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"Akashic Magician" Rating Score by 福人ズッコケ

Akashic Magician ▶︎ Deck 《Akashic Magician》
japan 福人ズッコケ
2017/07/06 20:29
Yugioh Icon
A Link 2 monster with the effect of forcibly bouncing monsters above and below when Link Summoned, and her GY fertilization effect from the mutual link.
The bounce effect is likely to exert its power through self-bounce rather than removal. It's easy to see in your own zone, but you can reuse the effect by sending his Kaiju and Torch Golems in your opponent's zone.
Reciprocal links are required for GY manure, but since it refers to the number of markers instead of the number of monsters, is it easy to earn a number? At the same time, you can declare the card name and add it to your hand if you hit it. It would be interesting to combine it with 《Convulsion of Nature》, 《Plaguespreader Zombie》, Edge Imp scissors, etc.
The material specification is a little tight with 2 non-tokens of the same species, but the monster effect feels like it's clearly powered up from Link 2 so far.
URL https://en.yugioh-list.com/reviews/view/96201

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