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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Collector's Pack - Duelists of Legend > Wiretap

Wiretap Used Deck

Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Counter Trap - - - - -
When a Trap is activated: Negate the activation, and if you do, shuffle that card into the Deck.
Average Rating Score 8.6(43)
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"Wiretap" card reviews and rating scores

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41% (18)
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japan ブルーバード
2023/06/18 16:25
Yugioh Icon
Is this a 9th season card? I always thought it was a 7th season card due to the influence of TF.
It can completely neutralize God Trap and his GY effected 《Breakthrough Skill》, which cannot be chained with 《Trap Stun》due to spell speed.
Due to the existence of this card, Seven Tools of the Bandit is now backward compatible with Wiretap. Gassho.
japan カンゲツ
2022/09/12 23:12
Yugioh Icon
The highest peak as Counter Trap for anti-Trap.
Since it is returned to the Deck, the effect of activating GY with 《Breakthrough Skill》etc. will not be used.
Sure there is a risk of being searched or pulled, but Trap is slow.
It is also the existence that stabbed other counter traps for counter traps such as 《Trap Jammer》.
If I had to raise a problem, it would be that this card is for Trap.
In today's world, there are many people who don't use Trap.
If so, it will only rot, so you need to think carefully about the timing of putting it in.
That's why I feel that this much power is allowed.
japan gaya
2021/04/30 6:40
Yugioh Icon
Anyway, no cost is great. It's probably the best anti-Trap card so far.
japan みめっと
2020/02/20 10:09
Yugioh Icon
His metabi-type Deck has a lot of countermeasures against monsters and his Spells, while dealing with Trap Cards tends to be limited to just one Shinsen and a side deck, and his Deck removes cards with Trap , Especially when it's the same meta beat opponent, it's not uncommon for it to be a tough mud fight.
Also, you can't ignore the existence of trap cards that are inevitable to lose, such as side deck regulars and reboots.
In such a situation, I don't want to uselessly reduce my hand, so I'm grateful for the existence of this card that can always be used no matter how much LP he consumes with God Trap.
japan ファンデッカー
2020/02/15 21:47
Yugioh Icon
There's no way her deck bounce on the counter is weak.
However, the adoption rate of Trap is declining, and above all, it is inferior to Red Reboot due to its slowness.
japan もも
2018/10/11 20:13
Yugioh Icon
There are many Counter Traps that have become backward compatible with this card, so I think it's a simple but strong card.
japan わがじゃん
2018/10/03 15:11
Yugioh Icon
Seven Tools of the Bandit》enhanced with the latest technology.
Evolution of Science eliminated the LP cost and turned destruction into his deck bounce. So it's mutually compatible. Due to the increase in Traps with Destroyed Effect and his GY effect, I thought it was an upward compatibility of the seven tools, but returning it to the Deck may encourage the search for 《Lilith, Lady of Lament》or 《Trap Trick》. . Really long and short. The evaluation is a little higher than the seven tools because there is no cost.
japan シエスタ
2018/10/03 14:18
Yugioh Icon
Seven tools that became a no cos and returned to the deck.
Returning it to the Deck has advantages and disadvantages, such as the possibility of being reused, but there are many cases where GY is activated recently, which is an advantage.
Reboot was a formidable competitor because it was superior in blocking power and haste, but since it was regulated over there, differentiation was easy.
It's one of the best anti-trap cards.
japan 備長炭18
2018/04/29 22:57
Yugioh Icon
Leaving aside the question of whether we can secure a slot for Counter Trap with only Trap cards today, the number of Trap cards that activate GY is increasing, so I think Deck Bounce will work normally.
japan アルバ
2017/10/08 10:40
Yugioh Icon
LP Cost 1000 Lost seven tools.
Since it is returned to the Deck, there is a possibility that it will be reused, but recently he has a GY effect and an effect when destroyed, so this is often convenient.
japan なす
2017/07/04 13:55
Yugioh Icon
A powerful Counter Trap that negates a Trap at no cost and bounces the Deck.
It is very effective for traps that can be activated even by GY, which has been increasing in recent years. Deck bounces also prevent salvage reuse.
japan sento
2016/03/12 0:29
Yugioh Icon
I was strong...I should have been...
Ariadne? Frecia? You're kidding me!
japan ヒコモン
2016/03/11 12:27
Yugioh Icon
The card that gave guidance to 《Seven Tools of the Bandit》. That said, with the advent of Ariadne and Frecia, there are times when returning to the Deck may not be an advantage, so it's not completely upward compatible. However, if you use it against Shinchi or Brestle, this is far more convenient.
japan 音響Em
2015/12/24 17:39
Yugioh Icon
a little overrated
Not bad though
japan デッキビルダ~る
2015/05/13 11:21
Yugioh Icon
Now that the number of counter traps from the Kami series has increased, it may be time to start playing.
japan こまつほうせい
2015/03/03 5:46
Yugioh Icon
Trap negate at no cost. strong.
I wonder if the seven tools will also retire~
japan かのん
2015/01/11 3:49
Yugioh Icon
If there is no cost to pay like seven tools
It's not like the trap jammer has limited timing.
Such a no-cost Trap negate Counter Trap.
Honestly too strong
There is a possibility that it will be used again because it returns to the deck, but it is still strong.
japan 福人ズッコケ
2014/09/30 21:55
Yugioh Icon
A no-cost counter that almost completely reproduced the TF design could not have been weak.
A short and concise text that destroys the existence value of many trap counters such as seven tools and trap jammers.
Even if he destroys it, he returns it to the deck, but it doesn't make much difference to the trap card opponent, and it can be said that his deck bounce's greatest strength is that he can bounce his GY activated traps such as breakthrough and prisoner. Recently, due to the influence of 《Artifact Sanctum》, there is a tendency to emphasize negate that does not involve destruction.
However, unfortunately, the focus of the era was monster effects, not trap cards. It's also true that even the times when you want to stop traps by loading this card are gone.
japan ナル参照
2014/05/31 21:47
Yugioh Icon
Reverse detection, a guy who finds out the whereabouts of a criminal who is in a good mood.
If you just want to get into the divine meta, you can go with a truster, but this card is a counter and you can expect it to not be reused.
I'm worried that the effect is weak against searchable cards such as Naraku, but the effect time is shorter than Trasta, but it is strong against Counter Trap that can't be dealt with on the spot, and unlike Nanatsugugu, he doesn't need LP cost. , It is excellent that it is not reused.
It was a card that seemed to have been released a little while ago, but it finally appeared. In the current environment, it is a card that can be a candidate for sideboards.
japan 宵闇の変態
2014/05/29 3:23
Yugioh Icon
Blatant theosophical breakthrough meta. Even if it is not so, it can be said that the performance is almost higher than 《Seven Tools of the Bandit》. It seems that thieves are no match for the police.
I'm worried about traps that can be searched, such as various trap holes and IF barrier breaks, but once you negate and successfully deploy, you should be able to reduce the chances of searching again.
In that case, the rival would be a truster that can be stopped not only at the time of activation but also for the entire turn, but this one's strength is that it can also stop counter traps such as divine declarations, factors, and IF barriers. It is good to choose according to your preferences and environment.
japan あれきさんだー
2014/05/27 7:40
Yugioh Icon
It's written to stop the wisdom and breakthrough.
A card that KOMMAI made OCG for the purpose of crushing AF. However, it seems that it was actually crushed by the midrash and the flash mirror.
It's not a bad card, but it pales in comparison to his other Trap disruptions considering it's replayability.
However, in exchange for that, there is no cost, so if the conditions are met, it may be adopted.
japan ABYSS
2014/05/26 12:35
Yugioh Icon
A counter that simply stops her Trap.
In order to return it to her deck without destroying it, a type that is also activated from her GY such as breakthrough,
It is strong against things like the wisdom that activates when destroyed, making it an effect that matches the environment.
Currently, it is almost a 《Seven Tools of the Bandit》upper compatible card.
japan 赤白
2014/05/19 6:24
Yugioh Icon
I didn't know that a card that makes the seven tools that were indebted to me in the past finally come out. Bouncing to the deck is the trick, and you can definitely block his GY-triggered Trap and Atheism, which are popular these days. Although there is a risk that it will be reused, there is no need for any cost, and basically there is no problem in thinking that it is upwardly compatible with the seven tools. This card is likely to become a staple in side decks as a meta to the powerful Trap.
japan ジュウテツ
2014/05/18 12:50
Yugioh Icon
I think it's an excellent anti-Trap card because it can negate the effects of Trap at no additional cost, and thanks to the Deck bounce effect, it can prevent the effect of "TRUE" Trap when sending GY to him.
I think the Counter Trap is also big.
japan インヴェルズ近衛兵
2014/05/17 16:42
Yugioh Icon
Nanatsugugu "I was a victim...a victim of the inflationary environment and the existence of the myth."
A strong enough piece... Easy to get is also GOOD!
japan とき
2014/05/17 16:27
Yugioh Icon
In TF, 7 no-cost tools that many people seem to have taken care of landed almost as they are.
The original seven tools are excellent cards, and on top of that his deck return seemingly allows for reuse.
However, in reality, in the current environment, it is possible to neutralize the destruct effect of phony traps and divine wisdom, not send breakthroughs and prisoners to his GY, and slightly lower the compression rate of his opponent's deck.
Every element is killing the position of seven tools. Is this power?
japan exa
2014/05/17 3:06
Yugioh Icon
His negate type Counter Trap had a too narrow target range and required a cost, so there weren't many that could be easily activated. It has a wide range of coverage and is inexpensive.
Returning a card to the Deck is an advantage considering the existence of Traps that activate their effects when destroyed and Traps that activate their effects from GY. There is a possibility of reuse, but unlimited cards are naturally used multiple times, and situations where restricted cards such as sentences and warnings are used are usually must counters that you want to sacrifice LP, so it is recommended. If you fail once, I think it is unlikely that the other party will survive until reuse.
japan wisteria
2014/05/16 16:53
Yugioh Icon
The Theosophical Measures. To be honest, I don't have the position of seven tools.
His deck bounce in Counter Trap is powerful, though exclusive to Trap. Shinsen and Shinken will be negate after paying his LP cost, so it will be a big loss. It's also strong against 《Stellarnova Alpha》and the like, so you could say it's a card for the side Deck. If it is a permission, it is worth adopting from the main.
…Eh, this is why you don't regulate the wisdom? I wonder if it's not...
japan スクラップトリトドン
2014/05/16 7:15
Yugioh Icon
A card that I thought would never come out when I saw it in TF was turned into an OCG.
Although the effect of not being able to use it until it is turned face up like TF and pulled back, it greatly threatens the raison d'etre of the seven tools in that they do not pay LP.
Another strong point is that recently there has been an increase in the number of traps that take ads even if they are destroyed, so they bounce instead of being destroyed.
For the time being, it is inferior in that it can be reused, such as Shinsen, a limited card that can be used by paying half LP, and Trap Hole, which can be searched with Trion even if it is returned.
By the time you draw it again, it will reign as an upward compatibility of almost 7 tools under the environment where the game may be over.
japan メカクシ団
2014/05/15 22:13
Yugioh Icon
It's good to return it to the Deck, but it's great that it can be used at no cost.
What's more, I think it's good that you can't use the second effect of the wisdom.
Seven Tools of the Bandit》Thank you for your hard work.
japan NEOS
2014/05/15 21:06
Yugioh Icon
It is completely upward compatible with 《Seven Tools of the Bandit》, except that it is reused.
Being able to negate the opponent's girlfriend's Trap without requiring a cost is quite powerful.
Cards returned to the base Deck are more troublesome than being sent to GY, as they take longer to come to hand.
If the opponent is a deck that uses traps often, it is essential, but even if not, it is quite a side factor.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2014/05/14 21:27
Yugioh Icon
I didn't think that a substantial upward compatibility of 《Seven Tools of the Bandit》would appear here. A card that can block the second effect of 《Artifact Sanctum》and interfere with even Deck compression because it is returned to the Deck. And yet, even the LP cost is unnecessary, just perfect.
japan (゜゜;)
2014/05/14 18:09
Yugioh Icon
Except for the possibility of being reused, it can be said to be upward compatible with 《Seven Tools of the Bandit》.
Will this card help many duelists who are plagued by theosophies?
japan ツバサ
2014/05/14 16:02
Yugioh Icon
It is strong just because it is no cost.
Considering the existence of Shinchi and Prisoner, it is possible to fully consider the introduction to the main. Even if the number of them decreases in the future, there is a high possibility that they will be called as a side factor.
Basically, it's very powerful because the bounce doesn't work as a disadvantage, but I can't deny the feeling that the trap card's reputation has fallen further because of this...
japan 赤い子羊
2014/05/13 19:39
Yugioh Icon
A strong card for the current environment, even though it could be reused...
So divine wisdom is not limited, is it? hey?
Pure AF will die if Shinchi goes to limit or prohibit
Wiretap》Be more fashionable! !
2014/05/13 14:27
Yugioh Icon
In the anime, the magicite effect that made it possible to draw lock by parasitizing the negate card
But, did it just disappear?
The effect is to send the trap back to the deck at no cost without question.
There were no seven tools! The effect of just saying.
It's just an environment with Shinchi Moralta & Traptrix business trip set, so it doesn't spoil
Most likely not.
japan SOUL
2014/05/12 19:11
Yugioh Icon
It was a surprise to me that it would be turned into a card just like the anime.
Since there is no LP cost and you can block off Shinchi, Breakthrough, Prisoner, etc. with Deck Bounce, it means that the seven gadgets are now compatible with higher ranks.
Normally, I would feel a little uneasy about having a card this unreasonably strong, but perhaps because I'm having trouble with the power of Theosophical Intelligence, this card is a welcome addition...
japan えいてぃ
2014/05/12 18:33
Yugioh Icon
Seven Tools of the Bandit》"I can't forgive you... I can't forgive you for what you did!!"
Straight upward compatibility of seven tools. It's a pretty high-spec card that doesn't require a large LP cost, which seems small like 1000, Deck Bounce isn't affected by the second effect of 《Artifact Sanctum》, and even Deck Compression gets in the way.
I really think that the seven tools have done a good job up until now. If I had to cite the downside of returning it to the Deck, it would be the possibility of reusing powerful limited cards like Solemn Judgment. But you already paid the LP cost, didn't you?
japan 愛佳
2023/07/24 9:40
Yugioh Icon
japan asd
2023/07/23 8:15
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/10/02 0:52
No cost and strong Counter Trap. It is convenient to use as a countermeasure against traps that can be used from GY like that break.
japan 2014/05/15 4:54
It may be said that it is a Trasta compatible card in the sense that it is an answer to Shinchi. If it's a one-kill Deck, I wonder if it's going to be a trusta priority that's effective for the entire turn.
japan 2014/05/12 18:53
As expected, Collector's Normal doesn't have decent cards. But this card is a different story. I did Ushio

Decks with "Wiretap"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Collector's Pack - Duelists of Legend CPL1-JP035 2014-05-17 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 2,400 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 61,968
Card Type "Counter Trap" Best Card Ranking 29th


Japanese card name ギャクタン

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