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HOME >  Card Rating List  > 福人ズッコケ's Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List  > Metaphys Daedalus

"Metaphys Daedalus" Rating Score by 福人ズッコケ

Metaphys Daedalus ▶︎ Deck 《Metaphys Daedalus》
japan 福人ズッコケ
2017/07/06 19:45
Yugioh Icon
 The remake of Metaphys has a rather sour lineup.
A special summoned monster exclusive black hole is a powerful word. I want to leave it to this card to wipe out large-scale deployments, large monsters that can't be surpassed by Tyrant, and those with resistance to destruction. Furthermore, regarding his Special Summoned Metaphys, even if he is removed, he can still use the effect when removed.
"When removed, the effect is Golden Chest." If this card is removed, any of his Metaphys will be removed after one turn, and the effect of his removed Metaphys will be activated on the next turn. By excluding this card from the Golden Chest, you can delay the effect timing of any of his Metaphys from your opponent's turn to your turn.
Metaphys' Ibushi Silver, which has both a powerful removal effect and dexterity when removed. I think this is also a card that occupies a very important position.
URL https://en.yugioh-list.com/reviews/view/96190

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