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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 31 to 45 of 1,135

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Baronne de Fleur ▶︎ Deck 《Baronne de Fleur》
japan ラーメン
2021/05/23 4:39
Yugioh Icon
A new general-purpose 10-star synchro, an excellent card that finally came to the ``10-star synchro that can be done with two bodies without bindings,'' which had only peculiar and subtle ones.
Simple omnipotent destruction and omnipotent negate are both excellent because of their simplicity and are strong whether attacking first or second. The replacement effect is taken care of, and it's unlikely that there is no resurrection target at the time this card is played, so the timing is limited, but it rarely spoils without a resurrection target.
It's an excellent monster with an easy-to-handle effect that almost never spoils in any Deck, and if it's a Deck that can perform ★10 Synchro, it will be the first candidate for adoption. It is also the flip side of the thin layer of , but it is simply an excellent card even without that.
Staysailor Romarin ▶︎ Deck 《Staysailor Romarin》
japan ラーメン
2021/01/21 0:13
Yugioh Icon
The effect is based on the new Plant Tuner, Rose Dragon.
It has the effect of granting destruction resistance and the effect of sending Plants of ★ 5 or less to GY. 2 effect is simply excellent because it can drop 《Spore》, Ninjas, Maidens, etc. Above all, White Rose, which until now had only a powerful drop target, only about Ninjas. However, it is very important that "Spore" and Maiden can also be dropped, and "Spore" can be instantly revived as a ★5 tuner.
It can be said that it is a card that expands the tactics of the Rose Dragon.
Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm the Rampant Rampager ▶︎ Deck 《Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm the Rampant Rampager》
japan ラーメン
2021/01/17 0:40
Yugioh Icon
Tri-Brigade's new link, his long-awaited Spell Trap search.
The effect of 1 is the return of the beast race with the cost of 2 cards in the hand, the hand cost is quite high, but the effect of the returning monster is not negated, and the cost can be read as sending Navel and Kit to his GY. It is an effect.
The effect of 2 is the favorite, and finally it became possible to search for the iron beast Spell Trap. You can also search for violent attacks and RBI assist encounters, so it's flexible.
The ability to search for resistance is a card that further advances Tri-Brigade, which is still great.
Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir ▶︎ Deck 《Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir》
japan ラーメン
2021/01/17 0:33
Yugioh Icon
The strengthening of Drytron, which came from a slightly diagonal direction called Xyz, and the effect itself is also an effect that goes diagonally above imagination.
Although it's an Xyz, it's rank 1, which is easy to get out of Drytron, so it's not a problem. can also be sent, so if it is a ritual of 5000 or less, it will be ready to be issued.
However, if you use Xyz, the number of Releases will decrease, so it hurts... but it has a desperate effect that allows you to Release from Xyz materials. It's already strong enough so far, so it's no longer a bonus. , Compared to 2, it's not an effect that can be activated without fail, but since 1 and 2 are enough to do the job, you don't have to force yourself to aim for this effect. It would have a big effect.
Like Scrap, it's a power card that makes you think you've drawn a hit designer, and it's going to be a card that boosts Drytron's deck power.
Ruddy Rose Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Ruddy Rose Dragon》
japan ラーメン
2021/01/17 0:24
Yugioh Icon
The evolution of Black Rose, which seemed to come out but didn't come out easily, Illustrated is amazing.
The effect is to eliminate all GY and conditional bumps of each other, and with the loose condition of only succeeding in S summoning, it has a transcendental effect of excluding all GY, so the use of GY can inflict a fatal injury on many Decks of life. , Bumpa has conditions, but it's not that strict, and even just excluding it sticks in a lot of decks, so there's no need to force yourself to aim. big point.
However, since it also removes all of his own GY, it is not an effect that can be used without thinking.In order to use Bumpa, you must always remove GY, so it is difficult to turn around in a deck that uses GY, especially The original Rose Dragon has a strong anti-synergistic aspect to exclude all of his GY as his deck is also important.
It's a powerful all-purpose Synchro, but it has a strong peculiarity and gives the impression that it can't be used without thinking.
Scrap Raptor ▶︎ Deck 《Scrap Raptor》
japan ラーメン
2021/01/17 0:17
Yugioh Icon
Compared to Laval and Ice Barrier, the nasty power cards given to Scrap, which became the theme of 10 years ago, I wonder if the designer really has a hit or miss.
It is a card that packs the effects that Scrap wanted, such as the addition of summoning rights and non-tuner Scrap search. It is 《Fossil Dig》and can stack 9 effectively with area support, which greatly contributes to improving stability.
In addition to being strong in Scrap and Recycler's initial deck, he is also a level 4 Dinosaur Tuner, so he can play an active role as a general-purpose Dinosaur. leads to
It can be said that it is a revolutionary card that raises the power of Scrap at once.
Roxrose Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Roxrose Dragon》
japan ラーメン
2021/01/17 0:11
Yugioh Icon
New Rose Dragon.
When you land, you can search for a card designated by Black Rose, it feels like you can't search for White Rose you want to search, but it feels like it's out of reach, but being able to search for Basal is excellent. It is great to be able to connect to Hari to call.
The effect of 2 is passive, so it's a bonus, but it's not a loss, and it will be the top candidate as a monster to recruit from Red Rose.
Nekroz Kaleidoscope ▶︎ Deck 《Nekroz Kaleidoscope》
japan ラーメン
2020/12/07 3:31
Yugioh Icon
His GY-fed progenitor card from the now commonplace extras, in his prime he was the card that best describes why Nekroz was described as "something in the skin of a ritual". be.
"Is it too heavy to have Ritual Monsters and Spells, and more monsters need to be released? Is it outdated? Then why not release them directly from Extras?" Of course, just being able to overwhelm Release is strong enough, but what makes this card powerful is not just the release reduction, but also the presence of Ardek, which leads to an advantage. Search while searching is still a powerful move after 6 years and out of touch with the environment.
However, due to the nature of Nekroz, it is almost exclusively for Clausolus, Unicol, and Brünak, and Clausolus and Brynak tend to go to GY due to the nature of their effects, so it is unexpectedly difficult to use with anything other than Unicol. Of the three types of Ritual Spells, it is also true that it is the least flexible.
Nonetheless, it was the strongest card at the beginning, and even after 6 years, it is still a card with top-class strength.
Judge of the Ice Barrier ▶︎ Deck 《Judge of the Ice Barrier》
japan ラーメン
2020/12/07 3:14
Yugioh Icon
It wasn't long before he became Strak and was delighted that a new player came to the Ice Barrier even in the regular pack...
Each effect has 500 burns, each other's GY bounce, battle position change, and three effects. Burn is just a pity, 2's bounce is reused by Trish, and it's not bad because it becomes the opponent's GY meta, but this kind of effect can only be effective if it's not a free chain, so it can only be subtle at the time of the activation effect, 3 's effect requires an ice barrier on the field. Despite the development, it is a wonderful finish in a sense that it does not lead to an advantage.
It has three effects and none of them are negative, but it's weak. It reminds me of what Paladin said four years ago. Not a bad card.
Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier ▶︎ Deck 《Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier》
japan ラーメン
2020/12/01 12:07
Yugioh Icon
Is it a remake of Trishula, who once took the world by storm, with cold and zero?
The head family that can remove 3 cards without targeting the opponent's field when summoning S has an overwhelming removal power that is completely blue. If you can increase the interference power of , you can aim to turn the tide.
After finishing the job, it's just a vanilla with a subtle RBI, but it has a recovery effect, but it needs to be "destroyed" and it's not treated as an S summon, so it's better to think about it as insurance. Best.
It's a powerful card, but in this day and age, it's a card that has a lot of subtle regrets, such as the fact that it's a Respect "time" effect and the recovery effect isn't treated as an S Summon. You have to be careful not to miss the timing.
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon》
japan ラーメン
2020/12/01 11:59
Yugioh Icon
Cipher, which exists as a category, is new, but it seems like Galaxy's spillage.
The effect is to grant resistance with the activation effect and pseudo-resurrection during standby, the resistance of the activation effect is unreliable and the target resistance is not overly reliable in this era, it is a sorry level bonus effect, and the effect of 2 is excellent, but there is only Gaba resistance. At the point where this card must be maintained until the next turn, it is slow and difficult, and although the RBI is high, the effect is frankly fragile that cannot be thought of as the 11th term.
Therefore, this card needs to be used to make the best use of its summoning conditions rather than its effects, and the true value of this card is that it can convert the opponent's monsters that have been stolen with Cipher into Galaxy-Eyes with 4000 RBI. There are many uses for this application, such as stacking blades and connecting them to further removal.
However, even so, I feel that the effect itself needs more attention, so this is the score.
Revealer of the Ice Barrier ▶︎ Deck 《Revealer of the Ice Barrier》
japan ラーメン
2020/11/20 22:43
Yugioh Icon
The new low-level Ice Barrier, overall the best card in this Strak that falls short.
It has a simple excellent effect of being able to recruit tuners at the hand cost, and it has a WATER binding, but now she has quite a lot of WATER extras, so it doesn't matter that much. Discarding Atlantean can also trigger that effect.
The cost replacement effect is also useful when playing Brynak or Gungnir in a situation where you don't have many cards in your hand.
It will be a core card in the sync-oriented Ice Barrier.
Terror of Trishula ▶︎ Deck 《Terror of Trishula》
japan ラーメン
2020/11/20 22:36
Yugioh Icon
A card named after Duel Terminal.
The effect is to obtain Trish effect one by one depending on the number of Ice Barrier S. I don't have it, so I can't search it, and if I can't search it, there are minor differences, so if I can't say it's completely backwards, it's almost backward compatible with De-Synchro.
Although the effect of 2 is useful for veiler and bubble shadow care, it cannot deal with counter effects such as crystals, and triggers that do not take targets such as straw and longinus. It doesn't make much sense to protect it from removal since it's already finished.
If there was at least one sentence that said "It is also treated as an Ice Barrier card", I might have adopted one card.
Nekroz of Areadbhair ▶︎ Deck 《Nekroz of Areadbhair》
japan ラーメン
2020/11/17 3:35
Yugioh Icon
A new Nekroz Ritual body that feels like it's been a long time coming out in August and already Nekrozified Aradvar.
The effect is GY Fertilizer and Aradvar, like the original Aradval, negates the monster effect, and the hand effect needs to be thrown away and released, so the cost is heavy, but if you drop a Ritual Spell, it will lead to a Ritual Spell search, so it will contribute to mitigating the initial accident. , There are situations where you can't perform rituals without Ritual Spells even though you have shrits, so it's not a loss.
The effect of 2 is negate exclusion, and even if it's only monsters, negate exclusion is of course powerful, but the release request is a bit painful. Anything is fine as long as it's a monster.
It's not a card that can be asserted to be powerful without letting go, but it's a new force that one can easily enter.
Fabled Treason ▶︎ Deck 《Fabled Treason》
japan ラーメン
2020/11/08 23:09
Yugioh Icon
Fabled's first trap card.
It's an effect that feels like a Fabled-only Sanbre with resurrection attached, and it's easy to handle because it can be removed with a free chain as long as you have a Fabled in GY and your hand is not 0, and due to the nature of the effect, it's basically the opponent's turn Therefore, Fabled that is deployed by discarding and Fabled that is revived often become nothing more than a wall, but it can be evaluated to a certain extent simply by being an obstruction card that can be searched by Marchosia. is also possible.
It's not a card that stacks three, but one is a card you want.

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