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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 1 to 15 of 18

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Luster Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Luster Dragon》
japan CJX
2014/02/26 2:55
Yugioh Icon
Corundum except dark red, the stone word is sincerity. 1900 RBI LV4 Normal Monster Therefore, usability itself is not bad. However, since the same LV4 Dragon Normal Monster has a 2000 RBI [], it is necessary to be strongly aware that he is WIND, which is the difference. In addition to being able to simply enjoy WIND support, he can be treated as an Xyz material for []. In addition, since it is a WIND Dragon, it corresponds to all the effects of [Arashi Dragon Ruler - Tempest], and on top of that, it enables the support of Dragon Normal Monsters such as [] and [Ginryu no Goro]. I want to differentiate myself by using it.
Twin-Headed Behemoth ▶︎ Deck 《Twin-Headed Behemoth》
japan CJX
2014/02/14 18:10
Yugioh Icon
If destroyed on the field, it will revive itself once during the duel. Although it is a one-time self-resurrection ability regardless of the situation, it is excellent as it is. Since the self-resurrection timing is in the end phase, it is not good enough as a wall. On the other hand, it's practically his Special Summon on his turn, so it's easy to use as a material. In addition to being able to be recruited by [Masked Dragon] and searched by [《Dread Dragon》], it is a LV3 Dragon with a relatively high RBI, so it is useful as an equipment target for lower class [Cyberdark]. However, since the self-resurrection effect is a forced activation, when using this card with monsters such as [], [Vice Dragon], etc. that make it significant that there are no monsters on your field, Be careful.
Poki Draco ▶︎ Deck 《Poki Draco》
japan CJX
2014/02/14 16:41
Yugioh Icon
When summoned successfully, search for a card with the same name. Since the loss of cards can be suppressed, the usability of the effect itself is not bad. However, since it lacks combat ability compared to [Gadget], which also has a search effect when summoned, it doesn't work significantly. Even if you use LV3 and the same name search, there is a [《Photon Sabre Tiger》] that supports [Photon] and has more combat ability than this card. Therefore, when using this card, it is necessary to make good use of attributes and races. In particular, he needs Normal Summon to activate the effect, so I want to use cards that don't require Normal Summon, such as [Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon] and [Dragon's Rebirth]. In addition, since it is a FIRE Dragon, it can be Xyz Summoned via LV7 Dragon Synchro, as it can be revived by [] in addition to meeting the conditions for activating all effects of [Flame Dragon Ruler - Blaster]. things are also possible.
Exploder Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Exploder Dragon》
japan CJX
2014/02/06 9:42
Yugioh Icon
The meaning of bomber and bomber. Destroy this card by battle, and destroy the monster sent to GY. It is an effect that does not specify the effect target even though it is through battle, and the effect can be activated by avoiding [《Skill Drain>] and [《Effect Veiler》]. Also, since the damage to each other's battles is reduced to 0 when attacking, it is possible to actively activate the destructive effect, so it is not bad to use. Especially for Dragons, it is rare to have a low class that has a removal ability that can be completed by itself, so if Dragons are the main axis, this is a very useful card. However, it can deal with effect destruction in addition to battle destruction [], regardless of whether it is destroyed in battle [], it can be destroyed without actually fighting [rogue mercenary unit], etc. , There are many excellent competitors, so when adopting this card, I want to be strongly aware of differentiation from other cards.
Totem Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Totem Dragon》
japan CJX
2014/02/04 19:36
Yugioh Icon
✪ Totem Pole》, a folk craft carved with symbols such as animals and plants that are religiously associated with a specific tribe or lineage. With the release of this single card, you can Tribute Summon a Dragon of LV7 or higher. Also, if the only race that exists in GY is Dragon, self-revival is possible, so it is useful as a material other than release. There are plenty of ways to use it, such as the release of Tribute Summon, materials for Synchro Summons, and [] Special Summon personnel. In particular, Xyz Summoning can avoid the exclusion demerit of this self-resurrected card. Also, when using this card for Xyz summoning by combining the LV raising effects of [], [《》], etc.
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 ▶︎ Deck 《Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8》
japan CJX
2014/02/02 12:42
Yugioh Icon
The god of the sky and the sun in Egyptian mythology. Optionally negate and destroy spell casting and effects. In addition to 3000 RBI, his one-sided spell sealing effect is truly a threat. Combined with [] to seal his trap, it becomes a solid formation. After that, the main issue is how to seal the monster effect. In addition to blocking direct monster effects such as [] and [《Forbidden Chalice》], the main spells and trap removal methods are spells that can be negated with this card such as [Cyclone], so [《Using Equip Spells such as Rainbow Veil》] and [《Dragon Shield》] is also an effective means.
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 ▶︎ Deck 《Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6》
japan CJX
2014/02/02 12:15
Yugioh Icon
The god of the sky and the sun in Egyptian mythology. During the End Phase of the turn destroyed by battle, he can Special Summon [Horus' Black Flame Dragon LV8]. 2300 RBI is not good enough as an advanced weapon, but it is a sufficient number if the purpose is to focus only on combat destruction. Effects that are not affected by spells are simply powerful, and there are advantages that [Horus' Black Flame Dragon LV8] does not have, such as being unaffected by his spells that have already been activated. On the other hand, it doesn't accept support from his own spells, so if this card is the main axis, I want to carefully take countermeasures other than spells.
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4 ▶︎ Deck 《Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4》
japan CJX
2014/02/02 11:57
Yugioh Icon
The god of the sky and the sun in Egyptian mythology. During the End Phase of the turn destroyed by battle, [Horus' Black Flame Dragon LV6] can be his Special Summon. However, the 1600 RBI that does not correspond to recruiters such as [Masked Dragon] and is difficult to destroy in battle is severe as expected. Since there are no restrictions on summoning or reviving [Horus' Black Flame Dragon LV6], it is safer to use it directly. You can forget about effects that don't change control.
Eclipse Wyvern ▶︎ Deck 《Eclipse Wyvern》
japan CJX
2014/02/02 11:11
Yugioh Icon
An eclipse is a phenomenon in which a celestial body is obscured by another celestial body. If sent to GY, banish Light and DARK Dragon monsters of LV7 or higher from the Deck. [Escape from the Dark Dimension》], or exclusion recovery effect such as [Relief Light], [《Dragoncarnation》] It is safer to use . In particular, it is possible to search for more Dragon monsters by using [《Dragon Shrine》] to search for more Dragon monsters after sending him GY and collecting them using [Divine Dragon Apocalypse]. Therefore, when using this card, [Exclusion] itself should be used as the purpose and main axis.
Lightpulsar Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Lightpulsar Dragon》
japan CJX
2014/02/02 9:51
Yugioh Icon
A general term for celestial bodies that emit pulsed radio waves. Has his Special Summon ability same as [Chaos Monster]. However, there are no restrictions on resurrection, and Normal Summon itself is possible, so unless you have plenty of GY, you don't need to aim. When sent to her GY from the field, revive her DARK Dragon monster of LV5 or higher in her GY. It is possible to revive her excellent DARK Dragons such as [], which has a powerful removal effect, and it is especially compatible with [], which targets each other. However, it is necessary to be careful that there is a risk of missing the timing of the effect activation. Also, it is possible to revive this card itself by sending light and dark monsters in her hand to her GY. Although the conditions are rather strict, he can be revived by this effect by sending a DARK Dragon monster to her GY to reduce wasteful consumption, so it's worth remembering.
Darkflare Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Darkflare Dragon》
japan CJX
2014/02/02 9:14
Yugioh Icon
An explosion phenomenon that occurs in a fixed star, or a flash (flare) star. Has his Special Summon ability same as [Chaos Monster]. However, there are no restrictions on resurrection, and Normal Summon itself is possible, so unless you have plenty of GY, you don't need to aim. Also, it is possible to send his Dragon monsters from his hand and Deck to his GY and remove one card from GY. [《Dragon Shrine》], [《》>], etc. are enough to fertilize GY, so you want to make good use of the effect of excluding GY. Unlike other [Chaos Monsters] and [], it is LV5, so it is worth using as a material. Since it is inferior to [Vice Dragon] in usability as a simple material, we would like to use it as a combat personnel and make use of the GY exclusion effect to differentiate it.
Vice Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Vice Dragon》
japan CJX
2014/02/02 8:23
Yugioh Icon
vice and wickedness. Has his Special Summon ability same as [Cyber Dragon]. However, due to this effect, when he Special Summons, his original offense and defense will be halved. Since its original numerical value is also not good enough, it is subtle as a simple force. Since it is excellent as a comprehensive material factor, there should be no problem in utilizing it itself. However, starting with [Cyber Dragon], which can be counted as a force, it is the same LV5 and does not depend on the opponent's field [], it is the same DARK and relatively loose conditions [《Evilswarm Mandragora》], and it is the same Dragon and released. There are quite a few competitors, such as [Hieratic Dragon -Tophenidragon], which Special Summons Normal Monsters at the time of . Therefore, when using this card, it is necessary to make the most of the original LV, attributes, and race. Also, although the same LV5 DARK Dragon monster has different conditions, there are easy Special Summons [], [《Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon》>], so it is necessary to carefully consider differentiation from them.
Kidmodo Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Kidmodo Dragon》
japan CJX
2014/02/02 7:17
Yugioh Icon
The Komodo Dragon, the world's largest living lizard. If sent to GY, Special Summon his Dragon in hand. It doesn't matter how you send it to GY, it's an arbitrary effect that doesn't miss the timing, so it's not that bad of usability. However, his Special Summon limit on the activation turn is ridiculous, and being unable to battle phase on the activation turn is a bit harsh. It's up to you whether you want to let go of the battle phase and proceed with the development on your own turn, or aim to activate it on the opponent's turn. This card is a resurrection target and has good compatibility with [], which also has a disadvantage. In addition to being able to aim for a Special Summon from a sweeping removal by [], I would like to consider further developments due to the effect of [《Ancient Fairy Dragon》], which also has the same disadvantage.
Delta Flyer ▶︎ Deck 《Delta Flyer》
japan CJX
2014/01/31 10:46
Yugioh Icon
Raises the LV of all monsters other than this card. Since it can be effectively treated as an LV4 Tuner, you can aim for a wide range of Synchro Summons depending on the situation. In addition to being able to be recruited by [Masked Dragon] and searched by [], it is an LV3 Dragon with a relatively high RBI, so it is useful as a target for low-level [Cyber Dark]. Also, since he is a Dragon Tuner, he can fulfill the activation conditions for [《Totem Dragon》] and [《》>] self-revive effects. In addition, it is possible to Xyz summon with this card due to the LV increase effect, and it is also possible to avoid the demerit of exclusion due to self-revival. In addition, since the LV increase effect is permanent, synergistic effects can be expected with cards such as [Fortune Lady] whose LV increase leads to increased strength.
Debris Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Debris Dragon》
japan CJX
2014/01/31 10:04
Yugioh Icon
Debris and rubble. Probably space debris = cosmic dust. When summoned, he resurrects monsters with ATK of 500 or less, so it is possible to Synchro Summon with just this card. On the other hand, he cannot synchronize with LV4 monsters, and the synchro summon destination is limited to his Dragon. However, there are no restrictions on Xyz with LV4 monsters, and there are many types of Dragon Synchro Monsters, so there is no shortage of options. Since he also has a WIND Dragon Tuner with [] that has the effect of raising LV, I would like to try to differentiate him with the original LV and resurrection effect.

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