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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 1 to 15 of 74

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Accel Synchron ▶︎ Deck 《Accel Synchron》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/05/18 2:04
Yugioh Icon
Despair is your goal...
It's no exaggeration to say that he summons 《Jet Synchron》to send to his GY! You can change the level while increasing the GY ad, so you can move extremely dexterously. If you see him in ADS, Field and his GY won't stop Tomaranai...
DARK and low stats, Machine also has a lot of support benefits, so it's also strong. It is also a strength that GY sending is a cost rather than an effect (cannot be stopped by the back, can be activated even if the effect is negate).
There are many monsters like Beelze who became general-purpose S monsters thanks to him.
The same star 5S tuner, Minamoto Yang Zing Boutenkou combo is also good, lowering the level of this card and connecting it to Boutenkou. Or vice versa, gimmicks are very powerful.
Solemn Strike ▶︎ Deck 《Solemn Strike》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/05/13 22:15
Yugioh Icon
LP should be decorated and should not be 0. It is time to think so. Even 2000 is light, but the cost of 1500 is like pulling a hair out.
It would be maddening to erase the effect of a monster that was finally activated with such a small cost. Counter Trap Because of its spell speed 3, the only way to resist is Shinsen, and in most cases there is nothing you can do about it...
strong! too strong…
The more I read the evaluation comments of the previous people, the more I can feel their strength and grudge.
The only weak point of this card! It's a financial issue... take a look at the showcase. Unbelievable figures are supposed to be pasted as amounts.
… Are you reprinting it in the next Strak?
Uaaaaaaaaa (no Д`) I decided to buy Cyber Link! Thank you KONAMI, thank you Yusakuuuuuuu!
…With this, I can stack three notifications…(゚д゚)Haha!
……Minasan, Douyaramousorosorokiseiga kuru youdesuyo (^o^;)
Coral Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Coral Dragon》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/05/10 0:52
Yugioh Icon
I think it's the strongest level 6 synchro monster.
First of all, there is no material binding, and it is easy to put out.
Then RBI, 2400 RBI that can be put out. It's neither high nor low, but it's okay, but I think it's enough for the early stages and direct attacks.
Next is the effect, which is a simple effect that destroys cards by discarding the hand, but the add is 1:1, and in Synchro Decks, the hand cost can be an add.
And he draws if he goes to GY. It's no exaggeration to say that this card is S Summoned just for this draw.
Furthermore, the word "Tuner" is engraved next to "Synchro". Are you trying to say that it's okay to synchronize?
In summary, Blizzard of the North, 《Cyberse Gadget》, 《Debris Dragon》, etc., are strong cards that are full of ease of play, but they are also blessed with high evaluations for destruction, synchro, and draw.
As mentioned above, isn't it a good combination with 《Cyberse Gadget》? Isn't it good as a synchro material for 《White Aura Whale》? I personally hope so.
Trickstar Holly Angel ▶︎ Deck 《Trickstar Holly Angel》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/05/02 20:27
Yugioh Icon
Blue Angel-chan, aka Aoi-chan's ace monster. It's really... it's really...
Link 2 dedicated to Trickstar, the flow of Candina and Lilybell is easy, so is the difficulty of L summoning normal?
By the way, the important effect is the effect of burning the opponent when allies appear, and the effect of strengthening confidence depending on the degree of burning. And a total of 3 effects that give resistance to the ally ahead.
To be honest, my firepower is weak. Lily Bell from Candina, then L Summon a card with the same name with Manjushka to do 800 damage on its own. RBI also reaches the advanced line, but something is unsatisfactory. It hurts that it's limited to monsters, and if it's a "Trickstar" card, I could do it on a light stage, but... Ah, the second effect is actually a bonus.
Let's predict now that when Trickstar becomes a big category in the future, Holy Angel will be treated as a BBA.
And what about that blunt weapon...
Trickstar Reincarnation ▶︎ Deck 《Trickstar Reincarnation》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/05/02 20:24
Yugioh Icon
Disinfect your hand~ Hahaha~
When I read the effect for the first time in the bulletin, I couldn't help but look twice. What the hell is this super disturbance Trap...
Exclusion erasure. If you hit it after your opponent searches for some kind of card, you'll have a pretty big handicap. If you have Manjusika, you will get some damage. It's not a GY send, but an exclusion, so the opponent will be mentally damaged. I'm worried that Beigoma and Goufu won't be excluded. I wonder if Trickstar will have more disturbance cards like this in the future... I'll check again, but the heroine uses it, right?
Another effect is the Trickstar-exclusive 《Monster Reborn》. Exclude your opponent and activate the effect by excluding yourself? If you read it carefully, it is said that he has no activation limit on the turn sent to GY, which is common in cards of this kind...
It's already been said on 2ch, but it seems that he's considering building his Deck destruction deck using this card, but I don't think it's going to be that violent...
Trickstar Lycoris ▶︎ Deck 《Trickstar Lycoris》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/05/02 20:23
Yugioh Icon
Have a look at Trickstar's monsters so far. It was found that the burning power and the size of the hitting point are roughly proportional to the size of the milk. I accept the objection.
A hot effect that changes the degree of burning depending on the number of times, not every time an effect that tends to be in this kind of effect is activated. It also responds to normal draws. Linker Nation's primary effect Trickstar It doesn't matter! I thought, but was it for this girl? Because of this girl's existence, she doesn't want to hit Trickstar too much...
His Special Summon effect, which is similar to A Genex Birdman, is an S Speed 2 that can be activated on the opponent's turn, what is it for...? I thought, is that so? Chain Burn, and 《Chain Summoning》? Is it a Special Summon with mainly Candina back?
Like Candina, it's a must-have card for Trickstar. We can expect more in the future because of his tricky moves.
Trickstar Candina ▶︎ Deck 《Trickstar Candina》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/05/02 20:21
Yugioh Icon
Daaaaaaaaaa! How many times don't search the search card...
Opponent gets tortured by the blonde lady every time she casts her spell...not bad. The RBI is also plain high, but the megaphone (?) in your hand is that powerful?
It is the aforementioned Airman effect that this card is said to be the most karoshi in his Trickstar. Unlike over there, he only responds to Normal Summon, but he's still powerful. If you read carefully, you'll be fine with any card that has Trickstar in its name... the same guy can bring Trickstar search light stages and linker nations. If you call Lily Bell, you will be transformed into a Holy Angel... and a card with the same name...
The demand for this girl will increase as Trickstar becomes a big category in the future. I don't think so, but I might get regulated about once.
Trickstar Light Stage ▶︎ Deck 《Trickstar Light Stage》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/05/02 20:20
Yugioh Icon
You're telling me to stop! (← First impressions)
It's true that the illustrations are cute. If it's an anime, I wonder if these girls are screaming... I decided to watch Vrains (even if I don't, I'll watch it).
But the effect is...
…Why is it a Field Spell that can be searched with 《Terraforming》? Let's at least make it a Continuous Spell... Even though that one has a wider range, Tenki's search was strong, so it became a semi-restricted spell along with Zoodiac restrictions...
This is an extreme example, but
Search for this card with 《Terraforming》.
Search for Candina with this card.
Various searches including this card in Candina.
…that? Are you afraid of infinite loops?
Has Terraforming finally become a card that searches for a search card?
Of course, this card is also a card that searches for search cards, so it shouldn't be a problem if it suddenly appears in your hand...
The other is the opponent's face-down seal. The other is his Trickstar exclusive torture chamber. It's not very strong, but it hurts plainly...
Denglong, First of the Yang Zing ▶︎ Deck 《Denglong, First of the Yang Zing》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/05/01 8:13
Yugioh Icon
Ah... I'll tell you what happened! "My opponent had only one card in hand, and I Normal Summoned 《Cyberse Gadget》, but before I knew it, Crystal Wing and Stardust Warrior were lined up together." I think this is just the beginning...
Called search, jumped out he fertilized GY, followed by level adjustment, and finally search again. And, like exhaling ad effects, it's nothing but a lump of merit. It's highly rated, but I thought it would be category-specific support anyway, but now that I think about it, this is a general-purpose sync! Sohaya, a good Axelon, a good library, and a good 5 stars won't do good things...
Tuner, ATK 0 is also good, Yokozuna dog, 《Debris Dragon》, etc. can bring it. Even so, he says he can use GY as a fertilizer (because it's treated as a cost) and search.
Seriously don't see him in recent ADS videos
I don't think so...
Proxy Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Proxy Dragon》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/04/19 12:57
Yugioh Icon
I am! I've researched various decks and seen various EX monsters in my life!
But I've never seen a monster like this before! ! No binding whatsoever!
Any monster that can be summoned by sending two to his GY is oh!
…what the heck is the link… where is Cybers going? Anything would be too light. It's easy to line up two monsters in this era. You can't use it alone, but link with me! It's a monster just to say. Spiders didn't need bees...that's scary...
The effects are also very useful. There is also no turn limit...
…I suddenly thought, even if I destroy all of them with a torrent funeral, is it possible for me to destroy only one with this card's effect?
Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow ▶︎ Deck 《Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/04/16 19:30
Yugioh Icon
Speaking of Gaia... the image of monsters (especially Synchro) who are treated unfavorably even though they are monsters that have been around since the early days. Well, it's a movie version (I deleted it because I judged it to be a spoiler below)
But he's different, he's a Link Monster.
The point to be evaluated is that the material is loose, and it says that anything is OK. It can be a token, or it can be a monster that was used with 《Mind Control》.
Still, it has a decent hitting point, and the marker shows the left and right bottom and the place where there are many merits. It can be placed in both the EX zone and the main zone. It's also great as a material and doesn't shrink the EX Deck. If you use Goufu... look! Oh my God! 3 monsters with 0 attack and defense now have 2600 RBI!
What's more, since it's not an Effect Monster, it's also a strong point that it supports Gusto/Emeral's second effect and other support.
Mare Mare ▶︎ Deck 《Mare Mare》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/04/16 19:02
Yugioh Icon
I Tribute the Stardust Dragon! Sea ho... ゑ? Wrong card?
… Cards that are mainly summoned from Geyser. If he has performance that matches the disadvantages and is not bound by materials, he basically transforms into a Synchro Monster. How many level 5-7 monsters do you think are excellent without being bound by materials? If it wasn't for the ties, it would have been a total mess...well, even if it was, it would be excellent.
Of course, this is a story when it works alone, and if you work hard in combination with other cards, you can become a 《Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon》or a Quasar.
And what! It is also noted that it is used for link summoning. Link Monster is a monster that requires a number of monsters, Firewall Dragon, of course, Gaia Saber
You can also become 《Topologic Bomber Dragon》via!
It may be an overestimate, but it's definitely excellent.
Trickstar Lilybell ▶︎ Deck 《Trickstar Lilybell》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/04/16 18:43
Yugioh Icon
This young lady is personally an amazing type... I decided to build a deck.
The Trickstar is good at searching, so the Breeze effect will help a lot. I wonder if it will be pulled mainly from Candina...?
If you combine it with Holy Angel, Light Stage, etc., you can sharpen your LP.
She is an excellent girl who can be both an attacker and a material for Holy Angels.
Cyberse Wizard ▶︎ Deck 《Cyberse Wizard》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/04/15 8:08
Yugioh Icon
Shabad Link Show Khan!! Shabadoo linking up!!
On sale today! How long have you waited for this day...
The monster that decorates 001... but it's subtle. Recently, he has effects that only raise ATK... There are many effects that don't raise defense power, but there are other ways to do it. ? Seriously, why is this guy Susik?
However, in the future, he may become a useful monster depending on how Cybers behaves.
Blackwing - Decay the Ill Wind ▶︎ Deck 《Blackwing - Decay the Ill Wind》
japan 柴ヰユー希
2017/04/14 12:52
Yugioh Icon
A monster with a disturbing name, but the one who died is like Kochi. I think it's okay to call yourself a general-purpose tuner, Death...?
Noteworthy is the level change effect of BF, and since it is also within the scope, it can be treated as a real level 3 to 5. However, there are no such restrictions. That alone increases the range of Synchro and Xyz. I think that BF and RR can be used not only for Winged Beast Deck, but also for Synchro Dark etc. Death...?
Yes, it's a secondary effect. It's not that painful, but it's not light either. Is there any good way to deal with this...
By the way, the second effect is activated by his GY, so you can avoid it by removing it before the end phase and returning it to the deck. There is also a rebellious king.

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