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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 1 to 15 of 100

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Cosmic Quasar Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Cosmic Quasar Dragon》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2023/03/21 20:16
Yugioh Icon
A mad dance for Yusei fans.
Animation reproduction becomes possible.
However, it is difficult to say whether it is practical.
I would like to give it a 10 rating because its existence itself is precious, but I will give it a 7 in terms of performance.
Baxia, Brightness of the Yang Zing ▶︎ Deck 《Baxia, Brightness of the Yang Zing》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2014/04/19 0:40
Yugioh Icon
As a result of the Dragon's increasing power, a new race, the Wyrm, was born, and the first trump card was a level 8 Synchro Monster bound to the non-tuner Wyrm.
The effect is a bounce effect that works according to the synchro material that was often seen in animation 5D's with synchros of Delta Accel or higher. And Deck.
And the other is a destruction and creation effect that destroys cards on your field and revives monsters of level 4 or lower from GY.
If used with 《Supply Squad》, you can reincarnate 1 monster and draw 1. If the destroyed monster is "Yang Zing", he will be recruited from the Deck.
pretty strong. However, ATK is low. However, if you use the effect of (1) well, you will not be able to surpass Brünak.
Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth ▶︎ Deck 《Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2014/04/19 0:26
Yugioh Icon
It's finally here! The long-awaited level 5 dragon, Synchro Monster!
It's a Synchro Summon with Debris Dragon and a Level 1 non-tuner!
And the defense power is 2600. It has the defensive power to block 《Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth》attacks.
And if your opponent removes it by palliative means, you can use pseudo 《Monster Reborn》. …I think.
Really impressed! Thank you Konami! Cherish!!
picture? Super rare...? Konami!!!
Sylvan Charity ▶︎ Deck 《Sylvan Charity》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2014/01/24 19:34
Yugioh Icon
Sylvan Charity》, which is the top 3 cards of the deck and his hand, in any order he puts them back on top of the deck and does a handless combo. May be required for Infernity Decks.
Flip over the top three cards of your deck and put the rotten cards in your hand back on top of the deck to make Sylvan's effect inevitable. A card that gives too much. (meaningless)
Other than Sylvan, he can control the top of the deck, so cards like the Seven Emperors Sword and his Infernity Archfiend...
Absorbing Jar ▶︎ Deck 《Absorbing Jar》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2014/01/02 1:01
Yugioh Icon
Great Pod-sama saved by Artifact.
Combo with Caduceus to align his Exodia!
Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons ▶︎ Deck 《Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/12/22 15:16
Yugioh Icon
It's like you don't understand! !
The effect is complete destruction resistance that is rarely seen in the year.
Isn't it strong if you combine it with Starbucks?
Let's team up with Lionheart!
Take damage to each other with Lionheart.
Beelze's grudge power makes his muscles mushy.
I definitely want to get it!
Number 58: Burner Visor ▶︎ Deck 《Number 58: Burner Visor》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/12/16 21:54
Yugioh Icon
Rampart Gunner! !
The equipment card Xyz Monster has finally arrived!
It's just a ball that you wear on your arm.
In Synchro, the arm is the equipment card, and in Xyz, the arm is the body and the ball is the equipment card.
I personally like it very much
Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree ▶︎ Deck 《Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/11/24 1:10
Yugioh Icon
Versatile Level 10 Synchro Monster
If you think it's a super rare, it's just a rare.
I wonder if Konami is trying to strengthen the synchronization these days, or if they think the synchronization is just right...
Well, that aside, the Moja Deck will be enhanced!
Therefore, the effect is a super strong effect that it cannot be targeted by the opponent's card effects outside of your Main Phase 2.
Even that Scrap Dragon and Vulcan the Divine are difficult to remove.
Please stop using effects that do not target or removing the whole thing w
The picture is a mess, but the effect is simple and powerful.
Powerful Rebirth ▶︎ Deck 《Powerful Rebirth》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/11/24 0:52
Yugioh Icon
Received 1000 damage, but it's gone...
I'm sure it's been strengthened, but it's a bit disappointing...
Structure Deck … Kaiba, Kaiser, and then Jack, I thought there would be 《Powerful Rebirth》, but I entered GS.
I'm a little confused wow
So, if Jack's Strak comes next time, I wonder if Chain Resonator or Red Nova will come...?
So, 《Powerful Rebirth》, a card that leveled up 《Call of the Haunted》and modestly strengthened its offense and defense.
Revive your tuner.
Other than that, he looks like an Elemental HERO or he looks like a Bujin...
A level 1 tuner can become a level 2 tuner, but it's slow because it's a trap card.
In the current environment, it may be difficult to hire unless you push yourself a little...?
Number 101: Silent Honor ARK ▶︎ Deck 《Number 101: Silent Honor ARK》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/10/26 22:50
Yugioh Icon
broken card...
After all, Xyz is easy to summon and has strength that doesn't match it, so I don't think I'll like it...
Stada is getting weaker and weaker...
Monsters with destruction resistance were threatened by exclusion, but now it's time to process them as materials...
Furthermore, if you can successfully increase Xyz materials, you can isolate cards you don't want to return to your opponent with Xyz materials, which are more difficult to escape than exclusion.
If that's all it is, it's still enough to withstand destruction...
One of these days, I have a feeling that No.101VsNo.101 will be held here and there...
And without binding...
But I still use the synchro...
Zeta Reticulant ▶︎ Deck 《Zeta Reticulant》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/08/07 17:09
Yugioh Icon
The King of Invaders used to secure his Tribute for 《Greed Quasar》in the manga Yu-Gi-Oh R
should have been...
Generates level 2 tokens every time an opponent's monster is removed.
Furthermore, you can Special Summon by turning that token into a Tribute.
In other words, if you put 3 bodies in, it will be stable
A high-level monster that might be.
Since it's level 7, it's easy to use as a Synchro Material.
For the time being, isn't it suitable for Kujadoru?
BIG Win!? ▶︎ Deck 《BIG Win!?》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/07/28 1:22
Yugioh Icon
what i thought the moment i saw this
Oh, you can reproduce the anime Qwaser! !
Xyz see here
Ah, did you have that hand too...
The level to declare is of course 1
nothing less and nothing more
However, the activation timing is 4 Synchro Monsters on your field.
Call of the Haunted》or 《Monster Reborn
It's time for GY to LP stream sloppy...
You're a hell of a romantic
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend ▶︎ Deck 《Hot Red Dragon Archfiend》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/07/21 17:55
Yugioh Icon
The solitary and absolute king who cuts through the pitch-black darkness and burns the heavens and the earth!!
Synchro Summon!!
Red Archfiend!!
Dueling Dragon Red Archfiend's Dragon
As expected of the ace monster of the absolute champion
Its effect is to burn away all monsters that appear on the battlefield other than itself, and charge into the opponent alone, making it truly a solitary champion.
It is also possible to support cards that trigger destruction.
The original Red Dragon version of Red Archfiend's Dragon burns away those who do not have the will to fight, and can also be taken as an effect that can open a breakthrough for allies to attack, and you can feel the bond power. The type that flocks with friends.
As you can see from this, the anime version of Jack is a king who becomes stronger with bond power.
The manga version of Jack is a lonely absolute champion who can only believe in his own strength.
If you put it in his deck with Scrap Dragon, you can synchronize accordingly.
Puralis, the Purple Pyrotile ▶︎ Deck 《Puralis, the Purple Pyrotile》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/07/20 19:41
Yugioh Icon
Honestly, I wanted a level 3 sync tuner...
But cute. And cute! !
Labradorite Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Labradorite Dragon》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/07/20 19:31
Yugioh Icon
Level 6 Dark Normal Dragon Kita━(゚∀゚)━!
It's a level 6 DARK, so it's paired with Watt Teru!
And even though that alone is intense fan service, ATK 0 Tuner Monster came! !
My 《Dragard》tan is so happy~~~~! !
So let's pile up one by one with Watt Tell in sacred time! !
Be careful with 《Chain Disappearance》!

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