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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > CRIMSON CRISIS > Debris Dragon

Debris Dragon Used Deck

Debris Dragon
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster
Tuner Monster
- 4 Dragon 1000 2000
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can target 1 monster with 500 or less ATK in your GY; Special Summon that target in Attack Position, but negate its effects. Cannot be used as Synchro Material, except for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon monster. The other Synchro Material(s) cannot be Level 4.
Average Rating Score 8.7(42)
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  3. Decks with Debris Dragon (856 Decks)
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"Debris Dragon" card reviews and rating scores

61% (26)
33% (14)
4% (2)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan ねこーら
2022/10/09 22:57
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Level 7 His tuner that facilitates the synchro summoning of Dragons.
You can't connect to level 8 due to restrictions, but you can easily connect to level 7.
Clear Wing Synchro Dragon》, 《Black Rose Moonlight Dragon》, and 《Black Rose Dragon》are easy-to-use monsters, so you won't have a problem with just these.
Synchronized tuner 《Shooting Riser Dragon》is also a useful candidate.
GY needs a monster, but there are many candidates if it is a monster with ATK 500 or less.
It is easy to revive Level 4 and connect it to Xyz summoning, and the expansion performance is high.
japan ブルーバード
2022/05/28 8:27
Yugioh Icon
Thanks to Bralo, the tuner turned into a real braho & big storm. Such insane performance was unacceptable at the time, and both the Buralo and I went straight to the limit. It is a well-known story that 《Snowman Eater》achieved a come-from-behind victory just to get Gungnir with this card.
Like a 4-star tuner at the time, there are many restrictions, but the resurrection that does not choose the type is strong. Also, thanks to the wind dragon, it can handle Tempest and is excellent in handling. It works especially well with his Dragunity, which shares support with Tempest and excels at fertilizing his GY. Needless to say, the compatibility with needles.
japan プンプン丸
2022/05/09 8:43
Yugioh Icon
Level 4 tuners from the early days, early level 4 tuners seen in 《Hyper Synchron》, etc. tend to have some disadvantages.
This guy is easy to use because he is blessed with search cards such as "Wynn the Wind Channeler" and "Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms" because of his status as WIND Dragon, and he can also receive support such as [Dragunity].
The range of lifting effects is also wide, allowing you to revive anything with a RBI of 500 or less without level restrictions. "Xyz" and "Link" can be summoned if they are the same level 4.
japan みめっと@引退
2022/05/09 8:30
Yugioh Icon
When summoned, he negates the effects of monsters with ATK of 500 or less and revives them in Attack Position.
There are restrictions when using it as an S material: it cannot be used as an S material for S monsters other than Dragon, and it cannot be used against level 4 monsters as material.
At the time, I had the impression that it had been adjusted quite strictly, such as not being able to connect to S monsters of other races, or being able to connect to Level 8 Dragon S monsters such as Stada and Lemon with this card and the monsters you caught.
Still, at that time, it was useful as a tuner that produced level 7 black roses and gungu, and I was able to send Dandy to her GY and catch it with this effect to get Trish, so I also teamed up at the time. I relied on him as a support member of the Plant Good Staff.
The monster itself can be level 4, so it's a good idea to use it as a material for unlimited X or Link Summons.
japan gaya
2020/10/26 19:57
Yugioh Icon
A type of card whose evaluation increases as the card pool increases. Although there is a restriction of ATK 500 or less, he can revive any monster from GY, so he is very good. Also, since the resurrected card can be linked to Synchro, Xyz, and Link Summons, you can expand your action options.
japan ああ乙乙
2020/10/24 8:58
Yugioh Icon
A monster that unconditionally lifts when you want to replenish link materials. I think the possibilities are endless.
japan サンパイ
2020/03/13 17:35
Yugioh Icon
The savior of Normal Monsters with ATK 500 or less. As expected, the fishing range is wide. It is also strong that there are no restrictions on X and links. It's one of the strongest level 4 tuner cards.
japan シエスタ
2019/11/11 14:24
Yugioh Icon
A card that became stronger and stronger as the card pool increased.
It's a pity that it's difficult to connect to a powerful level 8S due to restrictions, but since only S is restricted, it's easy to connect from one to various monsters.
This attribute/race also forms a strong synergy with Tempest. Even though the resurrection target seems narrow, he has no problem depending on the deck, and there was a time in the past when he was highly evaluated for being a RBI that corresponds to this card.
Cards that work well with Dandy have been regulated, so he doesn't have as much presence as before, but I think he's still an excellent tuner.
japan ヒコモン
2019/01/23 12:21
Yugioh Icon
Level 4 tuner with disadvantages that was common in this era. Despite the double restriction that it can only produce Dragon Synchro Monsters and that other Synchro materials must not contain Level 4 monsters, it is a powerful card that was once a restricted card. Monsters with ATK of 500 or less can be easily linked to Synchro Summons due to their seemingly narrow but wide range of fishing effects. There was a time when he was a rank 4 agent, but now it feels like it would be a waste to give him the right to summon, and it is a bit difficult to regain his power.
japan 備長炭18
2018/04/13 12:48
Yugioh Icon
It also supports monsters with ATK 500 or less and debris. A fishing monster that gave the value.
The disadvantage is that it only works when used as a Synchro Material, so you can flexibly respond to Link Summons.
japan デルタアイズ
2017/11/30 18:14
Yugioh Icon
Demand for link summoning is increasing.
Terrible potential...
japan 京太
2017/11/30 13:49
Yugioh Icon
A representative of lifting along with Junk Ron
Bulalo was once the top contender, but now Halifair is the top contender.
japan あだ
2017/09/28 20:20
Yugioh Icon
If Mrs. Fuuban comes out, the demand will increase further.
japan アメメ
2017/09/01 11:30
Yugioh Icon
This card is getting stronger as the card pool increases.
It's basically used as a synchro factor, but now it can handle Rank 4 Xyz as well.
I think that I can play an active role as a link member in the future.
In the same way as Synchro, link summoning from dandy lifting, token generation has a smell that seems to be bad.
japan シャイニング
2017/08/12 14:26
Yugioh Icon
simple strong card
The point is that cards that are not completed on their own become more and more powerful as the card pool increases.
If you look at the wiki or the card search on this site and look at the monsters you can get, you will notice that there are quite a lot
japan なす
2017/07/24 17:04
Yugioh Icon
A level 4 tuner with the effect of reviving monsters with 500 RBI or less when summoned.
Although he is limited to Dragon synchros and cannot use level 4 as a synchro material, he can immediately connect to a dragon synchro or rank 4.
Very easy to use as a level 4 tuner.
japan ター坊
2015/08/29 0:53
Yugioh Icon
A card that has lived with the times in a sense, being treated preferentially by regulations of other cards, and having a new role with the appearance of Xyz.
It looks like a tight bond, but at level 7, there are elites such as total destruction Buraro, bounce Buraro, and monster effect killer Clear Wing. Trishula can also be put out with a small number of steps. From now on, every time Dragon Synchro comes out, this guy's name will probably come up as a candidate.
japan hio
2015/08/28 20:49
Yugioh Icon
One of the representatives of general-purpose fishing tuners.
Since only his ATK is referenced, it sells for its breadth of bosom that can revive even the highest level within the target.
Since Synchro has a fairly strict limit, it is common to revive Level 4 and use it for Xyz.
Nonetheless, synchros other than 8 synchros can be accessed without problems, and recently there are an increasing number of excellent Dragons other than level 8.
It can be said that this card will continue to be strengthened as the number of Dragon S monsters increases.
japan カンノーネ
2015/08/28 17:46
Yugioh Icon
This one refers to his ATK as opposed to Junk Synchron which refers to the level.
There's no way a tuner that can be caught is weak.
Even if you say you can't synchronize with level 4, you can still Xyz, right? Time has erased the disadvantages
Deskbots are basically all revived and linked to sync. 005 is a P monster, but he often goes to GY as a material for Nova or Infinity, so it plays an important role in returning it to an extra by doing things like 9 synchro.
But why can't he bring out the Stardust Dragon with this look?
japan EXデッキ焼き
2015/06/30 6:32
Yugioh Icon
Since it refers to his ATK instead of level, he can lift some high level monsters. And since it is possible to Xyz as well as Synchro, it is a development role in low ATK themes. The compatibility with Deskbot, which will be newly released in the future, is extremely good.
japan 黒衣(クロコ)
2015/06/28 9:29
Yugioh Icon
A wonder that the disadvantages are not the disadvantages!
Excellent compatibility with Charmer (mainly Win-chan)! (《Petit Dragon》→ evolution → debris theory)
There are a lot of cards with good compatibility, such as GY activation and monsters that activate effects when they leave the field.
His Deck, which uses Rank 4 Xyz and Dragon Synchro Monster, is almost certainly indebted.
High versatility that can be used with almost any deck and immediate effect up to Synchro Xyz are high points!
japan SOUL
2015/06/09 19:46
Yugioh Icon
One of the best fishing tuners.
Since the only resurrection target is her ATK designation, it can be combined with various cards.
Although it can only be used as a Synchro material for Dragon, it's enough because Dragon's Synchro Monsters are often excellent.
Currently, it is also attractive that it can be used as a rank 4 support.
japan モートン
2015/02/13 3:19
Yugioh Icon
A monster that can easily bring out his Synchro Monster.
However, there is a restriction that only Dragon can be produced and ☆ 4 cannot be used as material.
However, Dragon's Synchro Monsters are many ☆ 7 and ☆ 9 are strong monsters, so it will be managed somehow.
If you can't use ☆4 as a Synchro Material, why not Xyz! In Dragon Ruler, you will often fish phantom trees to rank 4.
japan ジュウテツ
2015/01/28 13:37
Yugioh Icon
I think it's excellent that you can connect to various "Dragon" tribe synchros and rank 4X if you do the preliminary preparations.
japan ABYSS
2014/06/04 23:56
Yugioh Icon
An excellent hoisting tuner that doesn't mind heavy bindings.
Since only his ATK is referenced as the object to be lifted, it is lifted regardless of the level.
Dragon tying is easy, and Dragon synchros are all powerful, so I don't really care.
Even if you can't use ☆4 as a Synchro material, it doesn't matter if you Xyz it.
It used to be a shortcut to Trishula, so it used to be restricted, but now it's unlimited, so he wants to use it hard in his Deck.
japan CJX
2014/01/31 10:04
Yugioh Icon
Debris and rubble. Probably space debris = cosmic dust. When summoned, he resurrects monsters with ATK of 500 or less, so it is possible to Synchro Summon with just this card. On the other hand, he cannot synchronize with LV4 monsters, and the synchro summon destination is limited to his Dragon. However, there are no restrictions on Xyz with LV4 monsters, and there are many types of Dragon Synchro Monsters, so there is no shortage of options. Since he also has a WIND Dragon Tuner with [] that has the effect of raising LV, I would like to try to differentiate him with the original LV and resurrection effect.
japan ファイア野郎
2013/10/04 20:06
Yugioh Icon
Tuner Monster with revive effect.
Although there are strict specifications for revival targets, Synchro summon destinations, and Synchro summoning levels,
Dragon has his excellent Synchro Monster, such as the Black Rose Dragon, which can remove all
There are many of them, and they are very powerful when used.
Disadvantage is that it cannot be Synchro Summoned with Level 4 monsters.
The fact that Xyz summoning can now deal with it is a nice advantage.
It also has a high defensive power, so it is possible to turn it into a wall monster in case of emergency.
Although it became a limited card for a while to regulate synchro summoning,
It became a semi-restricted card after Ice Barrier's Dragon Trishula was banned.
After that, while Dragon Ruler-related cards were regulated across the board,
This is due to the implication of strengthening synchro summons, and the restriction will be lifted.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/17 19:51
Yugioh Icon
Although the restrictions are somewhat strict, it is a fairly powerful tuner that can make bumps from one card and "Gungnir" comes out. You can Xyz Summon even if you summon a Level 4 monster, so you have more options than before and it's easier to handle.
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/04/14 3:55
Yugioh Icon
I have a bad feeling about the appearance of Star Dragons and 《Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King》...
Well, isn't it! yes! If that happens, I won't be able to duel!
Similar to Junk Synchron, it can be linked to an instant Synchro Summon, but its resurrection range is surprisingly wide, making it superior to Junk Synchron.
If you put it in Kujadoru, you can use 1 or 2!
Mr. Drill digs it up.
japan DD
2013/03/09 21:43
Yugioh Icon
An amazing tuner that can revive 《Dandylion》and marshmallows from GY and instantly connect them to Black Rose. It also works well with Dragunity. By the way, you can also connect to Gungnir by reviving the area. As expected of Debri.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/07 17:35
Yugioh Icon
As you can see from the Junk Synchron, there's no way a tuner with a lifting effect is weak. Although the monsters that can be summoned are more limited here, it is enough to summon Black Rose and Gungnir with one card. The compatibility with 《Dandylion》is outstanding, and it was called debris dandy and was regulated.
Whether or not to deal with debris becomes relatively important for low-status monsters
japan ドラゴンX
2012/10/24 16:56
Yugioh Icon
Even with the negate effect and dragon-only restrictions, it can be used while producing his Dragunity of 500 or less.
Moreover, this guy is a tuner and can synchronize instantly.
Trishula was banned, Dragunity was strengthened, and this guy's defensive power was too high, so this guy must have been semi-restricted.
Anyway, let's celebrate being semi-restricted!
japan みかんゼリー
2012/08/12 13:52
Yugioh Icon
Debris Dragon has become a semi-restricted volume.
Although there are conditions for non-tuners, the tuners that can be caught should not be weak.
It is excellent enough to summon Gungnir, Black Rose, etc.
Trishula? I don't know.
Well, for the time being, once again congratulations on the semi-restriction.
japan どんぐり
2011/05/25 21:47
Yugioh Icon
1 turn tuning in the middle stage
japan とき
2010/11/16 23:31
Yugioh Icon
Don't say Demeri Dragon. Although the binding is strict, he has a fishing effect that doesn't care about the deck itself, and ATK 500 or less is considered a debris line.
It seems that there are many places to catch it, and the compatibility with 《Dandylion》is a masterpiece. Not only can you synchronize and leave fluff, but if there is fluff, you can reach level 8 or 9.
Many Dragon-exclusive but powerful Synchros are Dragons. Since Trishula is back, it seems that the old-fashioned movement of the synchro gimmick is revived. As a wind dragon, it is often used in Dragon Ruler because it can catch gaffles to support criblets and call stellar dragons.
A powerful fishing tuner that created the era of synchro. The layer of Dragon Synchro has also become thicker, and its power exceeds its heyday.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/12 22:12
Yugioh Icon
There's no reason why the tuner you catch is weak.
Although it's a fairly adjusted effect that is limited to Dragon and cannot be synchronized with level 4, it's excellent just by being able to produce a powerful Black Rose with just one copy.
And one of the cards that C-Dragon makes existence worth.
A little while ago, due to the existence of Jund, it became a severe restriction, but due to the regulation of Trish and Jund parts, it returned to semi-restriction.
After that, with the advent of a customer called Dragon Ruler, searches became easier and there were more jobs.
His Dragon Ruler was regulated across the board, but only this one can return without restriction.
japan NEOS
2010/10/22 19:12
Yugioh Icon
However, if you synchronize immediately, there is no problem!
If possible, I want to aim for synchro in one minute.
The low status is also attractive ("Cards of Consonance" compatible.
japan フッキー
2010/07/30 21:44
Yugioh Icon
Foolish Burial 》, dandy, truscilla.
fluff and friends.
japan かどまん
2023/12/07 14:06
Yugioh Icon
japan たたた
2024/04/05 17:25
Yugioh Icon
japan 愛佳
2024/01/23 22:40
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/09/09 17:17
Debris arc → effective for opion
Effective against Debut → Qurifo
Debris Rebellion → Can be used when hitting a dark virus

Decks with "Debris Dragon"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
CRIMSON CRISIS CRMS-JP002 2008-11-15 Rare
DUEL TERMINAL - Dragunity of the Gale! - DT06-JP001 2009-07-01 Normal
DUELIST EDITION Volume 3 DE03-JP068 2012-08-11 Super
Structure Deck -Cyberse Link SD32-JP014 2017-06-17 Normal
Duelist Pack - Yusei hen 2 - DP09-JP004 2009-10-17 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 2,239 / 13,086 Cards
View Num 315,113


Japanese card name デブリ・ドラゴン

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