugioh Icon
It's limited to his deck that uses rituals of level 7 or lower, but 1:2 is still nice for rituals that often consume rough things.
As for spells, he collects GY, but since he can only search for monsters, there is little worry about spoilage and he is flexible.
But I still want to collect it, so I have the impression that it's for Deck, as if it's a ritual that unfolds.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/22 14:11
Yugioh Icon
Unlike Manju, there is no need to use summoning rights. Also useful for salvaging Ritual Spells.
japan デルタアイズ
2019/05/05 15:49
Yugioh Icon
Unlimited! ? Are you lying?
Depending on the future pool, there is a high possibility that the limit will return to Armageddon Knight
japan ヒコモン
2019/04/03 12:42
Yugioh Icon
A powerful card that can search for Ritual Monsters of level 7 and below, as well as Ritual Spell salvage from GY. This was allowed because it was a ritual (lol), but for some reason, he put out Nekroz and was immediately thrown into a restricted card. Still, he didn't stop Nekroz's momentum, so he got Nekroz itself tightly regulated, and the card came back indefinitely in less than three years. However, Nekroz is currently being relaxed, and if there are powerful rituals of level 7 or lower outside of Nekroz, they may be regulated again.
japan 備長炭18
2018/08/18 22:18
Yugioh Icon
Anyway, I would like to collect Ritual Spells in the latter half, but it is wonderful to be able to search for any Ritual Monster as long as it is level 7 or below.
Currently, in addition to the designation system of preparation, there is a high possibility that Impcantation, which can procure ritual materials, will be prioritized, but it is still active enough.
japan もも
2018/08/04 18:24
Yugioh Icon
I think it's a card that changed the evaluation completely in the initial card pool and his card pool after Nekroz appeared.
Originally had strong potential, but it is an image that has been unleashed by Nekroz.
japan はわわ
2018/03/14 21:12
Yugioh Icon
It's strong just because it's a Ritual Search for level 7 and below, but it also has a Ritual Spell recovery effect.
The stability of inserting 3 cards without limit is amazing.
japan なす
2017/12/01 10:47
Yugioh Icon
A spell that can search for Ritual Monsters below level 7 and salvage Ritual Spells.
Essential when dealing with Ritual Monsters and Ritual Spells, such as Sacrifice and his Cyber Angel.
japan なんなんと
2017/09/14 15:07
Yugioh Icon
Unlimited at last! ! ! Herald Machine Angel can stack 3 cards! ! Even if GY doesn't have a Ritual Spell, he can simply pull a Ritual Monster from the deck (in the Herald Machine Angel, he only has Ritual Monsters at level 6), so no complaints! I'm looking forward to the future because I can reuse it at the ritual church. Terafo limit is tight.
japan ルイ
2017/06/16 13:20
Yugioh Icon
A man who supports ritual transcendence of 7 stars or less.
A card that had been thrown into the restricted cards until now because of some ritual group Nexus. I really appreciate the easing of semi-restrictions...
It is unacceptable to be able to perform two Manjugods with just one card without using any summoning rights.
Instead of being appreciated, other ritual themes were dying.
However, I am really happy that the exclusive engine is back this time.
I think I'll try building a Sacrifice Deck for the first time in a while.
japan ABYSS
2016/07/01 18:50
Yugioh Icon
One of the ritual power cards.
It's a great card that gets 2 for Ritual Monster Search and Ritual Spell Salvage for level 7 and below, but it's restricted due to Nekroz's rampage.
There seems to be no relief for the time being...
japan 音響Em
2015/12/24 17:35
Yugioh Icon
japan oruka2
2015/03/13 20:31
Yugioh Icon
Restricted due to Nekroz
If it is a ritual theme, a card that goes in with Manju Senju
Mitigation is difficult
japan うみぼうず
2015/02/27 18:30
Yugioh Icon
It's like a savior for the Ritual Monster Deck,
Depending on the Ritual Theme Deck, it's just a strong power card.
Considering the addition of ritual themes in the future, it may be difficult to relax.
However, there are many decks that do not work without this card.
I would like you to print a remake card with restrictions that are difficult to abuse, such as 《Fusion Conscription》.
"After applying this effect, you can only Ritual Summon cards with the same name as his Ritual Monster added to your hand."
japan モートン
2014/12/18 6:53
Yugioh Icon
Lubricant of minor rituals. Since it also has the effect of recovering GY's Ritual Spell, it may be possible to perform a ritual summon at once.
Sakri, Perdek, Saphira, 6-axis Gishki, and he had a place with Nekroz, but he was limited due to Nekroz's suppression.
If it's just Nekroz restraint, why didn't they limit brew...for sales?
japan 福人ズッコケ
2014/12/17 18:11
Yugioh Icon
"Low-level ritual support." Plus an optional bonus for his GY recovery.
"Herald of Perfection" is probably the most famous search destination. One of the options for lubricating oil next to Manjugod in Fan Deck.
"Compared to Manjugod, etc., this card shines towards the end of the game, and can be prepared with one copy except for release." If you add 《Advanced Ritual Art》or a kaleidoscope, the ad will be even more delicious.
In Nekroz, the core Brünak is within search range, so it is treated as an almost essential card. As a result, the search gimmick of the ritual was almost completely eliminated in the regulation. Wow, my ritual angel gaga...
japan D
2014/12/17 13:47
Yugioh Icon
As expected, he is a limited card due to Nekroz.
It was a support card in the past when low-level rituals weren't very strong, and it was an important card for arranging multiple Ritual Monsters.
Including Senju and Manju, he can only be said to be a victim of Nekroz. I think if his Nekroz cards other than Unicorn were more regulated, the Ritual category wouldn't end like this...
2014/12/17 12:16
Yugioh Icon
Ritual died...because of some category's runaway.
I was made a Buddha even though there were various interesting monsters.
Really this bastard!!
Why was it reprinted and released? It seems to be a sign of unplanned sales promotion,
You think semi-restrictions are fine?
japan 乙乙
2014/12/17 11:52
Yugioh Icon
This card has been sacrificed...the newcomer is Nekroz, the sacrifice...
going to the limit
The point that you can search rituals of level 7 or less
Powerful effect that Ritual Spell can be recovered from GY
However, due to being overworked by Nekroz, the restrictions have been confirmed.
Ritual is already dead, yadar!
japan ファイア野郎
2014/12/11 7:53
Yugioh Icon
A card that collects Ritual Monsters and Ritual Spells of level 7 or lower.
If GY has a Ritual Spell, it can be said that it is a very powerful Ritual Support because it will be possible to Ritual Summon immediately and increase the number of cards in your hand.
It can be said that this card rescued the Ritual Monsters of level 7 and below that had been treated coldly until now.
Nekroz is Brynac and Clausolus,
It is a restricted card because it can be freely searched and collected with Unicall.
Due to the regulation of Nekroz's main parts, Senjugod and
Manjugod is relaxed, but
It's easy to get an advantage here is the status quo.
japan ジュウテツ
2014/11/07 16:52
Yugioh Icon
In the "Nephthys" Deck, I think it's an important card that can search for 《Devotee of Nephthys》and salvage 《Rebirth of Nephthys》.
japan かとー
2014/10/11 18:41
Yugioh Icon
A card whose existence was probably forgotten.
Recently, it was a card that was expected to soar due to the ceremony of Konmai, but it has been recorded this time and it has become very easy to obtain.
A card that is likely to be seen more often in the future.
japan SOUL
2011/07/10 16:10
Yugioh Icon
It's a bit of a shame that it's level 7 or below, but if you have a lot of level 7 or below Ritual Monsters, this is a card you'll definitely want to include.
Sacrifice and Herald of Perfection are also within range.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/01/30 17:47
Yugioh Icon
Ritual A piece that changed the ritual with Djinn.
At level 7 and below, there are other Sacrifices besides the New Generation Ritual Group, and there is a possibility that they can change from 1 to 2.
Also, although it is not possible to draw only Ritual Spells in order, if you search for Ritual Monsters, you can get advanced skills.
On top of that, with the introduction of a theme called Nekroz that treats Ritual Monsters like his spell cards, he quickly became a purveyor of the top decks.
Therefore, it is restricted along with Manju and Senju.
Lycanthrope, dryad, and Skull Guardian what did they do, KONMAI!
japan とき
2010/11/08 23:57
Yugioh Icon
This is the best differentiating card in the miserable rituals other than level 8.
Add 1 Ritual Monster of level 7 or lower from Deck and 1 Ritual Spell from GY to your hand. If you use it, the ritual system other than Tribute will be ready instantly.
Even though you can stack 3 copies, you can also reuse 《Advanced Ritual Art》, and it will also help add vanilla to GY.
His real power will be shown after dropping his spell card, but since it can simply search for Ritual Monsters, it is also important as a part that supports the rotation power.
A piece that dramatically improves the speed and certainty of rituals. Besides, he has a lot of low-level rituals, so there's no way Nekroz won't notice...
If you go through Brünak Nekroz, you will not be able to avoid restrictions on all-purpose searches. Nonetheless, he returned with unlimited restrictions to calm down Nekroz and expand the possibilities of Ritual Decks. Vendread would be happy to do so.
japan 想夢
2010/08/06 9:09
Yugioh Icon
A must-have card in a Deck centered around 《Advanced Ritual Art
Salvage Advanced Ritual Art that fell into GY,
Since you can search for Ritual Monsters from the Deck,
You can Ritual Summon once more with this card, which is very strong.
japan asd
2023/11/14 18:39
Yugioh Icon
japan 悪い魔法使い
2023/11/09 13:27
Yugioh Icon
japan アルバ
2023/09/12 21:33
Yugioh Icon
japan みめっと
2023/08/20 19:03
Yugioh Icon
japan 愛佳
2023/08/18 19:57
Yugioh Icon
japan かどまん
2024/03/24 15:27
Yugioh Icon
japan ブルーバード
2024/01/05 21:27
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/09/29 22:33
Demand surged due to the appearance of Nekroz. Fortunately, it's normal in the reprinted pack, so it doesn't even cost one coin.

Decks with "Preparation of Rites"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
DUELIST EDITION Volume 4 DE04-JP075 2012-08-11 Normal
booster sp-tribe force SPTR-JP055 2014-10-11 Normal
Deck Build Pack Hidden Summoners DBHS-JP042 2018-08-04 Normal
Wild Survivors DBWS-JP045 2023-03-18 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 806 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 203,623


Japanese card name 儀式の準備

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